Wwi Wilsons 14 Points

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Wilson’s 14 Points

and the
Treaty of Versailles
Armistice: an agreement made
by opposing sides in a war to stop
fighting for a certain time; a truce

The Armistice agreement was signed on

the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
November 11th, 1918 at 11am

1926 Armistice Day is a permanent legal holiday

1954 Congress changes the name to Veteran’s Day

The Big Four:
At the Paris Peace Conference, treaty
negotiations were dominated by four
countries: The United States, Great
Britain, France, and Italy.

League of Nations:
Provide a forum for nations to discuss
and settle their differences without
having to resort to war

Clemenceau Lloyd George

● to take revenge on and ● to achieve a “just” peace that
● to create a League of Nations
punish Germany would satisfy those who wanted
● to ensure Germany was not
● to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine to “make Germany pay” but
for France leave Germany strong enough
● to avoid blaming Germany
● to avoid creation of the to trade
for the war
League of Nations ● to retain land for Britain’s
● Self-determination: the right
● to gain reparations empire
of people to choose their own
● to disband the German army ● to protect Britain’s naval
political status
and prevent future attacks supremacy

Major Provisions of
The Treaty of Versailles

Military Changes
● Limited the German army to 100,000 men,
with no tanks or heavy artillery
● Limited the German navy to 15,000 men
● Banned Germany from having an air force

Territory Changes
● Required Germany to cede land to France, Denmark,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Belgium
● Required Germany to surrender all colonies
to the control of the League of Nations
● Germany and Austria were prohibited from uniting

War-Guilt Provisions
● Held Germany solely responsible for all losses and
damages suffered by the Allies during the war
● Required Germany to pay reparations of 269 billion
gold marks, later reduced to 132 billion

Establishment of the League of Nations

● Did not initially permit Germany to join the League
Wilson’s Push
● Wilson refused to compromise with Congress Prompt
● “Why, my fellow citizens, this is one of the great charters of
human liberty, and the man who picks flaws in it… forgets the
magnitude of the thing, forgets the majesty of the thing, forgets
that the counsels of more than twenty nations combined… in the
adoption of this great instrument” Wilson 1919

● A few opponents believed that the League threatened
the U.S. foreign policy of isolationism
● “We would not have our politics distracted and embittered by
dissensions of other lands. We would not have our country’s
vigour exhausted or her moral force abated, by everlasting
meddling and muddling in every quarrel, great and small, which
afflicts the world.” Henry Cabot Lodge
● Do we remain isolated or do we have a responsibility to
protect and defend?

● The United States does not ratify the Treaty Of Versailles
● This means the USA does not join the League of Nations
Failing to Maintain
Long Lasting Peace

● War-guilt clause, forcing Germany to

admit sole responsibility for starting
World War I and causing the resulting
damage; “Stab in the back myth”

● Russia was excluded from the Peace

Conference, despite fighting with Allies.
This resulted in their loss of more
territory than Germany and their pledge
to regain it.

● Treaty ignored the claims of colonized

peoples for self determination


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