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23rd World Gas Conference, Amsterdam 2006



Main author

A.M. Derevyagin

S.V. Seleznev, A.R. Stepanov, A.G. Agaltsov

NPF Vympel Company, Saratov

V.A. Istomin
VNIIGAZ, Moscow Region


A novel technology is used for dew point’s control. Three-channel laser interferometer allows
simultaneously detect three phases on an instrument mirror: liquid phase (water or suppercooled
water, water solutions), solid phase (ice or gas hydrates) and hydrocarbon phase. Condensation
technique of dewpoint measurement is applied.
A new industrial device CONG-Prima 10 was developed. Performance specification of CONG-
Prima 10 Analyzer: measurement range of water dew point temperature from -50 to +30 C;
Measurement range of HC dew point temperature from -30 to +30 C; threshold of admissible absolute
error for dew point temperature are ±0.25 C for water and ±1 C for hydrocarbons, maximum
o o

allowable working pressure of gas analyzed is 25 MPa; Measurement time is about 10-30 min.
The CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer was tested and certified by the State Standard Body of the
Russian Federation (in the city of Irkuitsk, the State humidity standard is in the State Standard Institute
of this city). The tests were conducted with the help of the following reference means: i) humidity gas
generator (“Rodnik-2” reference dynamic generator) with an absolute error of dew point reproduction
being ±0.1 C (for measurement of range and error); ii) high-precision unit (UVT 103-A-2001), with an

absolute error of dew point reproduction being no more than ±0.1 C, working pressure being up to

10 MPa (for measurement of working pressure range).

The special laboratory test results show that the Analyzer error does not exceed 0.1 C. This
value is comparable (equal) with the accuracy of reference means. Pressure influence on the
analyzer’s reading has not been found. The difference of 0.2 C between the readings of the Analyzer
in above-zero region without and under pressure can be explained by the fact that the measurements
were made on different reference units with an accuracy of ±0.1 C.

Industrial CONG-PRIMA 10 Analyzer may be used for dew point’s control of different
compositions natural gases. Brief discussion of industrial and laboratory applications is presented.
Also the Analyzer may be used for research purposes: for studying gas hydrate equilibria, detection
methanol content in gas phase, kinetics of condensation from gas phase.

1. Abstract

2. Body of Paper

3. References

4. List Tables

5. List of Figures

A.M. Derevyagin, S.V. Seleznev, A.R. Stepanov, A.G. Agaltsov

NPF Vympel Company, Saratov, Russia

V.A. Istomin
VNIIGAZ, Moscow Region, Russia


Process flows of associated oil and natural gases contain different admixtures in solid
(mechanical impurities), liquid (absorbents, compressor oil, etc.) and gaseous state (water, methanol,
vapors of absorbents and heavy hydrocarbons) a content of which define quality indices of sales gas.

Temperatures of water and heavy hydrocarbon dew points are generally accepted criteria for
gas quality assessment. Instruments based on condensation method of dew point measurement are
known both in Russia and other countries as reliable instruments for monitoring quality of natural and
associated gases. They are one of the basic components being used in systems of automation and
optimization of processes in oil and gas industry.

Presence of extraneous impurities in gas phase during condensation process very often leads
to its accumulation on a sensitive element (mirror) of dew point’s device. Therefore the correct
measurement of dew point’s temperatures becomes impossible. Various systems of gas clearing
(filters, splitters, membranes) are used to support sensitive element in operation. In turn the
application of such systems can lead to distortion of test gas due to sorption-desorption processes on
filtering elements and as a result dew point’s measurement may be distorted.

The analysis shows that the realization of condensation method for natural gas with some
impurities requires a solution of some complicated problems, including i) selective measurement of
water dew point at the presence of higher hydrocarbons and glycols condensed at higher temperature
in natural gas; ii) increase in sensibility of track on locating condensed water on an analyzer mirror
during simultaneous condensation of other attached foreign materials; iii) complicated and unreliable
design, large size and weight and power consumption.

So the new approach for measuring of dew points is needed. We present an advanced gas
quality control technology by means of both laser interferometer and condensation methods. Practical
realization of the technology in industrial device (CONG-PRIMA 10 Analyzer) is discussed. The device
may be used for dew point’s control of different compositions natural gases.


The analysis of methods for measuring gas humidity has shown that direct measuring
procedures, of which the most promising is condensation method or method of gas dew points, are of
primary priority. The method lies in measuring temperature to which a film of tested gas adjacent to a
cooled surface is to be cooled in order to bring it to a state of saturation (by water and other attached
foreign materials) under working pressure. This temperature was named as a temperature of dew
point while the instruments based on this measuring method were named as condensation

Condensation method makes it possible to obtain, normally and in full measure, reliable
information about water content in gas. At present there is a spectrum of condensation-type
instruments manufactured by different companies in the world market. However, some instruments are
out-of-date and allow only manual measurement thus leading to subjective estimation of dew point (for
example, Kharkov-1M and Chandler instruments widely used in Russia). The other instruments are
based on physical principles that do not allow measurement of two dew points by water and
hydrocarbons at a time (for instance, Mishel hygrometer). Another instruments have been developed
only as experimental models (for example, devices based on microwave registration of water content
in gas phase).

The analysis shows that the realization of condensation method requires a solution of some
complicated problems, including
1. Selective measurement of water dew point at the presence of higher hydrocarbons and
glycols condensed at higher temperature in natural gas;
2. Increase in sensibility of track on locating condensed water on an analyzer mirror during
simultaneous condensation of other attached foreign materials;
3. Complicated and unreliable design, large size and weight and power consumption.

The analysis of the existing physical methods for detecting the presence of condensing
moisture on a mirror (i.e. on a sensor) shows that optical method of registration is the most promising.
This choice is based on simplicity of measurement, reliability and stability to real heavy enough
operating conditions (i.e. operation in HC gases containing besides water and HC vapors such
admixtures as methanol, glycol, compressor oil and mechanical impurities).

Usually an optical device includes such components as a source of light (light emitting diode
LED), a light receiver (photodiode) and an object for analysis (condensation mirror or sensor). The
principle of the method is simple and can be described as follows. Light emitted by LED reflects from
the mirror and hits upon the photodiode. During cooling water condenses on the mirror (as a film and
condensation mist near the mirror’s surface) leading to the dispersion of light that is fixed by the
photodiode. However, this method has one essential disadvantage, namely, rather low sensibility of an
optical track to thin films of water. This disadvantage is especially negative when measuring small
moisture content in gas (i.e. under high gas pressure and low dew point temperature, below –10 C).
This problem can be solved by two different ways:
1. Fiber-optic technology based on the principle of complete disturbance of internal reflection when a
film of registered matter appears on the external surface of optical fiber.
2. Replacement of LED with laser emitting source and development of laser interference measuring

As for fiber-optic technology, Vympel Company has found an original design option that lies in
using a complete disturbance of internal reflection of light in optical fiber when condensate film
appears on the condensation mirror (sensor). The external polished surface of a bend serves as a
mirror, with an area of such mirror being 0.25 mm . This option has allowed to increase sufficiently
sensibility of the optical track. It should be noted that the response of the new optical track is observed
at a water film thickness of 0.1 to 0.15 mcm. The unique feature of the design option lies in the fact
that quartz optical fiber performs three functions at a time. They include a condensation mirror, a
device registering water film (by decreasing photo signal level when condensate film appears and
when a part of light flux comes out from the optical fiber) and a waveguide itself.

This physical principle (see, figure 1) has been practically realized in a family of commercial
instruments, such as CONG-Prima 2, CONG-Prima 4, CONG-Prima 4P [1, 2].
Figure 1. Optoelectronics-based principle of measurement and sensor
(condensation mirror) design
TEC – Peltier thermoelectric cooler; LED – light emitting diode; Photodiode – light receiver recording
a level of optic signal passing through fiber-optic cable

Nowadays, more than 300 industrial devices CONG-Prima 2 and 4 are used in Russia and
CIS and some ones at Western Europe also. The practical experience show than it will be desirable to
improve sensitivity and selectivity of the condensation method when detecting simultaneously both
dew points on water moisture and hydrocarbons in dirty multicomponent natural gases. We choose
laser interference technique for realization of the purpose (CONG-Prima 10).

In laser interference measuring technique a silicon plate located on the Peltier thermoelectric
cooler serves as a sensor (mirror). To register the processes taking place on the sensor during its
heating and cooling an optical system (Figure 2) consisting of a source of coherent light (laser) 1, an
optical track, a directing prism 2 and photodiodes 3,5 and 6 is used.

The latter method is based on the effect of complete polarization during the reflection at
interface of media (i.e. the entire light becomes refracted). This effect appears when light falls on the
surface at so-called Brewster angle, Figure 3.

A laser beam comes out from the directing prism and falls on the sensor (mirror) at Brewster
angle. Three photodiodes register simultaneously changes in the intensity of a reflected beam.

In the absence of condensate film on the mirror the entire impinging light becomes refracted.
Therefore, values of optical signals coming to the photodiodes are very small. When the condensate
film forms, the displacement of media interface, change in media refraction coefficient and, as
consequence, appearance of two reflected signals that can reinforce or attenuate each others
depending on the condensate film thickness take place. The dynamics of this process is fixed by the
photodiode installed opposite the directing prism (direct signal). A value of the signal considered
depends on a length laser wave and condensate film thickness. These data allow in principle to
measure the condensate film thickness in time, at least at its initial stage of formation (given a length
of light wave emitted by laser).
Figure 2. Laser interference-based principle of measurement and sensor
(condensation mirror) design
1 – Source of coherent light (laser).
2 – Directing prism serving for exact directing a laser beam on the mirror at the Brewster angle.
3 - Photodiode (rear side) intended to fix scattered light intensity. When water (drops or crystals)
condensates, the light increases its intensity.
4 – Mirror. Mirror is a silicon plate that absorbs a laser beam when condensate is absent. The mirror
temperature is controlled by a thermoelectronic battery (Peltier elements) and measured by a heat-
sensing device having a size comparable with a size of the mirror.
5 – Photodiode (front straight) intended to fix scattered light intensity (direct signal). When HC (film)
condensates, the light increases its intensity.
6 - Photodiode (front side) intended to fix scattered light intensity. When water condensates (drops or
crystals), the light increases its intensity.

The experiments show that the processes of water and heavy hydrocarbons condensation on
the mirror (silicon plate) essentially differ. HC condensate is uniformly distributed on the mirror
(sensor), while in the process of water condensation a film of liquid aqueous phase is growing to a
certain level followed by the formation of microdrops (due to high surface tension of water). Later
these drops may be crystallized with the formation of ice or gas hydrates (depending on thermobaric
conditions). These processes are followed by a sharp increase in scattered light and attenuation of
reflected light with simultaneous loss of laser emission coherence. The photodiodes 5 and 6 fix the
formation of drops or crystals (in case of water freezing or hydrating). They also fix a change in
scattered light; therefore, they are located from a side of the directing prism and of the photodiode that
fixes a direct signal.

Figure 3. Principle of operation of gas dew-point laser Analyzer

1 – Impinging light; 2 - Reflected light; 3 - Refracted light.
When drops or crystals of liquid appear, the most change occurs on the photodiodes 5 and 6
with a value of signal on the photodiode 3 being decreased. When HC film forms and grows, a change
of scattered signal on the photodiodes 5 and 6 is insufficient. At the same time a value of direct signal
sharply changes depending on a HC film thickness. Thanks to the understanding of physical
processes taking place on the mirror and analysis of direct and scattered signals one can clearly
determine what component of gaseous phase (water or HC) condenses on the mirror. Thus, this
technique allows simultaneous measurement of gas dew point temperature both by HC and aqueous
phases (water, ice and gas hydrates) and precise measurement of gas dew point temperature by HC
being below a temperature of water dew point.

Based on the principles of laser interferometry a CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer has been

developed. At present the unit has successfully passed laboratory and metrological tests and has
been prepared for full-scale production.

Figure 4. Initial information sensing device of KONG-Prima-10 Analyzer

1 – Shell; 2 – Pressure seal; 3 - Heat-sensing device; 4 – Directing prism; 5, 6, 7 – Photodiodes; 8 –

Cooler; 9 – Silicon plate (mirror); 10 – Laser; 11 – Optical track.

In figure 5 the process of water condensation at mirror of CONG-Prima-10 Analyzer is

Figure 5. Kong-Prima-10 Analyzer’s sensor and condensing mirror during
the process of moisture condensation


At present, a three-channel laser interference Analyzer has successfully passed laboratory

and numerous commercial tests.

The CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer provides:

• measurement of gas dew point temperatures by water and/or hydrocarbons;
• recording of measured dew points and average hour values of pressure and temperature of
monitored medium (when additional pressure and temperature transducers are connected to the
unit) and entering these data into volatile memory of the Analyzer;

continuous digital indication of the measured dew points ( C) and values of pressure (MPa),
o 3
temperature ( C) of monitored gas medium and recalculated humidity values (in mg/m ) (when
additional pressure and temperature transducers are connected to the unit);
• transmission of information on the Analyzer’s operational state to another information-measuring
systems via RS-485 interface;

o 3
conversion of dew point temperature values ( C) into another humidity units (mg/m ) and
conversion of measured dew point values from an actual pressure into contract pressure (e.g.
3.92 MPa according to Russian standard of gas quality).

The main components of the Analyzer are a dew point transducer and a block performing
general control of the Analyzer including a central controlling block and an interface unit (Figure 6).
Figure 6. General view of central controlling block (above); General view of Analyzer operated
by interface unit (below: left - power supply source, in center – dew point transducer, and right
– interface unit)

The Analyzer has two design options:

1. One dew point transducer. The Analyzer is operated by the interface unit;
2. Up to four dew point transducers simultaneously operated by the central controlling block.
Dew point transducer is of explosion-proof construction. Interface unit and controlling block are
designed for operation in explosion-proof zones.
Performance specification of CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer
Measurement range of water dew point temperature -50…+30 C
Measurement range of HC dew point temperature -30…+30 C
Threshold of admissible absolute error for dew point

±0.25 C
±1 C (pure propane)
Maximum allowable working pressure of gas analyzed 25 MPa
Measurement time 10-30 min
Output signals Digital, according to EIA
Analog 4-20 mA
Dew point transducer 120x285x240 mm
Interface unit 190x482x518 mm
Central controlling block 273x482x518 mm
(Monitor for central controlling block) (356x482x102 mm)

The CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer was tested and certified by the State Standard Body of the
Russian Federation (in the city of Irkuitsk, the State humidity standard is in the State Standard Institute
of this city). The tests were conducted with the help of the following reference means:
• Humidity gas generator (“Rodnik-2” reference dynamic generator) with an absolute error of dew
point reproduction being ±0.1 C (for measurement of range and error)

• High-precision unit (UVT 103-A-2001), with an absolute error of dew point reproduction being no
more than ±0.1 C, working pressure being up to 10 MPa (for measurement of working pressure


The test objectives lay in determining Analyzer’s accuracy, measurement range and pressure
influence on Analyzer’s reading, Tables 1 and 2.
The test results show that the Analyzer error does not exceed 0.1 C. This value is
comparable (equal) with the accuracy of reference means. Pressure influence on the Analyzer’s
reading has not been found. The difference of 0.2 C between the readings of the analyzer in above-
zero region without and under pressure can be explained by the fact that the measurements were
made on different reference units with an accuracy of ± 0.1 C.

Table 1. Determination of range and accuracy of the CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer during

measurement of dew point temperature by water

Actual dew point Measured dew point Analyzer error

temperature, τa, C temperature, τm, C ∆τ = τm - τa, C
o o o

-40.1 -40.0 +0.1

-29.0 -28.9 +0.1
-16.7 -16.7 0
0 -0.1 -0.1
+13.9 +13.8 -0.1

Table 2. Determination of working pressure range during measurement of dew point

Actual dew point Measured dew Analyzer error Pressure in

temperature, τa, C ∆τ = τm - τa, C
o o
point temperature, measuring
τm, C
chamber, MPa
+8.8 +8.9 +0.1 8
Table 3. Industrial places where CONG-Prima 10 Analyzers are installed

Range of Range of
measured measured Conditions and some features
dew point dew point of operation
on moisture on СН
Gas from North Sea fields, which
Italy, Concern «Snam» containing С6+ hydrocarbons,
-27…-18 -16…-8
gas after preliminary conditioning in
Germany, company «RURGAZ». Gas from North Sea fields, high-
Gas transportation system -16…-12 -5…-0 BTU gas with high contents of С6+
(Dorsten) hydrocarbons (Geshergas)
Gas after DEG conditioning.
Russia, «GAZPROM», Directly on pipeline without
«Yamburggazdobicha», -22…-18 -3…+3 additional system of filtration and
Zapolyarnoe gas field purification. Aerosol DEG in dried
gas is exist
Russia, «GAZPROM»,
«Yugtransgaz», -7…-18 -2…-6 Completely conditioned gas
The Blue Stream gas pipeline
Russia, «GAZPROM».
Wet gas without treatment
Boundary point of Turkmenistan +5…+10 +5…+8
gas (intake from Kazakhstan to
Russia, «GAZPROM».
«Mostransgaz». Boundary point
0…+5 0…+5 Wet gas after preliminary treatment
of Turkmenistan gas intake from
Russia to Ukraine (Valuiki place)

4 Brief review on scientific research application of CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer

First of all we would like to note the following unique features of the CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer
as an industrial unit and as a tool for precision scientific research (in the field of condensed state
• Separated analysis of liquid (water and hydrocarbon) phase condensed on the mirror and solid
phase by reflected light at different angles, i.e. the process of condensation and three its types of
phases are visualized in parallel and independent via its receiving channel;
• As compared to the CONG-Prima 4 Analyzer, the sensitivity of CONG-Prima 10 unit increased by
an order of magnitude makes it possible to enhance accuracy of dew point measurement, to study
and visualize the process of phase condensation near a cooled surface;
• By its physical essence, the Analyzer is a highly sensitive miniature laser interferometer allowing
direct (interference) measurement of condensate film thickness on the mirror and thus analysis of
an initial stage of condensed phase generation on the cooled surface and its sublimation kinetics.

Schematic diagram of a stationary unit and its pneumatic circuit for conducting gas hydrate
experiments is illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7 Schematic diagram of experimental assembly for stationary method
of hydrate equilibrium investigation
1 – Compressed natural gas cylinder; 2 – Reducer; 3 – Cryostat with saturator; 4 – dehydrator
(cartridge with silicagel); 5,6,7 – Cryostats with separators; 8 - The KONG-Prima-10 reference
dewpoint analyzer.

The above experimental technique can be applied for [3]:

• Carrying out experimental study of gas hydrate equilibria based on hydrate-forming gases
both for pure gases and binary and multi-component mixtures. The data obtained can be used
as an experimental basis for developing improved dynamic and thermodynamic models of
low-pressure gas hydrate phases and, first of all, for gas hydrates of structures I and II.
• Carrying out multi-factor study of the influence of volatile admixtures in natural gas on dew
points by all aqueous phases (water, supercooled water, water-methanol solution and other
alcohol solutions, DEG, ice and also gas hydrates).
• Refining data on methanol solubility in natural gas under equilibrium with aqueous solutions of
methanol in a wide range of pressures and temperatures.
• Studying the physics of supercooled water and aqueous solutions at temperatures below zero
C (features of water vapour condensation from natural and other gases; time of the existence
of metastable phases as function of temperature, pressure, film thickness, etc.) and for
studying kinetics of condensation on a cooling surface different substances (dissolved in gas

A novel approach for a dew point’s control was developed. It gives us possibilities to detect
simultaneously three dew points of natural gas: liquid water (stable or metastable), gas hydrate (or
ice) and hydrocarbon dew points. Laser multichannel interferometer technique is applied to increase
sensitivity and realized measuring different dew points on the same cooling surface. The method is
realized in industrial device dew point’s Analyser Cong Prima 10.

Analyzer "CONG-PRIMA-10" possesses the resistibility to action of different impurities. Also

the intellectual monitoring system of a sensitive element (mirror) and system of self-cleaning are
incorporated intodevice that allows to use the Analyzer without additional filtration system.

Analyzer give us all possibilities of the practical realization global gas dew points monitoring
system on gas transmission lines of Russia. The system allows to reveal and remove the reasons of
subquality of gas flows in automatic mode and thus to secure the reliability of gas transmission system
operation and sales gas quality.

Analyser may be also used for research purposes: for studying gas hydrate equilibria and
kinetics of condensation, detection of methanol content in gas phase, etc.

1. Derevyagin A.M., Seleznev S.V. and Stepanov A.P. (2002). KONG-Prima-4 Dewpoint Analyzer by
Moisture and Hydrocarbons. Nauka i tekhnika v gazovoyi promyshlennosti, (1):5-22 (in Russian).
2. Derevyagin A.M., Seleznev S.V., Stepanov A.P., Agaltsov A.G., Konyakhin A.N. and Istomin V.A.
(2003). KONG-Prima-4P Portable Dewpoint Analyzer by Aqueous Phases and Heavy Hydrocarbons:
Design Features and Prospects for Technological Application. Nauka i tekhnika v gazovoyi
promyshlennosti, (4):37-44 (in Russian).
3. Istomin V.A., Derevyagin A.M. and Seleznev S.V. (2002). A dew point technique for experimental
study of gas hydrate systems. Proceedings of the 4 International Conference on Gas Hydrates,
Yokogama (Japan): 439-443.
List Tables

1. Table 1 Determination of range and accuracy of the CONG-Prima 10 Analyzer during

measurement of dew point temperature by water

2. Table 2. Determination of working pressure range during measurement of dew point

3. Table 3. Industrial places where CONG-Prima 10 Analyzers are installed

List of Figures

Figure 1. Optoelectronics-based principle of measurement and sensor (condensation mirror)


Figure 2. Laser interference-based principle of measurement and sensor (condensation mirror)


Figure 3. Principle of operation of gas dew-point laser Analyzer

Figure 4. Initial information sensing device of KONG-Prima-10 Analyzer

Figure 5. Kong-Prima-10 Analyzer’s sensor and condensing mirror during the process of
moisture condensation

Figure 6. General view of central controlling block (above); General view of Analyzer operated by
interface unit (below: left - power supply source, in center – dew point transducer, and right –
interface unit)

Figure 7. Schematic diagram of experimental assembly for stationary method of hydrate

equilibrium investigation

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