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School of Communication


CYB104 Managing Social Media

Student YingZuo Student No.(s): N10182501


Note: If this is a group assessment submission, please list the student name and
numbers of all group members in the above box.

Unit Name: Managing social media

Unit Code: CYB104 Due Date: 28/08/2020

Tutors’ Names: Zin Myint

Tutorial Day/Time: Tuseday at 6pm to 7pm

Assessment No. Assessment Assessment Social media audit

1 Title:


Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3

Situational Analysis ....................................................................................................... 4

Social Media Audit ........................................................................................................ 6

Profile & Content ................................................................................................................... 6

Target audience and audience persona ........................................................................... 9

Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 11

Social Media Personality .................................................................................................... 11

Content Specific Platforms ................................................................................................ 12

References ..................................................................................................................... 14

Appendices.................................................................................................................... 16



Radio 4RPH is from Brisbane, Australia. Its acting on provide special

services for people with dyslexia or visual impairment by converting any

printed matter such as books and magazines into sound. At the same time, all

the programs produced by the community radio station are produced by a

group of blind producers, which provides an important way of education and

employment for the visually impaired (Radio 4RPH, 2018). Due to lack of

marketing, radio exposure has been declining year by year (Radio 4RPH,

2018). In order to maintain its dominant position in the market and increase its

exposure, it is necessary to conduct targeted marketing through social media.

The goal is to transform the way of promoting business from traditional

marketing channels to more digital and social media content (MarketLine,

2018). Therefore, it is important to understand the brand identity presented, to

listen to consumers and feedback via social media (Mason & Kuo, 2008, p.

169). This report aims to analyze the current status of Radio 4RPH in terms of

marketing, competitors and social media, and then make recommendations to

address its business goals.


Situational Analysis

The client’s proposed target market is younger adult users aged 20-30

years. While the brand’s market segments include the people with disability

and local community with self-national. The current marketing mix includes

direct, traditional and digital content (social media). The marketing campaigns

mainly revolve is “isolation open mic”, appeal to people recordings some short

and fun news articles, short stories, poems, songs and so on at home and no

more than 10 mins. The social media channels currently used by Radio 4RPH

are mainly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The tagline is invariable versions

of “Your information station and Turning print into sound,” which is used

across Facebook, Instagram. Its competitor is RTRFM92.1, which is also a

non-profit community radio station. Like 4RPH, RTRFM also recruits

volunteers for a long time. It has a variety of radio programs, mainly through

audience subscriptions and fundraising activities.

The social media analytics show that age segments of 20-35, 45-54, and

55+ were particularly engaged with the channels used. The social media

listening (SML) snapshot (Appendix 1) shows that most volunteers who have

worked at ). Radio 4RPH are satisfied with the experience. Common opinions

include: volunteer experience was very interesting and work brings a great

sense of accomplishment. At the same time, audiences said on social media

that 4rph is rich in content and diverse, and it is convenient and friendly for


people with disabilities. But most audiences had low engagement in social

media. which was means that the publicity done before 4rph on social media

not enough, and the areas related to customer research and service have not

been realized.


Social Media Audit

Profile & Content

Overall, the brand image consistency of Radio 4RPH on different social

media channels is low. Their bio reads on different social media is different. In

addition, the Radio 4RPH's social media presence can be categorised as poor

as well as its message consistency in its social media platforms. Because the

Radio 4RPH uses different head shot portrait on different social media.

Duncan (2005) pointed out that what the organization says and does should

be consistent with what is verified by actual customer experience, thus

forming a consistency triangle. Although the content released by Radio 4RPH

contains enough hashtags, it does not have a main leading related keyword.

In addition, based on SML (Appendix 1), the audience participation of Radio

4RPH on social media is actually extremely low. Below the content posted by

volunteers and listeners, there are no comments or replies from Radio

4RPH's official account, which means that Radio 4RPH has not established a

good relationship between the organization and users, which also greatly

reduces people's participation. Keran (2019) mentioned that consumers who

have a positive brand experience on social media are more likely to

recommend brands to others.

As a non-profit organization, Radio 4RPH aims to promote its product and

services, extend the visitor experience, provide general customer service, and

share interesting content to its followers through its social media handles.


The frequency of Radio 4RPH's updates on Instagram and Facebook is low.

The frequency of Radio 4RPH's updates on Instagram and Facebook is low.

They are updated a few days apart, only basic filters are applied before the

release, and the basic usage of tags and sporadic emojis are used. Too little

information posted on social media can lead to inability to connect with the

audience (Kevan, 2020). Contrary to the update frequency of Radio 4RPH on

social media, RTRFM92.1 almost achieves one or more updates a day.

Developing a brand and promoting it through various social media channels

can create more brand value and awareness (Khan, 2017). In addition, the

copywriting and pictures released by Radio 4RPH are unattractive and

unprofessional. In contrast, RTRFM92.1 has more professional presentation

content. Equipped with eye-catching copywriting and pictures to visually

impact the audience. Simultaneous utilises video and photography editing to

portray a more welcoming image on its social media handles. which is

crucial for shaping the brand image in social media. The ability to interact with

customers is the most important aspect of social media.

Radio 4RPH does not have many followers on its social media platform

(close to 800 at most), while RTRFM92.1 has nearly 21,339 followers and

9,275 check-ins on Facebook (Radio 4RPH check-in record is below 400).

Although the RTRFM92.1 its engagement (especially comments) were often

brief. But also has a deeper level of participation from a part of the audience,

often posting paragraph responses. However, nobody left comments or reply


below Radio 4RPH's published content. The overall content of Radio 4RPH is

mainly to introduce the radio content of the week. The copywriting is rigid and

boring, without any marketing activities. On the contrary, although

RTRFM92.1 also focuses on introducing broadcast content, it guided the

audience to subscribe to the account by continuously sending the post of the

prizes. Thereby increasing the number of subscribers and bringing more

traffic to the broadcast. This can enable the followers of the brand to get

something valuable. In return, their interaction with the brand will increase,

brand awareness will increase, and the brand will attract people who are

willing to share, link and like. Most importantly, it can attract the attention of

the target audience (Mattroyse, 2019). On the other hand, RTRFM92.1

released content that looked more professional and used a heavier and

systematic method to mark up the content. The connection between brands

and target audiences is closer than ever, and they are becoming savvy in the

use of social media hashtags and emojis (Gleason, 2018).


Target audience and audience persona

Based on the social media analytics, the expected target audience segment

is 20 to 35 years old young adult and local audiences in Brisbane. Due to the

differences in gender segmentation found in the analysis, it is obvious that

men pay more attention to Radio 4RPH (Figure 1). Although Radio 4RPH is

mainly an organization established for people with disabilities, the data shows

that more than half (52%) of the audience who follow Radio 4RPH do not

have any disabilities (Figure 2). In addition, this age group is the millennial

generation, they are more closely connected with social media, and they are

more comfortable using social media. CYB104's social media usage shows

that millennials are more likely to appear on Instagram and Facebook than

other platforms. Based on this information, and conducted research on men of

age and their lifestyles, please find Bruce Mowat's client profile below.


Figure 1&2. Popularity of Social Media Platforms in CYB104

Bruce Mowa is a 25-year-old man living on the South Bank of Brisbane. He

works for a public relations company in Brisbane and earns $30,000 a year.

He lives with his family. When he wakes up every morning, he will habitually

listen to the news broadcast. While listening to the broadcast, he can eat

breakfast or clean himself up, which saves his morning time to a great extent.

In addition, he likes to be a volunteer and is always willing to help others.

Outside of work, he often volunteers in different places or organizations. It can

bring him different happiness while helping others. Due to the nature of his

work, he usually spends more time on social media, learns about the latest

public trends on Instagram, and likes to watch ins stories. In addition, he often

uses Facebook to follow his favorite public pages.



Social Media Personality

When using social media to provide customer service and attract audience

participation, it is important to understand the level of communication required

(one-way/informative or two-way communication/response) (Gunarathne, Rui

& Seidmann, 2018, p. 490). In order to optimize the social media profile of

Radio 4RPH, more consistency in social media needs to be maintained

(Duncan, 2005). Radio 4RPH is trying to use social media to expand

customer engagement, but the existing evidence cannot show this.

The first suggestion is to let Radio 4RPH have dedicated staff to handle all

social media matters. As an organization, Radio 4RPH should establish a

social media personality, whether they want their response to be fun, jovial or

friendly. Taking Starbucks Coffee as an example (Figure 3), it can be seen

that they obviously have a faster response to customer service and are more

focused on one-way storytelling than Radio 4RPH, thus increasing audience

participation. Proactive social media methods are more likely to stimulate

positive consumer sentiment and brand promotion (Schweidel & Moe, 2014,

p. 399).


Figure 2. Starbucks Coffee Twitter (Peters, 2017)

Content Specific Platforms

In the current era of digital marketing, the success of corporate online

marketing depends on the quality of its content marketing (Baltes, 2015, p.

111). Therefore, it is important to determine the favorite category of the target

segment. In the CYB104 millennial population sample, the two main types of

content are memes and short videos. Higher-quality short videos will facilitate

dissemination and increase audience attention. In addition, Radio 4RPH has

not used the ins story. The unique advantage of ins story is that it will

automatically play the content of each follower, which helps to make Radio

4RPH appear more frequently in the audience's field of vision. It is also worth

noting that different social media platforms do not need to have the same

content, as shown in Table 1 below, where each handle deals exclusively with


one type of content strategy. This helps each social media processing

program to have more audience segments.

Table 1. Proposed Social Media Specialty Structure


Baltes, L. P. (2015). Content marketing - the fundamental tool of digital
marketing. Bulletin of Transilvania University of Braşov, 8(57), 111-118.

Duncan, T. (2005). Principles of Advertising and IMC (2nd ed.). New York:

Gleason, B. (2018). Thinking in hashtags: exploring teenagers' new literacies

practices on twitter. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(2), 165-180.

Gunarathne, P., Rui, H., & Seidmann, A. (2018). When Social Media Delivers
Customer Service: Differential Customer Treatment in the Airline Industry.
MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 489-520. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2018/14290

Kevan, L. (2020). The Social Media Frequency Guide: How Often to Post to
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn And More. Retrieved from

Keran, S. (2019). The Importance of Social Media in Business. Retrieved from

Mohammed J. Khan. (2017). Social Media Rewards and Risk. Retrieved from

Mattroyse. (2019). Why rewarding your followers is a great marketing

strategy. Retrieved from

MarketLine. (2018). The Future of Travel & Tourism Technology is driving

significant change and growth is on the horizon. Machester: MarketLine.


Radio 4RPH. (2018). Radio 4RPH strategic plan 2018-2023. Retrieved from

Schweidel, D. A., & Moe, W. W. (2014). Listening In on Social Media: A Joint

Model of Sentiment and Venue Format Choice. Journal of Markeeting
Research, 51, 387-402.


Appendix 1. Snapshot of Social Media Listening


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