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Time of event:


Plant causing upset: CAUSE: TRIP EFFECT:
Location PORT SAID Design ESD
Unit Unit 40 Equipment Failure PSD ✘
Level 3 Gas Feed Quantity Operational Problems USD
Tag Trip Human Error NO TRIP
Planned Work Restricted Operation
Other ✘

Level1 Unplanned
Level2 Equipment outage
Level3 Reduced Processed feed

Event Downtime Propane (ton) LPG (ton)

7.3 hrs Production Loss
Duration (hrs) 59.21 37.84
Event description and most likely causes
Description of Event

HA'PY feed gas cut flow ocurred at 10:00 AM, accordingly ramped down the load of both gas turbines 40-GG-01A/B till 4900 a
5300 rpm respectively where 40-K-01A tripped at the mentioned speed "4900 rpm" and was restarted at 5:15 PM after three
failes restarts then it was fully loaded at 5:30 PM due to abnormal problem of existing extra low pressure at the vent of dry g
seal of compressor drive end and activation of the low low pressure alarm "40-PALL-05".

Actions already taken prior to restart

- During HA'PY feed gas cut flow, ramped down the load of both gas turbines 40-GG-01A/B till 4900 and 5300 rpm respectively
where 40-K-01A tripped at the mentioned speed "4900 rpm" . 
- During the trip of 40-K-01A,  the major part of Ha’py feed gas was diverted to the national grid.
- Started to just re-pressurzie the plant through Ha'py feed gas and ensure all equipment are running safely.
- HA'PY feed gas returned back to UGDC at 10:45 AM while 40-K-01A was restarted at 5:15 PM and was fully loaded at 5:30PM

Initial thought

HA'PY feed gas cut flow resulted in that both of the residue gas compressors ,which were running with the same speed,
caused a dramatic decrease in plant upstream pressure.
Stopped inlet pressure decrease by ramping down the loads of the both turbines while 40-K-01A tripped suddenly.

Information available

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The plant upstream pressure before upset was 63 barg while PSLL for plant inlet 01-PSLL-08 & 01-PSLL-05 are set at 55 barg.
These settings 55 barg of pressure switches are based on original design of plant operating conditions at 70 barg (Design pressu
Currently, due to the quick rate depletion of up-streamers’ wells, restrictions of their turbines, and their fight to keep highest po
production rates of natural gas, our operating pressure had been forced to be reduced from 70 to 63.5 barg, currently, in order
highest possible received feed gas rate from upstream plants to maximize NGL plant production.
SOR for changing the PSLL setting was issued.
Inspite of above illustrated narrow margin, we ramped down the loads of both turbines successfully before activating the PSLL.

Most likely causes

Assessment of causes by On Site investigation

Was there/ could there been advanced warning

The cut flow occurs suddenly without any warning.

Override required Yes No Override approved Yes No Equipment Tag No.

Override requested Yes No Override applied Yes No
Actions to prevent reoccurrence of this event Action owner Target date Action type Priority

Study decreasing 01-PSLL-08 & 01-PSLL-05

set points to avail a reasonable time for
Inst. OPS / Tech. Ongoing
controlling the plant during feed flow cut .
(SOR was issued already )

Study to avail Siemens unit speed control in

OPS / Tech.

Study to modify the plant SD philosophy in

order to put Siemens units on recycle mode in Mech. OPS
case of plant feed cut.


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Date Name Comments
PU Issued by 11/18/2015 Mohamed Abdel Basset
PU Reviewed by
PU Approved by
Eng. assistance Yes Comments regarding SOR.
required No
SOR raised Yes

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ted Operation

DNG (bbls)

1A/B till 4900 and

PM after three
e vent of dry gas

pm respectively

aded at 5:30PM.

e speed,


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et at 55 barg.
(Design pressure 79

keep highest possible

ently, in order to keep

ating the PSLL.

ment Tag No.

Close out

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