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Rita’s College of Balingasag

Balingasag, Misamis Oriental


Subject Code: GE 11
Course Title: The Great Books
Credit Units: 3 units
Course Description: Great Books is an honors-level, elective English course designed to
introduce students to world literature. Students will be assigned titles to
read from different areas of the world and will be expected to compare the
significance of the pieces from multiple cultural perspectives. The class
will also contain a creative writing component in which students will be
given the opportunity to express, develop, and refine their individual
creative voices. The goal of this course also is to allow students to drive
discussions about cultural perspectives of the world.

Course Outcomes:

CO1- Create your own definition of culture and analyze its impact on a particular country or region’s
CO2-Identify and describe major literary styles and genres from multiple parts of theworld.
CO3 -Identify the relationship between literature and its social context.
C04- Write interpretations of texts and/or issues in literary studies in which you:
○ Perform a reasonable close reading by analyzing relevant literary elements
(techniques, themes, forms/genres, stylistic choices, or other literary devices).
○ Make appropriate references to relevant texts.
CO5- Demonstrate how common or culturally specific heritages, perspectives,histories, and/or belief
systems influence writers and the forms or genres in which they write.
CO6- Analyze the importance of literature as it relates to its socio-cultural context and to
its “universal” appeal.
CO7- Demonstrate an awareness of the basic literary and cultural manifestations ofeach country or
region studied in this course.
CO8- Identify and analyze connections between different authors and art forms. CO9-
Identify the literary, cultural, historical, political impact of literary works across the
Course Outline:
Course Outline:
Unit 1: The Bible
Unit 2: Beowulf
Unit 3: Mahabarata
Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
Unit 5: The Heart of Darkness
Unit 6: Macbeth
Unit 7: Noli Me Tangere
Unit 8: Divine Comedy
Unit 9: Analects of Confucious

Grading System:

See Revised Handbook

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students are expected to;

(i) Trace the development and moral decline of Macbeth’s character in the play.

(ii) Analyze the importance of the Witches in the play and describe how they contribute to the overall

(iii) Students will examine Shakespeare's use of language.

(iv) Discuss the role of prophecies and hallucinations in the plot and explain how they manipulate the

(v) Identify the role of women in the play and explain how various female characters influence


(vi) Consider to what extent Macbeth is controlled by fate and to what capacity he exercises free will.
Macbeth is certainly one of Shakespeare’s most enduring and emotionally intense plays, tackling
universal themes of guilt, ambition, and tyranny. Despite having been written centuries ago, the
titular character’s journey into despair remains a timeless warning of unchecked power that’s
especially relevant today.

Time Allotment: 15 hours (1 week)

Core/Related Values and Biblical Passage
Core/Related Values: Faith- Justice

Biblical Passage: Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks."-
1 Tim 4:4
Learning Content
Excerpts from Macbeth
GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
Act I
On a bleak Scottish moorland, Macbeth and Banquo, two of King Duncan's generals, discover three
strange women (witches). The witches prophesy that Macbeth will be promoted twice: to Thane of
Cawdor (a rank of the aristocracy bestowed by grateful kings) and King of Scotland. Banquo's
descendants will be kings, but Banquo isn't promised any kingdom himself. The generals want to
hear more, but the "weird sisters" disappear.

Soon afterwards, King Duncan names Macbeth Thane of Cawdor as a reward for his success in the
recent battles. The promotion seems to support the prophecy. The King then proposes to make a
brief visit that night to Macbeth's castle at Inverness. Lady Macbeth receives news from her
husband about the prophecy and his new title. She vows to help him become king by whatever
means are necessary (*ominous music*).

Act II

Macbeth returns to his castle, followed almost immediately by King Duncan. The Macbeths plot
together to kill Duncan and wait until everyone is asleep. At the appointed time, Lady Macbeth
gives the guards drugged wine so Macbeth can enter and kill the King. He regrets this almost
immediately, but his wife reassures him. She leaves the bloody daggers by the dead king just before
Macduff, a nobleman, arrives. When Macduff discovers the murder, Macbeth kills the drunken
guards in a show of rage and retribution. Duncan's sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, flee, fearing for
their own lives; but they are, nevertheless, blamed for the murder.


Macbeth becomes King of Scotland but is plagued by feelings of insecurity. He remembers the
prophecy that Banquo's descendants will inherit the throne and arranges for Banquo and his son
Fleance to be killed. In the darkness, Banquo is murdered, but his son escapes the assassins. At his
state banquet that night, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo and worries the courtiers with his mad
response. Lady Macbeth dismisses the court and unsuccessfully tries to calm her husband.

Act IV

Macbeth seeks out the witches who say that he will be safe until a local wood, Birnam Wood,
marches into battle against him. He also need not fear anyone born of woman (that sounds secure,
no loopholes here). They also prophesy that the Scottish succession will still come from Banquo's
son. Macbeth embarks on a reign of terror, slaughtering many, including Macduff's family. Macduff
had gone to seek Malcolm (one of Duncan's sons who fled) at the court of the English king. Malcolm
is young and unsure of himself, but Macduff, pained with grief, persuades him to lead an army
against Macbeth.

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

Act V

Macbeth feels safe in his remote castle at Dunsinane until he is told that Birnam Wood is moving
towards him. Malcolm's army is carrying branches from the forest as camouflage for their assault on
Macbeth's stronghold. Meanwhile, an overwrought and conscience-ridden Lady Macbeth walks in
her sleep and tells her secrets to her doctor. She commits suicide. As the final battle commences,
Macbeth hears of Lady Macbeth's suicide and mourns.In the midst of a losing battle, Macduff
challenges Macbeth. Macbeth learns Macduff is the child of a caesarean birth (loophole!), realises he
is doomed, and submits to his enemy. Macduff triumphs and brings the head of the traitor Macbeth
to Malcolm. Malcolm declares peace and goes to Scone to be crowned king.
Learning Evaluation
Teaching – Learning Activities
TLA 1: : Using Prior Knowledge and Contextual Clues
Below are the sentences in which the vocabulary words appear in the text. Read the sentence. Use
any clues you can find in the sentence combined with your prior knowledge, and write what you
think the underlined words mean on the lines provided.

1. Like valor's minion carved out his passage

The word minion means an obsequious follower.

2. Into the air, and what seemed corporal melted

The word corporal means body or physical.

3. Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mold

The word cleave means to adhere, cling or stick fast

4. I'll be myself the harbinger and make joyful the hearing of my wife with your approach

The word harbinger means the one that indicates or foreshadows what is to come

5. And chastise with the valor of my tongue

The word chastise means to punish.

6. To beguile the time, look like the time, bear welcome in your eye

The word beguile means to pass time pleasantly

7. Upon the sightless couriers of the air

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
The word couriers means messengers.

8. I see thee yet, in form as palpable

The word palpable means easily perceived.

9. How is't with me when every noise appalls me?

The word appalls means fill with dismay.

10. Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock.

The word carousing means drunken merrymaking.

11….equivocates him in a sleep and giving him the lie, leaves him.

The word equivocates means avoids making an explicit statement.

12. Fears and scruples shake us.

The word scruples means conscience or morals.

13. What good could they pretend? They were suborned.

The word suborned means induced to commit an unlawful act.

14. Their cruel parricide, filling their hearers with strange invention.

The word parricide means the murdering of one’s parent(s)

15. She'll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice Remains in danger

The word malice means extreme ill-will or spite.

16. And make our faces vizards to our hearts.

The word vizards means masks.

17. Aye, my good lord. Safe in a ditch he bides, with twenty trenched gashes on his head.

The word bides means waits.

18. Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal -

The word purged means freed from impurities.

19. Do not muse at me, my most

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
worthy friends.

The word muse means to consider.

20. Do faithful homage and receive free honors.

The word homage means special honor expressed publicly.

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

TLA 2: Character Portrayal
1. Choose a character in Macbeth
2. Memorize a paragraph of his/her lines
3. Cosplay the outfit if possible
4. Record a video of yourself for the mini monologue

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

TLA 3: Create a table then, mention some of the observations you have noticed while reading
Macbeth about women. In today’s world, what is the role of women versus how women is
portrayed to Macbeth.

Women in Macbeth Role of Women Today

During the time of Macbeth in 11th century in The women of today are the epitome of
Scotland, women had a very limited role in strength, sacrifice, love and courage. Women’s
their society. As men were ought to carry the role in today’s world have significantly shift to
burden of financial sustainment, women’s the kind of women who are self-sufficient and
social position fell upon the role of independent. Today’s women have immensely
motherhood. Women are expected to be good, attain success in any fields including in the
devoted housewives who looks diligently after field where men mostly dominate in the past.
their child/children. Overall, women were The opportunity of the 21st century have
seen as the weaker gender who are submissive empowered the women of today in a manner
towards the men. They are emotionally where women will never be seen as a gender
unstable and constantly taken by different that’s inferior to men.
moods. In a society with no room for female
values, William Shakespeare carves out a
significant space for females characters to grab
unto masculinity showing great power and

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

TLA 4: Enumerate the Literary Elements in Macbeth:


Theme #1

Ambition is one of the major themes in the play, Macbeth. In fact, ambition is also one of the themes of Julius

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

Caesar, but Macbeth shows excessive ambition and its working. Macbeth, though not overambitious in the
beginning, becomes ambitious when he hears prophecies of the witches that he would become the king. This
bait works more on his wife Lady Macbeth than on him. Macbeth’s ambition grows so strong that he lets his
vicious side of killing free to kill not only the king but whoever comes his way. His end shows that excessive
ambition sometimes take humanity out of a person.
Theme #2
Supernatural Equivocation

The working of supernatural beings is another overarching theme of Macbeth. Three witches play an
important role to awaken the ambition of Macbeth to become the king. The witches, once predicted that
Macbeth will be the king, keep an eye on the events. They weave a spell through different ingredients and
lead to Macbeth’s downfall. Since everything has ensued from the incantation of the witches, it could be
stated that supernatural equivocation is one of the major themes in this play.

Theme #3
Betrayal and Treachery

As soon as Macbeth hears prophecy of his becoming the king from the witches, he starts thinking about ways
to get to the position. This instigates treacherous thoughts in him. He plans to kill the king at the inciting of
his wife Lady Macbeth, who joins him without feeling any qualm for the king or others. The betrayal in
Macbeth lies in treachery of Macbeth. Duncan is not only his king, but also a kinsman and friend. Therefore,
this betrayal is another significant theme of the play.

Theme #4

The theme of crime in Macbeth is not only prominent but also very glaring. There is a crime of murder, a
crime of rebellion and a crime of treason. The first crime of murder is a universal crime that Macbeth
commits against his relative and king, Duncan. The second crimes are state crimes Macbeth commits with the
cooperation of his wife. By the end, he realizes that his crimes are too heavy to win atonement for him.

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

Theme #5
Violence and Consequences

As soon as the play opens, the witches meet in murky air, a condition that gives birth to violent events.
Macbeth hears prophecy and plans to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth, his wife too hears the same thing and joins
him. When Duncan visits Macbeth, both husband and wife plans to kill him and succeeds in their plan. This
leads to a vicious cycle of violence with the killing of guards as well as a protracted attack of others on
Macbeth. However, it does not mean that violence is the only theme; it is just part of the larger thematic

Theme #6
Conflict of Good and Evil

The conflict of good and evil starts as soon as Macbeth harbors the thought of becoming the king. He
becomes ambitious due to the prophecy of the witches which is the start of evil. This evil, once unleashed,
refuses to be bottled up. This leads to murders, conspiracies and manipulations in the whole kingdom in
which king, guards and many others are killed. The good prevails by the end when Macbeth faces defeat.
Banquo, Malcom and Donalbain too are shown in good light, representing good along with Duncan.
Therefore, the theme of the conflict between good and evil runs deep in the play with the resultant deaths
various good and bad people.
Theme #7
Conflict between Loyalty and Treachery

The first reaction of Macbeth after hearing the prophecy is that of disbelief and shock. He does not and cannot
think of betraying his beloved king. However, a second thought of becoming the king starts treacherous
musings. This leads to conspiracy and consequential killings. Lady Macbeth also harbors loyal thoughts but
when she sees herself a queen, she starts taking part in the conspiracy and weaving new plots. This leads to a
conflict in the minds and on the scene which eventually ends with a lot of bloodshed. This conflict rather
becomes a secondary theme after conflict of good and evil.

Theme #8
GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
Meaninglessness of Life

Although this not the major theme of the play and not even overarching, it shows that meaninglessness of life
is a thematic strand. It appears within the play at two places; once when the Lady Macbeth loses her mental
balance, and other when Macbeth faces death in the shape of advancing attack of Macduff and Malcolm. This
is the point where he comes to the conclusion that life does not signify anything and that it is just a story told
by an idiot.

Theme #9

Another overarching but implicit thematic strand is that of the statecraft. It is said that politics has no heart,
and it seems true in the case of Macbeth. Macbeth is not only relative of Duncan, the King, but also his
subordinate and loyal Thane. However, when it comes to ambition in politics, he mercilessly orders his
killing and that of his guards and children. This happens in the statecraft which is a field of conspiracies,
treacheries and treasons.

Theme #10
Trust and Distrust

The theme of trust and distrust also looms large in the background of Macbeth’s ambition and treachery.
Malcom and Donalbain expresses deep doubts and misgivings over other people when they see that
conspiracies are being hatched to kill them, too. After the murder of their father and Banquo, they have lost
trust and faith in every body near and dear to them. Although this theme could be analyzed on personal level,
it is present on state level as shown from the first scene of Macbeth to the last scene where Macbeth feels that
he has been deceived by the witches.


Character #1
Macbeth, Thane of Glamis

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

A general in the Scottish army and the Thane of Glamis in Scotland, Macbeth is the most memorable
character in Macbeth. A valiant and powerful soldier, Macbeth is in the inner circle of King Duncan and a
very loyal relative. Besides a general, friend and thane, he is also a loving husband. However, he falls prey to
two wicked things; the prophecies of the witches and the urgings of his wife. Once he starts thinking of the
prophecies of becoming the king and taking hold of the state, he becomes obsessed with this thought. Lady
Macbeth adds fuel to the fire by instigating him further. Imaginatively, he is a powerful person who can
imagine of killing and then executing it. However, his weakness lies in the fact that he is a weak-minded
person who could be easily swayed by predictions of the witches and urgings of his wife. He faces his death
at the hands of the invading army led by Malcolm by the end. It is because of his crimes of assassinations,
treachery and betrayals.
Character #2
King Duncan

King Duncan is a generous king of Scotland. He is also a relative to Macbeth, as his resemblance to Lady
Macbeth’s father show it. He is not only kind but also very trusting fellow but is also ready to punish his
opponents. In the play, his role is very limited. He has announced rewards for Macbeth and Banquo and
nominated Malcolm as his heir. Macbeth stabs him during sleep when he visits him and tries to occupy the
throne himself.

Character #3
Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth is among one of the memorable characters among the Shakespearean characters. She has the
ruthlessness of a criminal as well as the heart of a child. It is she who has pushed Macbeth to kill the king.
Whenever Macbeth has some misgivings, she chides him. She urges him to awaken his manliness. However,
by the end she becomes mentally so weak that she suffers from sleepwalk and depression. She commits
suicide by the end showing she could not bear the enormity of the crime. She has used memorable words and
phrases such as “inform of purpose” when referring to weakness of Macbeth and “Unsex me here” referring
to her own firm resolve.

Character #4
GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
Malcolm and Donalbain

Malcolm and Donalbain are sons of King Duncan. When King Duncan visits Macbeth, he is assassinated.
Macduff, a noble from Scotland, discovers his body and sounds the alarm where Malcolm and Donalbain first
appear. When they try to talk to each other, they sense dangers and immediately decide to flee. Donalbain, the
wise one, advises Malcolm to escape. Malcolm tells Donalbain to flee to England, while he himself would be
heading to Ireland. He tells his brother that “There’s daggers in men’s smiles” and leave the scene. Both of
them appear by the end when Macbeth is facing a huge army led by Malcolm.

Character #5
Banquo, Thane of Lochaber

Banquo is another general in the Scottish Army. He is a Thane of Lochaber. He is a close friend of Macbeth
and an ally of King Duncan. He is with Macbeth when they first meet three witches but they predict that
Banquo’s descendants will be the king and not Banquo himself. Macbeth later gets him killed through his
assassins while his son, Fleance, succeeds in escaping from the scene. Banquo’s ghost causes Macbeth to
raise an alarm during a festivity. His character is significant in that he realizes Macbeth the enormity of his

Character #6
Macduff, Thane of Fife

Although a minor character, role of Macduff is critical in Macbeth. He proves his antagonist. He doubts
Macbeth’s role in the assassination of the king very early. He becomes a threat to Macbeth so much so that
the three witches warn Macbeth of this threat with the name of Macduff as “Beware Macduff.” It is also
interesting to note that Macbeth confronts him in the last scene when he invades his castle. He kills Macbeth
and presents his head to Malcolm, the son of King Duncan and next heir to the throne.

Character #7
Siward, Earl of Northumerland

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

He is a great soldier in the army of the King of England. He appears in the final scene with Malcolm, leading
the army to attack the castle to kill Macbeth. He is also a blood relative of the King Duncan and uncle of
Malcolm. He is a brave fellow who receives the news of his son’s death in the final battle with reticence.

Character #8
Three Witches, the Weird Sisters

Three witches, or as they are called weird sisters, are three supernatural characters in Macbeth. They play an
important role in the killings and violence. They open the play with their incantation of “hurly burly” and
their prediction of Macbeth killed by a man not born of woman ends the play. They are important in that the
part of the play, where killing takes place, depends on them.

Character #9
Ross, Macbeth’s Cousin

Ross is a noble man of Scotland. Although his character is not significant for the main events of the play, he
is important in exposing Macbeth’s treachery and betrayal. He appears in the first scene to announce the
victory of Macbeth and then conveys the King’s pleasure to Macbeth. He says with Macbeth but when comes
to know the murder of the King, he turns against him and joins Malcolm and English forces.

Character #10
Lady Macduff, Macduff’s Wife

Although a minor character, Lady Macduff is the wife of Macduff, the Thane of Fife. She appears for a very
short time with her son but is immediately murdered. This innocent murder of Lady Macduff causes pity in
the audience and hatred for Macbeth. She is the unfortunate mother who tries to cry out to save her son but is
murdered in this effort.


Macbeth is set during the 11th century in Scotland, in the northernmost region of what is now the United
GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
Kingdom. At the time the play is set, Scotland was a separate country, although its proximity to England led

to many struggles over who would rule the area.

Due to its far northern location, Scotland is often dark, dreary, and damp – the perfect setting for a play about

evil deeds done under the cover of darkness. The play opens during a storm, with the Witches asking if

they’ll meet again “in thunder, lightning, or in rain.” The lack of sunlight in the physical setting of the play

reflects the secrecy and deception of the title character. Over the course of the play, Macbeth moves from his

castle in Inverness to the royal palace in Dunsinane. The most important action, such as the murder of

Duncan, takes place indoors, at night, suggesting the setting is not terribly important to the action. On the

other hand, the references to nature itself being out of order – “fair is foul and foul is fair/ Hover through the

fog and filthy air” (1.i.) suggest that even the physical surroundings have been thrown into disorder by

Macbeth’s treachery. The sense of a disordered, unreliable setting is heightened at the end of the play, when

Birnam Wood appears to move of its own accord.


Symbolism of Light and Darkness

Light and starlight symbolize what is good and noble, and the moral order brought by King Duncan
announces that “signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine / On all deservers" (I 4.41-42).”

By contrast, the three witches are known as “midnight hags,” and Lady Macbeth asks the night to cloak her
actions from the heaven. Similarly, once Macbeth becomes king, day and night become indistinguishable
from one another. When Lady Macbeth displays her insanity, she wants to carry a candle with her, as a form
of protection.

Symbolism of Sleep
In Macbeth, sleep symbolizes innocence and purity. For instance, after murdering King Duncan, Macbeth is
in such distress that he believes he heard a voice saying "Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more!

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

Macbeth does murder sleep,' the innocent sleep, Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care." He goes on to
compare sleep to a soothing bath after a day of hard work, and to the main course of a feast, feeling that when
he murdered his king in his sleep, he murdered sleep itself.

Similarly, after he sends killers to murder Banquo, Macbeth laments being constantly shaken by nightmares
and by "restless ecstasy," where the word "ectsasy" loses any positive connotations.

When Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost at the banquet, Lady Macbeth remarks that he lacks “the season of all
natures, sleep.” Eventually, her sleep becomes disturbed as well. She becomes prone to sleepwalking, reliving
the horrors of Duncan’s murder.

Symbolism of Blood
Blood symbolizes murder and guilt, and imagery of it pertains to both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. For
example, before killing Duncan, Macbeth hallucinates a bloody dagger pointing towards the king’s room.
After committing the murder, he is horrified, and says: “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean
from my hand? No."
Banquo’s ghost, who appears during a banquet, exhibits “gory locks.” Blood also symbolizes Macbeth’s own
acceptance of his guilt. He tells Lady Macbeth, “I am in blood / Step't in so far that, should I wade no more, /
Returning were as tedious as go o'er”.

Blood eventually also affects Lady Macbeth, who, in her sleepwalking scene, wants to clean blood from her
hands. For Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, blood shows that their guilt trajectory runs in opposite directions:
Macbeth turns from being guilty into a ruthless murderer, whereas Lady Macbeth, who starts off as more
assertive than her husband, becomes ridden with guilt and eventually kills herself.
Symbolism of Weather
As in other Shakespearean tragedies, Macbeth\’s murder spree is accompanied by a number of unnatural
occurrences in the natural realm. From the thunder and lightning that accompany the witches\’ appearances,
to the storms that accompany Duncan\’s murder - these unnatural occurrences mirror the corruption in the
moral and political orders occurring in the scenes.

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
Reflection Paper:
Guide question:
How far will you go for your Ambition?

Every ambition requires a price. Achieving what you desire in life may be possible, but be
careful of the things, the people you need to sacrifice to get there wherever that is.
As for me, my ambition in life is to finish my studies and find a stable job to repay my parents
sacrifices. To fulfill this ambition of mine, I need to make few sacrifices. Sacrifices like time
away from my loved ones and time to rest. With these few sacrifices, I will be a step closer to my
ambition. Everything in life is not handed out or even served on a silver platter. Everything
needs to be worked for and along doing those work, meeting failure would be inevitable. My
road to achieving my ambition is never linear. There would be bumps along the way. I may even
trip or fall once or twice even multiple times but as long as I don’t stop moving forward I know I
am making progress and things would eventually turn around. Failures or delays must not serve
as a hindrance for me to keep working in reaching my ambition.


Compare and Contrast how the Supernatural used in Macbeth versus in the Philippine
Literatures? What is the role of this supernatural to the story or to the play?

The similarities of the use of supernatural in Macbeth and in Philippine Literatures is that
supernatural is used to represent the good or evil with the use of the characters. In terms of
differences, Macbeth and Philippine Literature differs in terms of its use and presence. Most of
Philippine Literatures is compose of epics and legends where supernatural is exhibited. Macbeth
on the other hand is just one literary piece who used supernatural to cause action or result action
that would entice the audience since maybe most of the literary piece during its time to do not
incorporate supernatural. The incorporation supernatural gave a great effect in the plot of the
story. The role of supernatural in the story or play is that it plays an integral part of the structure
GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021
or the plot. It provides a catalyst for action, it gives insight about the character and it augments
the impact of many key scenes in the story or play. Supernatural appeals the audience as it
comes in varied forms.

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021



Cayao, Erlinda, and Sebastian, Evelyn (2006). Readings in the World Literature. C and E Publishing. Quezon City

Singh, Rosario (2011). Anthology of World Literature for College. Anvil Publishing. Mandaluyong City.Philippines

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

GE 3 The Contemporary World 2020-2021

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