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Q.NO.1) Which of the following variables controls the physical properties of a

perfect gas?
A) Pressure B) Temperature
C) Volume D) All of the above
Ans. D) All of the above , according to ideal gas equation pv = mRT
Q.NO. 2) In a polytropic process , the perfect gas equation p1v1 = p2v2
can be used only to determine T1 T2
A) one property at one of the states , provide all other properties are known
B) to relate end state of process
C) the intermediate properties during the process
D) the nature of gas
E) the gas constant
Ans. A)
Q. NO. 3) A closed system is one in which
A) mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy
may do so
B) mass crosses the boundary but not the energy
C) neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system
D)both energy and mass cross the boundary of the system
Ans. A)
Q.NO. 4) Temperature of a gas produced due to
A) its heating value
B) kinetic energy of molecules
C) repulsion of molecules
D) attraction of molecules
E) surface tension of molecules
Ans. B) , because the temperature of gas is a measure of average
translational K. E. of the molecules and the temperature increases
due to increase in velocity of the molecules.
Q.NO.5) According to the kinetic theory of gases the absolute zero
temperature is attained when
A) volume of the gas is zero
B) pressure of the gas is zero
C) kinetic energy of the molecules is zero
D) specific heat of gas is zero
E) mass is zero
Ans. C) , refer the above questions ans
Q.NO.6) Kinetic theory of gases assumes that the collisions between
the molecules are
A) perfectly elastic B) perfectly inelastic
C) partly elastic D) partly inelastic
Ans. A)
Q.NO.7) Pressure of gas in terms of its mean kinetic energy per unit
volume E is equal to
A) E B) E C) 3E D) 2E
3 2 4 3
Ans. D) , by according to equation PV= 2/3 (K) ,
where K= 1/2 (Nmv2)
Q.NO.8) Superheated vapour behaves
A) exactly as gas B) as steam
C) as ordinary vapour D) approximately as a gas
Ans. D)
Q NO.9)Absolute pressure will occur
A) at sea level
B) at center of the earth
C) when molecular momentum of system becomes zero
D) under vaccum conditions
E) at a temperature of - 273K
Ans. C), because Pressure measured on the surface is nothing
but the thrust exerted by movement of molecules in
contact.When the molecule movement is zero there is no
chance of thrust being applied, so pressure will be zero.
Q.NO.10) No liquid can exist as liquid at
A) -273 K B) vaccum C) zero pressure D) in space
E) center of earth
Ans. C) , because the pressure decreases as the altitude
increases. Here we can take the example of clouds.
Q.NO.11) Intensive property of a system is one whose value
A) depends on the mass of the system ,like volume
B) does not depends on the mass of the system, like pressure,
C) depends on path followed and not on the state
D) depends on the state and not on the path
Ans. B)
Q.NO.12) Specific heat of air(in BTU/lb°F)at constant pressure is equal to
A) 0.17 B) 0.21 C) 0.24 D) 1.0 E) 1.41
Ans. 0.24.
Q.NO.13) Characteristic gas constant of a gas is equal to
A) Cp/Cv B) Cv/Cp C) Cp-Cv D) Cp+Cv
Ans. C).
Q.NO.14) The equation [p+ (a/v2)] [v-b]=R is known as
A)real gas equation
B)Maxwell’s equation
C)Van der Waal’s equation
D) Avogadro’s equation
Ans. C).
Q.NO.15) Which law states that internal energy of the gas is
the function of temperature
A)Charle’s Law
B)Joule’s Law
C)Regnault’s Law
D)Boyle’s Law
E)There is no such a law
Ans. B)
Q.NO. 16) Which law states that specific heat of a gas is constant
at all temperatures and pressures
A)Charle’s Law
B)Joule’s Law
C)Regnault’s Law
D)Boyle’s Law
E)There is no such a law
Ans. C)
Q.NO. 17 Work done in free expansion process is
A) +ve B) -ve C) zero D) maximum E) Minimum
Ans. C)
Q.No. 18) A reversible polytropic process can be describe by the
A) pvn=C B) (pv)n =C C) (p/v)n=C D) pv-n=C
Ans. A)
Q.NO.19) Adiabatic equation of perfect gas is
A)pV= constant B) pVn=Constant
C) pVγ = Constant D) pVγ-1 = Constant
Ans. C)
Q.NO. 20) Solids and liquids have
A) one value of specific heat B) two value of specific heat
C) three value of specific heat D) no value of specific heat
Ans. A) , In case of solids and liquids small change in volume
and pressure, hence external work is negligible.
Q.NO. 21) If the value of n tends to reach ratio of specific heats
‘γ’ when
A) Flow is uniform and steady
B) Process is isentropic
C) Process is isothermal
D) Process is isentropic and specific heat does not
change with temperature
E) Process is isentropic and specific heat changes with
Ans. D)
Q.NO.22) Change in enthalpy of a system is the heat supplied at
A) constant pressure B) constant temperature
C) constant volume D) constant entropy
Ans. A)
Q.NO.23) Heat exchange process in which the product of
pressure and volume remains constant is known as
A) throttling process B) isentropic process
C) adiabatic process C) heat exchange process
E) hyperbolic process
Ans. E), it is the process in which the gas is heated or
expanded in such a way that the product of its
pressure and volume remains constant and it is
governed by Boyle’s law.
Q.NO.24) The internal energy of a system is a function of only
A) pressure B) temperature (absolute)
C) volume D) pressure and temperature
Ans. B), U= mcv∆T
Q.NO.25) One calorie in kgm is equal to
A) 0.427 B) 4.27 C) 42.7 D) 427 E) 4270
Ans. A), because 1 joule = 0.24 calorie and 1kgm = 9.80665 joules
1 kgm= 0.24 * 9.80665 = 2.353596 calories , so
1 calorie= 1/(2.353596) = 0.426
Q.NO.26) The expression ∫ pdV can be used for obtaining work of
A) Non- flow reversible process
B) Steady flow reversible process
C) Adiabatic irreversible process
D) Throttling process
E) All of the above
Ans. A)
Q.NO.27) Which of the following process is irreversible process?
A) isothermal B) adiabatic
C) throttling D) all of the above
Ans. C)
Q.NO.28) Thermal conductivity of solid metals with rise in
temperature normally
A) increases B) decreases C) remains constant
D) may increase or decrease depending on temperature
Ans. B).
Q.NO. 29) Heat transfer takes place as per
A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
B) First law of thermodynamics
C) Second law of thermodynamics
D) Kirchhoff’s law
E) Stefan’s law
Ans. C) ,
Q.NO.30) The insulation ability of an insulator with the
presence of moisture would
A) increase B) decrease C) remains unaffected
D) may increase or decrease depending on temperature
and thickness of insulation
Ans. A) Increase .
Q.NO.31) When the heat is transferred by molecular collision,
It is referred as heat transferred by
A)Conduction B) convection C) radiation D) scattering
Ans. B)
Q.NO.32) Which of the following is the case of heat transferred
by radiation
A)Blast furnace B) Heating of building
C)Cooling of parts in furnace
D) heat received by a person from fireplace
Ans. D)
Q.NO. 33) Pick up the wrong case. Heat flowing from one side
to other depends directly on
A) face area B) time C) thickness
D) temperature difference E)thermal conductivity
Ans. C)
Q.NO.34) Total heat is the heat required to
A)change vapour into liquid
B)change liquid into vapour
C)convert water into steam and superheat it
D) convert saturated steam into dry steam
Ans. C
Q.NO.35) Cork is the good insulator because it has
A) free electrons B) atoms colliding frequency
C) porous body D) low density
Ans. C)
Q.NO.36) Temperature of steam at around 540°C can be
measured by
A) Thermometer B) radiation pyrometer
C) thermistor D) thermocouple
Ans. D)
Q.NO.37) Time constant of thermocouple is
A) the time taken to attain the final temperature to be
B) The time taken to attain 50% of the value of initial
temperature difference
C) The time taken to attain 63.2% of the value of initial
temperature difference
D) determined by the time taken to reach 100°C from 0°C
Ans. C, it can calculated by τ= time constant = ( ϱcpV)/(hAs)
Q.NO.38) Heat flows from one body to other body when they have
A) different heat contents B) different specific heats
B) different atomic structures D) different temperatures
Ans. D , Q= mcp∆T
Q.NO.39) In heat transfer, conductance equals conductivity
(kcal/hr/sqm/°C/cm) divide by
A) hr(time) B) sqm(area) C) °C (temperature)
D) cm(thickness) E) kcal(heat)
Ans. D)
Q.NO. 40) Which of the following have least value of Thermal
conductivity (in W/mK)?
A) glass B) water C) thermoplastics D) rubber E) air
Ans. E) , K of water at 20°C = 0.6, K of ordinary glass= 0.8
K of plastic= 0.2, K of nitrile rubber= 0.24
K of air at 0°C = 0.024
Q,NO.41) Which of the following is expected to have highest
thermal conductivity ?
A)steam B) solid ice C) melting ice D)water E) boiling water
Ans. B), K of steam= 0.018, K of solid ice= 2.18,
K of melting ice= 2.18- 0.56, K of boiling water= 0.56

Q.NO.42) Heat is transferred by all three modes of transfer , viz,

conduction, convection and radiation in
A) Electric heater B) steam condenser C) melting of ice
D) refrigerator condenser coils E) boiler
Q.NO.43) The ratio of heat flow Q1/Q2 from two walls of same
thickness having their thermal conductivities as K1=2K2 will be
A) 1 B) 0.5 C) 2 D) 0.25 E) 4
Ans. C)
Q.NO.44) Heat transfer by radiation mainly depends upon
A) its temperature B) nature of body
C) kind and extent of its surface D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Ans. D)
Q.NO.45) Thermal diffusivity is
A) a dimensional parameter
B) function of temperature
C) used as mathematical model
D) a physical property of the material
E) useful in case of heat transfer by radiation
Ans. D), thermal diffusivity (α)= K/ϱcp
Q.NO. 46) Unit of thermal diffusivity
A) m2/hr B)m2/hr °C C) kcal/m2hr D) kcal/ °C
E)kcal/m2hr °C
Ans. A)
Q.NO.47) The rate of energy emission from unit surface area through
unit solid angle , along a normal to the surface is known as
A) emissivity B) transmissivity C) reflectivity
D) intensity of radiation E) absorptivity
Ans. D)
Q.NO.48) Emissivity of white polished body in comparison to a black
body is
A) higher B) lower C) same D) depends upon shape of body
E) none of the above
Ans. B)
Q.NO.49) A grey body is one whose absorptivity
A) varies with temperature
B) varies with wavelength of the incident radiation
C) is equal to its emissivity
D) none of the above
Ans. C)
Q.NO.50) A non- dimensional number generally associated with
natural convection heat transfer is
A) Grashoff’s number
B) Nusselt number
C) Weber number
D)Reynold number
Ans. A),

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