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YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264



Student name: YING ZUO (Bonnie)

Student number: n101822501

Tutor: Katelan Sweeney.

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264


Introduction................................................................................................................... 3

Rationale for the two media releases and associated material ........................... 4

Media release 1 ................................................................................................... 5

Pitch email 1......................................................................................................... 7

Media release 2 ................................................................................................... 8

Pith email 2......................................................................................................... 10

Rationale for the Facebook post and tweets ........................................................ 11

Facebook post ................................................................................................... 12

Tweets 1 ............................................................................................................. 13

Tweets 2 ............................................................................................................. 14

Rationale for the media list ...................................................................................... 15

Media list............................................................................................................. 16

Reflection .................................................................................................................... 17

Reference ................................................................................................................... 18

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

GGH was established in Australia in 2017. It is a young charity organization.
Committed to organizing multi-day cycling activities, raising funds to help and
support professional medical services in remote communities in Queensland.
Due to the short development time and low popularity, the number of
participants and donations cannot meet expectations. This makes GGH
unable to be a truly influential charity. In order to develop the impact of GGH,
it is necessary for GGH to enter the public's field of vision through social
media. GGH's requirement is to increase the number of riders and Facebook
fans and raise public awareness of the organization. The key message is
defined as “convincing the public to support GGH and the cycling team and
encouraging more cycling enthusiasts to join. The public's support is that
GGH continues to promote medical services in remote areas, while riders are
eager to gain public recognition.” Persuasion is used Encourage people to
donate philanthropy and participate in healthy behavior (Jhangiani & Tarry,
2014). The portfolio includes six PR products, including two media releases,
one Facebook post, two tweets, and one media list. First, advertising is
posted on social networks of many registrants. For example, Facebook and
Twitter. Designing attractive image ads can attract web users and let them
click. The number of hits with tweets with images increased by 18%, likes
89%, and the number of reposts increased by 150%. Photos on Facebook are
53% more than average posts, attracting 104% of comments (Holtman, 2017).
This approach can lead the public from low participation to high participation.
Second, use media reports and tweets to report GGH's positive actions to the
public to understand and trust the organization.

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Rationale for the two media releases and associated material

The two media releases will select both the Brisbane Times and The
Toowoomba Chronicle to report at the same time, as the cycling team will
travel to Brisbane and Toowoomba during the cycling process, selecting local
news media to report media releases is appropriate and can be locked to the
maximum extent. Target audiences, local newspaper ads can also target
specific audiences in other ways. Inspire public attention to the event. Local
news can cover thousands or millions of people. If you share a lot on social
media, if it is "viral", then it may be attracted to the national media (Fox,
2016). In addition, the local media can better appeal to the public to
participate in and watch the cycling activities, and take pictures for the event,
which is sent to their Facebook page to improve the GGH's popularity on
Facebook to achieve the goal of increasing fans. In addition, by sharing
relevant organizational news with local journalists, it is more likely to get
reports, which will bring the organization far more awareness than advertising.
Coverage can help recruit jobs, business development and community
awareness (Kim, 2016).

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Media release 1
Girls Got Heart brings hope to Queensland Rural Medical
Girls Got Heart is committed to raising money and raising awareness for the
Australian's number one killer, and people living in rural areas are particularly
at risk.

“In 2016, our friend’s neighbor died of a heart attack. He has never had a
heart check in a remote area.”

“Heart disease has become the most common outbreak in remote areas of
Queensland, and the mortality rate is extremely high because they have never
understood this area of expertise,” Rebecca said.

In 2016, Rebecca and Keely decided to use the activities of the cycling
activities to bring better medical services to people in remote areas.

In 2017, Rebecca and Keely organized the first cycling event, with 40 female
riders actively participating.

“When we entered some small towns, the locals cheered for us. A lot of
appreciation made us feel shocked and humble. The students wore hand-
made heart shirts to raise money for us,” Keely said.

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Girls Got Heart raised $120,000 in 2017. The donation paid for the Australian
Heart 3 mobile clinic, which travels to the inland areas to provide professional
medical equipment and care to people in remote areas.

Girls Got Heart welcomes people who love cycling to join this big family and
help others while challenging themselves, thus achieving a higher sense of

More details on events and fundraising will be posted on the official Facebook
page of Girls Got Heart.


YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Pitch email 1

Dear Mrs. Garcia,

I am YINGZUO, the public relations manager of the Girls Got Heart

[] charity organization. Our founders are Keely
Mancini and Rebecca East, both of whom live in Brisbane. We mainly
fundraising by organizing cycling activities to help people in remote areas of
Queensland improve their medical standards. We are the first organization in
Queensland to combine cycling and charity. Previously, we had a total of two
cycling events, with 40 volunteers and a total fundraising of over $220,000.
Our 2019 cycling event will begin in August, we hope to encourage more
cycling enthusiasts to join our team, and let the public know and understand
Girls Got Heart, raise more money for medical service in remote areas.

Since Girl got heart is a non-profit charity, we don't have enough money to
advertise. I hope that Brisbane times can help us publish reports to let more
people pay attention to the current medical situation in cycling and remote
areas. They have the right to enjoy the same medical services as urban
people. I have attached the media release of Girls Got Heart for your
reference, which includes detailed text and beautiful pictures.

If you could let me know if you’re keen to learn more, I’d appreciate it. I look
forward to talking to you in the near future.



YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Media release 2
Girls Got Heart to Toowoomb - Cycling from Brisbane to Meandarra

Founded in 2016, Gril got heart is a charity organization that collects money
by cycling. To help and improve the level of medical care for people in remote
areas of Queensland.

From 8.12 to 8.15 in 2019, GGH will hold its third cycling event, via Brisbane-

Cycling enthusiasts are expected to leave at 6 am every day until 4 pm and

ride about 150 km.

Compared with last year, the riding activity has nearly tripled the distance
between towns and riding distances, and enjoys a richer scenery along the

Rebecca said that it is very important to get support from the community - not
only in terms of donations, but also to welcome and encourage people on the

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

GGH strives to protect the riders' safe travel and minimize the risk. At the
same time, support vehicles and teams are provided for full tracking.

“We have police clearance and board approval, risk assessment and health
and safety guidelines.” Keely Mancini said

GGH will provide sufficient energy, water and food. And hold a grand
celebration party after the ride is over.

GGH encourages and welcomes more cycling enthusiasts to join in and enjoy
the good times.

“Usually, the new drivers in our team have won the greatest respect and
admiration from their peers in the big forces.” Rebecca East said

GGH has a strong support structure that will encourage you to challenge all
the way. Not only can you achieve very special accomplishments at the
individual level, but you can also contribute to higher goals so that others can
benefit and gain a higher sense of accomplishment.


YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Pith email 2
Dear Dawson,

I am YINGZUO, the public relations manager of the Girls Got Heart

[] charity organization. Our founders are Keely
Mancini and Rebecca East. We are a non-profit charity from Brisbane.
Committed to combining cycling and charity to help people in remote areas of
Queensland improve their health service. This year our cycling event will be
held from 8.12 to 8.15. Our cycling route is Brisbane-Toowoomba-Dalby-
Condamine-Roma-Meandarra. We hope that The Toowoomba Chronicle
report will let more people know about our organization, and people can cheer
for the riders by the street, which will give us great encouragement and
support. In addition, we hope that the public will help us to take pictures of the
event and upload it to social media such as Facebook, so that more
Queensland people pay attention to the medical status of people riding and
remote areas and help them improve their medical service through donations.
I have attached the media release of Girl got heart for your reference, which
includes detailed text and beautiful pictures.

Thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to speaking to you in the
near future.



YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Rationale for the Facebook post and tweets

Social media is a long-lasting mass communication channel that promotes the
perception of interaction between users, and different users derive value from
the generated content (Carr & Hayes, 2015, p. 49). Nowadays, the most
subscribers used Facebook and Twitter. Facebook has more than 1 billion
active users per day, with more than 1.65 billion monthly active users
(Facebook, 2016). Twitter has nearly 320 million active users (Twitter, 2016).
This has also led to more and more companies and institutions have joined
Facebook and Twitter, and use Facebook and Twitter to promote and raise
awareness. Because Facebook and Twitter can give people the opportunity to
post and share photos and status updates (Stec, 2015). Therefore, it can be
beneficial to let the organization be recognized and understood by the public
in a short time. Girls Got Heart needs to use Facebook and Twitter to increase
awareness and exposure, and to engage more people in charity and

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Facebook post
8.12 to 8.15! Toowoomba - Dolby - Condamine - Meandarra, Brisbane.
750kms. 82 women will fight for rural medical care! By then, this Cycling fleet
will be a beautiful scenery on the streets! I look forward to your cheering for
our brave ladies on the street! This will give us great encouragement and

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Tweets 1

Create a new self with Girls got heart, everyone can become a “philanthropist”
We are always living an ordinary day, want to bring new challenges and
excitement to life? Girls got heart to help you open the door to the new world!
If you happen to be a cycling enthusiast, brave and kind, and passionate
about helping others, together fundraising to provide new medical hope to
remote areas people. Girls got heart will start the third charity ride from 8.12 to
8.15, you will harvest the beautiful scenery along the way, the rural people's
smile and hug. In addition, you will feel the strongest cohesiveness of the
team and the grand party! Girls got heart looking forward to your arrival!
Registration details can be found on the official website.
# Girls Got Heartqld# #challenges & encourage # #Bicycle activity# #Brisbane
charity organization#

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Tweets 2

There are 335 doctors per 100,000 people in large cities, and only 135
doctors in very remote areas of Australia. They need to be saved by better
medical services when their lives are threatened. People in rural areas are
generally suffering from chronic diseases, which is a direct result of people's
lack of access to primary health care services because they can detect
emerging diseases early and take steps to reduce the likelihood of becoming
chronic. Girls Got Heart Charity is committed to helping them get better help,
they deserve the same medical services as urban people! If you are willing to
help these simple and kind people, you can make a donation on the official
website of Girls Got Heart. At the same time, Girls Got Heart brave girls will
bring hope to them by riding!
# Girls Got Heartqld# # Rural medical# #

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Rationale for the media list

An effective media list can better target the target audience and is an
important basis for media coverage on TV and radio shows and blogs
(Catriona, 2018). Creating a media list allows PR to selectively target major
media, editors, journalists, bloggers, and more. When it's ready to release a
media release, the media list can help PR save time faster, and PR can easily
send news or promotional information to journalists who are important to you
(Catriona, 2018). Also think about how to engage with relevant people to
achieve maximum publicity. In addition, the media list can determine the main
strategic aspects of public relations. The media list is an effective way to
increase media coverage and build relationships with journalists (Catriona,
2018). If PR spends a lot of time developing media releases or story angles
and not sending it to the right journalist, then it won't succeed (Catriona,

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Media list

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

The challenge I faced in this units that I was exposed to professional PR work
for the first time, not just academic. For example, media release, etc., are all
basic skills that I need to have in real life. I can't quickly find key points, such
as how to write public relations articles and get attractive titles. In addition, in
the first assignment, the scores were low due to the lack of understanding of
the structure and requirements required for the public relations draft. At the
same time, it was difficult and challenging for me to be able to perform a
complete public relations work for an organization on my own for the first time,
so this is a huge challenging for my writing and logic skills.

I read all the reading and classroom ppt carefully, and mastered the
professional knowledge as much as possible. In addition, in my spare time, I
searched a large number of public relations examples to learn mature PR how
to works and writing. At the same time, I insist on writing a diary every day,
because writing is crucial for public relations and is the core of convincing the
public. Creating compelling content is a basic communication skill, and honest
persuasion is the goal of public relations. Written words can convey thoughts,
evoke emotions and build influence (Dorothy Crenshaw, 2015).

The content of this units will be used in the future work, and will be the basis
for continuing to learn public relations and enter the public relations industry.
The basic learning of the system can help me to be more efficient and solid in
my future PR work, and to avoid making mistakes at work. In addition, I plan
to go to the public relations company for an internship at the end of this year.
The content of this module can help me to have a better performance in the
internship process.

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Bode, L. (2016). 3 benefits of local media coverage. Retrieved from

Carr, C. T., Hayes, R. A. (2015). Social media: Defining, developing, and

divining. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 23, 46–65. Retrieved from

Catriona, P. (2018). Tips for creating an excellent media list. Retrieved from

Catriona, P. (2018). 4 reasons to create a targeted media list. Retrieved from


PROS. Retrieved from

Fox, N. (2016). 5 Benefits of Local News Coverage. Retrieved from

Facebook. (2016). Newsroom: Company info: Stats. Retrieved from

Holtman, M. (2017). How to grow your social media followers to strengthen

your brand. Retrieved from

Jhangiani, R. & Tarry, H. (2014). Changing Attitudes through Persuasion.

Retrieved from

YINGZUO N10182501 AMB264

Stec, C. (2015). Social media definitions: The ultimate glossary of terms you
should know. Hubspot. Retrieved from

Twitter. (2016). Twitter milestone. Retrieved from


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