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Name: Garces, Kurt Joseph B.

Date/Section: 10-Pascal


1. Compare the stages embryonic development of different organisms. 2.

Explain how embryonic development provides clues for evolution.




Study and compare the stages of embryonic development of the different vertebrates.
Guide Question:
1. In what stages of development of the organisms above show
On the image above, the first stage evidently shows the similarities
between the three stages since on their early-embryo stage, they share
common body structure and are very alike to each other.
2. Identify the structure, how and where are they similar?
On the development-image above, the first stage called early-
embryo stage shows similarities since all the organisms have tail and
gill slits. If there is no label provided, it might be hard for us to tell that
all images around the stage is different from one another. Their body
structures are very similar on their early-embryo stage.
3. In stage 3, Identify the structures that made the organisms different from each
The five different organisms on their fetus days were very not alike to each
other. They differ most on their body composition like humans don’t have tails
that fishes does have on their fetus stage. Evidently, the physical characteristics
of all organisms on the picture above is different from one another.

4. Can embryonic development be an evidence that evolution took place?

Yes, because the embryonic development shows evidence about the
processes or stages that an organism took before it develops to a matured one.
From this statement, comparing the stages of different organisms might result for
a possibility of likeliness and inheritance. This may support the idea of evolution
because organisms have some traits that other’s have too and from this we may
consider researching about a mutual relationship around the creatures.

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