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Basic Definition of Accounting Terms

pg. 1 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Definitions: Accounting
Purpose of accounting is to record Business transaction
Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions about to a business. ...
The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial
transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company's operations, financial
position and cash flows.


A transaction is a business event that has a monetary impact on an entity's financial

statements, and is recorded as an entry in its accounting records.


Purchase Transaction:

Cash Purchase, Credit Purchase

Sales Transaction:

Cash Sales, Credit Sales

Definitions: Business
Business is an economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or
for money.

Business Transaction
A business transaction is an event involving an interchange of goods, money or services
between two or more parties with financial recording

Elements of financial statements:

 Assets (Resource of business from which future benefits are expected)

An asset is defined as:

 a resource controlled by the entity;

 as a result of past events; and

 From which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.

Example: Land, building, Machinery, vehicles, furniture, cash in hand, cash at bank,
computer, mobile, closing inventory/Stock
 Liabilities (Present obligation settlement of which results into outflow of resources
A liability is defined as:
 a present obligation of an entity

 arising from past events

pg. 2 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt
 The settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources that embody
economic benefits.

Example: Loan from Bank

 Equity [Total Assets – Total liabilities] =Net Assets

Equity is the residual interest in equity after the value of all its liabilities has been deducted
from the value of all its assets. Equity comprises of amount invested by owners into business
plus undrawn profits.

Example: investment from owner

 Incomes (Earnings of business from business activities)

Financial performance is measured by profit or loss. Profit is measured as income less

expenses. Income includes both revenue and gains.

 Revenue is income arising in the course of the ordinary activities of the entity. It
includes sales revenue, fee, rental income and income from interest.

 Gains include gains on the disposal of non-current assets.

Example: sale income, rent income, fee income, interest income, commission income
 Expenses (Amount for which benefit has been obtained)
Expenses include both routine business expenses and losses.

 Expenses arising in the normal course of activities, such as the cost of sales and other
operating costs, including depreciation of non-current assets.

 Losses include for example, the loss on disposal of a non-current asset, and losses
arising from damage due to fire or flooding

Example: Salaries, Utility bills, Interest expenses, commission expenses, Rent payable

 Drawings
Amount taken by the owner from business for his personal use

The purpose of financial accounting

Financial accounting is a term that describes:
 maintaining a system of accounting records for business transactions and other items
of a financial nature; and
 reporting the financial position and the financial performance of an entity in a set of
financial statements.
The term entity is used to describe any type of organization. Business entities include
companies, business partnerships and the businesses of ‘sole traders’

pg. 3 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

The business entity concept
Financial reports are constructed as if the business entity is separate from its owners. In
other words, the business entity and its owners are different. This is known as the business
entity concept.
In other words, personal incomes and expenses of owner are not considered while
calculating profit of business.
This concept has legal ‘reality’ in the case of companies. A company by law is a legal
person, separate from its owners (the shareholders). However, the concept is also applied to
sole traders and partnerships.

pg. 4 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



A transaction is a business event that has a monetary impact on an entity's financial

statements, and is recorded as an entry in its accounting records.


Purchase and Sales Transaction

Purchase Transaction:

Cash Purchase, Credit Purchase

Sales Transaction:

Cash Sales, Credit Sales

pg. 5 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Show the increase/decrease in accounting heads in each of the following transactions.


1. Mr. Abbas started the business by Rs.30,000 in cash.

2. Business borrowed Rs.40,000 from his friend in cash.
3. Business purchased a van in cash of Rs.40,000.
4. Business purchased a market stall for Rs.5,000 in cash.
5. Business purchased some football shirts for Rs.18,000 on credit from AB & Company.
6. Business paid Rs.10,000 to AB & Company in cash.
7. Business sold 50% of shirts (cost=9,000) for Rs.12,000 in cash.
8. Business sold shirts costing 5,000 for Rs.9000 on credit to Ali & company.
9. Business repaid Rs.10,000 of loan in cash.
10. Business received Rs.8000 in cash from Ali & Company.
11. Abbas took Rs.4,000 in cash for his personal use.




Sept 1 Cash Debit

Capital Credit

Sept 2 Cash Debit

Loan Credit

Sept 3 Van Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 4 Market stall Debit

Cash Credit

pg. 6 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Sept 5 Shirts Debit

Creditor-AB & Credit


Sept 6 Creditor Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 7 Cash Debit

Sale Credit

Sept 8 Debtor-Ali Debit

Shirts Credit

Sept 9 Loan Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 10 Cash Debit

Debtor-Ali & Credit


Sept 11 Drawings Debit

Cash Credit

pg. 7 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Show the increase/decrease in accounting heads in each of the following transactions.


1. Business paid to the creditor Rs. 700 in cash.

2. Bought fixture for Rs. 200 paying by cheque.
3. Bought goods on credit for Rs. 275 from Ahmed.
4. Proprietor introduced Rs. 500 cash into business.
5. Debtor paid business Rs.50 by cheque.
6. Waheed lends the business Rs. 200 in cash.
7. Repaid in cash a loan from bank Rs. 500.
8. Took Rs.500 cash and deposited it in bank.
9. Owner takes out Rs.100 cash for his personal use.
10. Sold goods on cash Rs.500.




Sept 1 Creditor Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 2 Fixture Debit

Bank Credit

Sept 3 Goods-purchases Debit

Creditor-Ahmed Credit

Sept 4 Cash Debit

Capital Credit

pg. 8 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Sept 5 Bank Debit

Debtor Credit

Sept 6 Cash Debit

Loan from Waheed Credit

Sept 7 Loan from bank Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 8 Bank Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 9 Drawings Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 10 Cash Debit

Sales Credit

Show the increase/decrease in accounting heads in each of the following transactions.

1. Started business with Rs.10,000 in bank.

2. Bought goods from Saeed on credit for 5,000.
3. Paid wages by cash for 200.
4. Owner withdrew goods for his personal use for 300.

pg. 9 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

5. Sold goods on credit to Junaid for 5,000.
6. Cash received from Junaid 200.
7. Loan taken from friend in cash 10,000.
8. Deposited cash in bank 1,500.
9. Rent paid by cheque 2,500.
10. Rent received by subletting the building 3,500 in cash.




Sept 1 Bank Debit

Capital Credit

Sept 2 Purchases Debit

Creditor-Saeed Credit

Sept 3 Wages Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 4 Drawings Debit

Purchases Credit

Sept 5 Debtor-Junaid Debit

Sales Credit

Sept 6 Cash Debit

pg. 10 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Debtor -Junaid Credit

Sept 7 Cash Debit

Loan from friend Credit

Sept 8 Bank Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 9 Rent Debit

Bank Credit

Sept 10 Cash Debit

Rent income Credit

Show the increase/decrease in accounting heads in each of the following transactions

Sep,1 Started business with cash Rs.1,000,000.

Sep,3 Received a loan of Rs.5,000,000 from Inzamam by cheque

Sep,4 Bought Machinery for cash Rs.60,000.
Sep,6 Bought office equipment on credit from Shehbaz Rs.550,000.
Sep,9 Took Rs.300,000 out of bank and put into the cash till.
Sep,18 Repaid part of Inzamam loan by cheque Rs.800,000.
Sep,22 Paid amount owing to Shehbaz Rs.550,000.
Sep,26 Repaid part of Inzamam loan by Cash Rs.100,000.
Sep,30 Bought office machinery from Sameer on credit Rs.500,000.

pg. 11 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt




Sept 1 Cash Debit

Capital Credit

Sept 3 Bank Debit

Loan from Inzamam Credit

Sept 4 Machinery Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 6 Office Equipment Debit

Creditor -Shehbaz Credit

Sept 9 Cash Debit

Bank Credit

Sept 18 Loan from Inzamam Debit

Bank Credit

Sept 22 Creditor-Shehbaz Debit

pg. 12 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Bank Credit

Sept 26 Loan from Inzamam Debit

Cash Credit

Sept 30 Office Machinery Debit

Creditor -Sameer Credit

pg. 13 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



pg. 14 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Pass journal entries in the books of Faraz and prepare ledger and Trail Balance

Oct,1 Started business with Rs.50,000 in the bank.

Oct,2 Purchased goods on credit from Salman Rs.22,500.

Oct,3 Purchased goods on credit from Haseeb Rs.6,250.

Oct,6 Sold goods for cash Rs.4,500.

Oct,7 We returned goods to Salman Rs.1,000.

Oct,9 Purchased goods on credit from Haseeb Rs.4,750.

Oct,11 Sold goods on Credit to Wasim Rs.9,750.

Oct,13 Sold goods for Cash Rs.5,250.

Oct,17 Took Rs.7,500 out of cash and paid into the bank.

Oct,20 Purchased machinery by cheque Rs.13,750.

Oct,23 Sold goods on credit to Muneeb Rs.5,500.

Oct,25 Wasim returned goods to us Rs.3,500.(Sale Return).

Oct,27 Muneeb Returned goods to us Rs.250.(Sale Return).

Oct,29 We returne goods top Haseeb Rs.750.(Purchase Return).

Oct,30 We paid Salman by cheque Rs.21,500.

Oct,31 Purchased machinery on Credit from Luqman Rs.6,750

Solution:5 Faraz

Date Accounting Head Debit Credit

Rs. Rs.
1-Oct Bank a/c 50,000
Capital a/c 50,000
2-Oct Purchase a/c 22,500
Creditor –salman a/c 22,500
3-Oct Purchase a/c 6,250
Creditor- Haseeb a/c 6,250
6-Oct Cash a/c 4,500
Sale a/c 4,500
7-Oct Creditor –salman a/c 1,000
Purchase Return a/c 1,000
9-Oct Purchase a/c 4,750
Creditor-Haseeb a/c 4,750
11-Oct Debtor-Wasim a/c 9,750
Sale a/c 9,750
13-Oct Cash a/c 5,250

pg. 15 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Sale a/c 5,250
17-Oct Bank a/c 7,500
Cash a/c 7,500
20-Oct Machinery a/c 13,750
Bank a/c 13,750
23-Oct Debtor-Muneeb a/c 5,500
Sale a/c 5,500
25-Oct Sales Return a/c 3,500
Debtor-Wasim a/c 3,500
27-Oct Sales Return a/c 250
Debtor –Muneeb a/c 250
29-Oct Creditor-Haseeb a/c 750
Purchases Return a/c 750
30-Oct Creditor- salman a/c 21,500
Bank a/c 21,500
31-Oct Machinery a/c 6,750
Creditor-luqman a/c 6,750



Capital 50,000 Machine 13,750

Cash 7,500 Salman 21,500

c/d 22,250

Creditor Salman

Purchase Return 1,000 Purchases 22,500

Bank 21,500

Creditor Haseeb

Purchase Return 750 Purchases 6,250

Purchases 4,750

pg. 16 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

c/d 10,250


Salman 22,500

Haseeb 6,250

Haseeb 4,750 c/d 33,500


Bank 50,000

c/d 50,000

Purchase Return

Salman 1,000

Haseeb 750

c/d 1,750

1,750 1,750


Cash 4,500

Wasim 9,750

Cash 5,250

c/d 25,000 Muneeb 5,500

pg. 17 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



Sales 4,500 Bank 7,500

Sales 5,250

c/d 2,250

9,750 9,750


Sales 9,750 Sale return 3,500

c/d 6,250

9,750 9,750


Bank 13,750

Luqman 6,750

c/d 20,500

Creditor Luqman

Machinery 6,750

c/d 6,750

Sale Return

Wasim 3,500

Muneeb 250

pg. 18 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

c/d 3,750


Sales 5,500 Sale Return 250

c/d 5,250

Trial Balance

Debit Credit

Bank 22,250

Purchases 33,500


Capital 50,000

Creditor-Haseeb 10,250

Cash 2,250

Sale 25,000

Purchase Return 1,750

Debtor-Wasim 6,250

Machinery 20,500

Debtor-Muneeb 5,250

Sale Return 3,750

Creditor-Luqman 6,750

93,750 93,750

pg. 19 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Pass journal entries in the books of Arsalan and prepare ledger and Trail Balance.

Mar,1 Started business with Rs.30,000 in bank.

Mar,3 Purchased goods of Rs.1,625 on credit from Zohaib.

Mar,4 Purchased fixture and Fitting of Rs.2,250 paying by cheque.

Mar,6 Sold goods for Rs.4,125 on cash.

Mar,8 Purchased goods on credit Rs.1,710 from Wahid.

Mar,11 Paid rent by cash Rs.125.

Mar,14 Purchased stationary of Rs.405 paying in cash.

Mar,17 Goods returned to Zohaib Rs.345. (Purchase Return).

Mar,22 Let off part of the premises receiving rent by cheque Rs.75(Rental Income)

Mar,24 Sold goods on credit to Asad Rs.1,155

Mar,27 Purchased a motor van by cheque Rs.4,500.

Mar,29 Paid monthly wages by Cash Rs.2,925.

Mar,31 Proprietor took cash Rs. 660 For himself.

Solution:6 Arsalan

Date Accounting Head Debit Credit

Rs. Rs.
1-March Bank a/c 30,000
Capital a/c 30,000
3-March Purchases a/c 1,625
Creditor –Zohaib 1,625
4-March Fixture & Fitting a/c 2,250
Bank a/c 2,250
6-March Cash a/c 4,125
Sale a/c 4,125
8-March Purchase a/c 1,710
Creditor a/c 1,710
11-March Rent a/c 125
Cash a/c 125
14-March Stationary a/c 405
Cash a/c 405
17-March Creditor a/c 345
Purchase return a/c 345
22-March Bank a/c 75
Rent income a/c 75
24-March Debtor –Asad a/c 1,155
Sale a/c 1,155
27-March Van a/c 4,500
pg. 20 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt
Bank a/c 4,500
29-March Wages a/c 2,925
Cash a/c 2,925
31-March Drawings a/c 600
Cash a/c 600


Capital 30,000 Fixture 2,250

Rent 75 Motor van 4,500

c/d 23,325


Bank 30,000

c/d 30,000


Zohaib 1,625

Wahid 1,710

c/d 3,335


Purchase Return 345 Purchases 1,625

c/d 1,280

pg. 21 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Creditor Wahid

Purchases 1,710

c/d 1,710


Bank 2,250

c/d 2,250


Sale 4,125 Rent 125

Stationary 405

Wages 2,925

Drawings 660

c/d 10


Cash 4,125

Asad 1,155

c/d 5,280

pg. 22 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



Cash 125

c/d 125


Cash 405

c/d 405

Purchase Return

Zohaib 345

c/d 345

Rent Income

Bank 75

c/d 75

pg. 23 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Debtor Asad

Sale 1,155

c/d 1,155


Cash 660

c/d 660


Cash 2,925

c/d 2,925

Motor Van

Bank 4,500

c/d 4,500

Trial Balance

Debit Credit

Bank 23,325

Capital 30,000

pg. 24 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Purchases 3,335

Creditor - Zohaib 1,280

Fixture 2,250

Cash 10

Sale 5,280

Creditor-Wahid 1,710

Rent 125

Stationary 405

Purchase Return 345

Rent Income 75

Debtor - Asad 1,155

Wages 2,925

Drawings 660

Motor Van 4500

38,690 38,690

Pass journal entries in the books of Toor and prepare ledger and Trail Balance

Jun,1 Started business with cash Rs.135,000.

Jun,2 Bought goods on credit from Ahmed Rs.26,640.

Jun,3 Paid rent by Cash Rs.2,520.

Jun,4 Paid Rs.90,000 of cash into the bank.

Jun,6 Sold goods on credit to Elahi for Rs.4,860.

Jun,8 Bought stationary Rs,1,350 paying by cheque.

Jun,10 Cash sale Rs.4,410.

Jun,14 Goods returned by us to Ahmed Rs.1,530. (Purchase Return)

Jun,16 Sold goods on Credit to Masood Rs.2,610.

Jun,19 Paid for repairs of the building by cash Rs.1,620.

Jun,21 Elahi Returned goods to us worth Rs.1,260 (Sales return).

pg. 25 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt
Jun,26 Paid Ahmed by cheque Rs.25,110.

Jun,27 Cash purchases Rs.11,250.

Jun,28 Bought a vehicle by paying through cheque Rs.35,550.

Jun,29 Paid motor expenses in cash Rs.1,350.

Jun,30 Bought fixtures of Rs.10,800 on credit from Usama.

Solution:7 Toor

Date Accounting Head Debit Credit

Rs. Rs.
1-Jun Cash a/c 135,000
Capital a/c 135,000
2-Jun Purchases a/c 26,640
Creditor a/c –ahmed 26,640
3-Jun Rent a/c 2,520
Cash a/c 2,520
4-Jun Bank a/c 90,000
Cash a/c 90,000
6-Jun Debtor a/c-Elahi 4,860
Sale a/c 4,860
8-Jun Stationary a/c 1,350
Bank a/c 1,350
10-Jun Cash a/c 4,410
Sales a/c 4,410
14-Jun Creditor -Ahmed 1,530
Purchase Return a/c 1,530
16-Jun Debtor-Masood a/c 2,610
Sale a/c 2,610
19-Jun Repair of building a/c 1,620
Cash a/c 1,620
21-Jun Sale Return a/c 1,260
Debtor Elahi a/c 1,260
26-Jun Creditor- Ahmed a/c 25,110
Bank a/c 25,110
27-Jun Purchases a/c 11,250
Cash a/c 11,250
28-Jun Vehicle a/c 35,550
Bank a/c 35,550
29-Jun Motor Expense a/c 1,350
Cash a/c 1,350
30-Jun Fixture and Fitting a/c 10,800
Creditor -Usama 10,800

pg. 26 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



Capital 135,000 Rent 2,520

Sales 4,410 Bank 90,000

Repair 1,620

Purchase 11,250

Motor expense 1,350

c/d 32,670


Purchase return 1,530 Purchases 26,640

Bank 25,110


Cash 135,000

c/d 135,000


Creditor-Ahmad 26,640

Cash 11,250 c/d 37,890

pg. 27 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



Cash 90,000 Stationary 1,350

Creditor Ahmad 25,110

Motor van 35,550

c/d 27,990


Elahi 4,860

Cash 4,410

Masood 2,610

c/d 11,880


Sales 4,860 Sale return 1,260

c/d 3,600

Rent expense

Cash 2,520

c/d 2,520

pg. 28 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Bank 1,350

c/d 1,350

Purchase Returns

Creditor Ahmed 1530

c/d 1530

Debtor Masood

Sales 2,610

c/d 2,610


Cash 1,620

c/d 1,620

Sale Returns

Elahi 1,260

c/d 1,260

Motor Vehicle

Bank 35,550

c/d 35,550

pg. 29 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Motor Expense

Cash 1,350

c/d 1,350

Creditor Usama

Fixture 10,800

c/d 10,800


Creditor Usama 10,800

c/d 10,800

pg. 30 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Trial balance

Debit Credit

Cash 32,670

Capital 135,000

Purchase 37,890

Rent expense 2,520

Bank 27,992

Debtor-Elahi 3,600

Sale 11,880

Stationary 1,350

Purchase-Return 1,530

Debtor-Masood 2,610

Repair 1,620

Sale-return 1,260

Motor vehicle 35,550

Motor expense 1,350

Fixture 10,800

Creditor Usama 10,800

159,210 159,210

pg. 31 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt



The following transactions in May 2013 are those of a new business entity, Home Oak Garden
Traders (Assume all receipts and payments are by cheque)

May 2013



(a) Use T accounts to show how these transactions should be recorded in the main ledger
accounts of the entity. The accounting system maintains separate accounts for each individual
payable and receivable in the main ledger.

(b) Prepare a trial balance as at 31 May 2013.

Solution:8 (a) Accounts in the main ledger


31 Balance c/f 2,500,000 1 Bank 2,500,000

2,500,000 2,500,000

Cash at bank
1 Capital 2,500,000 6 Rent 120,000
9 The Office
Company 430,000 12 D Gibson 250,000
10 Texas Chain 12 The Bushes
Stores 1,500,000 Company 540,000
15 Advertising 230,000
31 Rent 180,000
31 Balance c/f 3,110,000

pg. 32 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

4,430,000 4,430,000

2 The Bushes
Company 540,000
Flower City 870,000
D Gibson 250,000
Weedkill 760,000
Greenery 640,000
18 The Bushes
Company 430,000
Landscape 1,100,000 31 Balance c/f 4,590,000
4,590,000 4,590,000

4 The Office
Company 430,000
V Cork 640,000
Texas Chain
Stores 1,760,000
31 Balance c/f 3,500,000 21 Public Parks 670,000
3,500,000 3,500,000

Payables - Flower City

31 Balance c/f 870,000 2 Purchases 870,000

870,000 870,000

Payables -D Gibson
12 Cash at bank 250,000 2 Purchases 250,000
250,000 250,000

Payables – Weedkill
31 Balance c/f 760,000 2 Purchases 760,000
760,000 760,000
Payables - T Greenery
31 Balance c/f 640,000 2 Purchases 640,000
640,000 640,000
Payables - Landscape
31 Balance c/f 1,100,000 18 Purchases 1,100,000
1,100,000 1,100,000

pg. 33 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Receivables - The Office Company

4 Sales 430,000 9 Cash at bank 430,000
430,000 430,000

Receivables - V Cork
4 Sales 640,000 Balance c/f 640,000
640,000 640,000
Receivables - Texas Chain Stores
4 Sales 1,760,000 10 Cash at bank 1,500,000
Balance c/f 260,000
1,760,000 1,760,000
Receivables - Public Parks
21 Sales 670,000 Balance c/f 670,000
670,000 670,000

Advertising expenses

15 Bank 230,000 31 Balance c/f 230,000

230,000 230,000

(b) Trial Balance as at 31 May 2013

Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Capital 2,500,000
Bank 3,110,000
Purchases 4,590,000
Sales 3,500,000
The Bushes Company 430,000
Flower City 870,000
Weedkill 760,000
T Greenery 640,000
Landscape 1,100,000
V Cork 640,000
Texas Chain Store 260,000
Public Parks 670,000
Rent 300,000
Advertising 230,000

9,800,000 9,800,000

pg. 34 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

Question:9. LEE
Enter the following transactions in the main ledger accounts of Lee, and extract a trial
balance as at 31 March 2013.

Assume that all receipts and payments are by cheque unless told otherwise.

March 2013

Solution:9 Capital

Date Rs. Date Rs.

Balance c/d 80,000 1 Bank 80,000
80,000 80,000


Date Rs. Date Rs.

1 Capital 80,000 6 Wages 1,400

24 Carton Leisure 9,500 12 Wages 1,400

30 Loan 6,000 17 KH Supplies 8,400
21 Beta Fittings 5,000
31 Motor van 40,000
Balance c/d 39,300
95,500 95,500

pg. 35 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Cash in hand
Date Rs. Date Rs.
5 Sales 8,700 9 Purchases 4,600
Balance c/d 4,100
8,700 8,700


Date Rs. Date Rs.

2 KH Supplies 7,600
Hatts 2,700
Toby Traders 5,600
9 Cash in hand 4,600
10 KH Supplies 5,700
Toby Traders 9,800 31 Balance c/d 36,000
36,000 36,000
Payables - KH Supplies

Date Rs. Date Rs.

17 Bank 8,400 2 Purchases 7,600
27 Purchase returns 2,400 10 Purchases 5,700
31 Balance c/d 2,500
13,300 13,300

Payables - Hatts

Date Rs. Date Rs.

31 Balance c/d 2,700 2 Purchases 2,700
2,700 2,700
Balance b/d 2,700

Payables - Toby Traders

Date Rs. Date Rs.
18 Purchase returns 2,000 2 Purchases 5,600
31 Balance c/d 13,400 10 Credit Purchases 9,800
15,400 15.400

Payables - Beta Fittings

Date Rs. Date Rs.
21 Bank 5,000 15 Fixtures 5,000
5,000 5,000

Date Rs. Date Rs.
5 Cash in hand 8,700
7 Elliots 3,500

pg. 36 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

L. Lane 4,200
Carton Leisure 7,200
13 L. Lane 3,200
31 Balance c/d 29,100 Carton Leisure 2,300
29,100 29,100

Receivables - Elliots
Date Rs. Date Rs.
7 Sales 3,500 31 Balance c/d 3,500
3,500 3,500

Receivables - Carton Leisure

Date Rs. Date Rs.
7 Sales 7,200 24 Bank 9,500
13 Sales 2,300
9,500 9,500

Date Rs. Date Rs.
6 Bank 1,400
12 Bank 1,400 Balance c/d 2,800
2,800 2,800
Motor van

Date Rs. Rs.

31 Bank 40,000 Balance c/d 40,000
40,000 40,000

Fixtures and fittings

Rs. Rs.
Payables 5,000 Balance c/d 5,000
5,000 5,000

Purchase returns
Rs. Rs.
Toby Trader 2,000
Balance c/d 4,400 KH Supplies 2,400
4,400 4,400

pg. 37 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt


Lee: Trial balance at 31 March 2013

Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Capital 80,000
Bank 39,300
Cash 4,100
Purchases 36,000
KH Supplies 2,500
Hatts 2,700
Toby Traders 13,400
Sales 29,100
Elliots 3,500
L. Lane 7,400
Wages 2,800
Motor van 40,000
Fixtures and fittings 5,000
Purchase returns 4,400
Loan 6,000
138,100 138,100
Note: When income is recorded

1-Sale income is recorded when risks and rewards of goods are transferred from seller to
buyer. Normally risks and rewards are transferred when the goods are delivered from seller to

2-Carriage inward is added to amount of purchase and Carriage outward is the

transportation cost related to sales

pg. 38 Compiled by : Abdul Ahad Butt

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