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S001 You are a reporter of a daily newspaper . you have covered the news of massive fire on the factory.

Now write a report on it

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20 injured in fire at RMG factory

Gazipur correspondent :

A massive fire broke out on the ground floor of Tung Hi Knit and Sweater factory at Zirani in Gazipur
yesterday morning , injuring at least 20 people including fire fighters .

Garment workers said the fire broke out on the ground floor of the seven – storey building around 7:30
am and raged through the first and second floors when a few workers were working there .

Dyeing division , chemical and yarn warehouses are located on the ground floor of the building , they
added . On information 10 fire fighting units form Gazipur Sadar , Tongi , Savar EPZ and Mirpur rushed to
the spot and brought the blaze under control with the help of workers after four –and –half –hours long
hectic efforts .The wondered include fire fighters Akhtaruzzaman ,Ratan Kumer Sarker , Nurul Islam and
Payel Hossain and Garment workers Badshah Miah , Atikul Islam , Sohel Miah , Md Mostafa , Kamal
Hossain , Saiful Islam and Aslam .

They were admitted to local hospitals and clinics .

People who live in the houses adjacent to the factory were seen leaving thire houses due to hugesmoke
emitting from the burning factory .

Abdur Rashid , Deputy Director of fire service and civil defence of Dhaka division , said the fire might
have originated from a room beside the warehouse of the garments factory.
S002 Write a report on Wayside Wastage and Environment Pollution in Dhaka

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Wayside Wastage and Environment Pollution in Dhaka

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 05 April: Life in Dhaka city has become most unpleasant and difficult because of
wayside wastage. On the city streets, there are numerous wayside wastage bins which are polluting the
environment seriously. These are creating most obnoxious odors causing nausea in people. The passers-
by and the people living close to it suffer extremely for it. There is no good system of treating this
wastage in the city.

It is learnt that people finding no other alternative throw away garbage and wastage here and there. It
has made life in the city very miserable. The people living in city expect that the concerned authority
would pay close attention to this worst thing so that they can get rid of this unpleasant situation. The
authority should make good system of getting rid of this situation.

The conscious citizens of the city think that proper dustbins should be fixed at proper places and the
people must be askeds to put their wastage in their nearby dustbins. They must not violate the rule in
respect of throwing wastage. In this connection there should be strict laws and these laws should be
followed strictly. At the same time, people should be made aware of the bad effects of throwing garbage
or wastage here and there. Thus we can get rid of this bad situation and make city life happy and

S003 Write a report on Violence Against Home Servant

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Violence against Home Servant in Bangladesh

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 05 April: Owing to ever-consuming poverty some poor innocent girls of twelve to
sixteen years old are engaged in serving in numerous families of various towns and cities as maid
servants. This time they were supposed to read in schools. But what an irony of fate it is for them! They
are to stay in kitchens all the time. Sometimes they are to cook, and sometimes they are to brush up the

But it is a matter of great regret that most of the maid servants are maltreated by the home-mistresses
and sometimes home-masters. Such an inhuman incident occurred for a maid servant named 'Felani'
yesterday. She was staying in an apartment in Khilgaon. There she had been working for one year
enduring physical and mental torture as well as harassment. The home mistress was cruel enough to
torture her when she would get up late or cook late. Sometimes she was beaten black and blue.

The local people rescued her and she was admitted into Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Now she is
about to die in the bed of the hospital. The police already caught the couple red handed. Like 'Felani'
there are some innocent maid servants in many parts of Bangladesh. They are becoming the victim of
cruelty by their home-mistresses, home-masters or their children and relatives.
However, the victims and the general people think that the government should take necessary steps to
improve the lot of these innocent children.

S004 Write a report on Tragic Collapse of Rana Plaza in Savar

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Tragic Collapse of Rana Plaza in Savar

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 25 April: On 24 April 2013, Rana Plaza, an eight storied commercial building
collapsed in Savar near Dhaka. The building collapsed at 9 am leaving only the ground floor intact.
Rescue and search operations were started immediately after the building crumpled. More than 1,000
bodies have already been recovered and 250 persons have been rescued alive. More death tolls are

The building Rana Plaza is owned by Sohel Rana, a member of a leading political party. It housed five
separate garment factories where more than 5,000 employees used to work. There were several shops
and a bank on the ground floor. The garment factories manufactured apparel for export to western
brands like Primark, Wal-Mart, the Children's Palace, etc.

One eye witness said that inspectors had discovered cracks in the building the day before and had
requested the authority for evacuation and closure of the factories. The shops and the bank on the
lower floors immediately closed but garment workers were forced to return to work as the supervisors
declared the building to be safe.
The Dhaka City Development Authority has filed a case against the owners of the building and the five
garment factories operating inside it with Savar Police Station. It is considered to be the deadliest
garment factory accident in history. It is also thought as the deadliest accidental structural failure in
modern human history.

S005 Write a report on Your Recent Visit to a Book Fair

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My Recent Visit to a Book Fair

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 05 February: Every year Bangla Academy organizes 'Ekushey Boi Mela'. The fair is
held in the Bangla Academy premises. There are a huge number of books on various subjects in many
stalls of different publishers. The main thing about a book fair is not only sale of books but also display
of books on different subjects. Many novice writers want to start their career from a book fair.

Yesterday I visited the 'Ekushey Boi Mela' and purchased several books of my choice. I got there a
chance of comparing books of different writers published by different publishers. I was amused at seeing
hundred and hundred stalls. All sorts of books were displayed in the stalls. I found there some
contemporary writers visiting the fair. It was a special attraction to me as I could have a glance of my
dream characters.

The discussion program and cultural function arranged on the premises attracted me to a large extent.
However, the arrangement was nice but huge amount of dust in the book fair made the visitors
uncomfortable. Some stalls were found selling snacks and thus polluting the premises. The authority
should pay close attention to the problem.
S006 You are a reporter of a daily newspaper .you have covered the news of beginning of HSC
examinations .Now write a report on the beginning of HSC examinations

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HSC exam begin today

Over 7.36 lakh examinees

Staff Correspondent :

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC ) and its equivalent examination begin today with a total of 7,36,373
examinees sitting for the exams in 2,037 centers across the country .

This year the number of HSC and its equivalent Alim , Business Management (BM) examinees is around
1.15 lakh more than last year’s .

Some 4,00,464 male and 3,35,909 female students of 7,202 educational institutions will appear for the
examinations under 10 education boards .

The authorities concerned took necessary measures including heightened security of ensure peaceful
atmosphere at the examination centers .

A total of 1,96,197 students will sit under Dhaka board ; 83,715 under Rajshahi Board ; 54,525 under
Comilla Board ;80,080 under Jessore board ;43,256 under Chittagong Board ; 35,65 under Barisal Board ;
20,125 under Sylhet Board ; 73,,986 under Dinajpur Board ;74,413 under Madrasa Board and 70,504
under Technical Board .

Besides ,3,916 students of Diploma in Business Studies (DIBS) will sit under Dhaka aboard .

Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid is likely to visit some of the exam centers in Dhaka as well as a few
outside the city ,said sources .

S007 You are a reporter of a daily newspaper . You have covered the news of a murder of a businessman
. Now write a report on the murder of a businessman

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A garments owner hacked to death

Staff Reporter :

The owner of Rex Composite Garments , Salahuddin Chowdhury (45) was shot death yesterday evening
near Mirpur stadium .Whether the death was due to business rivalry or caused due to family reasons are
being investigated by the police .Police has arrested a rickshaw puller in this connection .

At 7 am in the morning , Salahuddin Chowdhury was going to his factory by rickshaw. When the
rickshaw reached near Mirpur stadium ,few miscreants come out of hiding and shot three rounds of
pistol at him .He fell down on the ground and died instantly . The miscreants immediately drove away by
tow motor cycles .But the other passenger accompanying Salahuddin Chowdhury is absconding since
the incident and police is looking for him . When asked ,the family members of salahuddin Chowdhury
informed that he had no enmity with any one . But some sources revealed that he had business rivalry
with his previous partner Shamsul Huda . His body has been sent to DMC for autopsy . A case has been
field with Mirpur police station on his connection.
S008 Write a report on Your Visit to the National Zoo

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Miserable Condition of the National Zoo

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 05 April: The National Zoo is situated in Mirpur, Dhaka. Every day except Sunday
many spectators come to visit this National Zoo. Most of the spectators become disappointed to see the
miserable condition of the zoo. At the entrance gate, there is a cage of monkeys, which is dirty and all
the monkeys are living in a polluted environment for which most of them are weak.

The lions' cage was found in the same condition and the hungry lions were walking to and fro. Some
pieces of rotten meat were found on the floor of the cages. The lions too looked very feeble. The Royal
Bengal Tigers in another cage have lost their real appearance. The people coming in the zoo could hardly
recognize whether they were Royal Bengal Tigers or not. Other animals in the zoo were found in the
same state.

One of the officers of the National Zoo said, "These wild animals cannot adjust themselves to this new
environment because they are born in the wild, so they should stay wild. They look weak despite eating
sufficient food." Another officer said, "Sometimes we cannot supply sufficient food to the animals
because the number of animals has increased now."

It seems that the government should increase the budget of food-supply immediately; otherwise,
almost all the wild animals' life in the zoo will be endangered.
S009 Write a report on Your Vote Center Observation

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Peaceful Atmosphere Persists in the Poll Centers

Sujon Ahmed,Dhaka, 10 January: Union Parishad Election ended yesterday smoothly without any
problem at all poll centers in Gafargaon where I was present to observe the casting of votes. The voters
—male and female—started coming to the centers early in the morning. They went to the centers in
large numbers.

The male and female voters stood separately in their respective queues waiting to cast their votes when
their individual turn came. There was a large turnout of voters who cast their votes maintaining
discipline. A festive mood prevailed all the time in the vicinities of the vote centers. A police contingent
was deployed to maintain peace and order and the personnel did their job thoroughly well.

One of the voters said that the environment of the voting had been satisfactory. He also expressed his
satisfaction at the security and management. Another woman voter said that the polling officers had
been very helpful. One of the young voters who came for the first time to cast vote said that he felt very
enthusiastic and it had been a new experience for him.

Presiding officer said that the inner atmosphere of the vote center had been safe and sound. The casting
of votes began at 8.00 am and voting continued until the voters were still in the queues inside the
enclosure to finish their vote casting. However, it was a unique scenario in the context of Bangladesh.
S010 Write a report on Victory Day Celebration in Mirzapur Cadet College

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Victory Day Celebrated in Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 17 December: The Victory Day was celebrated in Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail
yesterday with great enthusiasm and due solemnity. In observance of the day, a discussion meeting was
held in the college auditorium which was attended by Prof Abdullah Abu Sayed as the chief guest.

The meeting was presided over by Prof Mahfuzul Haque, Principal of the college. A large number of
students attended the programme. It was addressed by some students and teachers. The speakers
remembered the supreme sacrifice of the valiant sons of the soil who laid down their lives for the cause
of the country and paid tribute to them.

The chief guest in his speech urged to uphold the spirit of the Liberation War as well as build a
corruption free Sonar Bangla which was the dream of the martyrs. After the discussion meeting 'Nandon
Kanon' cultural club of the college organized a colourful cultural programme highlighting the significance
of the day.
S011 Write a report on Unearthing a Fake Soap Factory at Savar

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Fake Soap Factory Unearthed

Sujon Ahmed, Dhaka, 05 April: The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has unearthed an illegal factory
producing adulterated soaps and cosmetics items near Savar Bazar in Dhaka yesterday. The factory had
been manufacturing low quality soaps for a long time.

Acting on a tip off, RAB team raided a three storied building and seized a huge amount of fake soaps of
popular brands. RAB personnel also seized adulterated chemicals, wrappers, empty containers worth
five million taka. The elite force detained the Manager of the factory, but the owner managed to flee.

After examining the soaps and cosmetics items, the forensic team opined that the products contain toxic
chemicals which can be highly harmful to human skin. Some consumers also spoke against the products.
They highly appreciated the drive of RAB to unearth such a fake factory.

Executive Magistrate sealed off the factory. Police started preparing a seizure list. A case has already
been filed against the owner of the factory. But this is not all. There are so many other factories still
running in other areas. A combined action of government and people can make it possible to unearth all
other fake factories.
S012 Write a report on Your Visit to a Tree Fair

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Tree Fair Held in Dhaka

Sujon Ahmed,Dhaka, 05 April: A month-long tree fair has begun at Mymensingh Stadium recently with
the slogan "Plant trees, save the environment." It has been jointly organized by the local administration
and the Department of Social Forestation. The tree fair was inaugurated yesterday by the local Member
of Parliament. It was also addressed by some other renowned speakers, who underscored the need for
planting more trees including fruit and medicinal plants for maintaining ecological balance as well as
achieving economic solvency.

The chief guest in his speech stressed the need for planting trees in large number so that we can save
our environment from the after-effects of climate change and natural disasters. A huge procession
paraded the streets of the town after the inaugural ceremony. Various government and non-
government organisations and private nursery owners have set up about 100 stalls displaying saplings of
over 150 varieties including fruit, wood, and medicinal trees on. Cultural functions are being arranged at
every night to inspire people to plant trees on the banks of the ponds, canals, beside the roads and
court yards.

In fact, it is a wonderful tree fair that is inspiring the people to plant trees more and more. The
participants are also inspired to see the eagerness of the people to plant trees.
S013 You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have covered the news on birth anniversary of our
rebel poet . now write a report on it

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Anniversary of rebel poet observed

Cultural Correspondent :

The hunderd and seventh birth anniversary of national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was celebrated with
festivity yesterday.

Different cultural Organization and institutes held elaborate programme on the occasion.The
programmes included seminars ,discussion , Nazrul Sangeet and Nazrul Mela. The main Programme was
held at 10 am at the Nazrul Institute Auditorium , the Speakers at the programme shed light on various
aspects of Nazrul’s life his contribution to Bengali literature and the need of taking inspiration of
nationalism and patriotism that Nazrul preached in his poetry , songs and essays. The scholars and
researchers of Nazrul expressed that Nazrul ‘s writings have inspired us for our identity and freedom .
They demanded that the teachings of Nazrul should be spread among our young generation so that they
can stand upright and fight against corruption, injustice and discrimination in the society.
S014 You are a student of x college .Recently your college organized an inter college debate
competition . Now make a report on it

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Inter college debate competition in Dinajpur

Mhamud Hasan :

The concluding ceremony of the 1st Inter college Debate Competition organized jointly by BRAC and
Dinajpur Lekhak Forum was held recently at Dinajpur Nattya Samity auditorium . The theme of the
debate competition was finding “ ways of empowering women in the society .”

Dinajpur commercial college emerged as the champions of the tournament defeating Parbatipur
Rajabashar Degree College in the final round . Professor Md Ruhul Amin , former Vice Chancellor of
HajeeDanesh Science and technology University , was present as chief guest at the prize giving
ceremony while Chitta Ghosh ,President of Dinajpur Press Club , presided over the event . Hosney Ara
Haidar, Principal of Dinajpur Government College , and Md .Mofazzal Hossain Dulal , Chairman of
Dinajpur Sadar Upazila , and other BRAC high officials were present as special guests of the programme .

At least 17 colleges from different upazilas of the district participated in the weeklong debate
competition .
S015 Make a report on sports and cultural function or programme held in your college on the occasion
of16 December

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Sports and cultural function held

Nizam ,10 April , 2015 :

The annual cultural function and games in a befitting manner ended today in the college campus with
the participation of all students , teachers , and staffs .

The students of the college decorated the college campus with colourful flags and paper designs .A
decorative gate was erected in front of the college building . The sports started at 8 :00am as soon as
the sports flag along with the national flag was hoisted by the principal . there were total 10 events such
as 200 in race , 100in race ,sack race , high jump ,long jump etc . The Students of this college took part in
these competitions .

In the after noon , there was a cultural competition programme in the college campus .The students
took part in different events including patriotic songs ,Palli Geeti , Rabindra and Nazrul Geeti and
recitation of poems . Last of all ,the students staged the drama ,”Kabar “ written by Munir Chowdhury .

The students , teachers and guardians enjoyed the cultural programme . Towards the end of the
programme the principal give away the prizes among the winners of the competitions .
S016 Suppose, You Are A Reporter, Ekushey February Was Observed At Your College. Now Make A
Report On It For A Newspaper

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Ekushey February Observed at NIC

Staff Correspondent: Dhaka 23 February 2015:

Ekushe February was observed a National Ideal College with huge participation of the students and

Elaborate programmes were held at the college premises. The programmes included offering flowers at
Shaheed Minar in the campus, seminars and Ekushe Book Fair.

In the very morning the students came bare footed to the Shaheed Minar. Most of them put on black
badges. The local people also attended the programme. In the afternoon, seminar was held. The
speakers put emphasis on Bangla medium education. They also urged the renowned scholars to
translate the books of higher education in Bangla so that the students are not dependent on English.

The book fair which started yesterday will come to an end on Friday.
S017 You are a reporter of a daily newspaper .You have covered the news of dirty and polluted water
supply in W A S A pipe line . Now write a report on dirty and polluted water supply in W A S A pipe line

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Polluted water triggers outbreak of diarrhoea

Staff Reporter :

The number of people suffering from diarrhoea is increasing day by day because the water and
Sewerage Authority (W A S A )is continuing to supply polluted water to Dhaka residents .

Eighty percent at the International Center for Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research ,Bangladesh (ICDDR,B )
reported that the drinking water supplied by W A S A is foul smelling and dirty .

Each day more than 800 patients seek treatment at the ICDDR,B. in the last fortnight ,the number of
patients being admitted each day has increased by around30 patients .

The majority of patients requiring treatment at the ICDDR,B are from the capital’s Mirpur , Khilkhet
,Demra , Badda ,Warelessgate , Rampura areas , as well as Pagla in Narayanganj .

Shahjahan Siraj , a resident of Mirpur , Sheorapara , said ,”Our water has been smelly and dirty for the
last month . Even boiling it fails to remove the odour ."
Scientist and Head of longer Stay Unite of ICDDR,B Dr Shahadat Hossain said , “ Around this time of year
is it common for a significant number of people to suffer from diarrhoeal diseases .

Managing Director of W A S A Taksin A Khan has acknowledged that the water supplied by W A S A is
foul-smelling in many areas .

Khan believes that the majority of people suffering from diarrhea are slum dwellers that have accessed
the water using illegal rubber pipelines .

S018 You are reporter of daily newspaper . You have covered feature of Tagore’s Birth Anniversary .
Now wright a report on Tagore’s Birth Anniversary

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Music , dance and drama at shilpakala

Staff Reporter :

He made his everywhere :Rabindranath Tagore was a great poet , author ,playwright , Lyricist ,
composer , painter and much more . Almost all from of art that Tagore had contributed to Bengali
literature were presented at the National Theater Stage , Shipakala Academy on May 8 (25 Baishakh ) to
mark the 146th birth anniversary of Kabiguru .

As part of Tagore’s Birth Anniversary celebration at National level , Ministry of Cultural Affairs and
Bangladish Shilpakala Academy ( BSA )jointly organized the event ,performing dance , music ,poetry
recitation and dance –drama . Leading artists and troupes of the country paid homage to Tagore’s .
Ayub Quadry , Adviser a to Ministry of Education , Primary and Mass Education and Cultural Affairs –
was the chief guest of the programme .

A publication featuring Tagore’s paintings and articles , evaluation by leading scholars of the country was
also launched at the programme . Another attraction of the evening was the staging of Tagore ‘s dance –
drama chitranganda by Bulbul Academy of fine Arts . (BAFA ).

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S019 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. You Have Been Asked To Make A Report On
World Climate Change. Now Write A Report On It

Word climate changeStaff Correspondent : Dhaka,5 March 2015 :

World temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase in global warming is caused by increased
amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. Most climatologists believe that the greenhouse effect is
the likely cause f this global warming.

The speakers opined this at a seminar on Trend of Environment of Bangladesh. The seminar was
organized at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel by different Environment organizations in observance of world
Environment Day.

The speakers said the main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas. It results from the
destruction and burning down of tropical rain forests, traffic that clogs up city streets, the rapid growth
of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in Packaging and manufacturing commercial products,
the use of detergents such as washing powder and washing up liquid.

Climatologists predict that midway through the next century, temperatures may have risen by as much
as 4° C. This could catastrophically reduce mankind’s ability to grow food, destroy of severely damage
wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal Ares and farmland. The alarming news
about Bangladesh is that as a result of the rise of the sea level, the lower southern part of the country
may one day go under water.
S020 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A National Daily. Write A Report On A Day Long Hartal

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Day Long Hartal Observed

Our Correspondent:

A day long hartal was observed throughout the country yesterday. It was called by the opposition party
alliance demanding the decrease of the price of the daily commodities.

At least four cars were set on fire at different spots. The supporters of the four party alliances held a
procession in front of their party office and tried to go out but they were confined by the police. There
was a great clash at about 11 am. at Ramna. A procession of the hartal supporters was hindered by the
police near Shahbag area.

At that time they were locked in a clash with police. As a result several students were injured.

They were sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The picketers broke the glasses of many buses. The
number of vehicles was thin on the road and the government and non government offices,. Banks,
garment factories were found open. All kinds of classes and exams of the education institutions were
postponed. Police arrested 50 Persons and about 20 persons were reported to have been injured.
Additional police forces have been deployed in and around the important areas to avert any untoward
S021 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Renowned Newspaper. Write A Report For Your Newspaper On
Deforestation And Its Devastating Consequences Bad Effect Of Indiscriminate Cutting Trees

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Experts Blame Deforestation for Bangladesh Disaster

Staff Correspondent:

Flooding on a massive scale may soon become the norm, and development in the already poor and
developing country like Bangladesh might come to a dramatic halt, says the experts.

The experts observed this at a seminar organized by the Daily Star yesterday.

What we seem to be looking at with the floods is a remarkable collapse of the Himalayan ecosystem, 
said A. Atiq Rahman, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Dhaka.

The speakers at the seminar said the adverse impact of deforestation on climate has been noticed
conspicuously. The humidity of air has been drastically reduced which affects the rainfalls in the country.
If reforestation programmers are not taken. There is every possibility that Bangladesh will turn into a
desert within a short span of time.

They also said the government and the private organizations must come forward. There is a universal
formula on reforestation that when you cut one tree. Plant two more trees to compensate the loss.

S022 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of The Daily Star. Now Prepare A Report On A Terrible Road Accident
You Have Come Across Very Recently

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5 Killed in Road Crash on Dhaka Chittagong Highway

Staff Correspondent:

At least five people were killed and 10 others injured in a road accident at Sonargaon on Dhaka
Chittagong Highway yesterday.

The accident occurred as a Dhaka bound bus collided head on with a truck. It was going to Chomilla from
Manikganj. Two of the passengers and driver of the truck were killed on the spot. Two of the injured
including the helper of the bus died at the hospital.

Three passengers received serious injury and were sent to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital Their
condition was critical. Other injured persons were admitted to different local hospitals and clinics.

Police seized both the bus and truck. The driver of the bus could not be arrested.

Local witnesses said several accidents had already occurred at the same spot. The Roads and Highways
Department has been asked many times to construct a speed breaker there. But no step has yet been

The Superintendent of Police or SP of Narayangonj visited the spot. A case was filed with Sonargaon
Police Station.

S023 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Reputed Daily. Now Write A Report On Traffic Jam

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Ctg. traffic Jam Worsening

Staff Correspondent, Chittagong:

Traffic situation is worsening day by day in the port city of Chittagong as the authorities concerned are
keeping a blind eye to the problem for long.

Huge working hour is wasted every day due to traffic jam. Besides they have economic loss as extra fuel
is consumed for the jam. Prof a Mohammad of Urban Development department of Chittagong University
said. Lack of proper planning neglect by traffic department and illegal parking are the main causes of
traffic jam.

Passengers allege Instead of performing duty, the traffic policemen are busy taking bribe from drivers
who violate different laws.

The roads should be more spacious and the traffic laws should be strongly enforced. The experts
suggest. They also say all roads should be free from hawkers and illegal parking to solve the problem.

S024 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Renowned Newspaper. You Have Experienced An Unexpected
Terrible Fire On A Number Of Furniture Shops. Now Make A Report On It

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Fire guts furniture shops in Sylhet

Staff Correspondent, Sylhet:

A fire burned shown a number of furniture shops at Seemingly in Sylhet in the early hours yesterday.

Witnesses said the fire broke out at around 4:00 am on the second floor of the five-storeyed building.
Soon the fire spread and engulfed the entire building.

On information, firefights rushed to the spot and doused the flames after three hours. The firefighters
suspect the fire might have originated from short circuit but could not confirm it.
The shop owners said they had suffered a loss of over the 5 crore in terms of equipment and furniture.
They allege some rivals might have been behind the incident.

A case was filed with the concerned police station.

Senior officials from the police and administration visited the spot in the morning.

S025 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Local Daily Newspaper Of Barisal. The Young Areas Are
Becoming Drug Addicted. Write A Report On The Devastating Consequences Of Drug Addiction

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Drugs crippling young generation

Staff Correspondent, Barisal:

Millions of people, mainly the youth are abdicate to drugs in Bangladesh. A study by CARE Bangladesh
revealed this yesterday. The survey found that drug addiction in the young. Between the ages of 18 and
30 are mainly for depression. People try to remove depression using drugs as a tool. And this is how they
come addicts. Failed relationships and broken hearts are also major causes of drug abuse.

Besides, corers of taka are wasted every year for drugs. Drugs not only destroy the users but also ruin
the family harmony. Crimes in the society also increase as a result of drugs. Overall, the country badly
suffers in financial and social context.

Prof Amina Islam, Head of Psychology Department of Dhaka University says, Government should solve
unemployment problem and law enforcing agencies should be active to curb drug addiction.
S026 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of The Daily Ittefaq. Now, Write A Report On The Role Of The
Satellite Channels In Our Present Society

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The Satellite Channels: Impact on Our Society

Kamal, Staff correspondent, The Daily Ittefaq Dhaka, August 10, 2014:

In a recent survey, it has been found that the Satellite Channels are much more responsible for the
moral degradation of our young generation. The bad impact of these channels has surpassed the good
service they render serve.

People all over the world became happy when satellite channels were introduced. But now they are
alarmed of the misuse of these channels.

These channels can render a useful service telecasting educative and informative programmers. They
can also be a great source of entertainment. But now they are destroying the moral values and
character of the young generations by telecasting immoral programs. Sometimes, they show such nasty
and naked scenes that the youths cannot but be morally degenerated. As a result they are now being
involved with crimes, eve teasing, acid throwing etc. For this, social peace and harmony is severely

Experts believe that if this situation continues further, our young generating will completely go to the
dogs and the social stability will be crushed.

S027 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. Now Write A Report On The Prize Giving
Ceremony Of Govt. Commerce College, Chittagong

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Prize giving ceremony held at Govt. Commerce College, Chittagong

Staff Correspondent:

A Prize giving ceremony was held at Govt. Commerce College. Chittagong on 3rd may.

The programmed started at the auditorium with the tune of the National anthem. The principal in his
speech thanked the students for their performances. He read out the annual report of the college. After
that an excellent cultural programmed was held. The students of the college performed songs, dances
and stage mini drama. The audiences were highly impressed by the pregame. The chief guest then
distributed the prizes among the winners. He advised the students to concentrate more3 on studies and
keep away from politics and any bad habits. He also said that students should take an oath to serve the
country through honesty and integrity.

The entire programmed was a nice display of discipline by students and organizers. The invited guests
and journalists praised the iterative and hoped for further such programmers.

S028 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. Now Write A Report On The Prize Giving
Ceremony Of Govt. Commerce College, Chittagong

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Prize giving ceremony held at Govt. Commerce College, Chittagong

Staff Correspondent:

A Prize giving ceremony was held at Govt. Commerce College. Chittagong on 3rd may.
The programmed started at the auditorium with the tune of the National anthem. The principal in his
speech thanked the students for their performances. He read out the annual report of the college. After
that an excellent cultural programmed was held. The students of the college performed songs, dances
and stage mini drama. The audiences were highly impressed by the pregame. The chief guest then
distributed the prizes among the winners. He advised the students to concentrate more3 on studies and
keep away from politics and any bad habits. He also said that students should take an oath to serve the
country through honesty and integrity.

The entire programmed was a nice display of discipline by students and organizers. The invited guests
and journalists praised the iterative and hoped for further such programmers.

S029 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A National Daily. Yesterday There Was An Earthquake In The
Dhaka City. Now Write A Report On It

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Midnight tremor jolts capital

Staff Correspondent:

A moderate earthquake shook the capital in the early hours yesterday, causing panic among the people.

The official sources said the tremor measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale that struck at 12:25 am. Its
epicentre was 238 kilometres north east off the Dhaka seismic centre. At least 14 students at Jagannath,
Mohsin and Ziaur Rahman halls of Dhaka University (DU) were injured as they jumped off the balconies
in fright.

Abul Kalam Azad of Bangla department who jumped from the window of his second floor room at Ziaur
Rahman Hall broke his leg, reports our DU correspondent. People from differnt parts of the city
including Dhanmondi, Mirpur, Kataban, Shantinagar, rajabazar, Eskation, Jatrabari, Uttara and Lamatia
also came out of their houses in fear. Abul Kalam, who works at a private organization, said he suddenly
woke up with the feeling that he was sleeping of a cradle. In seconds I realized that it was earthquake. I
screamed in fear and immediately took everyone of my family out of home. Ten minor or moderate
earthquakes have so far hit the capital this year.
S030 Suppose, Your Are Amin A Few Days Ago A Fair Was Held In The Village. Now Write A Report On It

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A Joyful Village Fair

Amin, staff reporter, Faridpur; March 1, 2015:

The age long traditional Baishakhi Mela in Rasulpur was held yesterday with all its characteristic joviality
and spontaneous rhythm.

The fair took place under the country old banyan tree. Traders and craftsmen gathered there with their
whole stock of sales. Magicians. snake charmers and sweet makers came also Artists Came with their
flutes, kites, pottery and toys.

Men, women and children came and cheered with joy. Even the aged came. Flutes were flayed on; kites
flew up in the sky. People enjoyed cakes and sweetmeats. They also bought many household accessories
such as earthen pitchers plates, lamps inks, bowls and so forth.

The magician played amazing tricks and the snake charmers charmed the snake as well as the viewers
with their fearless skill.

S031 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A National Daily. You Have Recently Visited The Area Affected By
The Erosion Of Meghan. Now Write A Report On The Miseries Of The People Living In The Area

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Miseries of the People caused by the erosion of the Meghan

Staff correspondent:

The erosion of the Meghan has destroyed 20 acres of land in its both sides. Two thousand people living
by its sides are badly affected. They have lost their dwelling places and cultivable lands. People of this
area spend their day and night in the open air.

They have acute food and sanitation problem. Many of them starve for days. One of these suffering
people has informed that no aid from govt. has yet to come. A few NGOs have come with inadequate
help. Because of food problem they are suffering from malnutrition and diarrhoea.

Severe cold adds pain to their miseries as they have o shelter at night. Some personnel of local
government have visited the affected area and given some promises to solve the problems. But affected
people demand long lasting solution to their problem.

S032 Suppose, You Are A Reporter.Meritorious Students Of Rifles College Were Awarded. Now Make A
Report On It

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Annual merit awards at Rifles College

Karim, Dhaka, 20 March 2015:

Annual merit awards Distribution and Cultural Function of Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Rifles
College was held at Darbar Hall of Peelkhana yesterday.

The students were awarded for academic excellence and cultural performance.
Brigadier General S M Golam Rabbani, Deputy Director General of Bangladesh Rifles and Vice Chairman
of the College Governing Body, Was present as the Chief Guest.

The function 3was held in two different phases. In the first phase, the awards for academic excellence
and cultural activities were distributed but the Special Guest Nasima Rabbani.

I the second phase, students of the institution exhibited a colorful cultural performance, which
enchanted the audience.

S033 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Reputed Daily. You Have Interviewed Many Slum Dwellers About
Their Ways Of Life. Now Write A Report On Them

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Perils of City Slum Dwellers

Staff Corresponded; Dhaka, 5 January 2015:

Thousands of slum dwellers in the capital are leading their lives miserably amidst lack of basic needs. But
the city dwellers are spending huge sum of money only for luxury.

Most of these slum dwellers are deprived of education, nutrition, medical treatment sanitation and
other metropolitan facilities. Besides, criminal activities are increasing due to lack of vigilance by the law
enforcement agencies.

Md.Abul Hashem, resident of Mirpur slum said they are living inhuman lives in the slum. There is no
supply of water and the women collect water from ponds. As the water is often polluted. They suffer
from different water borne diseases all the time, he added. Sakhina Begum, resident of Lalbagh slum
said no doctors agree to come to their shanties if anyone falls sick and need immediate care, Before
every election apolitical leaders come and promise to save their problem’s But after the election they do
nothing, allege the slum dwellers They say they always live with the fear of eviction anytime either by
the government or by any powerful person of the society.
S034 Suppose, You A Reporter Of Daily. Recently Uyour Locality Has Been Hit By A Flood. Now Write A
Report On Flood Affected Area In Your Locality

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Flood Situation Worsens

Staff Correspondent:

Flood situation has deteriorated in Khaliajuri Upazila in Netrakona as 15.000 people have been
marooned and 20.000 hectares of Boro crops damaged.

Floodwater damaged 15.000 hectares of Boro crops at Baghatia, Gondamara, Nogor, Ballobpur and
Jagannathpur haor in Khaliajuril.

A 10-kilometre portion of Jatrabari flood protection embankment was washed away by floodwater.

Water Development Board sources said the water level of the rivers Kongsha, Dhonu and Ubdakhali rose

As more people have been flood affected. Shortage of drinking water and food has become acute,
Different water borne diseases have spread among the flood victims.

Government relief has yet to reach the flood affected areas. A number of local NGOs and some charity
organizations are conduction limited scale relief activities. But it is very inadequate for the victims.

If relief is not distributed among the affected. people have to starve. Oral saline and medicines have
become a must for the patients. Doctors say if saline and medicines are not distributed immediately.
Epidemic may strike the flood affected areas.
S035 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily. Some Youths Of Your Locality Were Teasing A Girl
Frequently. Being Frustrated She Committed Suicide

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A Victim of Eve teasing

Staff Reporter; Jessore: 20 March, 2015:

Long days harassment by culprits has led to a girls early demise. This sorrowful incident has happened in
Jessore town.

Nipa Noor was continuously being disturbed on street by her neighbor boy Shahidul Alam who is an
unemployed young man of about 27 years of age. The girl (15) used to study at Jessore Adarsha Samad
girls’ High School. she was a serious and meritorious student of class ix.

For many days on her way to school she was being continuously teased by that miscreant boy and his
companions. They used to make ill comments and gestures at her. On the last Monday, she fell udder
their brutal attack. one of them put off her scarf. They saluted her physically. They also warned her not
to expose the incident to the police or her family.

She could not bear this insult. At night, she took at least 20 sleeping pills. Her sleep did not break in the

The students of the school made a human chain demanding punishment to the culprits.

S036 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. Load Shedding Has Become A Major Concern
In Your Locality. Now Write A Report On The Frequent Load Shedding or Failure Of Electricity In Your

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Load shedding cripples city

Staff Correspondent:

People of the capital are going through acute power crisis in the peak hours as gas supply is poor.

The crisis persists as four power plant units are not working well. Two other units had to shut last week
due to lack of gas supply.

Technical faults and shortage of gas supply force power supply authorities to enforce load shedding, PDB
sources said. Reports from different areas in the city confirm that load shedding occurs five to eight
times till 12.00 am every day. This disruption in power supply is severely hampering daily life and
business activities.

Power Development Board officials say they are trying to improve the situation. The officials said the
country now produces around 4,000 MW of electricity against the demand of over 6,500 MW.

Academic activities of students at both home and education institutions are being hampered due to load
shedding. Besides, production and mills and factories, treatment at hospitals and clinics and business
activities are also suffering badly.

With the growing demand for electricity, the situation is likely to turn worse if the government fails to
find and immediate solution.

S037 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. Your Area Has Been Hit By Aila. Now Write A
Report On The Aila Affected People Of Kayra Upazila

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Plight of Aila victims continues unabated

Staff Correspondent:

Most of the Aila survivors have lost their houses and other belongings in the cyclone and taken refuge
on the embankment in Kayra Upazila. The cyclone victim’s once3 received Tk 3,000 per head from the
government to repair their houses. But that amount was spent meeting their daily needs.

Some of the men and women are engaged in repairing the damaged dam and are getting a small daily
allowance. But the old are unable to join this work and are mainly starving. Ayesha, a mother of two
children who left their parents two years age said she could not join the dam repairing work due to old
age. Initially there were some aid from NGOs and the government for the victims. Now the flow of aid
has suddenly stopped, though the fate of victims did not improve.

Most of the survivors now fish in the river to earn a little livelihood as there is no effective rehabilitation
program for them. A large number of people have already migrated elsewhere with the hope of a job.
Every day more people are living the area.

S038 Suppose, You Are A Reporter And You Are Sent To Interview Ten Wounded Persons Who Were
Rescued From Rana Plaza This Year. Now, Write A Report On It

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Interview with Victims of Rana Plaza

Saver Correspondent:

Mahmudul Hasan suddenly felt a jolt. Within a moment, he noticed his colleagues running back and
forth, screaming. It took Mahmudul a moment or two to realize that something ominous was going to

As soon as he along with others moved 20 feet towards the staircases. The building began collapsing.

Darkness engulfed the entire place with dust. I heard screams around me. My heart started pounding,
said Mahmudul, a quality inspector of Ethar Tex Ltd.
After sometime, a ray of hope emerged when he saw a faint light.

A lot of things and memories came across my mind. I was thinking about my wife and children,

Shipu Begum, a sewing operator of Phantom Apparels said: I saw the hole of an exhaust fan around 20
feet away. With every bit of energy in me. I crawled to the hole.”

Some rescuers saw her after she started scanning for help, she said, adding that a few more workers
came out through the same hole.

The workers said many of their colleagues trapped in debris were still alive and they could not move, as
walls and machines had fallen of them.

S039 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Local Daily. Brac And Dinajpur Lekhak Forum Arranged An Inter
College Debate Competition. Now Make A Report On It

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Inter college debate competition in Dinajpur

Kongkon karmaker: Dinajpur, 4 February 2015:

The concluding ceremony of the 1st Inter College Debate Competition organized jointly by BRAC and
Dinajpur Lekhak Forum was held recently at Dinajpur Nattya Samity auditorium. The theme of the
debate competition was Finding ways of embowering women in the society†.

Dinajpur Commerce College emerged as the champions of the tournament defeating Parbatipur
Rajabashar Degree College in the final round.

Professor Md Ruhul Amin, former Vice Chancellor of Hajee Danesh Science and Technology University,
was present as chief guest at the prize giving ceremony while Chitta Ghosh, President of Dinajpur Press
Club, presided over the event. Hosney Area Haidar, Principal of Dinajpur Government College, an Md.
Mofazzal Hossain Dulal, Chairman of Dinajpur Sadar Upazila, and other BRAC high officials were present
as special guests of the programme.
At least 17 colleges from different Upazila of the district participated in the weeklong debate

S040 ¬Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily. Rk College In The Capital Celebrates Independence Day
Now Write A Short Report On The Celebration Of The Independence Day

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RK College celebrates Independence Day

Staff Correspondent: Dhaka 27 March 2015:

The students and teachers of R.K College in the capital celebrated the 34th Independence Day
gorgeously and in a befitting manner yesterday. The day long programmer started with raising the
national flag during sunrise of the campus. After that the students and teachers attended a discussion on
the Independence Day at the school auditorium at 8.00 am. The Principal of the college chaired the
programmer. Speakers highlighted different aspects of the Liberation War and the duties of the citizens
of an independent country.

An amusing cultural programmer included sports and film show. The students of class XI Section A
versus Section B played a friendly football match. The match ended with a draw, each team scoring two

In the afternoon, the film Ora Enarojon was showed at the auditorium. It was a movie on the
Liberation War. The teachers, students, guardian send invited guests watched the movie. The Deputy
Commissioner of Dhaka attended the programmer as the chief guest.
S041 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A Daily Newspaper. You Have Covered The News Of Food
Poisoning In Comilla. Now Write A Report On That Issue

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30 People Fell Sick Due to Food Adulteration in Comilla

Staff Reporter, 2nd March, 2015:

At least 30 people fell sick after taking marriage feast at a reception ceremony at groom’s residence at
village Dighipara in Barura thana under Comilla district. Among them 21 were admitted to Comilla
Medical College Hospital out of which five were in critical condition.

Sources said the incident took place on 1st June at the residence of Jabbar Mollah His son Waliur Mollah
married the daughter of Shaikh Abdur Rahim of village Nanda Para under the same union. The guests
from the bride’s side were invited on the occasion.

Eye witnesses reported that the guests were invited to take their meal at around 1 pm. After some time,
few of the guests started vomiting and fell unconscious .They were rushed to the Upazila health
Complex. As there conditions deteriorated, they were rushed to Comilla Medical College Hospital.
Subsequently, many more fell sick and were taken to the hospital. Some of them were given first aid and
released. In the meantime police reached the scene and spoiled the cooked food and the cook and his

A case has been filed in this connection with Barura police station. This incident became a talk of the
area throughout the day.

S042 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A National Daily. Write A Report On The Reception Programmer
Arranged To Welcome The New Students Of The Rajdhani Ideal College

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Fresher’s reception held.

Staff Reporter, Dhaka 2nd March, 2015:

Rajdhani Ideal College organized a Freshers Orientation Programme for the new students of HSC level in
the auditorium yesterday.

The programme was dividing into two segments. The first segment included the speeches. Rules and
regulations and introductions of different teachers and organizations. The second segment was a
cultural programmer to entertain all the fresher’s, teachers and guests.

In the opening of the function Jahangir Alam spoke about the growth and development of the college.
Prof. Syed Anwarul Huq in his speech welcomed the fresher and asked to take their help in case of
academic problems.

Next all the different organizations were introduced, such as English Language Club Coordinators of
these forums spoke to the fresher about these forums their aims background and involvements.

At last they staged the drama Raktakarobi written by Rabindranath Tagore. The new students enjoyed
the programmer and vowed to study properly to uphold the image of the college.

S043 Suppose, You Are A Reporter Of A National Daily. Write A Report On Clash Between Two Rival

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3 killed 60 Wounded as Villagers Clash in Rajshahi

Staff Correspondent, Rajshahi:

Three people were killed and at least 60 injured, 10 of them critically as rival villagers locked in a clash
over a trifling matter at Harupur village under Paba Upazila yesterday morning.

Police picked up 16 people of both groups during the clash. The clash ensued around 10.00 am following
previous enmity between two rival groups one led by Shahjahan Laskar and another by Asir Mendel.

Supporters of both the groups swooped on their rivals with sticks and sharp weapons that left at least
three killed and 60 injured from both sides. they also vandalized several houses of rivals and looted

On information, police rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control.

Additional police forces have been deployed in and around the area to avert any untoward situation.

Of the injured, Edbar Mondo, Turab Mondo, Jarina Khatun, Edu Biswas, Alam Hossain, Abdul Kuddus,
Ariful Laskar, Tota Miah, Rownak, Aminur Rashid Patal were admitted to Rajshahi Medical College
Hospital with severe injuries.

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