Aller: Soi-S, Soi - S, Soi - T Soi - Ent Soy - Ons, Soy-Ez Été Fu - S

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soi- follows
sommes, soy- subj. follows
êt- "to ser- suis, es, s, fu-
êtes; sont ons, (sois, 1P (ét- été s
re be" ai est soi-
stem ét- soy-ez soyons, ant)
t; soyez)
2nd. sg.
imperat. s'en
all- "to ir- vais/vas1, aill- follows follows follows all-
all-ons vont indic. indic. 1P (all- allé va, but aller
er go" ai vas, va e ai
(all-ions) ant) vas-y "go "leave"


The verb aller means "to go" and is sufficiently irregular that it merits listing its conjugation in
full. It is the only verb with the first group ending "er" to have an irregular conjugation. It
belongs to none of the three sections of the third group, and is often categorized on its own. The
verb has different stems for different tenses. These are all pronounced differently: past all- /al/
(simple past, imperfect, past subjunctive); present subjunctive aill- /aj/; conditional and future ir-
/iʁ/. The inflections of these tenses are completely regular, and pronounced as in any other -er
verb. However, in the simple present, not only are there stem changes, but the inflections are
irregular as well:

Aller "to

  Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative

Present Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
vais, vas1
allai irai aille allasse
je /vɛ/,
/ale/ allais /iʁe/ /aj/ /alas/ irais
/alɛ/ /iʁɛ/
vas allas iras ailles allasses va
/vɑ/ /alɑ/ /iʁɑ/ /aj/ /alas/ /va/
va alla allait ira aille allât irait
/va/ /ala/ /alɛ/ /iʁa/ /aj/ /alɑ/ /iʁɛ/
allons allâmes allions irons allions allassions irions allons
/alɔ̃/ /alɑm/ /aljɔ̃/ /iʁɔ̃/ /aljɔ̃/ /alasjɔ̃/ /iʁjɔ̃/ /alɔ̃/
allez allâtes alliez irez alliez allassiez iriez allez
/ale/ /alɑt/ /alje/ /iʁe/ /alje/ /alasje/ /iʁje/ /ale/
vont allèrent allaient iront aillent allassent iraient
/vɔ/̃ /alɛʁ/ /alɛ/ /iʁɔ/̃ /aj/ /alas/ /iʁɛ/
The non-finite forms are all based on all- /al/:

 Infinitive: aller
 Present participle: allant
 Gerundive: en allant
 Verbal adjective: allant(e)(s)
 Past participle: allé(e)(s)

Auxiliary verb: être

In Classical French and even in certain dialects (like in Cajun and some Quebec dialects) je vas
is used.

Inflectional endings of the three verb groups

 1st group 2nd group 3rd group   1st group 2nd group 3rd group
Indicatif (Présent)   Subjonctif (Présent)
1 3
je e e  e isse e
is s (x)2 3
tu es es   es isses es
il e it t (d) e3  e isse e
nous ons issons ons ons   ions issions ions
vous ez issez ez ez   iez issiez iez
ils ent issent ent ent   ent issent ent
  Indicatif (Imparfait)   Subjonctif (Imparfait)
je   asse isse isse4 usse
ais issais ais 4
tu asses isses isses usses
il ait issait ait   ât ît ît4 ût
nous ions issions ions   assions issions issions ussions
vous iez issiez iez   assiez issiez issiez4 ussiez
ils aient issaient aient   assent issent issent4 ussent
  Indicatif (Passé simple)   Impératif (Présent)
je ai    
is is4 us
tu as  e is s e3
il a it it ut    
nous âmes îmes îmes4 ûmes   ons issons ons ons
vous âtes îtes îtes ûtes   ez issez ez ez
ils èrent irent irent urent    
  Indicatif (Futur simple)   Conditionnel (Présent)
je erai irai rai  
erais irais rais
tu eras iras ras
il era ira ra   erait irait rait
nous erons irons rons   erions irions rions
vous erez irez rez   eriez iriez riez
ils eront iront ront   eraient iraient raient

1. In an interrogative sentence, the final e is written é (traditional spelling) or è (rectified

spelling), and is pronounced as an open è [ɛ]. Additionally, the e in je becomes silent. For
example: je marche /ʒə.maʁʃ/ (I walk), marchè-je? /maʁʃɛʒ/ (do I walk?)

2. Only in je/tu peux (I/you can), je/tu veux (I/you want), and je/tu vaux (I am/you are 'worth').

. Verbs in -dre have a final d for the 3rd singular person, except for those ending in -indre and
-soudre which take a final t. The verbs vaincre (defeat) and convaincre (convince) are
conjugated as vainc and convainc, respectively, in 3rd singular person.

3. The only verbs having this ending are: assaillir (assail), couvrir (cover), cueillir (pluck),
défaillir (default), offrir (offer), ouvrir (open), souffrir (suffer), tressaillir (shiver), and in the
imperative only, avoir (have), savoir (know), and vouloir (want).

4. Except for je vins (I came), je tins (I held), etc..., que je vinsse (that I come), que je tinsse (that
I hold), etc...

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