S.Kazempourian F.Fatemi School of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Tehran Fall 2019

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School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Tehran

Fall 2019
 The most effective way to learn prepositions is to become familiar with
the words and phrases they form relationships with .

 Difference between “in” and “on”:

- Physically, ‘in’ is used for indicating something is contained within

something else.
 The description was in the file given to the network manager.

- While ‘on’ is used for something on a surface or just above.

 The devices were left on the table for the students to inspect.

 use ‘in’ for months and years.
- This occurred in June. This occurred in June 2014. This occurred
in 2009.

 And use ‘on’ for specific dates and days of the week.
- This occurred on June 15th 2014. This occurred (in) on Tuesday.

 When referring to position in a diagram or on a screen use the

- at the top
- in the middle
- at the bottom

Those terms most commonly found in engineering papers and
most often misused are listed here by the preposition required:

 at (full/low/high) power
– This is assuming the converter was operating in (at) full power prior to this.
 at (low/high/maximum) frequency
– These can be used in (at) both high and low frequency.
 run/travel at (speed/velocity) – The wave spreads out and travels at a
specific velocity…

 They will not have access with (access to) any relevant information.
 The user accesses to the system in time to view this message.
 This is the maximum number of nodes assigned in (assigned to) one
 The user will then be able to connect with (connect to) the internet.
 The optimization in (19) is equivalent with (equivalent to) the following:
 This is identical with (identical to) the earlier fault.
 We were successful in keeping this impact in a minimum (to a minimum).
 This is in response with (in response to) the queries covered earlier.
 …which works similar with (similar to) the photodiode.
 Networks based on this are susceptible with (susceptible to) many threats.
 The longest part only reaches to 15 cm, so the sensor will not detect this.

 There is no delay associated to (associated with) the current signals.
 Hopefully, this can be combined to (combined with) efficient
 The anchors can communicate to (communicate with) each other via the
above mechanisms.
 Orion Ltd (Canada) in collaboration of (in collaboration with) C____
University (China)…
 It was equipped (equipped with) a 50,000 rpm electrospindle and…
 Clearly this interferes on (interferes with) the signal.
 This demonstrates how the isocontour can interact to (interact with) the

 In order to save time, it was composed by (composed of) centroid nodes…
 It consists with (consists of) temporary storage and more permanent
 This consists (consists of) a single node and…
 We also acknowledge the existence to (existence of) signal-dependent
 This served as key referral material in support to (in support of) my
 The development looks to take advantage from (of) the new SOAs.

 …largely aided with (aided by) by changing the direction of the flow.
 The reinforcement costs in the networks are driven with (driven by)
 Fig. 6. shows the new network generated on (generated by) the centroid
 This is indicated with (indicated by) a dashed line in the model.60 Written
 These have been supplied from (supplied by) various local manufacturers.
 The CBs here are triggered from (triggered by) the busbar protection.

 Here, the two aggressors will likely compete on (compete for) dominance…
 The demand of (demand for) power in this area will only increase in the
 This traffic is destined at (destined for) a different subnet.
 These limits demonstrate the need of (need for) alternative measures.
 These components represent for a practical grid system.
 They are responsible of (responsible for) system security and routine
 Our method is suitable to (suitable for) the latter frequency channel.

 The conditions have a great effect in (effect on) the electricity demand.
 These have yet to be installed to (installed on) the system.
 Once uploaded, this will be visible in the screen (on the screen).
 This occurs in (on) some occasions and usually when the system is idle.
 They have displayed this information in (on) their website.
 This is normally heard at (in) the background.

 One way is to extend the cluster on both directions (in both directions)
as shown in Fig. 5.
 This has been a key breakthrough that is now widely used on the industry
(in the industry).
 On normal mode (In normal mode) these would be automatically
 It probably indicates an unsolicited report has been sent with (in)
response to a query.
 These four phases will need to be implemented at sequence (in


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