XCOM2 Manual English

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OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows® 7, 64-bit
PROCESSOR: Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom 9950 Quad
Core 2.6 GHz
HARD DRIVE: 45GB available space
GRAPHICS: 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5770, 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or better
DIRECTX: DirectX 11
SOUND CARD: DirectX compatible sound card
DVD-ROM DRIVE: Required for disc-based installation

OPERATING SYSTEM:Windows® 7, 64-bit
HARD DRIVE:45GB available space
GRAPHICS:2GB ATI Radeon HD 7970, 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 or better
DIRECTX:DirectX 11
SOUND CARD: DirectX compatible sound card
DVD-ROM DRIVE:Required for disc-based installation


Initial installation requires one-time Internet connection for Steam authentication;
software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client,
Microsoft Visual C++2012 and 2013 Runtime Libraries and Microsoft DirectX.

XCOM 2 uses the my2K service. Please visit the my2k support page for any
troubleshooting issues

XCOM 2 is powered through Steam, an online game platform and distributor.
Steam allows for automated updates, easy access to DLC, and a quick way
to join up with your friends for Multiplayer games. Steam is required to play
XCOM 2 and an Internet connection will be required only when you first run
the game. See the Installation section for more details, or visit
http://store.steampowered.com/ for more information about the service.
XCOM 2 | 2
NAVIGATE UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [C]/[V]/[Z]/[X] or

CONFIRM ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ENTER] or


CANCEL ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ESC] or

Right Mouse Button

THE AVENGER (General Controls also apply)

NEXT SOLDIER (in Armory) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TAB] or
Mouse Button 4

BRIDGE/GEOSCAPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1]

RESEARCH (top level Strategy HUD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]

ENGINEERING (top level Strategy HUD) . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]

ARMORY (top level Strategy HUD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]

COMMANDER’S QUARTERS (top level Strategy HUD) . [5]

SHADOW CHAMBER (top level Strategy HUD) . . . . . . . [6]

MOVE CAMERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [W]/[S]/[A]/[D]

TACTICAL (General Controls only active in Pause Menu)

OPEN SHOT HUD/CONFIRM ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SPACEBAR]/[ENTER]

NEXT UNIT/TARGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TAB] or

Mouse Button 4

PREVIOUS UNIT/TARGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Left [SHIFT] or

Mouse Button 5

XCOM 2 | 3
ABILITY 1-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1]–[0]

OVERWATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Y]

RELOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [R]

CAMERA MOVE UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . [W]/[S]/[A]/[D]

CAMERA ROTATE LEFT/RIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Q]/[E]

CAMERA TOGGLE ZOOM LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [G]/[T]

CAMERA FREE ZOOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mouse Wheel

ASCEND/DESCEND FLOOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [F]/[C]

END TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [END] or


CALL SKYRANGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [P]

WAYPOINT MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hold [CONTROL] +

Right Mouse Button

MOVE UNIT TO CURSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right Mouse Button

QUICK SAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [F5]

QUICK LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [F9]

XCOM 2 | 4
2 1 3

7 5

The hooded icon and blue overlay indicates the enemy is unaware of your
squad’s presence. Your squad begins most missions in Concealment; use this
advantage to engage the enemy on your terms.

Displays and tracks your primary and secondary mission objectives. The
primary objective for most missions is to kill all enemies, however there are a
variety of secondary objectives to complete on a per-mission basis.


These buttons can be used to end your turn, switch between squad
members, rotate the camera, or call a Skyranger for evac.

Shows detailed info for the currently selected soldier, including: Health, Armor,
Action Points, Cover Status, Overwatch/Concealment Status, and any Positive
or Negative Status effects.

XCOM 2 | 5
Displays weapon and ammo information for the currently selected soldier.

Shows all of the actions available for the selected soldier, including relevant
contextual abilities such as Hack, Interact, and Open/Close. Click once on any
action icon to view its effects. Actions that cannot be performed are greyed
out and may show a number indicating the number of turns required before
the action can be used again. Red/Yellow/Grey icons above the action bar
indicate the number of enemies within the soldier’s line of sight.


Displays the name, class, and rank of the selected soldier along with any
special actions that soldier may be able to perform.

The tactical layer of XCOM 2 consists of gameplay that occurs while on a
mission. Most tactical maps in XCOM 2 are procedurally generated, offering a
different experience each time you load into a mission.

The square markers on the Unit Flag represent an individual soldier’s health.
You can restore a soldier’s health or stabilize a critically wounded soldier
in the field via Medikits or the Gremlin drone, used by the Specialist class.
Medikits must be built via Engineering and equipped on a soldier.

NOTE: Soldiers killed in combat cannot be resurrected and are permanently

removed from your squad. Active soldiers can attempt to extract the bodies
of dead, unconscious, or critically wounded comrades using the Carry
Body action. Successfully extracting a dead soldier allows you to keep any
weapons, items, and equipment that they were carrying, while critically
wounded soldiers heal over time and can rejoin your squad.

Each soldier has 2 Action Points that can be spent on movement, attacks or
abilities. These are represented by “pips” on the Unit Flag. When selecting a

XCOM 2 | 6
soldier, a Blue outline displays the movement range for a single Action point,
and a Yellow outline displays the “Dashing” movement range for 2 Action

To maintain concealment, use Waypoint Movement by holding [CTRL] while

selecting tiles to specifically set a unit’s path.

NOTE: Areas marked with a red eye icon break concealment when entered.
Additional icons indicate if movement through a tile can break concealment
by making too much noise (i.e. breaking glass) or if the unit will pass through
an environmental hazard such as fire.

Cover is essential for troop survival in any encounter and reduces the
chances of your units being hit by enemy fire. Most physical objects on the
map provide some form of cover, represented by a shield icon. A half-
shielded icon represents low cover, and a full shield icon represents high
cover. High cover provides the greatest defensive position for your soldiers,
but low cover is better than no cover at all.

NOTE: A yellow shield icon indicates an enemy currently flanks the unit in
that direction. A red shield icon indicates the unit will be flanked if they move
to that location.

Most missions begin with your squad in Concealment, meaning the enemy
is totally unaware of their presence. Concealment is represented by a blue
overlay in the corners of the screen and a hooded figure icon, located at
the top of the screen and on the Unit Flag. Firing a weapon, moving into an
enemy’s line of sight (represented by a red eye icon), or making too much
noise breaks Concealment for your squad. Use Concealment to set up
ambushes and engage the enemy on your terms.

XCOM 2 | 7
Actions are commands your squad can perform during a mission. All soldier
classes share a few basic actions:

FIRE WEAPON: The unit attacks their designated target. Highlight a

target to view the unit’s odds of landing a successful hit, the
projected damage and the chance for a Critical hit.

RELOAD: Causes the soldier to reload their weapon. If a weapon’s

magazine is empty, the soldier must take a reload action before
firing again.

OVERWATCH: The unit remains in position and automatically

attacks any enemy that attempts to move within its line of sight
with an Aim penalty. When activated in Concealment, Overwatch
only triggers when Concealment is lost.

HUNKER DOWN: The unit gains a defensive boost, but their line of
sight decreases until the next turn.

HACK: Certain objects and enemies can be hacked, shutting them

down or placing them under your team’s control. Move a squad
member within hacking range and select the Hack action to make
an attempt. There are multiple hacking tiers for units, which impact
the rewards obtained from a successful attempt. All squad members can hack,
but only the Specialist class can hack mechanical/robotic enemies using the
Haywire Protocol ability.

INTERACT: Used to open or close doors, plant explosives, or for

any action that requires interacting with the environment.

LOOT: Enemies have a chance to drop loot which contains

resources and equipment when defeated. When dropped, the loot
displays a radius marker and a turn timer. Move a unit within the
radius marker before the timer expires to collect the loot. Loot can be
destroyed if the enemy is killed using an explosive. Loot on the map that has
not expired when the mission is completed will automatically be recovered.

XCOM 2 | 8
EXTRACTION: Extraction points are used to rescue VIPs and fallen
squad members, as well as to end a mission if all soldiers are
extracted. Select the Call Skyranger action in the upper-right
corner of the screen to set an extraction point, indicated by a colored grid.
Red areas indicate invalid locations; the grid must be entirely blue in order to
successfully place the extraction point. Certain mission types have pre-placed
extraction zones.

CARRY: Use this action to pick up a fallen or wounded solider.

Successfully deliver a fallen soldier to an extraction point to retain
any items/equipment they carry or prevent them from bleeding out.

Each soldier class has several unique abilities, with additional abilities
unlocked each time the unit gains a rank. Certain Facilities can also provide
additional abilities in the field.

A soldier’s class determines their role on the battlefield. Each class has
several unique abilities that can be unlocked as they gain ranks, divided into
two areas of specialization.

Rangers are masters at remaining undetected and highly
effective at close range encounters. The Scout specialization
focuses on abilities that maintain concealment. The Assault
specialization provides abilities that focus on the Ranger’s
combat and movement options.

Specialists use the Gremlin drone to assist their squad in
the field. Battle Medic abilities can heal or provide additional
bonuses to allies, while Combat Hacker abilities boost the
Specialist’s aptitude to break into and attack enemy

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Grenadiers like to hit hard with big, heavy weapons and
things that go boom. Demolitions Expert specialization
provides abilities that improve the effectiveness of explosive
weaponry, including the Grenadier’s grenade launcher. The
Heavy Gunner specialization grants the Grenadier abilities
that increase effectiveness of armor and the heavy cannon.

The Sharpshooter is an expert with sniper rifles and pistols.
Sniper abilities focus on long-range attacks, while
Gunslinger abilities improve the Sharpshooter’s skill with

Born from advanced research into ADVENT technologies,
Psi Operatives are the latest addition to the XCOM squad.
Little is known about their abilities, but it’s rumored they can
boost ally effectiveness or disrupt enemy actions in the field.
Psi Operatives rank up through training in the Psi Chamber
as opposed to their performance in the field.

XCOM 2 | 10
The strategy layer of XCOM 2 represents all actions taken between missions.
These include deciding your next mission and expanding the Avenger–
XCOM’s mobile headquarters.


A massive mobile base liberated from ADVENT, the Avenger is the place
XCOM calls home. You begin with only a few basic facilities; the majority of
rooms in the Avenger are filled with alien debris. As the need for new facilities
arises, you can assign engineers to clear these rooms and gain valuable
resources in the process.

COMMANDER’S QUARTERS: View the monthly Avenger report, XCOM
Archives, and current objectives.

BRIDGE: Access the Geoscape, search for ADVENT activity, and grow the

XCOM 2 | 11
RESEARCH: Research and development happens here. You are prompted to
visit when new research projects are available, but note that only one project
can be researched at a time. You can also view Research Archives and a list
of current scientists.

ARMORY: Come here to view and manage your soldiers: give promotions,
customize their names and appearances, recruit new soldiers, change
loadouts, and apply weapon upgrades. View the Memorial to witness those
who have fallen in battle.

ENGINEERING: Build new items, weapons, armor, and facilities here. You can
also view your current inventory and list of engineers.

BAR/MEMORIAL: Current staff can be seen unwinding after battles and work
here. A Memorial to fallen soldiers can also be viewed.

LIVING QUARTERS: Soldiers, engineers, and scientists live here. Visit to view
a list of current personnel and their current assignment.

You can assign scientists, engineers, and Gremlins to specific rooms to
provide bonuses, such as reduced research times or increased healing for
wounded soldiers. Note that engineers are required to excavate new rooms in
the Avenger before new facilities can be built.

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Accessible from the bridge of the Avenger, the Geoscape is where you
oversee the operations of XCOM. Here you can scan for hostile alien actions,
contact resistance cells, seek out valuable resources, and move the Avenger.
Click the scanning icon next to the Avenger’s current location to begin
monitoring ADVENT activity and advance time.

DARK EVENTS: The ADVENT is hard at work on their own plans to topple the
Resistance that, if completed, provide bonuses to the enemy. Dark Events
notify you of the ADVENT’s progress towards completing their goals. Choosing
specific Guerrilla Ops missions allows you to counter their progress.

CRITICAL MISSIONS: Objectives focus on disrupting the ADVENT’s
mysterious Avatar Project.

GUERRILLA OPS: Completing these missions disrupts the ADVENT’s

secondary objectives (Dark Events) and helps to supply the resistance.

RESISTANCE COUNCIL MISSIONS: Completion strengthens and spreads the


RETALIATION MISSIONS: Stop the ADVENT from taking out resistance

outposts and save as many people as possible.

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RUMORS FROM THE RESISTANCE: Investigate rumors to potentially discover
valuable resources and information. These missions do not deploy your
squad, but require a set amount of time to complete.

AVENGER DEFENSE MISSIONS: The Avenger has come under attack from
ADVENT forces and must land for repairs. Defend the Avenger until repairs
are complete.

SUPPLY LINE RAIDS: Attack ADVENT supply lines and claim valuable

ALIEN FACILITY MISSIONS: Bring down critical ADVENT facilities and prevent
them from contributing to the Avatar Project.

XCOM 2 lets players face off in head-to-head squad-based combat against
other human competitors online using squads comprised of a mix of XCOM
soldiers, ADVENT, and aliens. You can also use a LAN to play local multiplayer

Ranked matches count toward your standing on the XCOM 2 Leaderboards,
found on the Multiplayer menu.

Selecting Quick Match will automatically search for the next available
unranked public match.

Host a custom Public or Private match match using the rules and options
of your choosing. You can also join a custom match hosted online by other

The Character Pool allows for units to be customized that will then populate
in-game when recruiting new soldiers or as VIP’s in missions.

XCOM 2 | 14
CREDITS Lead Engineer
Ryan McFall
Bryan Twomey
John Stewart
Additional Animation
FIRAXIS GAMES Lead Systems Engineer
Ned Way
Aaron Andersen
TEAM LEADERSHIP Senior Technical Animator
Systems Engineer John Stewart
Creative Director Russell Aasland
Jake Solomon Technical Animator
Lead Graphics Engineer Brian Evans
Lead Engineer Scott Boeckmann
Ryan McFall Lead Cinematic Artist
Graphics Engineers Andrew Currie
Art Director Jeremy Shopf
Greg Foertsch Michael Donovan Cinematic Artist
Kenneth Derda John Heeter
Senior Producer
Garth DeAngelis Lead User Interface Lead Character Artist
Engineer Chris Sulzbach
DESIGN TEAM Brittany Steiner
Character Artists
Creative Director User Interface Engineers Andrew Kincaid
Jake Solomon Sam Batista Alan Denham
Designer/Programmer Joe Cortese Stephanie Gitlin
Mark Nauta Brian Whitman Marie-Michelle Pepin
Additional Design Lead Gameplay Engineers Additional Character Art
Ananda Gupta Dan Kaplan Matthew Kean
Brian Urbanek Casey O’Toole Peter Anderson
Lead Level Designer Señor Gameplay Engineer Lead Weapon Artist
Brian Hess David Burchanowski David Pacanowsky
Level Designer and Gameplay Engineers Weapon Artist
Scripter Alex Cheng Ben Leary
James Brawley Joshua Bouscher
Josh Watson Lead Environment Artists
Level Designers Damian Slonneger Toby Franklin
Todd Broadwater Joseph Weinhoffer Brian Theodore
Matthew D’Arcangelo Nathanael Broach
Multiplayer Engineers
Additional Level Design Tim Talley Environment Artists
Orion Burcham Todd Smith Justin Rodriguez
Liam Collins David Pacanowsky
Additional Engineering Brian Mahoney
Lead Writer Support Brian Theodore
Scott Wittbecker Shaun Seckman Andrew Griffin
Pat Miller Morgan Hill
Narrative Designer Neal Jany
Chad Rocco ART TEAM David Black
PRODUCTION TEAM Art Director Rambo Siu
Greg Foertsch Lee Arnest
Senior Producer Mike Unkrich
Garth DeAngelis Lead Animator
Dennis Moellers Additional Environment Art
Producers Steve Egrie
Clint McCaul Senior Animators Evan Herbert
Amy Pickens Justin Thomas Vincent Mayeur
Rosalie Kofsky-Schumpert Kevin Bradley Matt Demaray
Louis Ferina
Technical Producer Lead Technical Artist
Griffin Funk Animators Zeljko Strkalj
Rachel Anchors
XCOM 2 | 15
Technical Artists QA Lead Accounting Assistant
John Heeter Michael Kotey Joanne Miller
David Black
Quality Assurance IT Manager
Lead Effects Artist Jennifer Kraft Josh Scanlan
Stephen Jameson Terrance Meyers
Kelsey Orem Systems/Network
Effects Artists Dominic Mancuso Technician
John Heeter Daron Carlock Matt Baros
Rick Menkhaus Carlton Harrison David McFall
Effects Support Matt Shirk Special Projects
Jennifer Kraft FIRAXIS LIVE TEAM Coordinator
Kelsey Orem Susan Meier
Lighting Artists Clint McCaul Production Babies
Chris Perrella Calvin Steiner-Bloyer
Zeljko Strkalj Lead Architect Leah Emily Schneider
Michael Springer Chase Xavier Boeckmann
User Interface Artists Morgan Joleigh Currie
Jason Montgomery Sr. Engineers Dominic Ferina
Zeljko Strkalj Rob Dye
Additional User
Interface Art
Adam Sherburne
Rob Sugama MANAGEMENT TEAM Published by 2K
Steve Ogden 2K is a publishing label
President & Studio Head
Motion Graphics Lead Steve Martin of Take-Two Interactive
Steve Ogden Software, Inc.
Creative Director
Concept Artists Sid Meier President
Piero Macgowan Christoph Hartmann
Aaron Yamada-Hanff Executive Producer
Kelley Gilmore C.O.O.
Seamas Gallagher David Ismailer
Dongmin Shin Director of Gameplay
Aaron Whitehead Development 2K PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
Additional Concept Art Barry Caudill VP, Product Development
Mike Tassie Director of Software John Chowanec
Taylor Fischer Development Director of Product
Art Interns Steve Meyer Development
Daniella Zeman Studio Art Director Melissa Miller
John Dunford Arne Schmidt Sr. Producer
Matt McAuliffe Garrett Bittner
Marketing Director
AUDIO TEAM Lindsay Riehl Producer
Lead Audio Designer Marketing Associate Iain Willows
Chris D’Ambrosio Pete Murray Associate Producers
Audio Engineers Community Manager Casey Coleman
Dan Price Kevin Schultz Doug MacLeod
Griffin Cohen Additional Production
Roland Rizzo Human Resources Director
Shawn Kohn Support
Daniel Costello Tiffany Nagano
Additional Audio Support Human Resources
Assistant Digital Release Manager
Alex Ortiz Tom Drake
Beth Petrovich
QUALITY ASSURANCE TEAM Digital Release Assistant
Office Manager
QA Supervisor Donna Milesky Myles Murphy
Timothy McCracken

XCOM 2 | 16
2K CREATIVE Director, Creative Sr. Online Architect
DEVELOPMENT Production Louis Ewens
Jack Scalici
VP, Creative Development Chad Rocco Principal Technical Artist
Josh Atkins Jonathan Tilden
Sr. Manager, Creative
Creative Director Production Software Engineer
Eric Simonich Josh Orellana Jack Liu
Design Director Creative Production my2K TEAM
Joe Quadara Coordinator Sr. Architect
Art Director William Gale David R. Sullivan
Robert Clarke Creative Production Lead Engineer
Media Producer Assistants Adam Lupinacci
Mike Read Cathy Neeley
Megan Rohr Producer
Associate Media Producer Jason Johnson
Scott James Director of Research and
Planning Jr. Technical Producer
Developer Support Team- Mike Salmon Nick Silva
Etienne Grunenwald Sr. Market Researcher Sr. Software Engineers
David Rees Alberto Covarrubias
Developer Support Team- Dale Russell
Cinematic Leads User Testing Assistant Robin Lavallee
Jarrette Torcedo Jonathan Bonillas Sky Schulz
Leslie Harwood Motion Capture Supervisor Software Engineer
Developer Support Team- David Washburn Scott Barrett
Cinematics Motion Capture Lead
Ly Chung Jr. Engineer
Integrator Sourav Dey
Justin Mettam Anthony Tominia
Ryan Hanscom Associate Software
Perry Cucinotta Motion Capture Stage Engineer
Technicians Taylor Owen-Millner
Developer Support Team- Jen Antonio
Visual Effects Lead Emma Castles Intern
Stephen Babb Jeremy Schichtel Nicholas Crowley
Developer Support Team- Alexandra Grant Sr. Dev Ops Engineer
Animation Lead Christopher Barton Matthew Rich
PJ Leffelman Motion Capture Production QA Manager
Developer Support Team- Manager Ian Moore
Animation Charles Ghislandi
Keiko Taka Testers
Motion Capture Specialists Greg Vargas
Si Tran Ryan Girard
Morgan Earl Mackenzie Hume
Michelle Hill
Lizz Kupfer Jose Gutierrez 2K MARKETING
Shun Li Gil Espanto
Jonathon Marshall SVP, Marketing
Jeremy Wages Sarah Anderson
Developer Support Team- Motion Capture Media
Modeling Lead VP, Marketing
Supervisor Matt Gorman
Peter Turner J. Mateo Baker
Developer Support Team- VP, International Marketing
2K CORE TECH Matthias Wehner
Lighting Artist
Ramnath Sundaresan VP, Technology Director of Marketing,
Naty Hoffmam North America
Director of Technology Kelly Miller
Mark James

XCOM 2 | 17
Sr. Brand Manager Associate Video Editors Partner Marketing
Matt Knoles Doug Tyler Coordinator
Nick Pylvanainen Ashley Landry
Product Manager
Jenny Tam Web Director Marketing Assistant
Nate Schaumberg Kenya Sancristobal
VP of Communications,
The Americas Sr. Web Designer 2K OPERATIONS
Ryan Jones Keith Echevarria
SVP, Senior Counsel
Sr. Communications Web Developers Peter Welch
Manager Alex Beuscher
Jessica Lewinstein Gryphon Myers Counsels
Justyn Sanderford
Communications Manager Web Producer Aaron Epstein
Jennifer Heinser Tiffany Nelson
VP, Publishing Operations
Sr. Manager, Community Channel Marketing Steve Lux
Content Managers
Darren Gladstone Anna Nguyen Director of Label
Marc McCurdy Operations
Community and Social Rachel DiPaola
Media Managers Digital Marketing
David Hinkle Coordinator Director of Operations
Kelsie Lahti Dorian Rehfield
Content Designer
Adrianne Pugh Sr. Director of Events Partner Marketing
Lesley Zinn Abarcar Manager
Community Associate Dawn Earp
Marion Dreo Events Manager
David Iskra International Project
Creative Director, Manager
Marketing Director, Customer Service Ben Kvalo
Gabe Abarcar Ima Somers
Licensing & Operations
Sr. Director, Marketing Customer Service Manager Specialist
Production David Eggers Xenia Mul
Jackie Truong
Knowledge Base Operations Coordinators
Associate Marketing Coordinator Peter Driscoll
Production Manager Mike Thompson Aaron Hiscox
Ham Nguyen
Customer Service 2K IT
Marketing Production Coordinator
Assistant Jamie Neves Sr. Director, 2K IT
Nelson Chao Rob Roudebush
Customer Service
Sr. Graphic Designer Associate Lead IT Manager
Christopher Maas Crystal Pittman Bob Jones

Project Manager Senior Customer Service Sr. Network Manager

Heidi Oas Associates Russell Mains
Alicia Nielsen Systems Engineers
Video Production Manager Patrick Moss
Kenny Crosbie Jon Heysek
Sean Barker Lee Ryan
Video Editor & Motion Director, Partnerships &
Graphics Designers Systems Administrators
Licensing Fernando Ramirez
Michael Regelean Jessica Hopp
Eric Neff Tareq Abbassi
Partnerships & Licensing Scott Alexander
Video Editor Manager Davis Krieghoff
Peter Koeppen Ryan Ayalde IT Analyst
Michael Caccia

XCOM 2 | 18
Sr. VP of Quality Assurance Juan Corral
Alex Plachowski Eric Chung Localisation QA Manager
Todd Ingram José Miñana
Test Manager
Doug Rothman Cameron Steed Mastering Engineer
Special Thanks Wayne Boyce
Submission Manager
Scott Sanford Alexandria Belk Mastering Technician
Ashley Fountaine Alan Vincent
Project Lead Candice Javellonar
Jason Kolesa David Barksdale Localization QA Senior
Eric Zala Lead
Support Leads Oscar Pereira
Chris Adams Jeremy Ford
Nathan Bell Jeremy Richards Localization QA Project
Joe Bettis Leads
Associate Leads Leslie Cullum Elmar Schubert
Alex Coffin Louis Napolitano Jose Olivares
Ruben Gonzalez Rachel Hajewski
Steve Yun Localization QA Leads
2K INTERNATIONAL Fabrizio Mariani
Senior Testers Florian Genthon
Joshua Vance General Manager
Neil Ralley Karim Cherif
Regina Moinichen
Kayla Mager Senior International Associate Localization QA
Kristine Romine Product Manager Lead
Zack Gartner David Halse Cristina La Mura
Testers International PR Manager Senior Localization QA
Adam Junior Wouter van Vugt Technicians
Alexis White Alba Loureiro
Ashley Sears-Romano International Social Media Christopher Funke
Barbara Mullen and Content Executive Enrico Sette
Branden Nash Ibrahim Bhatti Harald Raschen
Brian Reiss 2K INTERNATIONAL Jihye Kim
Cassandra Del Hoyo PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Johanna Cohen
Charlene Artuz Pierre Tissot
Cody Roemen International Producer Sergio Accettura
Ericka Cole Sajjad Majid
Greg Jefferson Localization QA
Jae Maidman Head of Creative Services Technicians
Jake Merryman and Localisation Carlos Muñoz Díaz
James Hagen Nathalie Mathews Christiane Molin
James Schindler David Swan
Localisation Project Dimitri Gerard
Jordan Leano Manager
Kristina Benitez Etienne Dumont
Emma Lepeut Gabriel Uriarte
Kyle Cobos
Kyle Marton External Localisation Gulnara Bixby
Lionel Brandon Teams Iris Loison
Mailanee Anderson Around the Word Javier Vidal
Miguel Garcia Effective Media GmbH Julio Calle Arpon
Osvaldo Carrillo-Ureno Synthesis Iberia Luca Magni
Robert Bryant Synthesis International srl Manuel Aguayo
Sophia Medeiros QLOC S.A. Martin Schücker
Todd White Namer Merli
Travis Allen Nicolas Bonin
Localisation tools and Norma Hernandez
Zacaree Walters support provided by XLOC Pablo Menéndez
IT Manager Inc. Roland Habersack
Chris Jones Rüdiger Kolb

XCOM 2 | 19
Samuel Franca Asia Sr. Marketing Localization QA Project
Seon Hee C. Anderson Manager Leads
Shawn Williams-Brown Diana Tan Chu Jin Dan
Sherif Mahdy Farrag Zhu Jian
Stefan Rossi Asia Sr. Brand Manager
Timothy Cooper Tracey Chua Lead QA Tester
Yury Fesechka Shigekazu Tsuuchi
Asia Marketing Manager
Design Team Daniel Tan Senior QA Testers
James Quinlan Qin Qi
Product Executives Kan Liang
Tom Baker Rohan Ishwarlal Cho Hyunmin
China Senior Brand Ning Xu
Agnès Rosique Manager Tan Liu Yang
Alan Moore Jason Dou Bai Xue
Aaron Cooper Japan Marketing Manager Tang Shu
Belinda Crowe Maho Sawashima Jin Xiong Jie
Ben Seccombe Hu Meng Meng
Bernardo Hermoso Korea Marketing Manager
Carlo Volz Dina Chung Junior QA Testers
Caroline Rajcom Mao Ling Jie
Localization Manager Yan Yan
Chris Jennings Yosuke Yano
Chris White Zhou Qian Yu
Dan Cooke Localization Assistant Song Shi Xue
Daniel Hill Yasutaka Arita Zhao Yu
Dennis de Bruin Li Ling Li
Devon Stanton OPERATIONS
Diana Freitag Liu Kun Peng
Francois Bouvard Eileen Chong Zou Zhuo Ke
Gemma Woolnough Veronica Khuan Tang Dan Ru
Jan Sturm Chermine Tan Cheng Xue Mei
Jean Paul Hardy Takako Davis Xiao Yi
Jesús Sotillo Ryoko Hayashi IT Engineers
Julien Brossat TAKE-TWO ASIA BUSINESS Zhao Hong Wei
Lieke Mandemakers DEVELOPMENT Hu Xiang
Maria Martinez Li Ting Zhu
Oliver Keller Erik Ford
Sandra Melero Syn Chua FOX SOUND STUDIOS
Sean Phillips Ellen Hsu Rick Fox
Simon Turner Paul Adachi Victoria Fox
Stefan Eder Fumiko Okura
Tim Smith
Warner Guinée
Hidekatsu Tani
Henry Park
Fred Johnson Central
OPERATIONS Ken Tilakaratna
Albert Hoolsema Shen
Anthony Dodd Carlye Pollack
Phil Anderton ASSURANCE Tygan
Robert Willis Gary Anthony Williams
Denisa Polcerova QA Director
Zhang Xi Kun Advent Speaker
2K ASIA TEAM Brandon Keener
Localization QA Manager
Asia Sr. Publishing Director Du Jing Councilman
Jason Wong Jon Bailey

XCOM 2 | 20
Soldiers/Additional Voices Bruno Meyere Shen
Chris Jai Alex Jean-Marco Montalto Francese Chiara
Cherise Boothe Bertrand Nadler
Feodor Chin Benjamin Pascal Tygan
Brian T. Delaney Jean-Philippe Pertuit Pandolfi Silvio
Dimitri Diatchenko Véronique Picciotto Advent Speaker
Greg Eagles Geoffrey Vigier Corbetta Oliviero
Kate Higgins Isabelle Volpe
Andrew Kishino Marie Zidi Councilman
Misty Lee Ciravolo Natale
Erica Luttrell GERMAN CAST
Soldiers/Additional Voices
Elizabeth Maxwell Central Appetiti Luca
Matt Mercer Erik Schäffler Atepi Giuliana
Dave B. Mitchell Avateneo Giovanna
Sumalee Montano Shen
Antje von der Ahe Baldoin Diego
Melissa Pino Bertocchi Alice
Jonathan Roumie Tygan Bongiorni Alice
April Stewart Thomas Dehler Brioschi Domenico
Courtenay Taylor Caggiula Beatrice
Rick Wasserman Advent Speaker Calatroni Jacopo
Fryda Wolff Renier Baaken Ciravolo Natale
VO Directors Councilman Colombo Sonia
JB Blanc Manfred Erdmann Conte Alessandro
Liam O’Brien Corbetta Oliviero
Soldiers/Additional Voices De Cesarei Jenny
Amanda Wyatt Achim Barrenstein Decio Carlo
FRENCH CAST Andrea Dewell Ferrari Stefano
Birte Siehling Francese Chiara
Central Christoph Maasch
Pierre Tessier Fumagalli Davide
Dirk Harddegen Germano Alessandro
Shen Gergana Muskalla Lussiana Alessandro
Adeline Chetail Gero Wachholz Magri Rebecca
Gisa Bergmann Marchingiglio Gabriele
Tygan Heiko Grauel Marenghi Maura
Philippe Catoire Julia Rothfuchs Matera Lucy
Advent Speaker Katalyn Bohn Molos Eleni
Cyrille Monge Katrin Laksberg Morese Deborah
Marco Reinbold Palumeri Federico
Councilman Michael Lucke Pandolfi Silvio
Pierre Dourlens Nina Hecklau Perilli Francesca
Nora Johkosha Schiroli Elisa
Soldiers/Additional Voices Oliver Schmitz
Jessica Barrier Sorrentino Katia
Peter Dischkow Starna Stefano
Christine Bellier Peter Wenke
Audrey Botbol Testa Alessandro
Pirkko Cremer Tretto Francesca
Julia Boutteville Renier Baaken
Fabien Briche Sabina Godec SPANISH CAST
Pascal Casanova Sandra Lühr
Marie Chevalot Central
Sebastian Huther Vicente Gil
Catherine Desplaces Stefan Senf
Cathy Diraison Steffen Wilhelm Shen
Geneviève Doang Tanja Landgraf Olga Velasco
Nadine Girard Tanja Lipinski
Claudine Gremy Tygan
Damien Hartmann ITALIAN CAST Adolfo Pastor
Laëtitia Lefebvre
Fabrice Lelyon Central Advent Speaker
Bertrand Liebert Zanotti Paolo Carlos López Benedí
Stéphane Marais
XCOM 2 | 21
Councilman Allen Pontes Concept Artwork - Opus
Ángel Amorós Dennis Ruel Artz
Sari Sabella
Soldiers/Additional Voices Concept Artists
Alfredo Martínez VO RECORDING STUDIOS Chee Ming Wong
Alma Naranjo Bjorn Hurri
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Lime Studios Alex Heath
Ana Jiménez Dialog Recordist Daniel Matthews
Ana Plaza Tom Paolantonio Felix Bauer-Schlichtegroll
Arantxa Franco de Sarabia
Arturo López Producer Cinematic Production
Carlos López Benedí Susie Boyajan Services - Waterproof
David Blanco Studios Inc.
Polarity Post Studio
Emma Cifuentes Director of Business
Enrique Suárez Dialog Recordists Development
Gema Carballedo Jerel Bromley Carl Whiteside
Javier Gámir Miik Dinko
Juan Carlos Lozano Jim Lively Chief Technology Officer/
Juan Navarro Chief Science Officer
VO EDITORS Martin Kumor
Juan Rueda
Marta Méndez Supervising Dialogue Chief Financial Officer
Marta Sáinz Editor Albert Lim
Miguel Ángel Pérez Dante Fazio
Olga Velasco Creative Director
Additional Editors Ian Fenton
Ramón Reparaz Austin Krier
Roberto Cuadrado Garrett Montgomery M.P.S.E. Director
Rosa Vivas Rick Polanco Matt Holdenried
Salomé Larrucea Stephen Selvaggio
Salvador Serrano Studio Producer
Anthony Sorise Jo’Sun Fu
Sergio Goicoechea Robert Weiss
Silvia Salgado Production Coordinator
Yolanda Pérez Music Composed by Colin Davidson
Tim Wynn
UK CAST CG Supervisor
Cinematic Sound Design - Aaron Zacher
Soldiers/Additional Voices Source Sound, Inc.
Adam Howden Rigging Lead
Alan Turkington Sound Supervision Arron Robinson
Beatriz Romily Charles Deenen
Denise Gough Tim Gedemer Senior Modeler
Kezia Burrows Max Wahyudi
Naomi Mcdonald Lead Sound Designer
Russ Bain Csaba Wagner Modelers
Sandy Batchelor Bo Yeon Kwon
Dialog & Foley Supervision Manuel Armonio
Shane Taylor Braden Parkes
Whitney Boyd Richard Trska
Sound Editors Senior Animator
Motion Capture Performers Paul Gorman
Ray Carbonel Blake Piebenga
Mike Schapiro
Paul Ghiringhelli Colin Hart Animators
Thomas Gorrebeeck Ricardo Hernandez Richard Gillies
Lucas Hatton Jim Schaefer Kelly Starke
Jamerson Johnson Travis Pratert Alex Ushijima
Edward Kahana Bryan Jerden Rob Yau
Lyndsy Kail
Noah Lahat Mixers Lighting Lead
Gary Neil Tom Brewer Max Wahyudi
Danielle O’Dea Charles Deenen
Compositing and FX Lead
Lucas Okuma Winston Fan
Carlye Pollack

XCOM 2 | 22
Compositing Artist Additional Motion Capture SPECIAL THANKS
Guillem Rovira Facilities provided by
Profile Studios Strauss Zelnick
Unreal Engineers Karl Slatoff
Trent Atwood Additional Support Lainie Goldstein
David Cheung Dan Emerson
Additional Animation Jordan Katz
Cinematic Production Scott Dossett David Cox
Services - HALON Steve Glickstein
Entertainment LLC Additional Environment
Modeling Take-Two Sales Team
Cinematic Director Gameshastra Solutions Take-Two Digital Sales Team
Daniel D. Gregoire Take-Two Channel Marketing
Cinematic Production Team
Supervisor Services: Applied Siobhan Boes
Ryan McCoy Cinematics Hank Diamond
Mike O’Rourke Alan Lewis
Engine Specialists Jason Flynn
Jason Choi Daniel Einzig
Youna Kang Additional Development: Christopher Fiumano
The Workshop Pedram Rahbari
Engine TD Jenn Kolbe
Casey Christopher Benn Project Lead/Producer Greg Gibson
Mike Luyties Take-Two Legal Team
Cinematic Animators
Igor Choromanski Lead Programmer Ashish Popli
Andrew Moffett Mark Domowicz Chris McCown
Garrett O’Neal David Boutry
Todd Patterson Lead Artist Juan Chavez
Andrew Rose Sunni Han Rajesh Joseph
Ruel Smith Code Gaurav Singh
Randy Wilson Rick Matchett Alexander Raney
Timothy Xenakis Aaron Smith Barry Charleton
Paolo Joel Ziemba Adam Smith Mehmet Turan
Yu Tak Ting Jon Titus
Motion Capture Actors Gail Hamrick
Richard Dorton Bryan Topp
Chang You Wong Tony MacNeill
Alina Andrei Chris Bigelow
Art Brooke Grabrian
Comp Artist Katie Nelson
Bryan Locantore Gary Huang
Brett Lo Chris Burton
Modelers Mario Wiechec Christina Vu
Alex Chiles Paul Wu Betsy Ross
Maggie Chung Pete Anderson
Timothy C. Graybill Production Oliver Hall
Christina Hall Executive Producer Maria Zamaniego
Brian Magner Matt Stokes Nicholas Bublitz
Nicole Hillenbrand
Storyboard Artist Also For The Workshop Danielle Williams
Vania Astari Arrifin Gwendoline Oliviero
Concept Art Peter T. Akemann Ariel Owens-Barham
One Pixel Brush Kyra Simon
General Manager Visual Concepts
Senior Producer Christopher A. Busse
Patrice Avery AGENCIES
Chief Technical Officer
Producer Charles Tolman Access Communications
Richard Enriquez Freddie Georges Production
Head of Operations Group
Production Assistant Tiffany Tolman Kathy Lee-Fung
Taylor Finan MODCo Media
Office Assistant
Andra Petru Modus Operandi
XCOM 2 | 23
This limited software warranty and license agreement (this “Agreement”) may be periodically updated and the current version will be posted at www.take2games.
com/eula (the “Website”). Your continued use of the Software after a revised Agreement has been posted constitutes your acceptance of its terms. THE “SOFTWARE”
LICENSE of the Software available on a umentation on a permanent basis USER CREATED CONTENT: The
Subject to this Agreement and its network for use or download by to another person as long as you Software may allow you to create
terms and conditions, Licensor multiple users; except as otherwise retain no copies (including archival content, including, but not limited to,
hereby grants you a nonexclusive, specifically provided by the Software or backup copies) of the Software, a gameplay map, scenario, screen-
non-transferable, limited, and or this Agreement, use or install accompanying documentation, or shot, car design, item, or video of
revocable right and license to use the Software (or permit others to any portion or component of the your game play. In exchange for use
one copy of the Software for your do same) on a network, for on-line Software or accompanying docu- of the Software, and to the extent
personal, non-commercial use use, or on more than one computer mentation, and the recipient agrees that your contributions through use
for gameplay on a single Game or gaming unit at the same time; to the terms of this Agreement. of the Software give rise to any
Platform (e.g. computer, mobile copy the Software onto a hard drive Transfer of the pre-recorded copy copyright interest, you hereby grant
device, or gaming console) unless or other storage device in order to license may require you to take Licensor an exclusive, perpetual,
otherwise expressly specified in bypass the requirement to run the specific steps, as set forth in the irrevocable, fully transferable, and
the Software documentation. Your Software from the included CD-ROM Software documentation. You may sub-licensable worldwide right and
license rights are subject to your or DVD-ROM (this prohibition does not transfer, sell, lease, license, rent, license to use your contributions
compliance with this Agreement. not apply to copies in whole or or convert into convertible virtual in any way and for any purpose
The term of your license under this in part that may be made by the currency any Virtual Currency or in connection with the Software
Agreement shall commence on the Software itself during installation Virtual Goods except as expressly and related goods and services,
date that you install or otherwise in order to run more efficiently); set forth in this Agreement or with including, but not limited to, the
use the Software and ends on the use or copy the Software at a com- Licensor’s prior written consent. rights to reproduce, copy, adapt,
earlier date of either your disposal puter gaming center or any other Special Features, including content modify, perform, display, publish,
of the Software or the termination of location-based site; provided, that otherwise unavailable without a broadcast, transmit, or otherwise
this Agreement (see below). Licensor may offer you a separate single-use serial code, are not trans- communicate to the public by
The Software is licensed, not sold, to license agreement to make the ferrable to another person under any any means whether now known
you, and you hereby acknowledge Software available for commercial circumstances, and Special Features or unknown and distribute your
that no title or ownership in the use; reverse engineer, decompile, may cease functioning if the original contributions without any further
Software is being transferred or disassemble, display, perform, installation copy of the Software is notice or compensation to you of
assigned and this Agreement should prepare derivative works based on, deleted or the pre-recorded copy any kind for the whole duration of
not be construed as a sale of any or otherwise modify the Software, in is unavailable to the user. The protection granted to intellectual
rights in the Software. Licensor whole or in part; Software is intended for private property rights by applicable laws
retains all right, title, and interest remove or modify any proprietary use only. NOTWITHSTANDING THE and international conventions. You
to the Software, including, but not notices, marks, or labels contained FOREGOING, YOU MAY NOT TRANS- hereby waive and agree never to
limited to, all copyrights, trade- on or within the Software; restrict FER ANY PRE-RELEASE COPIES OF assert any moral rights of paternity,
marks, trade secrets, trade names, or inhibit any other user from using THE SOFTWARE. publication, reputation, or attribution
proprietary rights, patents, titles, and enjoying any online features TECHNICAL PROTECTIONS: The with respect to Licensor’s and
computer codes, audiovisual effects, of the Software; cheat or utilize Software may include measures other players’ use and enjoyment
themes, characters, character any unauthorized robot, spider, or to control access to the Software, of such assets in connection with
names, stories, dialog, settings, other program in connection with control access to certain features or the Software and related goods and
artwork, sounds effects, musical any online features of the Software; content, prevent unauthorized cop- services under applicable law. This
works, and moral rights. The Soft- violate any terms, policies, licenses, ies, or otherwise attempt to prevent license grant to Licensor, and terms
ware is protected by U.S. copyright or code of conduct for any online anyone from exceeding the limited above regarding any applicable
and trademark law and applicable features of the Software; or trans- rights and licenses granted under moral rights, will survive any termi-
laws and treaties throughout the port, export, or re-export (directly or this Agreement. Such measures nation of this Agreement.
world. The Software may not be indirectly) into any country forbidden may include incorporating license INTERNET CONNECTION: The
copied, reproduced, or distributed to receive the Software by any U.S. management, product activation, Software may require an internet
in any manner or medium, in whole export laws or regulations or U.S. and other security technology in connection to access internet-based
or in part, without prior written economic sanctions or otherwise the Software and monitoring usage, features, authenticate the Software,
consent from Licensor. Any persons violate any laws or regulations, or including, but not limited to, time, or perform other functions.
copying, reproducing, or distributing the laws of the country in which the date, access, or other controls, USER ACCOUNTS: In order to use the
all or any portion of the Software Software was obtained, which may counters, serial numbers, and/or Software or a software feature, or
in any manner or medium, will be amended from time to time. other security devices designed to for certain features of the Software
be willfully violating the copyright ACCESS TO SPECIAL FEATURES prevent the unauthorized access, to operate properly, you may be re-
laws and may be subject to civil AND/OR SERVICES, INCLUDING DIGI- use, and copying of the Software, or quired to have and maintain a valid
and criminal penalties in the U.S. TAL COPIES: Software download, any portions or components thereof, and active user account with an
or their local country. Be advised redemption of a unique serial code, including any violations of this online service, such as a third-party
that U.S. copyright violations are registration of the Software, mem- Agreement. Licensor reserves the gaming platform or social network
subject to statutory penalties of bership in a third-party service and/ right to monitor use of the Software account (“Third-Party Account”),
up to $150,000 per violation. The or membership in a Licensor service at any time. You may not interfere or an account with Licensor or a
Software contains certain licensed (including acceptance of related with such access control measures Licensor affiliate, as set forth in the
materials and Licensor’s licensors terms and policies) may be required or attempt to disable or circumvent Software documentation. If you do
may also protect their rights in to activate the Software, access such security features, and if you do, not maintain such accounts, then
the event of any violation of this digital copies of the Software, or the Software may not function prop- certain features of the Software may
Agreement. All rights not expressly access certain un-lockable, down- erly. If the Software permits access not operate or may cease to function
granted under this Agreement loadable, online, or other special to Special Features, only one copy properly, either in whole or in part.
are reserved by Licensor and, as content, services, and/or functions of the Software may access those The Software may also require you
applicable, its licensors. (collectively, “Special Features”). Special Features at one time. Addi- to create a Software-specific user
LICENSE CONDITIONS Access to Special Features is limited tional terms and registration may be account with Licensor or a Licensor
You agree not to: commercially to a single User Account (as defined required to access online services affiliate (“User Account”) in order
exploit the Software; distribute, below) per serial code and access and to download Software updates to access the Software and its
lease, license, sell, rent, convert into to Special Features cannot be and patches. Only Software subject functionality and features. Your User
convertible currency, or otherwise transferred, sold, leased, licensed, to a valid license can be used to Account log-in may be associated
transfer or assign the Software, or rented, converted into convertible access online services, including with a Third-Party Account. You are
any copies of the Software, includ- virtual currency, or re-registered downloading updates and patches. responsible for all use and the secu-
ing but not limited to Virtual Goods by another user unless otherwise Except as otherwise prohibited by rity of your User Accounts and any
or Virtual Currency (defined below) expressly specified. The provisions applicable law, Licensor may limit, Third-Party Accounts that you use to
without the express prior written of this paragraph supersede any suspend, or terminate the license access and use the Software.
consent of Licensor or as expressly other term in this Agreement. granted hereunder and access to VIRTUAL CURRENCY & VIRTUAL
set forth in this Agreement; TRANSFER OF PRE-RECORDED the Software, including, but not GOODS
make a copy of the Software or COPY LICENSE: You may transfer the limited to, any related services and If the Software allows you to
any part thereof (other than as entire physical copy of pre-recorded products, at any time without notice purchase and/or earn though play a
set forth herein); make a copy Software and accompanying doc- for any reason whatsoever. license to use Virtual Currency and
XCOM 2 | 24
Virtual Goods, the following addition- its sole discretion, may impose NO REFUND: All purchases of VC Software Store. You acknowledge
al terms and conditions apply. additional limits on the amount of and VG are final and under no that the Software Store has
VIRTUAL CURRENCY & VIRTUAL VC you may purchase or use, how circumstances will such purchases no obligation to furnish any
GOODS: The Software may enable you may use VC, and the maximum be refundable, transferable, or maintenance or support services
users to (i) use fictional virtual balance of VC that may be credited exchangeable. Except as prohibited to you in connection with the
currency as a medium of exchange to your User Account. You are solely by applicable law, Licensor has the Software. Except for the foregoing,
exclusively within the Software responsible for all VC purchases absolute right to manage, regulate, to the maximum extent permitted
(“Virtual Currency” or “VC”) and (ii) made through your User Account control, modify, suspend, and/or by applicable law, the Software
gain access to (and certain limited regardless of whether or not eliminate such VC and/or VG as it Store will have no other warranty
rights to use) virtual goods within authorized by you. sees fit in its sole discretion, and obligation whatsoever with respect
the Software (“Virtual Goods” or Balance Calculation: You can access Licensor shall have no liability to to the Software. Any claim in
“VG”). Regardless of the terminology and view your available VC and VG you or anyone else for the exercise connection with the Software
used, VC and VG represent a limited in your User Account when logged of such rights. related to product liability, a failure
license right governed by this Agree- into your User Account. Licensor No Transfers: Any transferring, to conform to applicable legal or
ment. Subject to the terms of and reserves the right, in its sole trading, selling, or exchanging of regulatory requirements, claims un-
compliance with this Agreement, discretion, to make all calculations any VC or VG to anyone, other than der consumer protection or similar
Licensor hereby grants you the regarding the available VC and VG in in game play using the Software as legislation or intellectual property
nonexclusive, non-transferable, your User Account. Licensor further expressly authorized by Licensor infringement are governed by this
non-sublicensable, limited right and reserves the right, in its sole discre- (“Unauthorized Transactions”), Agreement, and the Software Store
license to use VC and VG obtained tion, to determine the amount of and including, but not limited to, among is not responsible for such claims.
by you for your personal non-com- manner in which VC is credited and other users of the Software, is You must comply with the Software
mercial gameplay exclusively within debited from your User Account in not sanctioned by Licensor and is Store Terms of Service and any oth-
the Software. Except as otherwise connection with your purchase of VG strictly forbidden. Licensor reserves er Software Store applicable rules or
prohibited by applicable law, VC and or for other purposes. While Licensor the right, in its sole discretion, to policies. The license to the Software
VG obtained by you are licensed to strives to make all such calculations terminate, suspend, or modify your is a non-transferable license to use
you, and you hereby acknowledge on a consistent and reasonable User Account and your VC and VG the Software only on an applicable
that no title or ownership in or to basis, you hereby acknowledge and and terminate this Agreement if device that you own or control. You
VC and VG is being transferred or agree that Licensor’s determination you engage in, assist in, or request represent that you are not located
assigned hereunder. This Agreement of the available VC and VG in your any Unauthorized Transactions. in any U.S.-embargoed countries or
should not be construed as a sale of User Account is final, unless you can All users who participate in such other geographical areas or on the
any rights in VC and VG. provide documentation to Licensor activities do so at their own risk U.S. Treasury Department’s list of
VC and VG do not have an equivalent that such calculation was or is and hereby agree to indemnify and Specially Designated Nationals or
value in real currency and do not intentionally incorrect. hold harmless Licensor, its partners, the U.S. Department of Commerce
act as a substitute for real currency. USING VIRTUAL CURRENCY & VIRTU- licensors, affiliates, contractors, Denied Person’s list or Entity List.
You acknowledge and agree that AL GOODS: All purchased in-game officers, directors, employees, and The Software Store is a third-party
Licensor may revise or take action Virtual Currency and/or Virtual agents from all damages, losses beneficiary to this Agreement
that impacts the perceived value of Goods may be consumed or lost by and expenses arising directly or and may enforce this Agreement
or purchase price for any VC and/or players in the course of gameplay indirectly from such actions. against you.
VG at any time except as prohibited according to the game’s rules You acknowledge that Licensor INFORMATION COLLECTION
by applicable law. VC and VG do not applicable to currency and goods, may request that the applicable & USAGE
incur fees for non-use; provided, which may vary depending on the Application Store stop, suspend, By installing and using the Software,
however, that the license granted associated Software. VC and VG may terminate, discontinue, or reverse you consent to the information
hereunder to VC and VG will termi- only be used within the Software, any Unauthorized Transaction, collection and usage terms set forth
nate in accordance with the terms and Licensor, in its sole discretion, regardless of when such Unautho- in this section and Licensor’s Privacy
and conditions of this Agreement may limit use of VC and/or VG to a rized Transaction occurred (or has Policy, including (where applicable)
and the Software documentation, single game. The authorized uses yet to occur) when it suspects or (i) the transfer of any personal
when Licensor ceases providing and purposes of VC and VG may has evidence of fraud, violations of information and other information to
the Software, or this Agreement is change at any time. Your available this Agreement, violations of any Licensor, its affiliates, vendors, and
otherwise terminated. Licensor, in its VC and/or VG as shown in your User applicable law or regulation, or any business partners, and to certain
sole discretion, reserves the right to Account will be reduced each time intentional act designed to interfere other third parties, such as govern-
charge fees for the right to access or you use VC and/or VG within the or that otherwise has the effect of or mental authorities, in the U.S. and
use VC or VG and/or may distribute Software. The use of any VC and/ may have the effect of intervening other countries located outside Eu-
VC or VG with or without charge. or VG constitutes a demand against in any way with the operation of rope or your home country, including
EARNING & PURCHASING virtual and withdrawal from your available the Software. If we believe or have countries that may have lower
currency and virtual goods: You may VC and/or VG in your User Account. any reason to suspect that you standards of privacy protection; (ii)
have the ability to purchase VC or You must have sufficient available have engaged in an Unauthorized the public display of your data, such
to earn VC from Licensor for the VC and/or VG in your User Account Transaction, you further agree that as identification of your user-created
completion of certain activities or in order to complete a transaction Licensor may, in its sole discretion, content or displaying your scores,
accomplishments in the Software. within the Software. VC and/or VG in restrict your access to your available ranking, achievements, and other
For example, Licensor may provide your User Account may be reduced VC and VG in your User Account gameplay data on websites and
VC or VG upon the completion of an without notice upon the occurrence or terminate or suspend your User other platforms; (iii) the sharing of
in-game activity, such as attaining a of certain events related to your use Account and your rights to any VC, your gameplay data with hardware
new level, completing a task, or cre- of the Software: For example, you VG, and other items associated with manufacturers, platform hosts,
ating user content. Once obtained, may lose VC or VG upon the loss of a your User Account. and Licensor’s marketing partners;
VC and/or VG will be credited to your game or the death of your character. LOCATION: VC is only available to and (iv) other uses and disclosures
User Account. You may purchase You are responsible for all uses of customers in certain locations. You of your personal information or
VC and VG only within the Software, VC and/or VG made through your may not purchase or use VC if you other information as specified in the
or through a platform, participating User Account, regardless of whether are not in an approved location. above-referenced Privacy Policy, as
third-party online store, application or not authorized by you. You must SOFTWARE STORE TERMS amended from time to time. If you
store, or other store authorized by notify Licensor immediately upon This Agreement and the provision do not want your information used
Licensor (all referred to herein as discovering the unauthorized use of the Software through any or shared in this manner, then you
“Software Store”). Purchase and of any VC and/or VG made through Software Store (including the should not use the Software.
use of in-game items or currency your User Account by submitting purchase of VC or VG) is subject to For the purposes all data privacy
through a Software Store are subject a support request at www. the additional terms and conditions issues, including the collection, use,
to the Software Store’s governing take2games.com/support. set forth on or in or required by disclosure, and transfer of your
documents, including but not limited NON-REDEEMABLE: VC and VG the applicable Software Store personal information and other in-
to, the Terms of Service and User may only be redeemed for in-game and all such applicable terms and formation, the Privacy Policy located
Agreement. This online service has goods and services. You may not conditions are incorporated herein at www.take2games.com/privacy,
been sublicensed to you by the sell, lease, license, or rent VC or VG, by this reference. Licensor is not as amended from time to time,
Software Store.GF Licensor may convert them into convertible VC. responsible or liable to you for any takes precedence over any other
offer discounts or promotions on the VC and VG may only be redeemed credit card or bank-related charges statement in this Agreement.
purchase of VC, and such discounts for in-game goods or services and or other charges or fees related to WARRANTY
and promotions may be modified are not redeemable for any sum of your purchase transactions within LIMITED WARRANTY: Licensor
or discontinued by Licensor at any money or monetary value or other the Software or through a Software warrants to you (if you are the
time without notice to you. Upon goods from Licensor or any other Store. All such transactions are initial and original purchaser of
completing an authorized purchase person or entity at any time, except administered by the Software Store, the Software but not if you obtain
of VC from an Application Store, the as expressly provided herein or not Licensor. Licensor expressly the pre-recorded Software and
amount of purchased VC will be otherwise required by applicable disclaims any liability for any such accompanying documentation
credited to your User Account. The law. VC and VG have no cash value, transactions, and you agree that as a transfer from the original
Licensor shall establish a maximum and neither Licensor nor any other your sole remedy regarding all purchaser) that the original storage
amount you may spend to purchase person or entity has any obligation transactions is from or through such medium holding the Software is
VC per transaction and/or per day, to exchange your VC or VG for Software Store. free from defects in material and
which may vary depending on the anything of value, including, but not This Agreement is solely between workmanship under normal use and
associated Software. Licensor, in limited to, real currency. you and Licensor, and not with any service for 90 days from the date

XCOM 2 | 25
of purchase. Licensor warrants to FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, AND, or upon your failure to comply with shall pay and shall indemnify and
you that the Software is compatible TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY terms and conditions of this Agree- hold harmless Licensor and any
with a personal computer meeting LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL ment, including, but not limited to, and all of its affiliates, officers,
the minimum system requirements INJURIES, PROPERTY DAMAGE, the License Conditions above. You directors, and employees against all
listed in the Software documentation OR LOST PROFITS OR PUNITIVE may terminate this Agreement at taxes, duties, and levies of any kind
or that it has been certified by the DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSES any time by (i) requesting Licensor imposed by any governmental entity
gaming unit producer as compatible OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR to terminate and delete your User with respect to the transactions con-
with the gaming unit for which it RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR Account that is used to access or templated under the this Agreement,
has been published. However, due THE SOFTWARE, WHETHER ARISING use the Software using the method including interest and penalties
to variations in hardware, software, IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), set forth in the Terms of Service or thereon (exclusive of taxes on
internet connections, and individual CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR (ii) destroying and/or deleting any Licensor’s net income), irrespective
usage, Licensor does not warrant OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT and all copies of all Software in of whether included in any invoice
the performance of the Software LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED your possession, custody, or control. sent to you at any time by Licensor.
on your specific computer or OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH Deleting the Software from your You shall provide copies of any and
gaming unit. Licensor does not DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL Game Platform will not delete the all exemption certificates to Licensor
warrant against interference with LICENSOR’S LIABILITY FOR ALL information associated with your if you are entitled to any exemption.
your enjoyment of the Software; DAMAGES (EXCEPT AS REQUIRED User Account, including any VC All expenses and costs incurred by
that the Software will meet your BY APPLICABLE LAW) EXCEED THE and VG associated with your User you in connection with your activi-
requirements; that operation of the ACTUAL PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR Account. If you reinstall the Software ties hereunder, if any, are your sole
Software will be uninterrupted or er- USE OF THE SOFTWARE. using the same User Account, then responsibility. You are not entitled
ror-free; or that the Software will be IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR’S you may still have access to your to reimbursement from Licensor for
compatible with third-party software AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR ANY prior User Account information, any expenses, and will hold Licensor
or hardware or that any errors in the AND ALL CLAIMS HEREUNDER including any VC and VGassociated harmless therefrom.
Software will be corrected. No oral BY YOU, REGARDLESS OF THE with your User Account. However TERMS OF SERVICE
or written advice provided by Licen- FORM OF ACTION, EVER EXCEED except as otherwise prohibited by All access to and use of the Soft-
sor or any authorized representative THE GREATER OF THE FEES PAID applicable law, if your User Account ware is subject to this Agreement,
shall create a warranty. Because BY YOU TO LICENSOR FOR THE is deleted upon termination of this the applicable Software documen-
some jurisdictions do not allow the PRECEDING TWELVE (12) MONTH Agreement for any reason, all VC tation, Licensor’s Terms of Service,
exclusion of or limitations on implied PERIOD FOR ANYTHING RELATING and/or VGassociated with your User and Licensor’s Privacy Policy, and all
warranties or the limitations on TO THE SOFTWARE OR US$200, Account will also be deleted, and terms and conditions of the Terms of
the applicable statutory rights of a WHICHEVER IS GREATER. you will no longer be available for Service are hereby incorporated into
consumer, some or all of the above BECAUSE SOME STATES/ use the Software or any VC or VG this Agreement by this reference.
exclusions and limitations may not COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW associated with your User Account. These agreements represent the
apply to you. LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN If this Agreement terminates due complete agreement between you
If for any reason you find a defect IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR to your violation of this Agreement, and Licensor relating to use of the
in the storage medium or Software THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF Licensor may prohibit you from Software and related services and
during the warranty period, Licensor LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CON- re-registering or re-accessing the products and supersede and replace
agrees to replace, free of charge, SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, DEATH, Software. Upon any termination of any prior agreements between you
any Software discovered to be OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING this Agreement, you must destroy or and Licensor, whether written or
defective within the warranty period FROM NEGLIGENCE, FRAUD, OR return the physical copy of Software oral. To the extent there is a conflict
as long as the Software is currently WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, THESE LIM- to Licensor, as well as permanently between this Agreement and the
being manufactured by Licensor. If ITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSIONS AND destroy all copies of the Software, Terms of Service, this Agreement
the Software is no longer available, ANY EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION accompanying documentation, shall control.
Licensor retains the right to substi- OTHERWISE RESULTING FROM THE associated materials, and all of its MISCELLANEOUS
tute a similar piece of Software of ABOVE INDEMNITY MAY NOT APPLY component parts in your possession If any provision of this Agreement
equal or greater value. This warranty TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY SHALL or control, including from any client is held to be unenforceable for
is limited to the storage medium and NOT BE APPLICABLE SOLELY TO server, computer, gaming unit, any reason, such provision shall
the Software as originally provided THE EXTENT THAT ANY SPECIFIC or mobile device on which it has be reformed only to the extent
by Licensor and is not applicable to PROVISION OF THIS WARRANTY been installed. Upon termination necessary to make it enforceable
normal wear and tear. This warranty IS PROHIBITED BY ANY FEDERAL, of this Agreement, your rights to and the remaining provisions of this
shall not be applicable and shall be STATE, OR MUNICIPAL LAW, WHICH use the Software, including any VC Agreement shall not be affected.
void if the defect has arisen through CANNOT BE PRE-EMPTED. THIS or VG associated with your User GOVERNING LAW
abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC Account, will terminate immediately, This Agreement shall be construed
implied warranties prescribed by LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE and you must cease all use of the (without regard to conflicts or choice
statute are expressly limited to the OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM Software. The termination of this of law principles) under the laws of
90-day period described above. JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. Agreement will not affect our rights the State of New York, as such law
Except as set forth above, this WE DO NOT AND CANNOT or your obligations arising under this is applied to agreements between
warranty is in lieu of all other CONTROL THE FLOW OF DATA TO Agreement. New York residents entered into and
warranties, whether oral or written, OR FROM OUR NETWORK AND OTH- U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED to be performed within New York,
express or implied, including any ER PORTIONS OF THE INTERNET, RIGHTS except as governed by federal law.
other warranty of merchantability, WIRELESS NETWORKS, OR OTHER The Software and documentation Unless expressly waived by Licensor
fitness for a particular purpose, or THIRD-PARTY NETWORKS. SUCH have been developed entirely at in writing for the particular instance
non-infringement, and no other FLOW DEPENDS IN LARGE PART private expense and are provided as or contrary to local law, the sole and
representations or warranties of any ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE “Commercial Computer Software” exclusive jurisdiction and venue for
kind shall be binding on Licensor. INTERNET AND WIRELESS SERVICES or “restricted computer software.” actions related to the subject matter
When returning the Software subject PROVIDED OR CONTROLLED BY Use, duplication, or disclosure hereof shall be the state and federal
to the limited warranty above, THIRD PARTIES. AT TIMES, ACTIONS by the U.S. Government or a courts located in Licensor’s principal
please send the original Software OR INACTIONS OF SUCH THIRD U.S. Government subcontractor corporate place of business (New
only to Licensor address specified PARTIES MAY IMPAIR OR DISRUPT is subject to the restrictions set York County, New York, U.S.A.).
below and include: your name and YOUR CONNECTIONS TO THE forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of You and Licensor consent to the
return address; a photocopy of your INTERNET, WIRELESS SERVICES, OR the Rights in Technical Data and jurisdiction of such courts and agree
dated sales receipt; and a brief PORTIONS THEREOF. WE CANNOT Computer Software clauses in that process may be served in the
note describing the defect and the GUARANTEE THAT SUCH EVENTS DFARS 252.227-7013 or as set forth manner provided herein for giving
system on which you are running WILL NOT OCCUR. ACCORDINGLY, in subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the of notices or otherwise as allowed
the Software. WE DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL Commercial Computer Software by New York state or federal law.
INDEMNITY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM OR Restricted Rights clauses at FAR You and Licensor agree that the
You agree to indemnify, defend, RELATED TO THIRD-PARTY ACTIONS 52.227-19, as applicable. The UN Convention on Contracts for
and hold Licensor, its partners, OR INACTIONS THAT IMPAIR OR DIS- Contractor/Manufacturer is Licensor the International Sale of Goods
licensors, affiliates, contractors, RUPT YOUR CONNECTIONS TO THE at the location listed below. (Vienna, 1980) shall not apply to
officers, directors, employees, and INTERNET, WIRELESS SERVICES, OR EQUITABLE REMEDIES this Agreement or to any dispute
agents harmless from all damages, PORTIONS THEREOF OR THE USE You hereby agree that if the or transaction arising out of this
losses, and expenses arising OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED terms of this Agreement are not Agreement.
directly or indirectly from your acts SERVICES AND PRODUCTS. specifically enforced, Licensor IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS
and omissions to act in using the TERMINATION will be irreparably damaged, and CONCERNING THIS AGREEMENT,
Software pursuant to the terms of This Agreement is effective until therefore you agree that Licensor YOU MAY CONTACT US IN WRITING
the Agreement. terminated by you or by the Licen- shall be entitled, without bond, AT: TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFT-
IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE sor. This Agreement automatically other security, or proof of damages, WARE, INC., 622 BROADWAY, NEW
LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, terminates when Licensor ceases to appropriate equitable remedies YORK, NY 10012. 09102013v1
OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES to operate the Software servers (for with respect any of this Agreement, All other terms and conditions of
RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, games exclusively operated online), including temporary and permanent the EULA apply to your use of the
USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE if Licensor determines or believes injunctive relief, in addition to any Software.
SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT your use of the Software involves other available remedies.
TY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER laundering or any other illicit activity, You shall be responsible for and

XCOM 2 | 26
You can find the latest technical support information and up to date FAQs at
the following website:




The latest EULA for the title can be found at:


©1994–2016 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., 2K, Firaxis Games, XCOM, XCOM 2, and
their respective logos are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998-2015, Epic Games,
Inc. All rights reserved. Unreal® is a registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. Uses Bink Video. Copyright ©1997–2015 by RAD
Game Tools, Inc. This software product includes Autodesk® Scaleform® software, ©2015 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Portions hereof ©2002–2015 by NVIDIA® Corporation. NVIDIA®, NVIDIA®GameWorkstm and PhysXtm are trademarks of
NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Facial animations generated with FaceFX. ©2002–2015, OC3 Entertainment Inc. and
its licensors. All rights reserved. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other
marks and trademarks are property of their respective owners. The content of this videogame is fictional and is not intended to
represent or depict an actual record of the events, persons, locations or entities in the game’s setting. The makers and publishers
of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.

XCOM 2 | 27

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