Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics For Grade 7 Students

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Content Standards : Demonstrate understanding of key concepts, uses and

importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms of data representation,
measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.
Performance Standards : Is able to collect and organize data systematically and
compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in
data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
Learning Competency : Illustrate the measures of central tendency (mean, median
and mode)
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Define and illustrate mean, median and mode.
b. Find the mean, median and mode of ungrouped data.
c. Value group cooperation and good communication.
II. Learning Content
Topic: Measures of Central Tendency
Subtopic: Mean, Median and Mode of Ungrouped Data
References: Interactive Mathematics 7 pg. 244-248, Statistics Basic Concepts and
Applications pg. 45-53, Beck, J.(2010), Why We Need More Than One Measure of
Central Tendency (Mean, Median and Mode) 8th grade lesson plan,
Time Frame: 50 minutes
Materials: envelope, manila paper, colored papers, chalk, illustration board, LCD
III. Learning Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our day, ______, (Students rise and pray)
kindly lead the … Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, sir!
Before you take your seats make (The students pick up the pieces of paper and
sure that there are no trashes under and take their seats)
around your chairs.

3. Checking the attendance

Do we have absentees for today?
None Sir.
Very good!
4. Motivation
“What is the numerical value in the central
region of a distribution of scores?” (Students will do the activity).
Mechanics of the Game
1. The class will be divided into 5 groups.
2. Each group will be given an envelope which
contains the graphs.
3. Each group will arrange the letters from the
given graphs according to its frequency from
lowest to highest in order to unlock the
mystery phrase.
4. The first group who can guess the mystery
word will be declared as a winner.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __


__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

__ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ __

B. Development of the Lesson

1.Activity Proper
(Students will do the activity).
Mechanics of the Activity
1. The class will be divided into five groups.
2. The teacher will give a specific task.
3. The teacher will give a manila paper to each
group, that they can use in the activity.
4. The students are prohibited to speak during
the activity. They can only communicate
using sign language.
5. Each group will only have five (5) minutes
to finish their task.
6. Each group will be given a flag that they can
raise after they finish the task.
7. Each group will have 1 representative to
present their work.

First task- Each group will arrange their

selves from the smallest to the largest
shoe size and write all their shoe sizes in
inches on manila paper.

Second task- Each group will get the

middle value or average of middle values
of their shoe sizes.

Third Task- Each group will get the most

occur value of their shoe sizes.

Fourth Task- Each group will get the

average of their shoe sizes.

2. Analysis
a. What have you noticed and what did
you do while doing our activity?
b. Based on your second task what did you do (Students answer may vary).
in order to find the median?
c. Based on your third task the mode can be
define as what?
d. On your fourth task, for us to get the mean
we have to get what?

Measures of Central Tendency
- are significant values that are used to
generalize the data.

Three most common measures of central

1.Mean- also known as average, is the sum of
all measurements divided by the number of (Students will participate in the discussion).
data. It is denoted by x .
sum of the values
Mean =
the number of values
or simply;

𝑥̅ =

∑ 𝑥 = the summation of x or (the sum of the
N = number of the values of x

For example,
One of the projects at GFMNHS is the Project
Cream, last Monday 5 of the sections of from
Grade 7 receive a certificate for their
cleanliness inside the classroom. The total
scores of the five sections are 10, 15, 20, 10
and 25. Calculate and find the mean of the five

𝑥̅ = 𝑁
𝑥̅ = 5
𝑥̅ = 16
Therefore, the mean of the five sections from
Grade 7 is 16.

Another example (Students will participate in the discussion).

10 students from this section has an average
grade in their Mathematics subject which are
80, 89, 87, 84, 80, 85, 83, 90, 94, 88
respectively. Calculate and find its mean.


𝑥̅ = 𝑁
= 10

𝑥̅ = 86

Therefore, the mean average of the grades of

the 10 students of this section is 86.

2.Median- is the middle value of a given set of

data arranged in either ascending or
decreasing order. To find the median of the
data, do the following ;
a. Arrange from lowest to highest
b.Determine the middle value;
- If the total number of data is odd, there is
exactly one middle value.
- If the total number is even, get the average
of the two middle values.
To find the median position;
For example,
One of the projects at GFMNHS is the Project
Cream, last Monday 5 of the sections of from
Grade 7 receive a certificate for their
cleanliness inside the classroom. The total
scores of the five sections are 10, 15, 20, 10
and 25. Calculate and find the median of the
five sections.

Arranging the data in increasing order, from

lowest to highest.
10, 10, 15, 20, 25

Since the data number of data is an odd

number let’s find its position,
= 2
= 2
= 3 is the position

10, 10, 15, 20, 25

Therefore, the median of the five sections from

Grade 7 is 15.

Another example
10 students from this section has an average
grade in their Mathematics subject which are 80,
89, 87, 84, 80, 85, 83, 90, 94, 88 respectively.
Find its median.
(Students will participate in the discussion).
Arranging the data in increasing order, from
lowest to highest.
80, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 94

Since the middle point falls halfway between 85

and 87

Median =
Median =
Median = 86

Therefore, the median of the given data is 86

3.Mode- is the value which occurs most

frequently in a set of data.

For example,
One of the projects at GFMNHS is the Project
Cream, last Monday 5 of the sections of from
Grade 7 receive a certificate for their
cleanliness inside the classroom. The total
scores of the five sections are 10, 15, 20, 10
and 25. Find the mode of the five sections.

Arranging the data in increasing order, from

lowest to highest.
10, 10, 15, 20, 25

Thus, 10 is the mode of the five section.

Another example
10 students from this section has an average
grade in their Mathematics subject which are 80,
89, 87, 84, 80, 85, 83, 90, 94, 88 respectively.
Find its mode.

Arranging the data in increasing order, from

lowest to highest.
80, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 94

Thus, 80 is the mode of this section.

“Think – Pair – Share”
Xandra Lee and Aletha had the following
examination marks.
a. Find the mean, median and mode. (Students will find their partner and do the
b.Who performed better on the set of activity).
examinations? Explain why.

Sci Math Eng Fil TLE

Xandra Lee 95 94 90 93 94
Aletha 90 94 95 92 92

IV. Evaluation
At the back of your notebook.
(Students will get the notebook and answer
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
the question/seatwork.)
1. Given the following scores: 12,15,10,20,18,
What is the mean?
a. 14
b. 12
c. 20
d. 15
2. Using the data in number 1, what is the
a. 15
b. 10
c. 20
d. 12

3. The following are the ages of students in a

culinary class.
18, 19, 26, 21, 19, 18, 21, 26, 21, 20, find the
a. 21
b. 20.9
c. 23
d. 19
4. Given the data in number 3, find the
a. 20
b. 21
c. 20.5
d. 22
5. Given the data in number 3, find the mode
a. 18
c. 21
V. Assignment
On your notebook
a. Find the mean, median and mode of the (students will copy their assignments).
following data
b.Study mean, median and mode of grouped

Good Bye Class!

Good Bye Sir!
Prepared by:

Joshua Rudolf G. Francisco, LPT

Teacher Applicant

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