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1) The marketing technique known as ________ involves merchants offering many

products for
which there is little demand.
A) long tail marketing
B) flash marketing
C) yield management
D) bait-and-switch
Answer: A
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Objective: 6.3: Identify and describe the main technologies that support online

2) Which of the following provides web marketers with a very quick means of identifying
a customer and understanding his or her behavior at a site?
A) transaction logs
B) cookies
C) registration forms
D) data warehouses
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Information technology
Learning Objective: 6.3: Identify and describe the main technologies that support online

3) Transaction logs are built into client software.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Easy
AACSB: Information technology
Learning Objective: 6.3: Identify and describe the main technologies that support online

4) Regular in-app cookies can be shared between apps.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Information technology
Learning Objective: 6.3: Identify and describe the main technologies that support online

5) Which of the following e-commerce technology dimensions creates greater opportunities

for cyberbullying?

A) information density

B) interactivity
C) social technology

D) ubiquity
Answer: C

Difficulty: Moderate

AACSB: Application of knowledge

6) Which of the following e-commerce technology dimensions has the potential to reduce
cultural diversity in products?

A) ubiquity

B) interactivity
C) information density
D) global reach
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Learning Objective: 8.1: Understand why e-commerce raises ethical, social, and political

7) Which of the following is not one of the four basic principles shared by ethical schools of
thought in western culture?
A) accountability
B) privacy
C) responsibility
D) liability
Answer: B
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning
Learning Objective: 8.1: Understand why e-commerce raises ethical, social, and political

8) What is the first step in analyzing an ethical dilemma?

A) Define the conflict or dilemma and identify the higher-order values involved.
B) Identify the potential consequences of your opinions.
C) Identify the options you can reasonably take.
D) Identify and describe the facts.
Answer: D
Difficulty: Moderate
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning
Learning Objective: 8.1: Understand why e-commerce raises ethical, social, and political

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