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Paper 3:

Biochemistry and Biomolecules.

Unit II:
Proteins and Amino Acids

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

What Are Proteins?
• Large molecules
• Made up of chains of amino acids
• Are found in every cell in the body
• Are involved in most of the body’s functions and
life processes
• The sequence of amino acids is determined by

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Structure of Proteins
• Made up of chains of amino acids; classified by
number of amino acids in a chain
– Peptides: fewer than 50 amino acids
• Dipeptides: 2 amino acids
• Tripeptides: 3 amino acids
• Polypeptides: more than 10 amino acids
– Proteins: more than 50 amino acids
• Typically 100 to 10,000 amino acids linked together
• Chains are synthesizes based on specific bodily DNA
• Amino acids are composed of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
Structural Differences Between Carbohydrates,
Lipids, and Proteins
The Anatomy of an Amino Acid

Figure 6.2b
Uncommon amino acids

Hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline. Collagen is a fibrous protein

made up of three polypeptides that form a stable assembly, but only if
the proline and lysine residues are hydroxylated. (requires vitamin C
for reduction of these amino acids to hydroxy form)

Thyroxine, an iodinated derivative of tyrosine, found in

thyroglobulin (produced by thyroid gland; requires iodine in diet)

g-carboxyglutamic acid (i.e. glutamic acid with two carboxyl

groups) found in certain blood clotting enzymes (requires vitamin K
for production)

N-methyl arginine and n-acetyl lysine. Found in some DNA binding

proteins known as histones
Non protein aminoacids…………..
Amino acid derivatives not found in proteins

•Serotonin (derivative of tryptophan) and g-amino butyric acid (a

derivative of glutamic acid) are both neurotransmitters

•Histamine (derivative of histidine) involved in allergic response

•Adrenaline (derivative of tyrosine) a hormone

•Various antibiotics are amino acid derivatives (penicillin)

Peptide Bonds Link Amino Acids
• Form when the acid group (COOH) of one amino
acid joins with the amine group (NH2) of a second
amino acid
• Formed through condensation
• Broken through hydrolysis

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Condensation and Hydrolytic Reactions

Figure 6.3
Features of the peptide bond

• Partial double-bond character

• Prevents free rotation around the bond between the carbonyl carbon
and the nitrogen of the peptide bond.
• However, the bonds between the a-carbons and the a-amino or a-
carboxyl groups can be freely rotated.
• The -C=O and -NH groups of the peptide bond are uncharged, but
they are polar and involved in hydrogen bonding in secondary
Essential, Nonessential, and
• Essential – must be consumed in the diet
• Nonessential – can be synthesized in the body
• Conditionally essential – cannot be synthesized
due to illness or lack of necessary precursors
– Premature infants lack sufficient enzymes needed to
create arginine

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Structure of the Protein
• Four levels of structure
– Primary structure
– Secondary structure
– Tertiary structure
– Quaternary structure

Any alteration in the structure or sequencing

changes the shape and function of the protein

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

• Alteration of the protein’s shape and thus
functions through the use of
– Heat
– Acids
– Bases
– Salts
– Mechanical agitation
• Primary structure is unchanged by denaturing

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Denaturing a Protein

Figure 6.5
Quick Review
• Proteins are chains of combination of amino acids
• Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
• Unique amino acids consist of a central carbon with a
carboxyl group, a hydrogen, a nitrogen-containing
amine group, and a unique side chain
• There are 20 side chains and 20 unique amino acids
– 9 essential amino acids
– 11 nonessential amino acids
• At time these become conditionally essential
• Amino acids link together with peptide bonds by
condensation and break apart by hydrolysis
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
Reactions of Aminoacids

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Quick Review
• Attractions and interactions between the side chains
cause the proteins to fold into precise three-
dimensional shapes
• Protein shape determines its function
• Proteins are denatured and their shapes changed by
– Heat
– Acids
– Bases
– Salts
– Mechanical agitation

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Protein Digestion: Part 1

Figure 6.6
Protein Digestion: Part 2

Figure 6.6
Protein Digestion: Part 3

Figure 6.6
Protein Digestion: Part 4

Figure 6.6
Amino Acid Metabolism
• Liver metabolizes amino acids, depending on
bodily needs
• Most amino acids are sent into the blood to be
picked up and used by the cells
– Amino acid pool is limited but has many uses
• Protein turnover – the continual degradation and
synthesizing of protein

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Protein Synthesis

Figure 6.8
Metabolic Fate of Amino Acids

Figure 6.7
How Does the Body Use Protein?
• Functions of protein
– Provide structural and mechanical support
– Maintain body tissues
– Functions as enzymes and hormones
– Help maintain acid base balance
– Transport nutrients
– Assist the immune system
– Serve as a source of energy when necessary

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Quick Review
• Protein plays many important roles in the body,
– Helping facilitate muscular contraction
– Promoting satiety and appetite control

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

How Much Protein Do You Need?
• Healthy, nonpregnant adults
– Should consume enough to replace what is used every
– The goal is nitrogen balance
• Pregnant woman, people recovering from surgery
or injury, and growing children
– Should consume enough to build new tissue

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Nitrogen Balance and Imbalance

Figure 6.12
Protein Quality
• Complete proteins
– Contain all nine essential amino acids
– Usually animal source are complete proteins
– Are considered higher quality
• Incomplete proteins
– Low in one or more essential amino acid
– Usually plant sources are incomplete

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Protein Needs
• Protein intake recommendations
– 10–35% of total daily kilocalories
– Adults over 18
• 0.8 g/kg daily

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Quick Review
• Protein quality is determined by digestibility and
types and amounts of amino acids
• Plant proteins can be complemented with proteins
from other plant sources or animal source to
improve their quality
• Adults should consume 0.8 g/kg/day of protein

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Best Sources of Protein
• Proteins are abundant in
– Dairy foods
– Meats
– Poultry
– Meat alternatives such as dried beans, peanut butter,
nuts, and soy
• 3 oz serving of cooked meat, poultry, or fish
– Provides 21–25 grams of protein
– About 7 g/oz
– About the size of a deck of cards
– Adequate amount for one meal
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
Best Sources of Protein

Figure 6.14
Quick Review
• A well-balanced diet can meet daily protein needs
• Best source of protein are animal products
– Eggs
– Lean meats
– Low-fat or fat-free dairy products
• Plant proteins such as soy, grains, and vegetables
supply substantial proteins
• Most people consume adequate protein from
their diet and do not need protein supplements

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Eating Too Much Protein
• Risk of heart disease
• Risk of kidney stones
• Risk of calcium loss from bones
• Risk of colon cancer
• Displacement of other nutrient-rich, disease
preventing foods

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Eating Too Little Protein
• Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)
– Protein is used for energy rather than its other
functions in the body
– Other important nutrients are in short supply
– More prevalent in infants and children
• 17,000 children die each day as a result

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Too Little Protein
• Without adequate protein
– Cells lining the GI tract are not sufficiently replaced as
they slough off
– Digestive function is inhibited
– Absorption of food is reduced
– Intestinal bacteria gets into the blood and causes
– Immune system is compromised due to malnutrition
and cannot fight infection

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Types of PEM: Kwashiorkor
 Severe protein deficiency
• Generally result of a diet high in
grains and deficient in protein
 Symptoms range from
• Edema in legs, feet, and stomach
• Muscle tone and strength
• Hair is brittle and easy to pull out
• Appear pale, sad, and apathetic
• Prone to infection, rapid heart
rate, excess fluid in lungs,
pneumonia, septicemia, and
water and electrolyte imbalances
(Image from

Figure 6.16
Types of PEM: Marasmus
 Results from a severe deficiency
in kilocalories
• Frail, emaciated appearance
• Weakened and appear apathetic
• Many cannot stand without
• Look old
• Hair is thin, dry, and lacks
• Body temperature and blood
pressure are low
• Prone to dehydration,
infections, and unnecessary
blood clotting
Figure 6.17
Types of PEM: Marasmic
• Chronic deficiency in
kilocalories and protein
– Have edema in legs and arms
– Have a “skin and bones”
– With treatment the edema
subsides and appearance
becomes more like someone
with marasmus

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Quick Review
• High-protein diet may play a role in increasing risk of heart
disease, kidney problems, and calcium loss from bones
• Consuming too much protein from animal sources increase
saturated fat intake
• Too much protein can displace whole grains, fruits, and
vegetables, which have been shown to reduce many chronic
• Low-protein diet can lead to loss of bone mass
• PEM is caused by inadequate protein and/or kilocalorie
– Kwashiorkor – severe protein deficiency
– Marasmus – severe kilocalorie deficiency

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Vegetarian Diet
• People choose vegetarian diets for a variety of
– Ethical
– Religious
– Environmental
– Health

• Vegetarians must consume adequate amounts of

a variety of food and should plan meals well

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Putting It All Together
• Majority of daily kilocalories should come from
carbohydrate-rich foods
• Fat intake should be no more than about one-
third of daily kilocalories
• Protein should provide the rest of the daily

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

Titrating properties of Amino acids

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

H+ OH-

100% HA 50% HA 100% A-

Protonated 50% A- deprotonated

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru
2015 RRA, FLS, JSS University, Mysuru

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