Name: Tracy Olivia NIM: 203030201081: Questions On The Model Money

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Name : Tracy Olivia

NIM : 203030201081

1. Answer 3 questions based on the model paragraph about " Money"

2. Practice 1. Identify subject, verb and prepositional phrases (slide 10-11) underline the subjects
with one line, the verbs with two lines, and put parentheses () around prepositional phrase.
3. Practice 2. Identify subject - verb agreement (slide 11) underline the subject with one line and
writes below it, then cross out the incorrect verb form.
4. Practice 3. Find and underline five fragments (sentence error) in "my best friend" paragraph,
and correct them.
5. Practice 4. Write simple sentences with the patterns mention in the task



(1) Money is very important for human life. (2) We need money to pay for our daily need and work hard
to earn some. (3) The question is, is money everything we need ? Of course not. (4) Money is surely very
important, but it does not provide everything we need, such as the love from our family or friendship.
(5) Working hard and spending our time for work are definitely okay, but we should have time for a little
fun and our loves ones. (6) We work hard to get money for happiness, but sometimes we want too
much, and eventually, it is not the happiness that we get, but lost.

1. In sentence 1, What is the subject ? What is the verb ? Underline the subject with one line and
the verb with two lines.

Answer : (1) Money is very important for human life.

2. In sentence 2, What is the subject ? How many verbs belong to this subject ? Underline the
subject with one line and the verb with two lines.

Answer : (2) We need money to pay for our daily need and work hard to earn some.

3. In sentence 5, how many subjects belong to the first clause ? What are they ? Underline the
subject with one line and the verb with two lines.

Answer : (5) Working hard and spending our time for work are definitely okay, but we should have time
for a little fun and our loves ones.

1. I love Italian food.

2. One (of my favourite food) is pizza.
3. There is only one Italian restaurant (in my town).
4. The food (in the restaurant) is really good.
5. Unfortunately, the food is very expensive for students.
6. Both of my sister are really good cook.
7. They often cook spaggeti or lasagna (at weekends).
8. They are studying (at university).
9. Neither of my brothers is married.
10. Tom is a school teacher.
11. Ted loves travelling to foreign countries.


1. One of my hobbies (is/are) watching films in cinema.

2. Some of the languages (is/are) familiar for me .
3. All of the words the women said (was/were) recorded.

4. Each of the girls (have/has) a little dog.

5. (do/does) anyone know his address?.
6. There (is/are) some students in the classroom.
7. The rules of the game (is/are) too hard to follow .
8. Many of my friends (have/has) been aboard.
9. A lot of tourists from other countries (visit/visits) Bali every year .


My best friend is Natalia. We first met when we at university. We both student English Letters at Sanata
Dharma University. We (are) also lived in the same boarding house. Now (we) live in different cities
(city). She (is) married and has two children, a girl and a boy. I (am) married too and have two and have
two children , a boy and a girl. We haven’t seen each other for fourteen years. But we keep in touch. We
will be friends forever.

1. The stars shine.

2. Kevin and Gerry play Mobile Legend games .
3. Kevin has a dog that always annoys him.
4. Kevin and Gerry went to Sumba to meet their family .

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