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SWOT of Panasonic

SWOT analysis is a planning tool used to analyze an organization’s strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT begins with an analysis of the general business
environment. It then identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the firm. This part of SWOT
involves internal analysis. Then, the analysis attempts to identify opportunities, competitive
and environmental threats. This part of SWOT involves external analysis.

Strength is capital, knowledge, skill, or other advantage that a firm has or can acquire
over its competitors in meeting the needs of its customers.
The strength of Panasonic is the quality of product is high. This is because
Panasonic’s goal is to produce high standard and long lasting electronic. For example,
Panasonic’s air conditioner has a good air purification system. It uses nanoe-G with dust
sensor to purify air when the level of particle concentration is high. Thus, people who buy the
product of Panasonic will have a good and healthy life.

Weakness is flaw that increases the risk of a failure.
The weakness of Panasonic is the product of Panasonic is expensive. This is because
the products of Panasonic are in high quality. For instance, the price of air conditioner of
Panasonic is RM 3898 while the price of air conditioner of Pensonic is RM 1006. So, this
will affect the customer of Panasonic in a low rate because the quality of the products of
Panasonic is good.

Opportunity is exploitable set of circumstances with uncertain outcome, requiring
commitment of resources and involving exposure to risk.
The opportunity of Panasonic is emerging markets. An emerging market is a country
that has some characteristics of a developed market, but does not meet standards to be a
developed market. Panasonic produces many household appliances which causes it has more
global demand. As a result, there is demand for Panasonic products even in poorer regions. In
general, this multinational has plenty of opportunity to expand into markets in Latin America,
India and perhaps one day Africa.

Threat is negative event that can cause a risk to become a loss, expressed as an
aggregate of risk, consequences of risk, and the likelihood of the occurrence of the event.
The threat of Panasonic is Panasonic has heavy competition. This is because
Panasonic is not the only company that produce and sell electronic products. Company like
Sony, LG, Toshiba, Philips and others also produce and sell electronic products. Thus,
Panasonic needs to always have new idea to attract more customers to buy their products.

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