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7, JULY 2014

Smart Sensing Materials for Low-Cost

Chipless RFID Sensor
Emran Md Amin, Student Member, IEEE, Jhantu Kumar Saha,
and Nemai Chandra Karmakar, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Smart materials for chipless RFID sensors have

not been developed for the broadband/high speed wireless data
communication yet. Their applications are confined to some
dc and very high frequency physical sensors. In this paper,
various smart materials for RF sensing applications and their
characteristics in the influence of various physical parameters
have been analyzed. The working principle of chipless RFID
sensors along with their various design and experimental results
as well as their potential application is also presented. This paper
provides a pathway to low cost, passive, fully printable sensor
nodes for realtime condition monitoring.
Index Terms— Chipless RFID, sensor, smart materials.


T HE chipless RFID sensor has tremendous potential in

regards to technological breakthroughs, and its social and
environmental impacts. It has a number of innovative features
Fig. 1. Classification of sensing materials.

such as fully printable, passive, sub-cent and environment The applicability of these materials is strictly dependent
friendly. The potential advantages of these unique features on the availability of optimized synthesis techniques that
permit chipless RFID sensor in unique applications that could allow the processing and manipulation in a precise manner.
not be achieved previously with both traditional RFID sensors Synthesis of these functional materials can be conducted
[1], [2]. This needs significant investigation in suitable smart through several novel fabrication and characterization tech-
materials for sensing individual physical parameters and fab- niques. In this paper, various sensing materials for RF
rication processes. sensing application are reviewed and their characteristics in the
Smart materials are also called nanostructured functional influence of various physical parameters are analyzed. Finally,
materials; represent an important class of materials with a wide the working principle of chipless RFID sensors followed by
spectrum of applications in solar cells, fuel cells, sensors and their various design and experimental results as well as their
photo electrochemical cells for water splitting. potential applications are discussed.
Smart materials include conductive polymers, PEDOT:PSS
(poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrenesulfonic acid) II. S MART M ATERIALS FOR RFID S ENSING
[3], [4], Phenanthrene [5], Kapton [6], PVA (Polyvinyl
A number of smart materials can be used for RFID sensors.
Alcohol) [7]–[9] PAni (poly aniline) [10], grapheme [11],
Fig. 1 shows the classification of smart materials according to
plastic crystals [12], hydrophilic polymer [13], single-walled
the different sensing applications.
carbon nanotubes (SWTs) [14], metallic oxides [15], nano-
The most useful characteristic of a smart material is its
particles [16], etc. exhibit multifunctional properties. These
carrier mobility μ, defined as the proportionality constant
smart materials are very susceptible to external environmental
between the applied electric field, E and the corresponding
changes, such as pressure, temperature and electric field and
average carrier drift velocity, ν [17]. Usually, the carrier mobil-
are suitable for sensing applications.
ity of these materials is quite low, and they are not suitable
Manuscript received January 9, 2014; revised March 22, 2014; accepted for RF applications. However, they can be introduced as the
April 1, 2014. Date of publication April 17, 2014; date of current version sensing materials that change RF responses of microwave
May 22, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and
approving it for publication was Prof. Massood Z. Atashbar. devices under the influence of changing physical parameters.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer This is the main hypothesis of this paper.
Systems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800,
Australia (e-mail:;; A. Material Characteristics
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at For RF sensing applications as shown in Fig. 1, EM
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2318056 characterization of the materials need to be investigated.
1530-437X © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

solid to gas phase without passing through an intermediate

liquid phase. Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition
that occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance’s
triple-point in its phase diagram. The enthalpy of phase
transition for Phenanthrene is 90.5 KJmol−1 and transition
temperature (Tc ) is around 72° C. Dielectric behavior of
Phenanthrene is studied in [5]. It shows that after the transition
temperature, there is a drastic increase of dielectric constant
εr which is permanent if the vapour is not de-sublimated.
Therefore, this property can be used to realize a temperature
threshold sensor for chipless RFID tag that triggers at the
transition temperature of Phenanthrene.
b) Ionic plastic crystal: The ionic conductivity of plastic
crystals changes due to organic molecule defects and the
Fig. 2. Conductivity of various organic and inorganic semiconductor
materials [14]. movement of crystals. The plastic crystal eg. N-Methyl-N-
Butylpyrrolidiniumhexafluorophosphate (P14 PF6 ) is a good
candidate for temperature sensing. As temperature is increased
Two aspects are unique to each material: (a) its atomic from −15 °C to 70°C [12], it goes through three phase
mass, and (b) its electronic structure. The uniqueness of the transitions starting from crystal state and ends up as liquid.
electronic structure of each material or molecule is used to This above result indicates that ionic plastic crystal may be
identify the source of emitted electrons and photons from used as a temperature sensing materials.
materials under analysis. The conductivity of various organic c) Nano-structured metal oxide: Semiconducting metal
and inorganic semiconductors is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 shows oxides such as ITO and ZnO are wide band gap materi-
the pure conductors such as silver, copper and aluminium. als, show promising classes for sensing. Due to the limited
These highly conductive materials can be used for μ- and mm- availability of Indium on the earth, research are included
wave passive circuit design [18], [19]. On the other hand, some the physical properties of ZnO films have indicated that the
semi- conductive materials such as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), optical and electrical parameters of the ZnO films, similar to
silver flakes and sliver nano-particles offer conductivity in that of ITO. Both materials are very susceptible to external
the order of 50-100 times less than pure conductor bulks. environmental changes, such as pressure, temperature, and
Therefore, though they are not suitable for microwave/mm electric field. ZnO also has a high melting point (2248°K)
wave passive design, they can be used for sensing applications. and a good thermal stability. The optical absorption edge of
It is worth investigating the properties of these low conduc- ZnO thin film has a regular red-shift with temperature. This
tive materials for sensing applications. For the investigation, corresponds to a linear relation between the band gap energy
two types of material properties are analyzed by the diagnostic of ZnO and temperature [15]. The optical band gap with direct
techniques: (a) the structural properties of a micro-fabricated transition can be calculated from the following relationship (1).
device such as its thickness and surface roughness, and (b) the (αhv) = B(hv − Eg)1/2 (1)
elemental and chemical composition of a material.
Optical and scanning electron and transmission electron Where, hv is photon energy, α is the absorption coefficient
microscopy techniques are used to observe the structure of near the band edge, B is a constant between 107 and 108 m−1 ,
micro-fabricated devices. X-ray diffraction and transmission Eg is optical band gap. The details description regarding the
electron microscopy are used for analysis of crystal structure measurement of the band gap of ZnO can be found in the
and defects. reference [22], [23]; this suggests that ZnO thin film is an
The analysis and characterization techniques include micro- excellent sensing material for temperature sensor.
structural and surface morphology (XRD, AFM, SEM, TEM Fig. 3 shows the experimental data and the fitted line of
etc.), optical (UV-Vis), electrical and thermal parameters (DC Band gap versus temperature of ZnO. The band gap narrowing
conductivity and stability etc.), microwave (scattering para- is caused by the increase of temperature as shown in Fig. 4.
meters i.e. complex permittivity, dielectric loss, reflection loss The smooth surface morphology with the surface roughness
etc. in the GHz range 20,21]. of ZnO thin film is about 7.4nm and good crystalline quality
Various smart materials such as temperature, humidity, PH , with preferred orientation (0002) along the c-axis, as shown
gas sensing materials and their basic properties are reviewed in Fig. 4. This also indicates that ZnO may be used as
and analyzed based on the above analysis and characterization a temperature sensing materials and has some advantages
techniques are described in the following sections. in fabrication. It is also robust enough to survive in real
engineering environments.
2) Humidity Sensing Materials:
B. Materials for RF Sensing: a) Kapton: Kapton polyamide has a linear dielectric
1) Temperature Sensing Materials: change with humidity [7]. Kapton film has relative permittivity
a) Phenanthrene: It is a sublimation substance from of 3.25 at 25% humidity and room temperature of 23°C.
polycyclic hydrocarbon group which transforms directly from At this temperature, Kapton’s relative permeability humidity

Fig. 5. Photograph of PEDOT film fabricated on flexible plastic substrate

by spin coating method.

Fig. 3. Band gap versus temperature of ZnO.

Fig. 6. PH dependency of resistivity in PEDT film on PET foil.

changing the temperature and PVA concentration. The result

Fig. 4. XRD picture of ZnO thin film. The insert is its AFM picture. shows that the real part of relative permittivity εr decreases at
frequency range from 0.2- 20 GHz as the PVA concentration
in water increases.
(εr ) changes linearly with relative humidity (RH) given by Penza and Anisimkin have indicated, the potential of PVA
expression (2) film for humidity sensing in [27], [28]. They found negligible
sensitivity of PVA film toward some gases such as (NH3 , NO2 ,
εr = 3.05 + 0.008 × RH (2)
CO) and low hysteresis characteristics in sensing ambient
The dissipation factor (tan δ) changes from 0.0015 at 0% humidity. This makes PVA a promising candidate as chem-
humidity to 0.0035 at 100 %. During moisture absorption, ically sensitive layer for sensing relative humidity.
Kapton goes through hydrolysis process which modifies the 3) P H Sensing Materials: The advantage of organic semi-
internal electrical polarization. The above properties sug- conductors (Conducting Polymer) is their process ability.
gest that Kapton can be introduced in UHF RFID humidity However, the instability towards environmental influences and
sensors [6]. the difficulty to achieve device level performance are chal-
b) Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA): PVA is a hygroscopic lenging, but achievable [3]. Among the different conducting
polymer material that absorbs water. It has an OH group polymers used in practical applications, PEDOT is known as a
bonded to each carbon in the backbone chain (-CH2 -CH2 -)n . particularly robust and well conducting material [4], [27]–[29].
It has also high molecular weight and a glass transition The 1μm thick PEDOT film on plastic substrate is
temperature of about 70°C. Standard products have 98-99 or fabricated at Monash University’s Materials Engineering
87-89 Mol % of hydroxyl groups and can take up to 25 % of Laboratories by spin coating method. Fig. 5 shows the photo-
water from humid ambient air [7]. graph of PEDOT film fabricated on flexible plastic substrate
PVA is hydrophilic in nature. It can be used as poly- by spin coating method. The conductivity is about 5×104 S/m.
electrolyte based resistive sensor. [25], [26] report the high The PH dependency of resistivity in PEDOT film on PET
frequency characteristics of PVA in aqueous solution. In these foil is shown in Fig. 6. The conductivity of PEDOT depends
studies, the dielectric behavior of water is investigated by apparently on the PH level, with the highest conductivities at

Fig. 8. General block diagram of Chipless RFID sensor system.

Fig. 7. Transparent single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) films.
(A) Films of the indicated thickness on quartz substrates. (B) A large,
80-nm-thick film on sapphire substrate 10 cm in diameter. (C) Fixed film on III. C HIPLESS RFID S ENSOR
a Mylar sheet. (D) AFM image of a 150 nm thick t-SWNT film surface (color
scale: black to bright yellow, 30 nm). The text in (A) to (C) lies behind the In the preceding section various smart materials for RF
films [Reproduced from Ref. Wu Z Cet. Al„ Transparent, conductive carbon sensing have been reviewed and their characteristics in the
nanotube films. Science 305 (2004) 1273-1276].
influence of various physical parameters have been analyzed
in details. In this section, smart sensing material integrated
spectral signature based chipless RFID sensor system is
presented. Firstly the working principle of chipless RFID
low PH , but the change is not dramatic except for pH value sensors is presented. Design of various chipless RFID sensors,
exceeding 11. This changes are reversible over a wide PH preparation and integrating smart materials in fabricated tags
range [3]. This above result indicates that PEDOT may be and finally experimental results for humidity and temperature
used as a PH sensing material. sensors are described in details. The results realize a low-cost,
4) Gas Sensing Materials: Transparent Conductive Carbon ubiquitous, passive RFID multi-sensor node.
Nanotube (CNT) Films: By using a common suction filtration
method, water-dispersible Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes A. Chipless RFID Sensor System
(SWCNTs) can be sucked into porous filter paper. It can
Fig. 8 shows a complete block diagram of a chipless RFID
be assembled and well distributed through the paper. Thus
sensor system. A continuous wave frequency spectrum from
it affords robust sensing arrays with the same thickness as
the reader’s transmitting antenna illuminates the tag sensor.
the paper which is shown in Fig. 7 [30]. Integrating this
Part of the interrogation signal is backscattered from the tag
type of active nanomaterials into paper matrices, opens up
sensor and captured by the reader’s receiving antenna. Finally
opportunities in flexible sensors and optoelectronic devices.
the reader decodes data by observing the frequency signature.
5) Strain Sensing Materials: Various materials such as As shown in Fig. 9, the reflected signal carries both the ID
glass microfiber-reinforced poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) and sensing information of the object.
composite, polyester-based stretchable fabric, Nickel-Titanium The tag sensor consists of a number of multi-resonators
(Nitinol) alloy can be used as strain and crack sensors for which emit distinct frequency signatures when illuminated
structural health monitoring [31]–[33]. PTFE based sensor by an ultra-wide band (UWB) signal. There are two types
has a relatively large resonance frequency change due to its of resonators within the tag sensor [34], [35]. The first set
large dielectric constant variation under temperature fluctua- of resonators carries the data ID of the tag, and a second
tion [31]. set of resonators carries the sensing information. Sensing
6) Discussion of Smart Materials for Sensing: So far vari- mechanism is incorporated using smart polymers which show
ous materials such as temperature, humidity, PH , gas, strain RF sensitivity for certain environmental physical parameters
sensing materials and their basic properties are identified, such as temperature, humidity, gas, pH etc.
analyzed and classified. The identification of smart materials In a spectral signature based chipless RFID sensor, dielectric
have been done based on dielectric and conductive property sensing is incorporated with a smart material used as a super-
analysis for mm and μm wave RF sensing. The classification state for the resonators. As the material changes its dielectric
of materials for temperature, humidity, PH , gas, strain sensing or conductive property with environmental parameters, a res-
have also been done based on physical parameter sensing. onance frequency shift occurs. This shift can be quantified as
Moreover, these materials having multifunctional properties sensing data. Hence, a chipless RFID sensor has dual features
and having potential to sense more than one parameters are of carrying (i) Data ID and (ii) Sensing information as shown
also analyzed in details. in Fig. 8.

As shown in the layout of our tag sensor (Fig. 9 (a)), three

U-shaped slots are tuned to operate within 7.0 to 9.0 GHz.
Each slot resonates at a particular frequency depending on
its structural parameters. This resonance is observed as a
magnitude dip in the backscattered RCS spectrum when the tag
is illuminated with a plane wave. The presence and absence
of a resonance dip is used to represent data ID ‘1’ and ‘0’
respectively. Moreover, an ELC resonator is designed which
operates between 6.0-7.0 GHz to incorporate a sensing in
our chipless tag. An ELC resonator couples strongly to a
polarized E- field and marginally to a uniform H- field as
shown in Fig. 9(a). As, a plane wave illuminates the structure,
the middle capacitor like structure couples to the E field and
is connected to two parallel loops which provide inductance.
Thus, the structure resonates at a frequency corresponding to
its equivalent LC. Here, a sensing polymer film is used as
a superstate for the ELC resonator to incorporate dielectric
change in the resonant property. The dielectric permittivity of
sensing polymer modifies the equivalent LC of the resonator
to produce measurable frequency shift. This frequency shift
indicates the change in sensing parameters.
Fig. 9. (a) Layout of chipless RFID tag sensor. The simulation is performed in The simulated RCS magnitude vs frequency for the inte-
CST MWS with Taconic TLX_0 as substrate with substrate height of 0.5 mm; grated sensor is shown in Fig. 9(b). Here the resonant frequen-
εr = 2.45 and tanδ = 0.0019. The dimensions are: Ws = 7.3 mm; Ls = cies for data encoding and temperature sensing can be clearly
6.8 mm; Ss = 0.3 mm; Gs = 0.2 mm, We = Le = 6 mm, Ge = 0.3 mm;
Se = 4.4 mm. (b) Simulated RCS magnitude of the tag sensor. identified. Only the data bit combination ‘111’ is considered
for the tag sensor.
The designed tag sensor is fabricated using chemical etching
process on Taconic TLX_0 substrate. It is done commercially
In a chipless RFID humidity sensor, the tag provides iden- by ‘Lintek’, a manufacturer of printed circuit boards. In the
tification and relative humidity of the environment wirelessly. next section, two distinct application of our chipless RFID tag
Humidity is one of the most important physical parameters for sensor is presented.
assessment of air quality in controlled rooms; in monitoring
food conservation; in detecting water damage in enclosed
walls, buildings and archives. There is an ongoing demand C. Chipless RFID Sensor for Real-Time Relative
for low-cost, flexible, passive humidity sensor for numerous Humidity (RH) Monitoring
real world applications [36]. In this paper, PVA is applied to our chipless RFID tag
Moreover, a chipless RFID temperature threshold sensor sensor to incorporate humidity sensing. A detail comparison
permanently changes its resonant property once a critical of humidity sensitivity between PVA and Kapton is presented
temperature is exceeded. Traditional temperature sensitive in [7]. It shows PVA has superior water absorption property
polymers have a reversible dielectric property change with than Kapton.
temperature. Hence, a microwave resonator of this material To incorporate humidity sensing, the fabricated tag is mod-
would have resonant frequency shift during both endothermic ified by putting PVA 31-50000 on top of the ELC resonator.
and exothermic processes. However, a sublimate material per- The PVA polymer is from Sigma Aldritch and it is dissolved
manently changes its dielectric property when a critical tem- in a solution of H2 O/ Ethanol 3/1 for about 3 hours of
perature is attained. Once the critical temperature is reached, magnetic stirring. Afterwards it became completely soluble
these materials show no dielectric property change even if the and transparent. Then, it is carefully poured on top of the
temperatures go below the critical temperature. This feature ELC structure using a fine droplet. The amount of PVA used
is used to realize a chipless RFID temperature sensor that is about 0.2 ml.
triggers only once [37]. Following two sections present a To validate the sensor operation, an experiment is
real time humidity sensor and a temperature threshold sensor performed using Miller Nelson Temperature and Humidity
respectively. controller [38]. A photo of the overall experimental set-
up is shown in Fig. 10(a). Here, the humidity controller is
connected to an esky chamber through a water flow sensor.
B. Design of Chipless RFID Tag Sensor
The esky chamber has an air tight lid so that its temperature
In our chipless RFID tag sensor, a rectangular patch with and humidity can be controlled from outside our sensor and
three U shaped slot is designated for data encoding and an a DIGITECH QP- 06013 data logger are placed inside the
electric inductor capacitor (ELC) resonator performs environ- chamber (Fig. 10(b)). The data logger reads and stores the
ment sensing [7]. temperature and humidity inside the chamber at a regular

Fig. 10. (a) Photo of experimental setup at our RFID laboratory. (b) Setup
for reading S21 of our tag sensor inside the esky chamber. (c) Photograph of
chipless RFID humidity sensor on with substrate height of 0.5 mm; εr = 2.45
and tanδ = 0.0019.

Fig. 11. (a) Measured transmission coefficient (calibrated) (S21 ) versus

frequency for the chipless RFID humidity sensor with PVA coating. (b) A
time interval. Two horn antennas are connected to a VNA for detail experimental results with ELC resonator as humidity sensor.
frequency response measurement. The sensor tag (Fig. 10(c))
is placed between the two antennas for measuring the trans-
mission coefficient.
By changing the set temperature and humidity of Miller
Nelson controller we measured the transmission coefficient
(S21 ) of our sensor tag for different environment conditions
(Fig. 11(a)). During the experiment, temperature was almost
constant at around 22.5°C. However, the relative humidity
changed from 60% to 80% inside the chamber.
It is observed that though the positions of resonances
for U shaped slots do not vary considerably, the resonant
frequency of ELC resonator is significantly shifted towards
lower frequency %RH. By calibrating this frequency shift, the
ambient humidity can be determined.
A detailed analysis of humidity sensing mechanism can Fig. 12. Sensitivity curve for measured frequency shift. The curve is
be done from Fig. 11(b). Here, an extensive measurement normalized by the resonant frequency at minimum RH (35%).
of transmission coefficient is shown for RH change (35-
85%). It is found that, minimum power at resonance of the
ELC resonator is also affected by RH change. This is due D. Chipless RFID Sensor for Temperature
// Threshold Detection
to the variation of imaginary εr. of PVA with RH. At high
frequency, the imaginary εr. increases with humidity [25] and In supply chain management, frequently it is desirable
the conductivity decreases and dissipation factor increases to detect a certain event rather than continuous monitor-
accordingly. Fig. 12 plots the resonant frequency shift variation ing. For example, violation or increase ‘of certain tempera-
with RH. By calibrating the sensitivity curve we can determine ture threshold value can be of great significance during the
RH of an unknown environment. transport and storage of products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals

(0 mins) the resonant frequency is at 6.45 GHz which shifted

to 6.77 GHz after 90 mins. It implies after 90 mins ELC
resonator has a permanent frequency shift of 320 MHz. This
frequency shift confirms its operation as temperature threshold
sensor. Also, both the S21 magnitude and phase corresponds
to frequency shift.
This experiment is repeated for different temperature 65,
75, 85 and 95°C to verify temperature threshold sensing of
our tag sensor. Fig. 14 shows the measured resonant frequency
Fig. 13. Measured transient response (S21 ) of ELC resonator for different vs time of the ELC resonator for different temperature levels.
times at 85 °C. (a) Magnitude. (b) Phase. At initial condition, the resonant frequency is constant for all
temperature. However, for 65 and 75°C the resonant frequency
shift is negligible for the whole period of time. In contrast,
at 85 and 95°C it shows a drastic shift about 320 MHz.
This corresponds to temperature threshold violation at around
80°C. As Phenanthrene sublimated at this temperature, the
resonant shift remained permanent once triggered. Further to
confirm the sensor performance below transition temperature,
the experiment is continued for about 5 days at 65°C. Still,
no significant resonant shift is observed.

Fig. 14. Measured resonant frequency of ELC resonator versus time while
E. Discussion on Chipless RFID Sensor
the set temperature is 65, 75, 85 and 95 °C. We have developed low cost, fully printable and compact
chipless RFID sensors for item level tagging and multi para-
meter sensing. The sensor tag has the potential of including
or explosive materials. Targeting these applications a low-cost multiple parameter sensing as the sensing mechanism is inde-
chipless RFID temperature threshold sensor tag is proposed pendent of data ID generation. Applications of hydrophilic
for event detection. polymer, PVA to incorporate humidity sensitivity within the
Here, we have used irreversible dielectric property of chipless RFID tag is presented here. Results show that a single
Phenanthrene to develop a temperature threshold sensor. As ELC resonator can contribute to adequate resonant frequency
discussed in section II, Phenanthrene is a sublimate material shift to realize a high sensitive humidity sensor. Hence, this
which vaporizes at its transition temperature around 72o C. compact chipless RFID humidity sensor is truly a state- of-
Hence, a superstate layer of Phenanthrene on our chipless the- art technology in ubiquitous sensing.
RFID tag sensor will operate as a temperature sensor which Furthermore, another novel application of the chipless RFID
changes state at 72oC. Moreover, the sensor is a one shot event sensor would be temperature threshold sensing for event
detector which implies it will remain in its final state for- detection. Here, a chipless RFID temperature sensor having
ever, once its temperature goes above transition temperature. nonvolatile memory is presented using the RF properties of
The following experiment demonstrates the feasibility of tem- Phenanthrene sublimate materials. The sensor stores the event
perature threshold detection. of ‘threshold temperature violation’ and retains its memory
1) Preparation of Phenanthrene Solution: Phenanthrene is permanently.
Easily Soluble to THF (Tetrahydrofuran). To prepare 1 mole Moreover, Phenanthrene is one of the polycyclic hydrocar-
of Phenanthrene and THF solution, a chemical container is bon chosen in this research. Other sublimate materials in this
filled with 1.78 gm (exactly measured in micro balance) of group can be used to get particular transition temperature.
Phenanthrene powder and 200 ml of THF. Then it is heated at For example, Naphthalene, Benzene, Anthracene etc. each has
around 60°C and magnetically stirred for about 10-15 mins. different transition temperatures and suitable for integrating in
The Phenanthrene is completely dissolved in THF and the our tag sensor [39]. Therefore, our designed tag sensor is a
solution is used for experiment. general platform for versatile low cost temperature sensing
The Phenanthrene: THF solution is poured on top of ELC applications.
resonator of fabricated tag sensor using a fine droplet and The experimental results of the real time humidity sensor
masking technique. Later, the tag is heated at low temperature and temperature threshold sensor are presented to provide only
(around 40°C) to evaporate THF and a crystal of Phenanthrene their primary prospects of chipless RFID sensing application.
is formed on the ELC resonator. The thickness of Phenan- Due to their potential benefits, the prospects and applications
threne film is 0.2 mm. of chipless RFID sensors are presented in the following
2) Experiment for Temperature Threshold Detection: The section.
experiment is performed in an enclosure where temperature
can be controlled. Fig. 13 shows the transient response (S21 ) IV. P ROSPECTS AND A PPLICATIONS
of the ELC resonator measured at 30 mins time interval while The chipless RFID sensor has tremendous potential in
temperature is at constant 85°C. It shows, at initial condition regard to technological breakthroughs, and its social and


This paper presents a comprehensive review of smart
sensing materials for RF sensing and their applications. The
contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows:
(i) identification of smart materials for mm and μm wave
RF sensing, (ii) classification of materials based on physical
Fig. 15. Coke can and milk carton with chipless RFID sensors. parameter sensing, (iii) characterization of materials for RF
sensitivity analysis, (iv) novel chipless RFID sensor design,
(v) new results of real- time humidity monitoring using PVA,
and temperature threshold detection using Phenanthrene, and
(vi) finally potential application area identification.Smart sens-
ing material identification and classification have been done
based on dielectric and conductive property analysis.
The materials exhibit high RF sensitivity of particular phys-
ical parameter. Moreover, materials having multifunctional
properties are investigated. These materials have potentials
to sense more than one parameters. However, there remains
challenges in characterizing them fully in high frequency and
measuring the dielectric and conducting profiles for wide range
of applications.
Fig. 16. A schematic diagram of home environment with a chipless RFID The chipless RFID sensor design has the potential to incor-
sensor system. porate multiple parameters sensing as the resonators dedicated
to data ID and sensing operates independently. Moreover, the
sensor is compact, fully printable in flexible substrate for
environmental impacts. A number of application areas are robust applications.
identified in the section. Results presented in this paper confirm the suitability of
Food Safety: Perishable products like milk, fruit juice, raw chipless RFID sensors in real world humidity monitoring.
meat and canned food in a supermarket can be tagged with Also, a temperature threshold sensor with event detection
our chipless RFID sensors as shown in Fig. 15. features has great application in supply chain management.
A recent study revealed that a major retail chain could For instance, the perishable items in a superstore needs to be
not maintain 4°C in their frozen lines. These short-term kept at temperature below 4°C. In such applications, a low-
products exhibit certain chemical changes which can be sensed cost temperature threshold sensor can monitor individual items
for status monitoring [40]. The identification, collection and whether the critical temperature has been passed during trans-
dissipation of expired perishable products represent a huge portation and storage. This would largely benefit the industry,
international market which will be immensely benefited by wholesalers and customers in particular for identifying expired
passive chipless sensors. Moreover, this would enhance prod- products.
uct quality and customer satisfaction. Possibility of PVA, Phenanthrene, is just a beginning, we
Pharmaceuticals: According to [41], the global market will explore other semiconductor and meta-materials includ-
for RFID products and services in the pharmaceutical indus- ing PEDOT, plastic crystals, metallic oxides, SWCNTs and
try was valued at $112 million in 2008, and is expected Graphene. Also, their electrical and thermal properties (con-
to grow to $884 million in 2015. In the pharmaceutical ductivity, stability etc.), microwave parameters (scattering
industry, various chemicals and biomolecules require certain parameters i.e. complex permittivity, dielectric loss, reflection
environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, pressure, pH loss etc.) in the GHz range will be characterized for RFID
level etc.) for drug culture and storage. A minute change in sensing applications.
physical parameters can destroy the efficacy of a drug. In such The future goal of this research is a fully-printable chipless
applications, highly sensitive, flexible dielectric biosensors can RFID sensor that will promote green technology and pollution-
improve production quality and reduce economic loss. free disposable sensor nodes for pervasive sensing. Such low-
Smart Home: Our low cost sensor also has the feature of cost ubiquitous sensing technology can uniquely identify and
integrating multiple sensors in a single chipless RFID tag. This monitor each and every physical object through internet of
multiple parameter sensing node can be used in home environ- things (IOT).
ment monitoring as shown in Fig. 16. As for an example, CO
sensor is mandatory in homes in UK. Also, homes in arctic ACKNOWLEDGMENT
region need continuous temperature and humidity monitoring
unit. In future smart homes [42], multiple sensor nodes will The authors would like to thank Associate Professor
provide necessary information to enable pervasive condition B. Winther-Jensen, Department of Materials Engineering,
monitoring of temperature, humidity, and presence of noxious Monash University for his support and technical discussion
gas. in this research.

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Jhantu Kumar Saha received the Ph.D. degree in Nemai Chandra Karmakar (S’91–M’91–SM’99)
materials science and engineering from Saitama Uni- received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical
versity, Japan, in 2008. He has over 10 years of mul- and electronics engineering from the Bangladesh
tidisciplinary research and development experience University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka,
on nanotechnology, including fabrication and char- Bangladesh, in 1987 and 1989, respectively, the
acterization of materials and optoelectronic devices M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the
using wide-range of nanofabrication and character- University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada,
ization techniques in Japan, Canada, and Australia. in 1991, the Ph.D. degree from the University of
He produced more than 45 journal and conference Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, in 1999,
publications, and has a passion for the development the P.G.Dip.Tchg. degree in higher education from
of new products and processes. He is currently with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in
the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash 2001, and the M.H.Ed. degree from Griffith University, Brisbane, in 2007. He
University, Clayton, VIC, Australia, where he is involved in the fabrication is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Sys-
and characterization of smart materials, including polymer and advanced tems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia. He possesses
fabrication techniques for developing chipless RFID sensor with the Depart- approximately 22 years of teaching, design, and development experience
ments of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Melbourne Centre for Nano- in antennas, microwave active and passive circuits, and RFIDs in Canada,
Fabrication, Clayton. Australia, and Singapore. He has authored and co-authored more than 250
scientific journal and conference articles, eight books, 32 book chapters,
six Australian and international patents applications, two invited lectures,
and numerous conference abstracts, and is a Session Chair in reputable
international conferences and a reviewer of prestigious journals, like the IEEE

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