10.0 Covid-19 The Right Methods (13 April 2020)

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The right
April 2020 dnm

The right methods at the right time

General factors Specific factors

Burden and adherence Responsiveness to our own epidemic

How difficult are the recommendations The Australian government held back
to carry out? How burdensome are from introducing a general stay-home
they? What proportion of people are period for weeks. Advocates of the
able and likely to adhere to the elimination approach point to the steep
recommendations consistently? increase in cases of Covid-19 diagnosed
in Australia. They say the steepness of
Comparative benefits and risks/costs this curve is evidence of exponential
community transmission—in other
The anticipated risks and benefits of the words, an epidemic that is out of control
method being considered, and how they and requires urgent measures.
compare to other possible choices. This
is not just the public health benefits. The medical experts advising the
Economic decisions also have health government have said they are looking
costs through increasing homelessness, at the breakdown of the cases that
family violence, and suicide. People who make up that curve.
lose all their income or become
homeless are at increased risk of dying. At the time of writing, the majority of
cases were overseas travellers, who did
Strength of evidence not get the virus in the Australian
community. The curve would look very
The strength of the evidence in support different if we took these cases out and
of each choice. In a rapidly evolving only focused on local cases.
situation, recent, relevant experience
may be considered as well. Now that we have banned overseas
traveller and imposed quarantine for all
Evidence may be uncertain. This is not a returning Australians, we can expect to
reason for rejecting evidence see the number of overseas cases
altogether. Nor is uncertainty a reason decrease. We are likely to see an
for proceeding without evidence, an increase in locally acquired cases, as
approach which is sometimes well as a shift in the focus of our
misunderstood as the precautionary response strategy to address this as an
principle. issue.


By focusing on the data about our own vaccinated for measles. That level of
epidemic, the medical advisors were ‘herd immunity’ offers protection to
able to recommend a strong priority on people who are not immune. Even if
mandatory isolation for all new someone does get measles, it cannot
international arrivals and contact spread far, because most nearby
tracing for all known cases. This can contacts are immune. In this sense, herd
prevent these cases causing local immunity is an effect, and the strategy is
transmission. widespread vaccination.

Rebound Herd immunity has become

controversial in the political debate
If we can manage to bring cases down over Covid-19 control in Australia. In the
to zero, do new cases emerge when we United Kingdom, it was briefly
lift the methods we were using? considered as a strategy for controlling
the outbreak without the help of a
For example, as the epidemic continues vaccine (which doesn’t exist—yet). This
in other countries, we might need to idea was abandoned when researchers
continue bans on overseas travel, in predicted it would result in tens of
order to prevent new cases being thousands of people dying before the
imported here. necessary levels of immunity could be
In addition, if we introduce a general
stay-home period, does community Many advocates of an elimination
transmission restart when it ends? approach in Australia have accused the
Commonwealth government of relying
As long as we don’t have a vaccine,
on herd immunity as a strategy for
rebound is a real possibility when
controlling the outbreak without saying
control measures are lifted. Experts and
publicly that is what they are doing.
health authorities are watching
carefully to see what happens in China Comments by senior government staff,
and South Korea, which successfully which mention herd immunity as one of
curbed their outbreaks without making the complexities in the debate over
use of national shutdown methods. school closures, have been seized-upon
as meaning that herd immunity is the
Herd immunity
government’s strategy.
This is an ordinary concept in studies of
The authors of this booklet do not
disease transmission. For example, we
believe this has ever been the case.
need about 90% of people to get


If we cannot find a vaccine for the virus, It depends on closely monitoring

herd immunity will be an important numbers from testing and contact
effect to consider in long term tracing, in order to make an informed
predictions. It could only come about guess about what is happening with
with many deaths along the way, so no transmission in the community.
reasonable observer considers it an
acceptable strategy to adopt. This can be difficult when there are
unavoidable lags between people
Pulsing control measures on and off becoming infected, getting sick, seeking
again over time care and being diagnosed with Covid-19.

Some researchers and commentators It could result in repeated shocks to the

have advocated introducing an initial, hospital system.
very broad stay-home period to curb
most infections, lifting the stay-home This approach openly expects the
orders, and then monitoring the epidemic to rebound in between periods
epidemic in order to decide when to of restriction. It assumes that restrictions
reintroduce restrictions until rates come will have the same effect each time they
down again. In effect, this means pulsing are introduced. (This is known as a dose-
restrictions on and off again repeatedly. response relationship.)

There are big questions about this However, epidemics are complex and
approach. unpredictable. A cluster or super-
spreader event in between control
Pulsing restrictions works in a periods could change the behaviour of
simulation, but it has serious practical the epidemic altogether. If everybody in
limitations. It is likely to become very society rushed out to see all their friends
burdensome over time, as people find it and family at the same time, these types
hard to plan their lives without knowing of events would be much more likely.
when restrictions will be re-imposed.

As people get tired of this, adherence

will decrease, and the approach will be
less effective over time.
Personal behaviours Policy responses
In the absence of a vaccine, the basics On page 26 we list many of the different
really matter. The recommendations are methods that governments are using
easy to grasp but incorporating them around the world to control the
into our everyday life is much harder. outbreak. We can add one more:

As we learnt from the AIDS crisis, panic, • Communication and health

fear, blame, and guilt are not effective promotion
at motivating long-term use of
protective behaviours. We know that people need information
and motivation and behavioural skills,
It is essential that we find ways to as well as belief in their own ability to
translate abstract recommendations carry out actions that will be effective.
into concrete, personal, everyday life
practices. We need to use humour and Unless we effectively communicate the
pleasure and positive values, even as we rationale for the actions we are taking
acknowledge that the crisis is serious. and recommending people adopt, they
are not going to blindly obey orders
It is easy to understand how hand they don’t understand.
washing and physical separation can
protect us. It is less easy to see how There is a rationale to the Australian
personal and household practices like response. It is the right measures, at the
staying home and avoiding gatherings right time, for the right reason.
can add up into a bigger picture —
It requires patience, courage, and
hopefully, controlling the outbreak.
attention to detail.
The timing of control measures matters,
But panic makes people prefer urgent
and we may sometimes need to follow
messages and simple measures, such as
advice quickly and carefully, even
school closures and ‘shut it all down.’
though the reason may not be obvious.
Recommendations may change, possibly We are beginning the first weeks of a
suddenly and drastically. stay-home period for all Australians. The
success of this measure at the big
Finally, adherence is vital. We need
picture level depends on adherence,
enough people and households to
which depends on understanding, which
adhere to recommendations to bring the
depends on effective health promotion.
outbreak under control.

Daniel Reeders. Responding to Coronavirus in Australia: The rationale behind the

recommendations. A plain language guide (April 2020). Sydney: DNM Strategic
Consulting. Available at: www.dnm.net.au/covid19


Copyright 2020 DNM Strategic Consulting Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Permission is
granted to download, circulate and republish this document unchanged.


DNM Strategic Consulting Pty Ltd is based in Sydney. We facilitate insightful strategic
outcomes and deliver reliable, independent health promotion initiatives.

The author of this booklet is Daniel Reeders, director and principal consultant at
DNM. Daniel has over 16 years’ experience in health promotion involving HIV, viral
hepatitis, sexual and reproductive health and cancer prevention in communities
including gay, bisexual and queer people, migrants and refugees, Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples and people living with socioeconomic deprivation.

Since 2014 Daniel has been a researcher looking at the mobilisation of networks,
cultures, markets and communities in response to public health issues and disability.
Daniel has qualifications in law, cultural studies and public health and is a PhD
researcher at the ANU School of Regulation and Governance (RegNet).


This booklet has been produced with the generous input and feedback of a small
crew of passionate researchers, clinicians and practitioners. They are not named
here because their roles as advisors to government preclude them from making
public comment. The content in this document may not represent their individual
views and does not represent the position of their employers or any government
department or public sector agency to which they provide advice.


This is a passion project undertaken without any funding except for donations. If you
would like to make a small donation, you can do so using Paypal.


The information in this resource is general in nature. Readers should use your own
discretion and seek relevant expert advice before applying it to your own situation.

Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this booklet is correct. DNM
accepts no responsibility for any error, omission or defect herein. As mistakes are
found, corrections will be made and recorded in an appendix at the end of this PDF.

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