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Verbele neregulate / Irregular Verbs / + / + / + / +

1. Give the infinitives of the following verbs:

1. Left 6. Cut 11. Brought
2. Had 7. Slept 12. Got
3. Ran 8. Thought 13. Broken
4. Read 9. Knew 14. Been
5. Grew 10. Spoke 15. Said

2. Suggest verbs that form the past simple and past participle tense according to the models:
1. Bring – brought – brought 2. Cut –cut – cut 3. sing — sang — sung 4. Fly – flew – flown

3. Write the right forms:

1. _________→ went → _________ 9. _________ → sat → _________
2. run → _________ → _________ 10. find → _________→ _________
3. _________ → _________ → done 11. _________→ _________ → said
4. _________ → stood → _________ 12. _________→ read → _________
5. see →_________ → _________ 13. think → _________ → _________
6. _________→ _________ → lost 14. _________→ left →_________
7. _________ → _________→ come 15. tell → _________ → _________
8. have → _________→ _________

4. Make the sentences affirmative; ask questions to the words in bold type:
1. He didn’t have much money in the bank. 7. We didn’t speak English when we were 4 years old.
2. She wasn’t at school on Monday. 8. My younger brother didn’t eat pizza in primary school.
3. We didn’t go to the cinema last week. 9. You know, he didn’t write me a card on my birthday yesterday.
4. Mum didn’t do my homework after school. 10. My Mum didn’t take her umbrella with her.
5. My friend didn’t come to my birthday party yesterday. 11. The schoolchildren didn’t see a hippo at the Zoo.
6. We didn’t become champions last year. That’s why they didn’t give it any fruits then.

5. Make the sentences negative:

1. The children took after their mother very much. 6. They drove me mad with their noisy pets!
2. Peter went home at once. 7. We left the house early that morning.
3. She did her homework quite correctly. 8. She told him everything at once.
4. The children ran to the river to bathe. 9. The lesson began at eight o’clock.
5. The postman brought a parcel and left it at the door. 10. They knew nothing about me.

6. Insert the proper letter:

1. Begin – beg_n – beg_n; 5. Hold – h_ld – h_ld;
2. Come – c_me – c_me; 6. Ring – r_ng – r_ng;
3. Drink – dr_nk – dr_nk; 7. Sing - s_ng – s_ng;
4. Get – g_t – g_t; 8. Swim – sw_m – sw_m.

7. Match the infinitives with the past simple forms:

1.       Take A.      Began
2.       Make B.      Was / were
3.       Sing C.      Put
4.       Eat D.      Sang
5.       Put E.       Made
6.       Stand F.       Took
7.       Be G.     Ate
8.       Go H.      Stood
9.       Begin I. Won
10. Win J.        Went

8. What is wrong?
1.  gave, did, see, went -  4.  drink, sit, come, sat - 
2.  write, go, read, said -  5.  wrote, ran, made, make - 
3.  spoke, came, buy, had -  6.  read, say, ran, speak 

9. Find the mistakes:

1. Set - sat - set. 6. Hurt - hurt - hurten.
2. Cut - cut - cut. 7. Bring - brought - broughten.
3. Put - pat - pat. 8. Sell - sold - sold.
4. Run - run - run. 9. Burn - burnt - burn.
5. Begin - began - begun. 10. Light - lote - lit.

10. Restore the order of the letters in the following words:

1. nisg – gans 6.  yas – iasd 
2. drea – adre  7. ese – was 
3.  tae – eta  8. riwte – ortew
4.  nur – arn  9. riknd – ankdr  
5. aveh – adh  10. egiv – vage 

11. Use the verb in the simple past tense:

1. They (lose) the keys last week. 9. I (see) the weather forecast earlier.
2. I (give) my mother a CD for Christmas. 10. I (wake up) at 6 am, (have) breakfast
3. He (tell) me that he lived in Toronto. quickly and I (go) to work.
4. We (hear) about the storm on the news. 11. She (stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain.
5. They (find out) that it (be) my birthday. 12. Finally my mother (let) me go to a party.
6. I (sleep) very well last night. 13. Billy (run) after the bus.
7. He (feel) bad about failing the test. 14. She (wear) her new coat.
8. Who (meet) you at the airport? 15. Lucy (pay) the bill before leaving the restaurant
16. .

12. Write the correct form of the irregular verb in simple past tense.
Examplle: He __________ (to drink) the coffee. He drank (to drink) the coffee.
1) The moon __________ (to come) out late last night.
2) Jessica __________ (to lose) her first tooth this morning.
3) My entire family __________ (to catch) the flu last winter.
4) The employees __________ (to do) a lot of work today.
5) The swimmers __________ (to hold) their breath and jumped in the water.
6) The baker __________ (to make) a cake for my birthday.
7) They __________ (to take) a picture of the mountain.
8) The teacher __________ (to teach) the students chemistry last year.
9) I __________ (to wear) my jacket to work yesterday.
10) We __________ (to go) to the zoo last weekend.
10) Tom __________ (to write) his family a letter.
12) I __________ (to see) a movie last night.

13. Use the verbs in the present perfect tense:

1. You (see) Kim yet? 14. You (do) today’s homework yet?
2. I (find) my credit card. 15. Where you (hide) the money?
3. Joy (send) you a letter. 16. My brother has … (take) his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.
4. We (be) here for two weeks. 17. Sam has … (fly) to Iceland
5. They (write) to the politician. 18. Susan has … (find) two interesting jobs at the agency this week.
6. We (eat) too much chocolate. 19. I have already … (send) you about ten messages.
7. You (know) David for ten years. 20. We have just … (meet) Mr. Jackson at the airport.
8. How much coffee you (drink) today? 21. Where has your teacher … (go)?
9. They (take) the exam? 22. Which wedding hat have you … (choose)?
10. Why you (bring) that? 23. Has Rachel ever … (be) abroad?
11. My dad (break) his leg. 24. The train has just … (leave) the station.
12. Google (become) one of the most popular search engines. 25. I haven’t … (tell) her anything.
13. They (make) a lot of money.

14. Complete the following sentences:

1. He _________ (to have) a great time at the party last night. . 5. The plane __________ (to fly) all night long.
A great time was _________ (to have) at the party last night. The plane has __________ (to fly) all night long in the past.
2. They __________ (to lose) their key yesterday. 6. I __________ (to meet) James for the first time yesterday.
Their key is __________ (to lose). I had never __________ (to meet) James before yesterday.
3. The chef__________ (to take) four hours to cook dinner for us last 7. The family__________ (to eat) dinner together last night.
night. The family hasn’t __________ (to eat) together in a long time.
The chef had __________ (to take) that long to cook dinner for us 8. Henry and Roberto __________ (to spend) all the money last
before. weekend.
4. Juan __________ (to lay) his head on the pillow last night. All the money was __________ (to spend) last weekend.
Juan’s head was __________ (to lay) on the pillow last night. 9. The robber __________ (to shoot) the police officer yesterday.
A police officer has been __________ (to shoot). We have __________ (to drive) to the beach before.
10. We __________ (to drive) to the beach last summer.

15. Use past simple or present perfect tense:

1. Look! Our cat … a mouse. (catch) 11. I … plenty of photos in Brazil. (take)
2. He … a job through the Internet last week. (find) 12. My neighbor … me unbelievable news today. (tell)
3. I drank some juice and … much better. (feel) 13. My son was sleeping, so I … the door quietly. (shut)
4. We just … over the Amazon. (fly) 14. I woke up at 7, … my bed and went to the bathroom. (make)
5. They … a new concert-hall in August. (build) 15. I walked into the house and … some strange noise. (hear)
6. Pete … a parcel to New York on Monday. (send) 16. We never … a double-decker before. (see)
7. My dad … me some money before I left. (give) 17. It’s the best picture you ever … (draw)
8. I already … you 200 dollars. (lend) 18. Somebody … my purse. (steal)
9. The trainer … the ball to me but I didn’t catch it. (throw) 19. Food prices … twice last year. (grow)
10. She … exclusive clothes and drove expensive cars. (wear) 20. Jane … her new passport last month. (get)
16. Choose the correct form of the helping verb “to be”. Then write the correct form of the verb in irregular past participle form.
1) The water (am/are/is) __________ (to freeze). 8) A picture (was/were) __________ (to draw) on the chalkboard.
2) Her arm (am/are/is) __________ (to break). 9) My bicycle (was/were) __________ (to steal) yesterday.
3) The old man (am/are/is) __________ (to drink). 10) The milk (am/are/is) all __________ (to go).
4) Our house key (am/are/is) __________ (to hide) in the bushes. 11) All my children (am/are/is) full __________ (to grow).
5) The employees (am/are/is) __________ (to do) with work today. 12) The secret will be __________ (to know) by tomorrow morning.
6) The snake bite (am/are/is) __________ (to swell). 13) Once I get back from the hike, my boots will be well __________ (to
7) The eighth page of my book (am/are/is) __________ (to tear). wear).

17. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in Past Simple to make up a story: 
The legend of Lake Ompa. Many years ago there __________ (be) a girl called Taino. She _____ (can) sing very well and play the psaltery .She
_____ (fall) in love with a young man and ________ (have) a strong desire to marry him. One day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a
rich man ________ (see) her. He _______ (be) impressed by Taino’s beauty so much that he_________ (find) it possible to marry her. As
Taino________ (have) a groom she________ (not mean) _______ to marry the rich man. But the rich man_______ (be) very stubborn), and his
servants ___________ (shoot) Taino’s groom and __________ (take) her to the rich man’s palace. The girl ______ (be) so unhappy that when
everybody was sleeping, she ________ (set) fire to the palace , and _______ (run) away. When the rich man________ (learn) about it, he _____
(send) his servants after Taino. As she ___________ ( can not) run away from them, Taino___________ (throw) herself into the lake
and____________ (freeze) to death. From that time the lake was named Lake Ompa, the Lake of Love.
18. Use irregular verbs to complete the sentences:
(arise, shut, awake, sang, search, shine, bare, flee, behold, forbid, bend, forbide, brake, fight, grow, hide, leave, fall, lie, ring, light, lend)
1. The question ______ from misunderstanding 11. Someone ______ the doorbell and ran.
2. The case had never ____ in Poland 12. I need that money I ________ you.
3. It’s not the first time I’ve ______. 13. You turned on the gas, and you _______ a match.
4. The text _____ the hallmark of such a process. 14. There was a light that _______ in my eyes.
5. I have sailed the world, ______ its wonders 15. I’ve never ________  to an audience before.
6. I am ______, not _______. 16. I _______ you to see her
7. They ______ adequately  17. Full or partial copying is ________.
8. I always use locally _______ vegetables 18. He ________ before I could see his face.
9. He ______  in the bathroom and they left. 19. However, solutions must be ______  . 
10. She fell and _______ prostrate on the floor  20. I already ______ that thing down.

19. Find the mistakes:

He didn’t said a word about it. They threwed  the ball into the river.
We’ll write this story together yesterday. We didn’t understand what you said.
I drove him to the country late at night tomorrow. Did he drew a funny cow in her album?

20. Restore the word order in the following sentences:

1.  a, friend, yesterday, bought, My, dictionary. 6.  two, this, ago, days, read, He, newspaper
2.  a, new, London, they, flat, in, bought. 7.  the, team, won, basketball, Our, match.
3.  to, went, Sunday, the, We, cinema, last. 8.  could, email, send, I, an
4.  cook, how, to, know, porridge, She, didn’t. 9. vacation?, spend, Susan, her, How, summer, did
5.  a, friend, wrote, Jack, his, letter, to. 10. yesterday?, you, did, see, it  

21. Make up sentences; use the proper form of the verb:

1. Car / my / I / break / yesterday 4. Buy / trousers / she / new
2. Get / early / up / today / I 5. Drink / you / ever / alcohol
3. She / yet /eat / not 6. He / late / yesterday

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