Salsha Nabila-Tr-12-04-21

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NIM : 2193321013

 Definition Of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the act of combining information in a passage with prior

knowledge in order to construct meaning. In addiction reading comprehension as a
complex cognitive ability which requires the capacity in integrating text information with the
prior knowledge of the reader and resulting in the elaboration of a mental

 Definition Of Reading Comprehension Test

Reading comprehension test is act to measure the students ability of their knowledge in
understanding with some test which aims to interpret it in relation to their own needs and

 Technique For Developing Validity Of A Test

1. Related measures studies: The aim is to show that the test in question measures
the construct it was designed to measure and not some other theoretically
unrelated construct. The Standards (1999) distinguishes two types of evidence based
on relations to other variables: convergent and discriminant.
2. Known-groups technique : this technique aims to the researcher compares the
performance of two groups already known to differ on the construct being
measured. One hypothesizes that the group known to have a high level of the construct
will score higher on the measure than the group known to have a low level of the
3. Intervention studies : this technique aims to expect the scores on a scale designed to
measure anxiety to increase if individuals are put into an anx-iety-provoking situation.
The scores of a control group not exposed to the experimental manipulation should not be
affected. If anxiety were manipu-lated in a controlled experiment and the resulting
scores change in the predicted way, you have evidence that the scale is measuring
4. Internal structure studies: this techniques aims to Analyzing the internal structure
of a test is another source of evidence that the test is measuring the construct it is sup-
posed to be measuring. This procedure involves showing that all the items making up the
test or scale are measuring the same thing—that is, that the test has internal consistency.
5. Studies of response processes : this techniques aims to taking a test. Questioning test
takers about the mental processes and skills that they use when responding to the items of
a test can provide information about what construct is being measured. This procedure
may reveal that the test is measuring verbal reasoning, or it may reveal that other factors
such as vocabulary or reading comprehension are being measured.

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