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The value of education is something that I have understood since a very young age.

Neither of my

parents had an opportunity to get an education and faced many struggles in their personal and

professional lives. They committed early in my life to do everything within their power to instill in me a

love of learning and an understanding of the importance of hard work and dedication. I have devoted

the time and energy necessary to academic accomplishment, even though money has always been


Although I have partaken in numerous volunteer activities in previous years, continual pressure and

stress concerning my academics, college application, and future heavily burdened me. I still

volunteered and aimlessly rushed from activity to activity, but I did not receive the fulfilment that I

hoped. I will continue to help others in the community regardless of where I go.

Even though community service is designed to help others, I often felt as if I benefited more than the

people I helped on many different levels; mentally, spiritually, and characteristically. I enjoyed the

balance of a diverse yet tight-knit group that focused on facilitating the lives of others. These

experiences also helped build character and leadership, transforming me into a more patient,

responsible, and flexible person.

"Volunteers are not paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are


A good union leader must have the ability to collaborate, a shared vision with the organization's

members, be influential, and possess an adaptive capacity and intelligence to adapt to the internal and

external factors that may impact their organization. An effective union leader must build and strengthen

organizational ability to alleviate member apathy and increase member engagement.

Unionized workers have more power as a cohesive group than by acting individually. Through collective

bargaining, workers negotiate wages, health, and safety issues, benefits, and working conditions with

management via their union. Workers with a union job have more seniority may prefer an open

position. Seniority also can be a factor in determining who gets a promotion. The idea is that seniority

eliminates favoritism in the workplace.

If I apply all these facts to my life, I conclude that if I went to work in a factory, the first thing I'd do is

join a union. Unions have been the only powerful and influential voice working people have ever had in

the history of this country. The Labor Movement was the principle that transformed misery and despair

into hope and progress.

If selected for this scholarship, I will continue to smear the same diligence to my studies as I have to this

point, making education and service to others my top priority. I will represent your organization well

during my years in university and beyond. I have great expectations for the future, and this scholarship

would help me move forward with my dreams. I will be eagerly waiting for your positive response.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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