Independence Day Indonesia

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Independence Day (Indonesian: Hari Kemerdekaan, colloquially known as Tujuhbelasan, "the

Seventeenth") is a national holiday in Indonesia commemorating the anniversary of the Indonesia's
Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945.[1] It was made a national holiday by then-President
Sukarno in 1953.

Ceremonies and festive events are held throughout the country to celebrate this national day, including
flag hoistings, local games and neighbourhood competitions, patriotic and cultural parades.[2] Discounts
are offered by participating shopping centres or businesses.[3]

On this day, all Indonesian national televisions broadcast the National Independence Day Ceremony live
from the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta. Televisions also often air Indonesian patriotic songs, nationalistic-
themed films, advertisements, and talkshows

Act Number 24 of 2009 concerning the National Flag, National Language, and State Symbols and
National Anthem article 7 paragraph 3, obliges the flying of the Red and White flag for every Indonesian
citizen in their homes, and also at public institutions, office buildings, educational institutions, public
transportation facilities, and private transportation in the country, as well as Indonesian diplomatic
offices abroad, on 17 August.[4]

A national formal flag hoisting ceremony is held at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, hosted by the current
Indonesian President to reenact the declaration of independence proclaimed by Sukarno in 1945, held in
10.00 a.m, and is broadcast nationwide on radio and television.

The essence of freedom for the Indonesian people

1. Not the end of the fight

2. As the unifying of nations

3. Cultivate mutual respect and respect

4. The evidence of Indonesian power is not to be taken lightly

5. Suggests the fight we're in will be heavier

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