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Ahmedabad Affiliated

L.J. Institute of Engineering Technology

A Report On:

Smart Police

Under subject of
B. E. Semester – VI
Information Technology/ Information & Communication

Submitted by

Sr. Name of Student Enrollment no.

1. Dharmik Halani 180320132017
2. Karan Shah 180320132056
3. Yagnesh Dhamelia 180320132014

4. Devam Sanghavi 180320132048

Miss. Zarana Gajjar Mr.Mitesh Thakkar

Faculty Guide Head of the Department

Academic year (2020-2021)

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my faculty Miss. Zarana Gajjar
as well as our principal Mr.Mitesh Thakkar who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project on the topic Smart Police Station, which also helped me in doing
a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things I am really
thankful to them. Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited timeframe.

-Karan Shah

Dharmik Helani

Devam Sanghavi


Groupid-9 Smart Police Station


There is a desired for us to able to doing this domain. The domain name is smart
police station. As we show to the police station, the corruption at this place more and
the police station are less digital, the police face problem that enables to find criminal
and crime record easily and the people face problem like they waste their money to
corruption to the policeman to solve case, the time also waste. So we have probably
solution in this domain smart policestation.

The solution of face by police and also people, our aim to solve the problem of
corruption and policeman get more digital so they can solve case with in time and the
people's money and time are also save. Anyone can complaint online get the complaint
registered to police database. So they can contact you. Our desired that to serve people
using this website.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

Sr No. Contents Page
I Acknowledgement I
II Abstract II
1. Introduction 1
2. Canvases 2
2.1 AEIOUCanvas
2.2 EmpathyCanvas
2.3 IdeationCanvas
2.4 PDCCanvas
2.5 LNM Canvas
3. Prototype 14
4. Data Dictionary 17
5. Conclusion 19
6. Future 20
7. References 20
8. Implementation 21
Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

Engineering is a branch of Science and Technology where society expects lots of
innovation and creativity from engineers. But today’s education system has become
very stereo type which just follows the tradition all teaching learning process .This
needs to be change in order to have maximum contribution from engineering students to

Design engineering is an initiative taken by Gujarat Technology University in this

direction with the help and guidance of the professors of IITs and the GTU Innovation
Council we are looking ahead in moving on the path of innovation.

Design Engineering is a general term that covers multiple engineering

disciplines including chemical engineer, electrical, mechanical, aeronautical engineer,
civil, Computer Engineering, Information Technology and
structural/building/architectural engineers. Theuniting concept is a focus on applying the
‘engineering design process, in which engineers develop new products or processes
with a primary emphasis on functionalutility.

Our area of interest or domain in design engineering is smart police station. For
that we have done lots visits in police station. In the police station the people face
problem like, the police man get more corrupt to solve a case, the people get more time
take at police station and also money is waste all time. By this domain, we want to
police station get totally digital as like, they complain get registered by online so the time
and money of people are save, police get less corrupted. At this domain we want to
serve people. We make a website to every people can complain online easily.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

2.1 AEIOUCanvas
Here contains AEIOU stands for Activities, Environment, Interaction, Object and User.
The summery all the point of AEIOU.

When we have visit the police station they do work maintain there criminal records and
crime records, Any tourist get fill unbadly so they security that tourist ,In the police
station they fail to data secure, when anyone break the traffic rule by police e then the
traffic fine collect police man in police station,anyone complain about they lost their
items so they are find that item etc.. Activities do in police station.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

When we visit the police station, the police station environment like very bad. The police
station is less digitalization and police get more corruption to solve the case.

We get interact with the police man as well as local citizen,In the interact with police we
knew that police get certain problem to fetch the data in to the records ,transperancy
betweenthepolice and local citizen are not maintain etc… In the interact with citizen we
knew that local citizen have certain problem like corruption, time and money consuming.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

• Smartphone
• Laptop/Pc
• Internet
• Place like policestation

• Citizen
• Foreigners
• Governmentdepartment
• Policedepartment

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

The full image of aeiou canvas is below.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

2.2 Empathy Canvas

Happy Stories:
• A girl who are raped by rapist. But her parents are feeling shame to a registered
a FIR due to some reasons like society and some more, but due to our domain
the identity of the complain erare hidden so they feel free to do complain and
after police officer came to their service and after some day the case can be
solved. So the family was sohappy.
• A businessman who was going to attend a business meeting in the Dubai at late
night, But At noon his laptop bag was stolen and some important documents,
files are in the bag. If the bag can’t found the man he can’t attend the meeting,
they registered their complain then police can find their bag using the helofCCTV.

Sad Stories:
• Some hackers try to hacker the data and they stole and change some data. So
after that the police man can’t find the true criminal and some wrong person
• One time, one citizen has urgency to book complain and wants urgent service
from police officer but some issues in programming the bugs aren’t clear-out so
the complain cant reached to the police station

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station
Ideation Canvas
Needed Location:
Such location as we need police needed when the online complain registered to the
police station.

• Trafficissues
• Policeprotection
• At Incidentplace
• Publicfestivals
• Security of heritageplaces

Possible solution of our domain, such solution as:

• Gps
• Improve the admin by legalaction.
• Website and mobile application
• Digital policestation
• Less corruption
• Time and moneysaving

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

Full image of ideation canvas is:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

2.4 PDCCanvas
Final problem statement:
People suffer such problem like, they don’t complain because the shame of society,
even they complain about such incident but police man didn’t response the complainer
because the police man get to money, the police man waste the time people for small
complaint, even the police department scan ’than die there codes of criminal ethical
problem face by police as well as people.

Purpose of selecting problem:

People face many problems to complain in police station, this also affect the money
and time of that person. So, this product is designed to serve the people.

local citizen: the local citizen complaint online such incident like robbery, fight
between to group orpeople.
Tourist: tourist complaint online about lost theiritems,protection,robbery.

Product experience and feature

When user use this website so they would like to such thing as below.

Police user can find their criminal and crime records easily and speedy and
maintain their records.
Transparency between improve ex. When someone raped by rappers,so they
can’t complaint due to the shame of society in this product the user’s details are
hidden somore transparencyimprove.
Time and moneyefficient.

Product function are help the website might faster and easily understood by user and
product are similar to the function. Major function are much important to police
department to work easily.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

Product feature

1. Traffic finepayment.
2. User can registered complainonline.
3. People can inquiry about their complain to the policestation.
4. Lost and founditem.
5. Digital security provide by policedepartment.
6. Even the data sharing arepossible.

Product components
1. Googlemap
2. Policestation
3. Paymentmethod
4. Web site/androidapp
5. Database

When user use this product they share his/him thought we consider as feedback.

1. I am the user of smart police station website, I am complain about the incident that
robbers robbery my golden chain that are too costly. So I have registered complaint the
online the police departments start their investigation found their chain so my time are
too much save for this website.

2.My name is Abc. In my college going way the gang of boys is flirting with me. In
college I just new about the website, I have complaint about the gang of boys, so the
police can come to this place and gang of boys are arrested. So my identity is hidden.
Know one knowing thisincidents.

3.I am a reporter. I think the best feature of this website is fake police can be deductant.

So such as feedback consider our product or website is too useful to people as well as
the police department. The website is too simpler login and regirestred a complaint and
police strict within the time limit given by administration.

Group id- 9 Smart Police Station

As the pdc canvas gives the overall idea about the work, function ,feedback of the
user use of this website.

Group id-9 Smart Police Station
2.5 LNM Canvas
LNM canvas is best canvas for project because it gives the whole structure of project what
we done in past and what will happen in future.

➢ In Last year, Software used in this is web designing. We saw several websites to
build it. All we required that smart phone or laptop and must require access of

In this project Standard design and content specification is ISO/IEC 40500 means Web
Content Accessibility Guideline and in initial stage we only consider application process is
Google maps and Gps for location.

➢ In current year if we continue this project than we should develop an android app for
access all the small user when this app is required. In this year we focus on
programming code because programming code must require to build good and quality
website and app.

For this required we need standard design and specification is for web design manipulation
because we can’t upload inappropriate content and design in web and other is ISO 25062. It
provides a valuable framework to plan, scope and implementing in android development. In
this year we are going to develop the website and app. So, this makes all police station to be

➢ In future, we will create the large database to handle the such some specific and
important data and work on security to secure some kind of humorous activity like
hack, stealing data etc. So, we use the Google map API to see all the user location
and their activity.

Creating database will use the MySQL and for security will use Firewall.
As this all required because of government support and multi-platform support means
typically runs in two more than devices in different software and main ISO 9241 multi part
standard from ISO it covering all applies theory, principle, data and methods to design in
order to optimize human being and overall system performance.

This above all define the process of making the project, which software will use and tools
Components strength etc.

Group id-9 Smart Police Station

Here the picture of LNM canvas and all details in the picture.

As the pdc canvas the overall idea about the website work ,function, feature,
components are known but not understand flow of the website to work so this known by

Prototype gives the overall flow the work done by this website and also police
department how they knew about the complaint.

Prototypeorflowchartgivesproperwaytowecan seetheourdomainproperfloestepbystepso
the rough prototype are much important It gives the practical idea about the work has to
be done by thewebsite.

So This is the home page of our website.

First of all you need to create your account if you have already create it you need to
login the website so this basic format of all user have done. After the login your account,
you need to click any type of you want if you want pay fine then go for pay memo, if you
get registered complain then click for file complaint. there are certain point so click it go.

• Filecomplaint
• Paymemo
• Status of complaint
• Police visitrequest

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

• Corruptioncomplaint
• Personal security

Id is login.

Then you select the what are needed. If you select file the complaint so you need such
details like emailid ,contact no, major thing is type of complaint ,and description what
the exactly you describe the incidents that you are writeit.

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

Then police departments get your complaint in him/her pc then they are investigate your
case. this the flow of the work how to get police get your complaint online.

When a police departments solve your case if they had contact you it is website the
contact has been registered.So they can contact online through the website.

Group id-9 Smart Police Station

4.Data Dictionary:

Data dictionary is the schema or structure of the database in your project. It gives brief idea of
your which kind of data will use.

In this all variable main is the Aadhar card num, phone number and complaint type. This all
help to full information of particular user who operate this account and reporter.

Group id-9 Smart Police Station

Group id-9 Smart Police Station

Ifthepeopleisusethiswebsitethetimeandmoneybotharetoomuchsave.This isdomainname
smart police station is like very thank to develop our idea in effectiveway.

As we consider our domain few conclusions are taken by some feedbacks and place
visit. This all below.

• People can fine the payment by online fast processingspeed.

• Police can easily find out whole history of criminal as well as it is easy to
analyses that which crime is frequently happened in which area so police
department will take more precaution in thatarea.
• Data access rights are at higher persons only so chances of leakage of data
because of corruption will nothappen.
• When all government departments are connected at one place only then it is
easy to find outcriminal.

Our domain is smart police station. It is the concept of police in digital way so the case
solve are faster with the use of technology. We make the website of smart police
station, In the smart police station website you can use the many features like
registered complaint online, payment method, See the status of the complaint, records
find easy way etc. In this method the process of all the complaint registered is too fast
and money efficient. The corruption of police is total stop using this website.

Theflowof thewebsiteareisyoucancreateyouraccountandloginintheinthewebsitethenlots
of thing can you do then select complaint register click and enter your details and types
of complaint with description. So the complaint registered in police database and the
police investigating yourcase.

Atlasttheburdenofpolicemantolowusingthiswebsitetheycanstorethe datainlargedatabase
so they can find the record at anytime.

Group id-9 Smart Police Station

Future Enhancement:
This is domain when the future of police is too easy and not every time burden of them there
several futurenhance can be done by our team.

1. Make a flexible website to operate anywhere in the world for police

departmentbecause police is updated to new crime bycriminal.
2. Added the few sectors of thegovernment.
3. Connect the court the case direct goes to the court and they will
givejudgment’s online court are available for 365days.
4. Also, connect Aadhar card of criminals to our website, so we can find any
detailof criminals in just oneclick.



3) Google App Engine.

4) Smart police station-need an hour articleIJCTT

5) Wikipedia- Smart policestation

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

1. Signup page:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

2. Login page:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

3. Home:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

4. Main Menu:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

5. File Complaint:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

6. Contact details page of Gujarat police:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

7. Feedback Form:

Groupid-9 Smart Police Station

8. Dashboard of application:


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