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Issue 1,339 Thursday 10 March 2011 FREE


ENFORCEMENT string of companies. He pledged the

BY STEVE DINNEEN firms as collateral on his brother’s spi-

ralling debt with the bank.
THE Tchenguiz brothers were held for Kaupthing has been criticised for its
questioning for over 12 hours by the close relationship with Robert, who
Serious Fraud Office yesterday after owned 1.5 per cent of the bank out-
being arrested in connection with the right and was also a director and
collapse of Icelandic bank Kaupthing. shareholder in Exista, which was
Vincent and Robert Tchenguiz were Kaupthing’s largest investor.
among seven men arrested in a series It is understood Armann
of dawn raids across London. Thorvaldsson, former head of
The brothers were both released Kaupthing’s UK business and Sigurdur
without charge last night and were Einarsson, who was Kaupthing’s
free to travel, their spokesman said. London-based executive chairman and
Robert Tchenguiz had debts with chief executive, are also among those
Kaupthing totalling more than £2bn. who have been arrested.
His credit line was extended after the Tchenguiz’s offices in central
onset of the recession, despite his port- London were searched as part of the
folio of investments beginning to turn investigation, which involved 135 City
sour. Minutes from the bank show of London police and SFO officers.
that some of the lending was used to Two men were also arrested in
finance debt owed to other lenders. Iceland as part of the probe, which has
He famously lost almost £1bn in been running since 2009.
just a few days in 2008 when his stakes A statement by the brothers said:
in firms including J Sainsbury and “We were arrested earlier this morn-
l A police offi-
Mitchells & Butlers – which had ing and are being questioned with cer leaves a note
already lost hundreds of millions in regard to matters relating to our rela- on his car outside
value – were seized to help pay the tionship with Kaupthing Bank. Both of the Tchenguiz’s
debts. Other assets seized include pro- us are cooperating fully with the inves- offices
ceeds from the 2009 sale of tigation and are confident that, once
Somerfield, the privately owned pub- concluded, we will be cleared of any
chain behind Yates’s and Slug and allegation of wrongdoing.”
Lettuce and restaurant group La Tasca. Robert Tchenguiz was a Tory party Pictures: Alan
l Vincent (left) and Robert Tchenguiz say they will l Lisa Tchenguiz leaves her brothers’ Curzon Street
Vincent has launched a £600m donor, handing over £53,620 through Davidson, Micha
clear their names of wrongdoing Theiner offices yesterday. She is not under investigation.
claim against Kaupthing’s liquidators, his R20 firm.
after effectively forfeiting shares in a TCHENGUIZ BROTHERS: P8-P9, DIARY: P10

Benefit fraud and overpayment costs £3.1bn


Committee (PAC). The committee called for urgent £1.3bn, which the committee said The department, which never even
BY JULIET SAMUEL Most of the waste was caused by action to deal with the mistakes, the were causing “significant financial drew up a plan for reducing errors,
failures by the Department for Work total cost of which is equivalent to 0.7 hardship” for claimants. has now had an additional £425m ear-
THE government wasted £3.1bn last and Pensions (DPW), with £1.1bn stem- per cent of benefits spending and Its report also shows that a crack- marked to help it stamp out mistakes.
year due to fraud and errors that ming from mistakes by officials and more than half of the budget cuts down on error launched by the depart- It said a major reason for errors is
caused it to overpay benefits, accord- another £1.1bn from failing to catch George Osborne made last year. ment in 2007 was ineffective, with the complexity of the benefits system,
ing to a report by the House of claimant errors. The remaining £1bn However, the wastage was to some wastage having remained roughly con- which is due to be replaced by a sim-
Commons’ Public Accounts in overpayments were due to fraud. degree offset by underpayments of stant since then. pler universal credit system from 2013.

FTSE 100 t5,937.30 -37.46 DOW t12,213.09 -1.29 NASDAQ t2,751.72 -14.05 £/$ 1.62 unc £/¤ 1.16 unc ¤/$ 1.39 unc Certified Distribution
03/01/11 till 30/01/11 is 97,465
2 News CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

Landmark trial
How to squeeze more out of UK plc against Galleon
ty, the telephone or penicillin. This,
Cowen argues, helps to explain why
the West is grinding to a halt in terms
ly regulations on business this year, is
acting as a major break on private sec-
tor growth and investment.
ture economies of scale that usually
accompany growth. A school that
goes from 100 to 200 teachers should-
founder begins
of productivity growth and incomes. Last but not least, the public sector n’t require a doubling in the number
Whether Cowen is right or not is needs to be reduced in size and made of administrators to cope. As spend-

fundamental to the future of human- more efficient. The gains to be had ing goes up, the front-line component
ity. But here is the good news: it does- from increasing the efficiency of of the workforce should expand more A US prosecutor told a jury that greed
n’t matter much in the short term. health, education and other services rapidly than the back office. Yet the drove hedge fund manager Raj
EDITOR’S LETTER Britain’s problems are more prosaic. are immense and would transform opposite happened. Rajaratnam to establish a corrupt net-
There are lots of lowish-hanging fruit the UK. Productivity fell by a cumula- What is obvious is that growth can work of people to trade on inside
ALLISTER HEATH to be picked in a system as sick as tive 3.4 per cent in the public sector no longer come from debt. Between information and make millions in
ours; a few sensible yet radical poli- during the Blair years, against a 28 per 2000 and 2007, nominal GDP rose 44 illegal profits, as the trial got under
ONE of the most influential books in cies could trigger a productivity cent gain in the private sector. Even per cent while property prices way in the biggest Wall Street insider
America today – Tyler Cowen’s The explosion, regardless of global techno- then, some of the figures are exagger- jumped 131 per cent, outstanding trading case in a generation.
Great Stagnation – argues that tech- logical change or lack thereof. ated: better GCSE results are classified mortgage amounts 121 per cent and Sri Lankan-born Rajaratnam, 53,
nological innovation peaked in 1873 The first reform is loosening plan- as an increase in government output unsecured lending 110 per cent. Debt- sat impassively as prosecutor
(yes, you read that right). Most of the ning laws to boost the supply of hous- (and thus as a rise in GDP) even if financed “stimulus” has also run its Jonathan Streeter said the case was
progress of the past 100 years has ing, keeping a lid on prices and caused by grade inflation. The Centre course: the return on hundreds of bil- about “greed and corruption”.
come from the application of innova- freeing vast amounts of resources to for Economics and Business Research lions of state expenditure has been In a trial expected to last two
tions made prior to 1914, he says; be spent on other things. The second calculates that taxation could be astonishingly poor. The only answer is months, the jury will hear about cor-
what we now think of as dramatic, is cutting marginal tax rates, especial- £58bn a year lower had the public sec- for Britain to increase its productivity porate secrets, wiretaps and cooperat-
revolutionary discoveries (the inter- ly on income: as the Adam Smith tor achieved private sector levels of and get more out of its resources. For ing witnesses who are expected to
net, mobile phones, some new medi- Institute documents today, we are productivity improvements. that, we don’t need a scientific revolu- testify about illicit stock tips allegedly
cines) are in fact less life-transforming now at a stage where tax is reducing One reason for the public sector’s tion – just a proper pro-growth set of fed to the Galleon Group founder
than previous, truly colossal break- economic activity. Third, there needs appalling inefficiency, as a Centre for policies. Over to you, chancellor. The US government accuses
throughs such as the invention of the to be fewer regulations: the avalanche Policy Studies paper out today Rajaratnam of reaping $45m (£28m)
internal combustion engine, electrici- of red tape, including a flurry of cost- explains, is that it has failed to cap- Follow me on Twitter: @allisterheath illegally between 2003 and 2009.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Portugal sells
€1bn in bonds
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor David Crow
Night Editor Katie Hope
Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel

Sports Editor Frank Dalleres BY ALISON LOCK external help”, he said. Bids for the Toronto-Dominion bank CEO Edmund Clark may try to block the deal Picture: REUTERS
Art Director Craig Gaymer bond exceeded supply by 1.6 times,

Banks to oppose LSE deal

Pictures Micha Theiner PORTUGAL edged closer to an EU down from 1.9 on September’s issue.
bailout as its two-year cost of borrow- But Evolution Securities analyst
Commercial ing on a €1bn (£861m) bond sale Elisabeth Afseth said most people
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery surged yesterday. considered a bailout “a done deal”.
Commercial Director Harry Owen The Portuguese government sold “It has not been agreed by politi-
Head of Distribution Nick Owen the 5.45 per cent bond, which cians but as far as the market is con-
matures in 2013, at a yield of 5.993 cerned it is widely expected that it EXCHANGES A public statement against the deal

Distribution helpline per cent. The cost was almost 200 will emerge at some point,” she said. would inflame the controversy over
If you have any comments about the distribution BY JULIET SAMUEL
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email basis points higher than the 4.086 per CMC Markets analyst Michael what is already an explosive topic in cent yield from its last sale of two- Hewson said Portugal’s ten-year bor- CANADIAN banks are set to wade into Canada. The government of Ontario is
year bonds in September. rowing cost was 7.7 per cent, which the debate over the merger of the currently conducting public hearings
Editorial Statement The heavily-indebted nation, which he described as “not sustainable”. London Stock Exchange (LSE) and on the merger to address concerns
This newspaper adheres to the system of has €4.3bn of bonds due for repay- TMX, its Canadian counterpart, in a that it could undermine domestic reg-
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints ment in April, denied that it would Carlos Pina, the bid to scupper the deal. ulators’ control over one of the coun-
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the need to seek EU support. Four banks are thought to be try’s major exchanges.
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Portuguese secretary
“These are rates that are not sus- preparing to come out against the The banks in question are the
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at tainable in the longer term, but they of state for Treasury merger in a joint letter, but their oppo- National Bank of Canada, Toronto-
Printed by Newsfax International,
are still bearable at the moment,” and Finance, denied sition is complicated by the fact that Dominion, Bank of Nova Scotia and
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, Portuguese Treasury secretary Carlos it would need EU aid they all own shares in a TMX rival, the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS Pina said. Portugal “does not need Alpha Group. Commerce. All declined to comment.


Microsoft, to gain direct access to the
internet companies’ consumer data.

Barclays has won a legal case brought Eon, Germany’s largest utility compa- appear before a Congressional com- ROLE AT UNIVERSAL MUSIC Renault is making plans to exonerate
against it by a small San Marino bank ny, expects profits to dip this year and mittee today to answer questions on Lucian Grainge is to be promoted to the three managers fired for alleged
which alleged the UK bank sold it next as it grapples with a new the “multiple potential conflicts” of the role of chief executive and chair- corporate espionage, people familiar
complex debt products which were German tax on nuclear power and David Becker. America’s main finan- man of Universal Music, the world’s with the matter said, in what would
“much riskier” than the triple A cred- tries to get out of supply contracts cial regulator will come under largest music group. The British be a major stand-down that could
it rating they had been given. Cassa di that force it to buy gas above current intense scrutiny from lawmakers music executive, who has strong rela- presage a change in the French auto
Risparmio della Repubblica di San market rates. The Düsseldorf-based tomorrow for allowing its top lawyer tionship with artists including U2, maker’s senior management.
Marino (CRSM) had claimed €92m company said earnings before inter- to work on the case of Bernard Abba, Take That and Amy Winehouse,
(£79m) in losses and lost income, est, tax, depreciation and amortisa- Madoff, even though he inherited is currently Universal’s chief execu- HSBC PULLS BACK IN BID TO SERVE
alleging fraudulent misrepresenta- tion, adjusted for one-off items, money tied to the convicted fraud- tive. WEALTHY
tion over the sale of ultra complex would hit €11.2bn-€11.9bn (£9.6bn- ster’s Ponzi scheme. HSBC Holdings will halt its push for
collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) £10.2bn) this year and about €13bn EU PARALYSIS DRIVES FRESH BOND new clients of HSBC Premier, its flag-
during a long-running trial in the the following year after coming in at CHANGE AT TOP FOR DAVID LLOYD ROUT ship banking service aimed at
UK’s High Court. Barclays had strong- €13.3bn in 2010. LEISURE Political paralysis in Brussels and wealthy international clients, as it
ly denied the claims. David Lloyd Leisure, Britain’s biggest monetary tightening by the European tackles company-wide cost overruns
DIVIDENDS TAKE OFF AGAIN AT chain of tennis-based health and fit- Central Bank has set off a fresh spasm the bank flagged in its 2010 annual
OMNICOM IN DEALS TO TARGET LUFTHANSA ness clubs, is set to part company of the eurozone bond crisis, pushing results last week. Putting the brakes
ONLINE ADS Lufthansa is to resume paying a divi- with its managing director and spreads on Portuguese, Irish and on Premier, an account brand that
Omnicom, one of the world’s largest dend after swinging back into profit deputy chief executive, The Times has Greek bonds to post-EMU records. provides “preferential” banking serv-
marketing services groups, has struck last year, in spite of costs incurred learnt. Nick Backhouse is stepping Portugal edged closer to the brink yes- ices to wealthy customers, is one of
what it claims are industry-first part- from strike action, a volcano in ice- down and his responsibilities will be terday, having to pay almost 6pc to the changes to be made by new Chief
nerships with AOL, Yahoo and land and higher fuel prices. assumed by Scott Lloyd. raise two-year debt. Executive Officer Stuart Gulliver.
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 3

Oil price hits $116

Flames and thick
black smoke erupt
from an oil pipe
burning near Ras
Lanuf, in Libya’s

as plants bombed
rebel-held eastern
region. Images
such as this
sparked a global
oil buying spree.
The price of Brent
crude was pushed
to over $115 a bar- western town of Zawiya and oil towns

rel. BY KATIE HOPE in the rebel-held east.
Televised pictures of the flames
Picture: GETTY THE price of Brent crude surged over prompted a buying spree in the oil
$116 a barrel yesterday after Mummar market, with Brent crude surging to a
Gadaffi’s forces bombed Libya’s main session high of $116.18 – near to its
oil terminal. highest level in 2 1/2 years. It later fell
The attack on the Es Sider terminal to $115.51 a barrel.
was the first against a critical oil facil- Market jitters remain with traders
itity since fighting began, and came concerned that oil supplies will be
as Gaddaffi tried to crush the upris- disrupted for a long period, despite
ing against him by bombarding the OPEC promises to pump extra oil.

Asia narrows
US lead in list
of billionaires
worth $18bn.

BY JULIET SAMUEL Europe added more billionaires
than did America this year, increas-
ASIA churned out 105 billionaires ing its contribution to the list by 50
last year, narrowing the US’s lead in versus the US’s 23. The continent’s
the Forbes magazine annual list of richest person is Bernard Arnault of
billionaires. French luxury group LVMH, who has
The Asia-Pacific region now has amassed $41bn.
300 billionaires, versus the US’s 413, Britain’s richest man, Gerald
collectively valued at $1.3 trillion Cavendish Grosvenor, the Duke of
and $1.5 trillion respectively. China Westminster, can boast only $13bn,
now has 115 billionaires, versus or 57th place, mostly from real
India’s 55. estate.
The list set a new record for being He is followed by other real estate
the longest ever compiled in its 25- tycoons David and Simon Reuben,
year history, with 1,210 making the who are sitting on $8bn and Cristina
cut, up from 1,011 last year. The net and Philip Green of Topshop and
worth of those on it rose from $3.6 Arcadia Group, who are worth
trillion to $4.5 trillion, larger than $7.2bn. Green was commissioned to
the size of Germany’s economy. act as the government’s efficiency
For a second year running, czar last year, producing a report
Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos that recommended billions in sav-
Slim Helu and his family topped the ings.
list, with their net worth surging an The best industries to be in for
astonishing $20.5bn to $74bn. He prospective newcomers to the rich
was followed by Bill Gates, worth list was energy, which produced 31
$56bn and Warren Buffett, at $50bn. new billionaires, followed by fashion
Others in the top 50 include Alice and retail, manufacturing and
Walton of Walmart at $21bn, Google finance.
founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, The proportion of women on the
worth $20bn each and Michele list remained roughly constant at 8.4
Ferrero of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, per cent versus 8.8 per cent last year.

IBM stocks hit Pimco ditches

a lifetime high US treasuries

SHARES of International Business THE world’s largest bond fund, the
Machines (IBM) hit a lifetime high yes- Pimco Total Return fund, has sold off
terday as analysts welcomed the tech all of its US Treasures due to worries
giant’s commitment to double its about the government’s ballooning
profit by 2015. budget deficit, which is forecast to
IBM shares rose as much as 3.3 per reach $1.65 trillion this year. In his
cent to $167.72 (£103.50), their highest most recent monthly report, Pimco
level on record adjusted for stock founder Bill Gross asked: “Who will
splits, as analysts raised their target buy treasuries when the Fed does-
price on the company, the day after it n’t?” His fund’s dumping of treasur-
reaffirmed its ambitious 2015 earn- ies was executed speedily last
ings target of doubling profit to at month: they moved from making up
least £20 per share. The optimism was 12 per cent of its assets at the end of
limited to IBM. Shares of rivals January to zeo by 28 February. Gross
Microsoft, Apple and Hewlett-Packard expects the yield on treasuries to rise
all fell. US MARKETS: P16 as the US over-spend continues.
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 5

Lloyds chief exec Archie Kane (left)

António Horta- will retire with a
Osório (left) has £6.8m pension,
promoted his col- while Helen Weir
league from (right) will exit
Santander UK, the Lloyds board
Antonio Lorenzo with £1.7m.
(r).Pictures: Micha Pictures: REX,
Theiner, Newscast Micha Theiner

Horta-Osorio Do you trust

swings axe to your instincts?

We do. Especially when designing and building our products.
You see, manufacturing robots are really good for precision jobs.

appoint allies But they can’t think for themselves. Not yet anyway. So we’ll keep
on trusting our own instincts. What we know. That’s why we take
our Civics for a little drive. To make sure everything feels just right.
For us, our instincts can’t be replaced. But don’t tell the robots.
Because we wouldn’t want to hurt their feelings.
One option open to him could be to

reward colleagues who moved with him The Civic from £12,995 OTR (1.4 Type S Manual)
to Lloyds, including his former chief 3 years complimentary servicing
OUTGOING Lloyds executive Helen Weir financial officer Antonio Lorenzo and
could be paid more than £1.7m by the his former head of risk Juan Colombás. 2 years affordable finance 0% APR representative
state-owned lender for at least a year In what could be his first reward of
after she walks out of the door. many, Lorenzo was yesterday handed
The former retail director will exit Weir’s responsibility for retail products Call 0845 200 8000 to experience our Civic for yourself.
the bank, as one of the first boardroom and marketing. Or visit to find out more about our products and
casualties of new chief executive Analysts say his initial step down from discover how everything we do goes into everything we do.
António Horta-Osório’s strategic shake- Santander to join Lloyds as head of its
up. wealth and international division in
Although Weir will not get a golden January could indicate he is in line for
parachute, she will still be paid by the further promotions.
bank for a year, or longer in gardening Analyst at Exane BNP Paribas Ian
leave should she join a competitor. Gordon said: “It just didn’t seem like an
Also exiting the executive board is adequate role to induce him to leave
insurance director Archie Kane, who will Santander just to come to Lloyds. I would
retire from the bank with a year’s pay expect him to join the board.”
packet of around £1.5m and a pension
pot worth £6.8m. ANALYSIS l Lloyds Banking 61.39
The changes come less than two 70 9 Mar
weeks into Horta-Osório’s tenure at the
top of the bank and are part of his ongo-
ing strategic review.
It leaves the Lloyds board with just
two executive directors appointed by his
predecessor Eric Daniels.
The former Santander UK chief could 62
hire or fire a number of other senior
staff for his operation, in a strategic
review that will conclude in June. 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar

Northern Rock posts a £232m

loss on its long road to recovery
ond half of the year, compared with an

underlying loss of £140m in the first
STATE-OWNED lender Northern Rock six months.
yesterday said it made a loss of £232m Executive chairman Ron Sandler
last year. said: “While it is always disappointing
In its first annual results since the to report a loss, this in part reflects the
government split the “good” part of high level of liquidity held, the costs Model shown is Civic 1.4 Type S Manual 2011 year model (£12,995 OTR). Fuel consumption figures
the bank from its toxic assets last year, incurred in relation to the govern- for the Civic petrol range in mpg (l/100km): Urban 22.2 – 43.5 (12.7 – 6.5), Extra Urban 40.4 – 65.7
Northern Rock said it was hit by ment’s retail and wholesale guaran- (7.0 – 4.3), Combined 31.0 – 55.4 (9.1 – 5.1). CO2 emissions: 215 – 132 g/km.
restructuring costs of £362.5m. tees, which have now been removed,
It was weighed down by a £59.9m and other exceptional costs incurred Terms and Conditions: Offers valid on new retail cars registered from 1 February to 30 March 2011. Offers applicable at participating Dealers
exceptional expense relating to its sep- as the company was restructured.” and are at the Promoter’s absolute discretion. Subject to model, colour and stock availability. Price Point: £12,995 price point applies to
Civic 1.4 Type S Manual and excludes metallic paint (£440 extra). Honda Hire Purchase (HP): Indemnities may be required in certain circumstances.
aration and by charges of £33.2m for The state-backed bank also said it Finance is only available to persons aged 18 or over subject to status. All figures are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change.
government funding guarantees. will pay £13.1m in bonuses to its staff. Credit provided by Honda Finance Europe PLC, 470 London Road, Slough, Berkshire SL3 8QY. Servicing: 3 years complimentary servicing or 37,500
Yet Northern Rock insisted it had It’s 4,500 employees – who earn an miles, whichever comes first, and includes a maximum of 3 services. Complimentary servicing covers the manufacturer’s scheduled servicing only.
made progress. average annual salary of £20,000 – will
The lender said it had narrowed its share in the bonus, receiving up to
underlying losses to £92.4m in the sec- £3,000 each.
6 Focus on Prudential CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

The Pru tops Thiam placates investors

but pay row may be next
market with PROFILE ter of planning and development in

£1.9bn profit
BY ALISON LOCK his native Cote d’Ivoire before
leaving the country after a
TIDJANE Thiam returned like 1999 coup. He joined
Lazarus from beyond the reputa- Aviva as group strategy
tional grave yesterday with the kind and development direc-
of convincingly superb results need- tor in 2002 and the Pru
ed to regain investors’ faith. in 2007.
Thiam, promoted from finance These results and
INSURANCE lent increased 23 per cent to £3.5bn director to chief executive of the Pru 20 per cent dividend

BY ALISON LOCK from £2.84bn in 2009, when they in 2009, has felt the wrath of share- hike should reassure
grew at just one per cent. holders since his ill-fated $35.5bn investors that
PRUDENTIAL chief executive Tidjane Its Asian businesses, where sales (£22bn) bid for AIA. Thiam is the man
Thiam answered critics and reassured grew 24 per cent to £1.5bn, have been Thiam launched the bid last for this job.
investors with full-year results ahead growing at record levels for the past March but infuriated investors later But as one row
of expectations yesterday. six quarters and remitted £233m cash that month by accepting a director- fades into the dis-
The Pru’s IFRS operating profit was to the group in 2010, it said. ship at Societe Generale in addition tance, another
up 24 per cent to £1.94bn, up from Thiam said the strategy was to to his day job. He was forced to turn may be brewing,
£1.56bn in 2009 and 12 per cent high- accelerate growth in the region fur- it down. as the remuner-
er than consensus forecasts of £1.6bn. ther. “We estimate the size of the The AIA bid antagonised the ation commit-
The UK’s biggest insurer also Asian middle class at 1.9bn, so we Financial Services Authority, which tee prepares
reached out to investors angered by consider that we are only scratching queried the Pru’s $21bn rights issue Thiam’s poten-
Thiam’s failed $35.5bn (£22bn) bid for the surface and have a lot of room to – and investors, who questioned the tial £5.2m pay
Asian insurer AIA by rebasing its divi- grow,” he said. price. By June AIA had walked away, package.
dend and increasing its full-year pay- Prudential’s US life business leaving the Pru with a £377m bill Whether
out 20 per cent to 23.85p. Jackson recorded the highest profit in and shareholders demanding investors will
Thiam said the results were due to its history, at £1.2bn, a 28 per cent Thiam’s head. be prepared to
a “disciplined approach to capital increase on 2009. IFRS operating prof- This does not seem to have fazed endorse him
allocation, proactive risk manage- it in the UK was up 11 per cent at Thiam. Trained in civil engineering that far remains
ment and focus on profitability.” £673m. Its shares closed 4.9 per cent and at McKinsey, he served as minis- to be seen.
Sales by annual premium equiva- higher at 749p. TIDJANE THIAM

ANALYSIS l Asian new business profit by ANALYSIS l New Business Profit* (£m)
region 2010 (£m) UK US
*Excluding Japan
Deals take backseat to organic growth
WHEN Tidjane Thiam pledged to ANALYSIS l Prudential McKinsey estimates that the com-
£365m double Asian profits by 2013, there 749.00 pound annual growth rate in China
760 p 9 Mar
were more than a few raised eye- will exceed 15 per cent for the next
£1,619m brows. He set the target in December five years.
of last year, soon after his disastrous 720
Elsewhere, the results beat expec-
£230m attempt to buy the Asian operations tations on just about every measure.
£761m of AIG for $35.5bn. Having pulled the IFRS operating profit was up 24 per
£1,205m plug on the transformational deal, 680
cent year-on-year to £1.941bn, beating
he quickly became a convert to the consensus by 24 per cent; new busi-
opportunities offered by organic ness sales were up by 23 per cent to
£273m £664m
growth rather than mega acquisi- 640
£3.485bn. And this was all without
tion. If the Pru could hit such gru- 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar sacrificing the margin, which
elling targets alone, why bid for AIA widened by 100bps to 58 per cent.
SE Asia & in the first place? were up 24 per cent, also ahead of tar- After the AIA farce, Thiam faced an
HK £792m
It appears he was right, second get. uphill struggle to rehabilitate his rep-
Korea &
time round at least. Asian operating Looking East for growth is a famil- utation. According to yesterday’s fig-
Taiwan £45m £902m profits according to the IFRS account- iar strategy, but it’s worth reiterating ures, he has made an excellent start.
£725m ing standard were up 29 per cent last just why Asia is such a hot property
£639m year, much higher than the 19 per for the likes of Prudential. In India
China £27m

India £38m
cent compound annual growth
implied in Thiam’s ambitious targets.
and China the life insurance penetra-
tion rate is just four per cent, com- BOTTOMLINE
2008 2009 2010
New business profits in the region pared to 13 per cent in the UK while Analysis by David Crow
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 7

Northern Foods fight over

yesterday while the share price lin- International and Crispin Odey are

gered below his 73p offer price, taking believed to be among those who sold
BY MARION DAKERS the chicken producer’s share up to out to Boparan yesterday.
BOPARAN’S takeover of Northern the maximum 24.99 per cent. Several sources said yesterday that
Foods was all but sealed yesterday, as His BH Holdings vehicle owned or Greencore, which had teamed up
rival Greencore walked away from had approval from 48.25 per cent of with an unnamed private equity play-
making a counter bid. Northern Foods’ shares at 1pm yester- er in a bid to better Boparan’s bid,
Ranjit Singh Boparan, who gate- day, ahead of a second acceptance cut- failed to agree with Northern’s pen-
crashed Greencore’s planned merger off and well before the 60-day sion trustees about tackling its gaping
with Northern last November, bought takeover deadline. deficit, which runs up to £500m
Ranjit Singh Boparan has close to 50 per cent approval for his offer Northern shares in the open market Hedge fund managers GAM under some measurements.


ROTHSCHILD Clients add

£6.1bn to
BOPARAN’S bankers were cautious
yesterday after the path was
cleared for their client’s £342m
takeover of Northern Foods.
F&C funds
"We hope that this is the end, and
that people will now accept the

offer,” was one banker’s response to BY ALISON LOCK
Greencore’s departure from the
race, though the news represents F&C ASSET Management reported its
the end of an ambitious gatecrash- first net fund inflow in five years yes-
ing of what was seen by many in the terday but provided little new detail
City as a done deal. on its future under new chairman
Leading the charge for Boparan Edward Bramson.
was Rothschild managing director Investors lodged £6.1bn with F&C
Avi Goldberg, an M&A veteran with in 2010, creating a net £272m inflow
25 years’ experience in the City. and taking funds under management
Goldberg is mooted to be the eight per cent higher to £105.8bn,
banker behind Duke Street’s expect- from £97.8bn in 2009.
ed £215m purchase of noodle chain Chief executive Alain Grisay said
Wagamama, announced yesterday. the 76 per cent rise in gross inflows
Goldman Sachs was added to from 2009’s level showed “growing
Boparan’s advisory team mid-way momentum building up.”
through the negotiations thanks to a “It does please us but it is not a sur-
quiet word between Goldberg and prise to us as it is an improving
Goldman’s UK co-head Michael trend,” he said.
Sherwood, insiders say. But he said a review of F&C’s strate-
gy launched last month after a board-
room coup that saw chairman Nick
Macandrew ousted and Bramson
TIME LINE | NORTHERN FOODS voted in, would only be published in
several months. “It is not done in a
16 November rush as there is no need to come to
Northern Foods and Greencore announce the rescue of the business,” he said.
Paul McCartney (‘Mike’s Brother’) by Sam Walsh © estate of Sam Walsh

plans for a £510m all-paper merger to create Earnings per share rose slightly to
a new firm named Essenta. 5.9p, from 5.8p in 2009 and above
forecasts for 5.7p. Pre-tax profit of
21 December £46.7m also narrowly exceeded fore-
Northern reveals an initial approach from casts of £46.5m. Operating loss was
Boparan, who starts to build his stake from £3.1m, down from £5.9bn in 2009.
six per cent to around 11 per cent.

21 January
Guess who I saw last night? Analysts said F&C’s stock remained
risky as uncertainty over its future
could put off customers. F&C’s shares
closed down 3.27 per cent at 82.7p.
Two hours after a Takeover Panel deadline,
Boparan offers 73p per share, or £342m, Enjoy art, music, drinks, tours, talks and workshops
which the Northern board accepts. ANALYSIS l F&C Asset Management
Thursdays and Fridays 18.00 – 21.00. Free Admission 95 p
25 January 9 Mar
Greencore hints that it will come back with a l Leicester Square
new, cash-sweetened offer, sending Northern 85
shares up 17.5 per cent.
10 March
Greencore, after trying to mount a bid with
an unnamed private equity partner, decides 70
to walk away, leaving Boparan in the clear. 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar

Shareholder rights are still being ignored Freelance rates surging

Council (FRC) last July to push institu- speech to the National Association of Interim managers now charge an

BY ALISON LOCK tional investors to involve themselves Pension Funds in Edinburgh today. average of £725 per day, compared to
in the strategy and governance of the Hogg said the FRC had been work- RATES for freelancers in the financial the previous high of £675 in 2008.
DEFENDING shareholder rights companies they invest in. ing with policy-makers including the sector are soaring as firms scramble The increase in rates can be attrib-
remains an “uphill struggle” despite “If we are to make this code a real European Commission, MEPs as well to get enough risk and compliance uted to the continuing demand for
almost 150 asset owners signing up to success we have to look for evidence as the OECD to explain the impor- experts to cope with a tidal wave of interim managers with risk and com-
a series of guidelines for best corpo- as to how far it is actually changing tance of stewardship. new regulation. pliance expertise, according to Kinsey
rate governance behaviour, a key City behaviour in a positive way,” FRC The FRC is to evaluate the code’s Executive search specialist Kinsey Allen.
regulator will say today. chairman Baroness Sarah Hogg will effectiveness in its first year through Allen International said day rates for Financial services firms are grap-
Almost 150 asset owners have say. Hogg said Europeans remained a series of meetings with companies interim managers in the financial pling with a skill shortage in risk and
signed up to the Stewardship Code “sceptical” of the “comply-or-explain about their relationships with sector have climbed 12 per cent so far compliance compounded by new reg-
launched by the Financial Reporting concept”, in remarks prepared for a investors, she says. this year compared to 2010. ulations in the wake of the crisis.
8 News CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011


The brothers who

love the high life
Vincent and Robert Tchenguiz’s arrests are only the latest
chapter in their sensational story. By Steve Dinneen


INCENT Tchenguiz’s 40ft yacht wealth was vast. Mayfair, South Africa
K_\C\olj:K)''_`jc\X[`e^Xhl`\ki\mfclk`fe%@kj lies empty at a port in Cannes, a and Côte d’Azur were among the
jfg_`jk`ZXk\[]lcc_pYi`[jpjk\dZi\Xk\je\Xi$j`c\ekXe[ party scheduled for tonight on places he called home. He boasted
indefinite hold after his arrest. three yachts – one 130-footer – a fleet
jlg\iY]l\c\]ÔZ`\eZp%@k[\c`m\ijXkilcpi\nXi[`e^[i`m`e^ Its bombastic name, Veni Vidi Vici, has of supercars and at least half a dozen
\og\i`\eZ\#n`k_jdffk_XZZ\c\iXk`feXe[X^`c\_Xe[c`e^% been the source of some amusement off-roaders.
since the brothers’ vast empire began Robert famously dated supermodel
8e[Xccn`k_k_\XnXi[$n`ee`e^hlXc`kp#Zfd]fikXe[ to unravel in the wake of the reces- Caprice, before marrying glamorous
sion. If things continue as they have anti-ageing cream entrepreneur
i\Ôe\d\ekk_XkC\olj`ji\efne\[]fi% been, he may be inclined to add perdi- Heather Bird.
di to the boat’s title: I came, I saw, I Lisa, not to be outdone, married
conquered, I lost. Vivian Imerman, the South African
At first glance Vincent and Robert businessman dubbed The Man From
Tchenguiz’s life seems like a classic Del Monte after he sold his stake in the
tale of rags to riches. His father Victor fruit company for £396m, as well as
fled Iraq to neighbouring Iran in 1948, banking a fortune on the sale of
raising the brothers and their sister whisky giant Whyte &
Lisa in Tehran. Mackay.
Vincent boasts of starting his busi- An acrimonious divorce saw
ness empire buying chewing gum at Imerman locked out of the
American football games and selling office he shared with some-
them on to his friends, before officials time business partner
got wise and confiscated his loot. After Robert; his computers
moving to the UK in 1979, the brothers raided for evidence of
rapidly rose to the top of the booming hidden wealth (later
property industry, first renting accom- ruled inadmissible by
modation to students, later to the a judge).
new- and old-money elite. The brothers’ busi-
They soon held London in their ness philosophy was
thrall. Their hedonistic parties, fre- to leverage to the max
quented by the likes of Formula 1 bil- and reap the rewards.
lionaire Bernie Ecclestone and EasyJet They were among the
founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou, were the first to bring securiti-
talk of gossip columns and glossy mag- sation to the UK, bor-
azines. They were regularly snapped rowing against the
leaving London’s trendiest night clubs, promise of future
usually accompanied by a string of earnings.
socialites. Even at the height of
Before the recession, Vincent boast- their empire there was
ed of winning £1m a year playing an intense rivalry
C\olj:ifp[fe C\olj<[^nXi\IfX[ C\oljJ`[Zlg poker; hitting a £1m jackpot when between the brothers.
Greece won the European Vincent, the eldest, saw
-'+Glic\pNXp# K_\?p[\# (,)DX`[jkfe\IfX[# Championship and staking £750m a himself as the more
:ifp[fe# <[^nXi\IfX[# J`[Zlg# day on currencies, futures and bonds astute, numerate of the
Jlii\p:I'+I= Cfe[feEN0-EN B\ek;8(+,?J trading. The depth of his personal two. He was also the
nnn%c\olj%Zf%lb&Zifp[fe nnn%c\olj%Zf%lb&\[^nXi\ifX[ nnn%c\olj%Zf%lb&j`[Zlg
'/++,*0(0') '/++,*0(0'( '/++,*0(0'* They held London in their thrall. Their Police
remove bags of
:K)''_]l\cZfejldgk`feXe[:F)Ô^li\j1liYXe-/%0dg^+%(C&(''bd #\okiX$liYXe.'%-dg^+%'C&(''bd #
hedonistic parties were the talk of gossip evidence from the
ZfdY`e\[-/%0dg^+%(C&(''bd %:F)\d`jj`fejZfdY`e\[0+^&bd columns and glossy magazines. offices
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 9

Vincent Tchenguiz, left,

Former Kaupthing bosses are
among those arrested in raid
with his sister Lisa and
brother Robert.

Picture: Alan Davidson

Einarsson briefly featured on Iceland’s main commercial banks

Interpol’s wanted list before travel- – Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Glitnir
BY STEVE DINNEEN ling back to Iceland to be grilled over – collapsed in the space of a week
TWO other men understood to have allegations of market manipulation. under the weight of huge debts
been arrested in London as part of Two men were also arrested in racked up during years of aggressive
the investigation into the Iceland, and the total number of peo- overseas expansion.
Kaupthing collapse are Armann ple arrested was nine. In January, Iceland’s Special
Thorvaldsson, former head of Icelandic authorities are running a Prosecutor’s Office searched several
Kaupthing’s UK business and parallel investigation into the col- financial institutions, including the
Sigurdur Einarsson, who was lapse of Kaupthing. A source close to central bank, as part of a criminal
Kaupthing’s London-based execu- the SFO told City A.M. the two coun- investigation into the collapse of
tive chairman and chief executive. tries are working closely together. Landsbanki.

more cautious. While he remained Kaupthing’s total capital base. Almost

largely a trading and property tycoon, overnight Robert lost near to £1bn as
Robert branched out, investing in list- his investments were seized. Later,
ed companies, attempting to grow his after Kaupthing itself collapsed under
property empire from the boardroom the weight of its profligate lending,
of firms including Sainsbury’s and the extent of the exposure of the
Mitchells & Butlers. Tchenguiz family was revealed.
Robert become both a stakeholder Both sides have made claims and
and major client of Icelandic bank counter-claims. Vincent is pursuing
Kaupthing. His relationship was so £600m in damages, alleging he was a
strong he was featured in Kaupthing’s victim of a conspiracy by Kaupthing’s
2006 annual report, next to the words former management.
“Robert Tchenguiz knows a good deal Vincent and Robert have vowed to
when he sees one”. His borrowing clear their names. After buying, sell-
from the bank – much of which was ing and losing more than almost
used to pay debts to other lenders after anyone in London, it is doubtful this
the onset of the recession – eventually is the last we will see of the
exceeded £2bn, more than half of Tchenguiz brothers. DIARY: P10


London to
Robert Tchenguiz bought a near 10 per cent
stake in Sainsbury’s ahead of a rumoured bid
from the Qatar Investment Authority in 2007.
29 .99
The stake was sold at a loss in 2008.

inc. taxes

Robert Tchenguiz built up a 29.7 per cent share- Vincent Tchenguiz created a business around
holding in the managed pub group Mitchells & ground rents and other property holdings,
We fly from London Gatwick, London Stansted and Manchester. Price correct on 14 February for travel between
Butlers, whose brands include All Bar One, but sold although recently he has been in talks with
banks to trade some of the debt in his Peverel
28 February and 17 April 2011. Variable charges for hold baggage apply and some payment methods attract a
it in 2008 after failing to force through a takeover.
business for equity. handling fee. See website for details. Photo credit: DenmarkMediaCenter.
He also had a stake in the Laurel pub group.
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011


La party
OVER FOR hosted by a
group of
TCHENGUIZ Russian oli-
BROTHERS garchs was
rumoured to
THEY came, they saw, they conquered – be a “very
and then the Tchenguiz brothers were
arrested by the Serious Fraud Office yes- wild affair” No-shows: Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz
terday morning in connection with the
collapse of the Kaupthing Icelandic bank. Tilly, advised: “Paying £40,000 of tax and
The dramatic raid at the property devel- National Insurance a year to drive a car
opers’ Mayfair HQ has been the talk of the worth £65,000 is not very attractive.”
MIPIM property fair at Cannes, where the
brothers were due to host a glitzy party
tonight aboard their yacht Veni Vidi Vici,
currently moored in the harbour.
AN update on the cycle ride planned by
The yacht has been closed off to visitors Yacht club: La Croisette told the crowd of bankers, “and not rely Matthew Whitaker, programme manager
and the crew are remaining tight-lipped is the scene of “serious on someone else to do it for them”. at Barclays, to raise money for the victims
about the fate of their employers, who are business” at MIPIM As a finale, six of Nomura’s brave of the New Zealand earthquake.
currently detained in London. Picture: Getty female staff – Joo Lee, Omotoni Osibodu, The group will now ride from the New
Cue gallows humour from their con- Mariela Missailidis, Edleen John, Zealand Memorial at Hyde Park Corner to
temporaries at MIPIM, where The Capitalist Charisma Patel and Ksenia Shebavalenko – Christ Church, Oxford – not Christchurch,
hears the joke doing the rounds is took to the office catwalk to model Bournemouth, as originally planned –
whether the brothers’ party will be relo- Wakeley’s latest collection, empowered by reducing the trip by 50 miles to make the
cated to Bow Magistrates Court. the designer’s passion for “creating looks 22 May event “more inclusive”.
The colourful duo will be much missed that help women in business”. Oxford is also fitting because
as the revelries at the conference contin- Christchurch Cathedral in New Zealand
ue – as one property chief said: “MIPIM was founded by members of Christ
would be very dull if it was full of librari-
ans. Long may [the brothers] continue.”
OUT WITH THE OLD Church, Oxford in the mid-nineteenth
DON’T be caught out when HM Revenue & century. “It seems particularly poignant
But their absence won’t be mourned for Customs abolishes the maximum list that as Christchurch in New Zealand
that long, it seems, as there are plenty of price for company cars on 6 April in an starts to rebuild, the bike ride ends where
other high-octane yacht parties to fill the attempt to net more income tax. that city began more than 150 years ago,”
gap in the social whirl. Nomura’s bankers model Wakeley’s designs Under the new rules, total tax paid by Whitaker said.
Last night, for example, Bruce Ritchie, City executives and their employers will To donate to the cause, see http://uk.vir-
chief executive of Residential Land, threw rocket by 182 per cent for a company car
a party aboard his yacht Melody Nelson II,
followed by an intriguing “Ooh La La”
GIRL POWER with a list price of £222,000 such as a Christchurch.
INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day was Ferrari 612 – a total tax bill of £50,000.
soirée hosted by a group of Russian oli- marked with quite some style at Nomura, But the real danger is for drivers of sec-
garchs in a top-secret location, rumoured
to be a “very wild affair”.
the Japanese bank that hit the headlines
recently for appointing its first female
ondhand supercars – you can pick up a
2005 model Ferrari 612 for about £65,000,
FANCY a socially responsible investment
And tonight – if anyone is still standing chief financial officer, Junko Nakagawa. but as a company car the tax bill will be (SRI) at no extra cost? As ever, it sounds
– a property individual with £100m of res- At the end of the working day, 100 of based on its list price of £177,000. So if in implausible, but Deutsche Bank has this
idential property assets is whisking a few the firm’s staff headed to the eleventh doubt, buy new – as David Heaton, con- week launched an exchange-traded fund
close friends off to Monte Carlo by heli- floor of the office for an evening with sulting partner at to give investors that warm glow of giving
copter for a private function. fashion designer and businesswoman accountant to charity without the pain of plunging
However, don’t be fooled that the Amanda Wakeley, with introductions Baker their cash into the bottomless pit of
Cannes property circus is just a jolly: “a made by Paul Norris, global head of equity underperforming SRI indices.
lot of serious business” is also being done research and co-head of the Women in Newly listed in London, the exchange-
in the South of France, according to a sec- Nomura Network. traded fund (ETF) is part of Deutsche’s
ond, entirely sober, delegate. Wakeley spoke candidly to Nomura db x-trackers line, the exception
Speaking from his seat in the sunshine employees about her struggle to build her being that its 0.2 per cent fee will
at an outdoor restaurant overlooking La enterprise, including her darkest hour in add to The Global Fund, which
Croisette, he told The Capitalist: “If you took 2009 when she had to buy back her busi- draws on a war chest of $12.7bn to
even just 1 per cent of all the deals that ness and save 50 jobs in the UK. fight tuberculosis, malaria and
are being done in this restaurant as we “Businesswomen must be in complete AIDS. As the old adage goes, chari-
speak, you would be very wealthy indeed.” control of their business decisions,” she ty begins with ETFs...
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 11

Interviews by Marion Dakers and Eric Wilkens
EnCore plans drilling spin-off
Oil and gas explorer EnCore Oil said yes-

on smoking displays
terday it was considering floating a new
company containing its exploration
BYRON KEOWN | MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS assets to raise money for a drilling pro-
gramme. EnCore said it would have a
significant stake in the new company,
“Limiting advertising may help people who are which would be listed on AIM and
trying to quit by removing obvious reminders, or expects to retain operatorship control. “I
LEISURE vending machine tobacco sales from believe that this would re-position

BY KATIE HOPE October, is aimed at reducing the prevent children from buying them. Though see- EnCore primarily as an asset develop-

RETAILERS yesterday slammed the

number of people who smoke.
Health secretary Andrew Lansley,
ing cigarettes brings smoking to the mind, it does- ment company with significant exposure
to exploration upside,” said chief execu-
government’s move to ban tobacco who published the plans to coincide n’t make people buy a packet who otherwise tive Alan Booth. The firm also posted a
displays as expensive and with national No Smoking Day, said wouldn’t smoke. But clearly something needs six-month pre-tax loss of £3.8m, com-
ineffective. he wanted to reduce smoking rates pared with a profit of £15.5m a year
From April next faster over the next five years than to be on display – otherwise how will ago.
year, large retail- the previous five. people know the prices? ”
ers will be But retailers said there was E.ON expects two years of gloom
forced to “no evidence” axing displays German utility giant E.ON said yesterday
hide would reduce smoking. it sees two tough years ahead as the
James Lowman, chief execu-
tive of The Association of
HARRY BOOTY | KINGS COLLEGE LONDON cost of a tax deal struck with the gov-
ernment on nuclear plants, higher gas
rolling Convenience Stores, estimat- costs and lower power prices keep a lid
tobacco ed the new regulations “I don’t think it will make much of a difference. on profits. The firm, which is four
and other would impose £40m of months into a major restructuring,
tobacco products costs on retailers.
I don’t think people will smoke less or stop if warned of an expected fall in core prof-
under shop coun- The government is advertising is limited or stopped altogether. its in 2011."The transformation process
ters, with the same
ban enforced for
also consulting on intro-
ducing plain packaging
As far as I can tell, people don’t buy demands a lot of trust in E.ON and its
management from all our stakeholders,”
small retailers from for cigarettes, in a bid cigarettes because of advertising – the said chief executive Johannes Teyssen
April 2015. to reduce the promo- reasons for smoking are not as yesterday. “The next two years will be
The counter ban, tional impact of economically tough for us.” Net profit
which follows a ban on logos. simple as that.” for 2010 fell 28 per cent to €6.28bn
(£5.4bn), on a 16 per cent rise in rev-
enue to €92.9bn.

Uganda uncertainty
mars Tullow results
ENERGY joint venture with Total and field is the site of Ghana’s first

BY MARION DAKERS CNOOC, which has been awaiting commercial oil production and is
government approval for close to a 34.7 per cent owned by Tullow.
OIL explorer Tullow Oil posted a 361 year. But the firm said it has given up
per cent rise in pre-tax profit yester- Tullow did not give new details on two oil blocks in the
day after a “transformational year”, on the partnership, but chief exec- Democratic Republic of Congo,
though its shares fell 3.2 per cent utive Aidan Heavey later told which it lost last June when the
due to concerns about its Ugandan reporters: “We’re at the stage now government re-awarded the explo-
project and some missed forecasts. where all the main points have ration rights.
The firm said its pre-tax profit been agreed so we’re just finalising
for the year was $152m (£93.8m) for the documentation.” ANALYSIS l Tullow Oil
the year, short of consensus esti- Heavey said in a statement that 1,500 p 1,413.00
mates of $192m, which was 2010 “was undoubtedly a transfor- 9 Mar
blamed on higher than expected mational year for Tullow” and that
write-offs and administrative costs. production could rise to up to 1,400
Surging oil prices caused a 19 92,000 barrels per day this year.
per cent rise in revenue to $1.9bn, The company said it expects its
while production was broadly flat new Ghanaian wells to reach a rate 1,300
at 58,100 barrels of oil per day. of 120,000 barrels per day within
Investors were hoping for an five months, with a local stock list-
update on Tullow’s $10bn Ugandan ing also in the pipeline. The Jubilee 1,200
13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar




“ Exploration continues to be a
major source of new value for the group.
During the year, it participated in 29 wells
with an 83 per cent success rate. If we take
into account Ghanaian discoveries and the
hopefully reinvigorated Ugandan business,
“ Tullow had a very good 2010:
reserves and resources increasing 60 per
cent, its first deepwater development off-
shore Ghana started up on time and had an
83 per cent exploration success. Yet the
shares are only up 15 per cent year on year,
output net to Tullow of significantly over reflecting how the Ugandan issue has

” ”
200,000 barrels per day is possible, dragged on the stock.
changing the group’s profile entirely.


“ The financials were a smidge lower than expected but primarily due to higher finance charges. The

Julbilee field is performing just about in line with expectations, although the ramp up to 120,000 barrels of oil
per day is a tad slower than initially expected. Still no resolution on Uganda, nor any indication of timing.
This should not be a surprise, but pressure will mount to sort this quickly now that the election is over.
12 News CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

Rolls Royce NEWS | IN BRIEF

Halma buys Swiss medical firm
Shares in safety equipment group Halma
rose five per cent yesterday, one of the

reveals €3bn FTSE’s top risers, following its acquisi-

tion of Switzerland’s Medicel, a maker of
optical devices. The company spent
£46.6m on buying the firm, with a fur-
ther £20m depending on future per-
formance. Goldman Sachs analysts said

engine offer the acquisition “is likely to be well

received, particularly considering the
trends towards an ageing population”.

Profits bounce at Yule Catto

Chemicals maker Yule Catto posted a 19
per cent rise in its underlying pre-tax
ENGINEERING cent stake in Tognum, which makes profit to £47m yesterday, boosted by

BY MARION DAKERS engines for ships and trains. lower finance costs and a strong per-
The firms said they would keep the formance in its polymer division, and the
ROLLS-ROYCE unveiled its €3.2bn existing manufacturing sites and firm said it made a good start to 2011.
(£2.7bn) plan to team up with car com- expected the venture to create new jobs. Yule Catto, which bought Germany-
pany Daimler to buy industrial engine- Tognum chief executive Volker based latex maker PolymerLatex in
maker Tognum yesterday, in what Heuer said: “It would put us in an December, said it further planned to
could be one of the FTSE firm’s biggest excellent position to play an active role ANALYSIS l Rolls-Royce expand its polymer business.
ever purchases. in shaping the further consolidation 660 p
Tognum’s shares edged past the €24 of the market.” Melrose eyes its next purchase
per share offer price yesterday, howev- The offer is subject to competition 619.50 Manufacturing buyout firm Melrose
er, when it said it had not yet agreed clearance and to at least 50 per cent 9 Mar posted a 44 per cent leap in full-year
the deal price with the duo. acceptance from investors. profit to £171m yesterday, hiked its divi-
Rolls, which first declared its inter- Analysts at RBS Hoare Govett, Rolls dend, and said the time was ripe for its
est on Monday, said the 50:50 bid rep- Royce’s broker, said in a note: “The 620 next major buy. Melrose, which has
resented a 30 per cent premium on more we’ve thought about the pro- grown by purchasing underperforming
Tognum’s share price on Friday. posed transaction, the more we’ve businesses, was confident its strategy
Rolls and Daimler plan to create a grown to believe it is a major strategic would continue to deliver in 2011, and
joint venture made up of Germany- advance for RR, but at a sensible price 9 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 2 Mar 9 Mar said it was eyeing another purchase.
based Tognum and Bergen, one of and in a quite prudent manner.” Revenues rose six per cent to £1.4bn in
Rolls-Royce’s engine businesses. Rolls Royce shares gained 3.2 per 2010, with much of the growth coming
Daimler already holds a 28.4 per cent to close at 619.5p yesterday. Rolls Royce chairman John Rose, due to retire soon, unveiled the plan Picture : REUTERS from recent purchase FKI.

EADS back in
the black on
Interserve posts a it races Costain
new orders lift decline in profit... in bid for Mouchel
The company, which provides serv- Costain was rejected by Mouchel


SUPPORT SERVICES ices to clients such as the BBC, the SUPPORT SERVICES despite improving on its previous
AIRBUS parent EADS returned to prof- MAINTENANCE and outsourcing Ministry of Defence, the NHS and ENGINEERING and construction proposal of 0.5531 Costain shares
it in 2010 and bagged a slew of new firm Interserve reported a decline in Sainsbury’s, said profit was lower firm Costain said it has not pulled plus 30p in cash for each Mouchel
aircraft orders, it announced yester- full-year pre-tax profit yesterday, cit- than in 2009 because of a downturn out of the bidding for Mouchel, share, with the target turning
day, pushing its shares up even as air- ing challenging conditions, and said in its equipment services division. despite the support services group instead to an unspecified alternative
lines fretted about surging oil prices. it expected stable trading conditions Interserve said both its project turning to Interserve as preferred offer from maintenance and out-
EADS posted higher than expected in 2011. services and support services had suitor. sourcing group Interserve.
2010 revenue of €45.8bn (£39.3bn), up Interserve, which last month made reported improved results and that, “We haven’t walked away and we “We are the preferred offeror at
seven per cent, and operating profit a cash and shares approach to peer going forward, it expected to benefit are very much in an offer period,” this stage of the game, so at this
of €1.23bn. It restored a dividend of 22 Mouchel, posted pre-tax profit for from an improved outsourcing mar- said chief executive Andrew Wyllie. stage there’s no reason to suggest
cents after posting a net profit of 2010 of £64.1m compared to £89.2m ket in the UK. But Costain added it was also pur- that that could change,” Interserve
€553m. in 2009. The company is paying an suing a number of large acquisition chief Adrian Ringrose said yesterday,
Downpayments from airlines hand- The results were slightly below the increased final dividend of 12.4p, targets after reporting a 54 per cent adding he sees no further Mouchel
ed EADS a record cashpile of €12bn at average forecast from nine analysts bringing the total dividend for the rise in profits last year to £27.9m, on developments for a number of weeks
the end of 2010. for pre-tax profit of £68m. year to 18p. revenues of £1.02bn. as it carries out due diligence.

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CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 News 13

Why filling in the census improves your life

are you? range of uses, and filling it out will, form. It is estimated that one companies use census data to
Yes, it might feel like Big Brother quite literally, be good for you, your uncompleted form reduces public inform decisions ranging from
plopped on our doormats this week. community – and the economy. spending by £600. where to put a new outlet, which
The 2011 census asks questions At the last census, in 2001, the 14 A poor census response also branches to close and which prod-
that probably many of us would find areas of the UK with the lowest affects commercial services. The ucts to offer. This applies to big out-
intrusive coming from friends – but response were all in the capital. The main users of the census are not lets like supermarkets, as well as
it is the government asking. national average response was 94 government, but companies work- smaller ones like convenience stores
Not answering is not allowed – per cent, while it was 85 per cent ing out where to allocate billions of and pubs. Even golf course entrepre-
VIEW FROM CITY HALL you get fined if you don’t. But even across London, and just 64 per cent pounds of investments around the neurs use the census to work out
ANTHONY BROWNE ignoring the fear of a fine, there are
plenty of reasons to fill out the
in affluent Kensington and Chelsea.
It is London residents who lose out.
country. They use detailed analysis
of how many people live how far
where to lay down a new fairway.
Your form could help prevent the
form. The census tells us intriguing Over a quarter of public spending in from a location; and what the socio- closure of your Post Office branch.

O, how old are you? Have you things like the fact that London London - £19.3bn – is dependent on economic profile of those people So, don’t let a few minutes dither-
ever been married? Who do school children speak a total of 233 population figures. Your child’s are. ing lead to a decade of underinvest-
you live with? Do you have a languages. school, your local GP surgery or the Barclays, Boots, Marks and ment. Get out your pen!
mortgage? How many bed- But that is just the visible tip of bus or tube you travel to work on Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Anthony Browne is an adviser to the
rooms do you have? What religion the iceberg. The census has a wide benefits from you completing the Whitbread and many other major Mayor of London

ITV back as a
blue chip firm Lighten
the early 1980s, the firm has grown

slowly and only listed in London as
BY RICHARD PARTINGTON recently as 2007. The pair still hold
BROADCASTING giant ITV has returned around 50 per cent of the firm’s stock

or oad,
to London’s blue chip share index in between them.
the latest reshuffle of the FTSE 100. Hargreaves told City A.M.: “Its quite
The group fell from the top flight in remarkable isn’t it. I think it’s a first
2008, yet has returned under the lead- too, I don’t think anyone has created a
ership of former Royal Mail boss Adam FTSE 100 company with no borrowings
Crozier. and no acquisitions. We’ve done it all
Financial services firm Hargreaves through organic growth.”
Lansdown also joined the elite share Energy firm Wood Group also joined

index, in an unprecedented move for the FTSE 100, at the expense of Bunzl,
the Bristol-based broker. Alliance Trust and African Barrick Gold.
Founded by accountants Peter The changes take effect from the
Hargreaves and Stephen Lansdown in start of trading on 21 March.

Firms exiting/entering the FTSE100

The firms demoted are:
The firms promoted are:

Wood Group Bunzl

ITV Alliance Trust

Hargreaves African
Lansdown Barrick Gold

Johnston press tumbles as chief

stands down and revenue slumps We’ve ccreated
Phone A
reated our
pp w
our vvery
ery o
here yyou
ou ccan
ownwn rred10
an ssearch
in other media markets could by-pass fforor the
the rright
ight positions
positions wherever
wherever a and

press companies, which are also strug-
REGIONAL newspaper publisher gling with falling circulation. whenever
w henever yyouou wwant.
ant. IIt’s
t’s ffree,
ree, fast,
Johnston Press endured a worse start The weak trading, together with ssimple
imple tto ouuse
se and
and updated
updated ttwicewice
to 2011 than expected after govern-
ment spending cuts hammered its
chief executive John Fry’s decision to
stand down by March 2012 and a fore-
d aily. W
Wee kknow
now you
you take
take youryour career
advertising revenue, wiping a fifth off cast that the economic outlook for vvery
ery sseriously,
eriously, w
hich iiss wwhyhy w
wee ddo
its market value. 2011 would remain uncertain, sent the same.
The group, whose titles include the Johnston shares down more than 20
Scotsman and the Yorkshire Post, said per cent.
total advertising for the first nine Finance director Stuart Paterson Insurance a
Insurance and
nd A
sset M
weeks of 2011 fell 11.4 per cent com- said the advertising market had been Boutique
B outique rrecruitment.
pared with a drop of 6.4 per cent for poorer than expected. “Once the gov-
the whole of 2010. ernment got in, public sector recruit-
The gloomy update mirrored a simi-
lar outlook from rival Trinity Mirror
ment really dropped,” he said. The
British government has cut its spend- We
and prompted analysts at brokerage ing on advertising as part of an overall
Altium to suggest the ad recovery seen drive to cut its budget deficit.
14 Consumer News CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

Mike Ashley in clear after

Sports Direct fraud probe
(SFO) completed its investigation into

RETAIL ANALYSIS l Sports Direct International

BY JOHN DUNNE Sports Direct and JJB over alleged
price fixing. No charges were 190 p 182.00
9 Mar
SPORTS Direct yesterday said none of brought on a corporate level but the
its employees were now under investi- SFO had said the investigation in rela- 180
gation by the Serious Fraud Office as tion to individuals would continue.
it also gave details of a £220m refi- Meanwhile the company, owned
nancing package. by Mike Ashley, said it had sealed a 170
In March 2010 the Competition new three-year unsecured £220m refi-
Commission formally cleared Sports nancing facility through a club of 10 160
Direct’s acquisition of 31 stores from banks led by HSBC, Barclays and
struggling rival JJB Sports and in Handelsbanken. Its shares rose after 9 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 2 Mar 9 Mar
October 2010 the Serious Fraud Office the announcement. Sports Direct chief Mike Ashley has secured a three-year £220m refinancing facility

“The awards are a good experience, an

excellent atmosphere with a real sense
of achievement and excitement”
John Lewis in
Sir Roger Carr, Chairman, CENTRICA (Dealmaker of the Year)
growth plan
as profit lifts

RETAIL fund the expansion plan.

BY JOHN DUNNE However, the company warned
that 2011 would be tough with the
THE chairman of the John Lewis VAT rise and tough consumer envi-
Partnership (JLP) yesterday said he ronment taking its toll.
planned to more than double the size Mayfield added: “We are in a very
of the company in the next ten years competitive market, we are extremely
as the retailer unveiled bumper aware of that. Our answer is to stay
results. ahead by increasing the scale of our
John Lewis saw profits rise by 20 investment.”
per cent to £367.9m last year. “I am not complacent about it.
Like-for-like sales across the John What we can’t say is that we have a
Lewis Group – which includes its right to exist as we do. We are as good
supermarket chain Waitrose as well as our results.”
as its department stores – rose 0.6 JLP created 4,100 jobs in the last
per cent to £8.21bn. financial year and expects to create
Staff will share a bonus pot of another 4,300 this year. Like-for-like
£194.5m – up 28 per cent on the pre- sales at the firm’s 28 department
vious year. The bonus will be the stores rose 10 per cent.
equivalent of around nine weeks’ pay. At Waitrose, sales were also up by
Chairman Charlie Mayfield said: 10 per cent to £442m, with profit up
“We continually demonstrate that three per cent to £8m.
What will you say? our model isn’t just a nicer way of
doing business, it is a better way. Chairman Charlie
“We have doubled in size in the last Mayfield is planning to
Enter the City A.M. Awards 2011 and you could be ten years and think we can do that
again and more.” double the size of the
recognised as one of the City’s great personalities
or companies of the year. He said the company was planning company on the back of
Visit our website to see how you can enter:
to pump £600m into the business to strong profit
or for more information, please contact Jo Pead:

Lookers bullish Revenue up for

020 8267 4043 /

on 2011 outlook Restaurant Group


headline sponsor
LOOKERS yesterday reported a better- THE Restaurant Group yesterday post-
champagne reception sponsor
then-expected full-year profit, driven ed a 12 per cent rise in adjusted pre-
by a strong performance from its tax profit to £56m for the year to 2
motor and car parts businesses and a January.
reduction in costs, and the British car Revenue was up seven per cent to
official venue partner
dealer said it was well-placed for fur- £466m, although like-for-like sales fell
ther growth. by one per cent at the chain which
The 124-outlet firm, which sells includes Frankie & Benny’s, Chiquito
cars from manufacturers including and Garfunkel’s.
Ford, Vauxhall, Nissan and Toyota, During the year the group opened
said January to December adjusted 17 new restaurants in the division,
pre-tax profit was £33.6m, compared which it said were trading ahead of
with £28.3m a year ago. Revenue expectations and set to deliver strong
climbed 7.7 per cent to £1.9bn. It said returns. The company benefited from
it would also pay a final dividend of avoiding heavy discounting, as well as
1.2p a share. its skill at opening new restaurants.
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 Economics 15

British exports bounce back Middle Britain set for big

“The marked improvement in the expansions since data were first avail-
drop in retirement income

trade gap is good news for the rebal- able in 1996,” according to Markit,
BY JULIAN HARRIS ancing story, particularly with which undertakes the survey.
BRITISH exports shot up by 5.4 per exports of goods picking up strongly “Plus, the export orders balance in find the drop in income during retire-

cent to a record value of £25.1bn in which tallies with the strong per- the February CBI industrial trends ment unexpected and unacceptable,”
January, helping to narrow the UK’s formance of the manufacturing sec- survey was at a 15-year high,” added MIDDLE earners face a severe financial said Paola Subacchi, one of the
overall trade gap to £3bn. tor,” said Hetal Mehta of Daiwa Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight. squeeze in their retirement, raising authors of the report.
The deficit fell from £5.5bn in Capital. A survey of British exporters by the spectre of future political unrest, Chatham House reports if middle
December, when severe winter snow “If this trend continues, it is likely Travelex, released yesterday, showed the think tank Chatham House income households save about 10 per
and changes in aircraft import taxes that net trade will make a positive 74 per cent were confident in current warned today. cent of their earnings after the age of
resulted in a record high deficit -- contribution to GDP growth,” she trading conditions. Retirement income could plummet 45, they could boost their wealth upon
£9.7bn -- in visible goods. added. However, the UK’s trade surplus on by almost 60 per cent from pre-retire- retirement by as much as 25 per cent.
The visible goods deficit dropped to The official figures mirror positive services -- unaffected by weather con- ment income for middle income However, the UK faces milder prob-
£7.1bn at the start of this year, results from recent business surveys. ditions or the one-off fluctuation in (£18,000 -- £44,000 yearly) households. lems than France and Germany, “in
rebounding from December’s slump, February’s purchasing managers’ aircraft imports -- slipped slightly in “The UK has a distinct problem with which the state is committed to gener-
the Office for National Statistics index (PMI) showed visible exports January, to £4.1bn, from £4.2bn in middle income earners who are fail- ous pensions for an ageing popula-
(ONS) revealed yesterday. “registering one of the strongest December. ing to save enough and are likely to tion,” Subacchi added.

“Quarter point rise. While not sensational, the business surveys indicate a return to growth for 2011. Rates

interest rates should be gradually normalised to signal that the Bank is serious about fighting spiralling inflation.”


“Half-point rise. The MPC’s forecast shows inflation 0.5 per cent above target in two years’ time. The economy
is rebounding strongly in early 2011, wage settlements have firmed and broad money is growing faster.”


“My view is for no change. While inflation has been well above target, the stalled recovery at the end of
2010 suggests it would be prudent to await the outcome of current quarter growth before raising rates.”


interest rates at such a time could fur-

ther undermine the recovery,” Leach “Rates are likely to be hiked soon, prompted by rising inflation, elevated inflation expectations, the pick up in
said. pay deals and signs that the economy returned to growth in the first quarter of the year.”
THE Bank of England announces its Markets expect rates to exceed two
latest decision on interest rates today,
amid growing disagreement between
per cent next year, yet economist Tim
Drayson at Legal and General
economists and business groups. Investment Management yesterday “Leave interest rates on hold. The factors driving up inflation remain temporary. Rising oil prices add to the
The Confederation for British argued that the Bank rate could be headwinds facing the economic recovery and increases the chances inflation will fall sharply further ahead.”
Industry (CBI) endorsed a tightening stuck at one per cent throughout next
of policy this week, despite contrary year. TREVOR WILLIAMS | LLOYDS TSB
statements from other business “It’s likely any increase in rates will
groups. cause growth to slow more than the “Price inflation is well above target but there’s little risk of a wage-price spiral. Deflationary forces are build-
“We must not allow inflation to get government expects,” he said. “This ing. Bank rate must rise this year, but not until the second-half when some of the uncertainties abate.”
back into the national psyche as a will surely convince the MPC to halt
given,” said CBI chief John Cridland.
“I don’t think a modest increase in
any further rate.”
This month all eyes will be on inter-
interest rates would destabilise an nal Bank members Charles Bean and “Hold rates. Weakening consumer spending and faltering service activity fuels concern over the economy’s
export-led recovery,” Cridland added. Paul Tucker, thought to be next in line underlying strength while current elevated oil prices will hamper economic activity. Caution is justified.”
But yesterday the Institute of to join the hawks voting for a rate rise.
Directors (IoD) and British Chambers After the Bank’s decision, JAMIE DANNHAUSER | LOMBARD STREET RESEARCH
of Commerce (BCC) both reiterated announced today, the members’ indi-
their opposition to a rise in rates. vidual votes are revealed in the min- “We side with the governor Mervyn King in the UK inflation debate. While risks are to the upside, we expect
“Be afraid, be very afraid,” said IoD utes of the meeting published on 23 consumer price index inflation to fall below target in 2012. The time has not yet come to raise rates.”
economist Graeme Leach. “There is a March.
very real possibility interest rates
could rise at this month’s monetary
Last month Spencer Dale joined
Martin Weale in voting for higher
policy committee, with the decision rates with a 0.25 per cent rise in rates, “I would maintain the base rate of interest and leave quantitative easing unchanged. Money supply growth
on a knife edge.” while chief hawk Andrew Sentance is too weak to contemplate higher base rates at present.”
“We are very concerned that hiking upped his vote to a 0.5 per cent hike.

The 50p top rate of tax to hit UK growth NEWS | IN BRIEF Sluggish growth in UK earnings
An index measuring growth in private sec-
tor earnings fell by 0.1 per cent this

and cut tax receipts, claims think tank German industry recovers in 2011 month, dropping to its slowest rate on
Industrial production in Germany sprung record, it was revealed today. “This is sig-
back in January, following a snow- nificantly below the annual rate of infla-
affected December. Production rose by tion of 4 per cent and places a big squeeze
1.8 per cent on the previous month, data on UK households which are now faced
showed yesterday. The fall in December, with the twin pressures of high inflation
blamed largely on the winter freeze, was and weak disposable income growth,” the

UK ECONOMY report. businesses to operate but undermines revised down to a 0.6 per cent contrac- Vocalink FTSE 350 report said.
BY JULIAN HARRIS “The introduction of the 50p tax confidence in the UK as a place to tion. “The German economy had an
rate, along with the 40 per cent high- invest,” said ICAEW’s Ian Strange. excellent start to the new year,” said French public deficit on the up
THE 50p top rate of income tax will er tax rate band and high capital gains However, the coalition government ING’s Carsten Brzeski. “Another smash- France’s annual government deficit
hammer British growth and actually tax levels, has stifled our competitive- received a ringing endorsement of its ing quarter is in the making.” widened to €13.4bn (£11.5bn) in
reduce government tax receipts, a ness and economic growth,” its report “Plan A” for fiscal consolidation today, January, up from a deficit of €9.2bn at
Westminster think tank will say today. states. from City economist Dr Tim Morgan. American wholesales rise again the same time last year, official data
“Evidence from overseas shows that And chancellor George Osborne “The UK’s past fiscal profligacy is US wholesale inventories rose in showed yesterday. However, the deficit
high top tax rates fail to produce pub- should scrap the “revenue-losing” unaffordable and unsustainable,” said January and sales set their fastest pace for 2011 is still expected to fall to 5.9 per
lic revenues and injure economies,” £30,000 non-domicile charge, the ASI Morgan, author of a report released in 14 months, suggesting re-stocking cent of GDP, down from 7.5 per cent of
the Adam Smith Institute (ASI) argues. is expected to demand, ahead of the today by the Centre for Policy Studies. and strong demand would give a lift to GDP in 2010, according to Laurence
Labour mobility among high earn- budget this month. “The UK cannot borrow its way out the economy in the first quarter, it was Boone of Barclays Capital.
ers, relocation by businesses, lost eco- Yesterday the tax system was of a debt problem,” Morgan added. revealed yesterday. Total whole invento-
nomic activity and higher use of tax attacked as “the longest and most “And the planned spending cuts are ries rose 1.1 per cent, to $436.88bn Inflation returns in Switzerland
shelters were calculated to drag on complex in the world,” by the ICAEW not ‘massive’ -- the reality is that they (£269bn), the highest since November Swiss consumer prices rose by 0.4 per
growth and revenues due to more group of accountants. merely unwind a small part of the ear- 2008. Inventories rose by an upwardly cent in January, compared to December,
punitive taxes, according to the “It not only makes it harder for UK lier profligacy,” he said. revised 1.3 per cent in December. official figures showed yesterday.
16 News CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Harriet Dennys in association with

previously divisional director at Brewin company, Cornerpoint, where he ing the firm’s sustainability strategy and
Pinsent Masons Dolphin, to its Eastbourne branch. worked with clients including Stanhope, environmental reporting programmes.
International law firm Pinsent Masons has Legal & General and Threadneedle.
strengthened its funds team in London by Molson Coors Linklaters
appointing Daniel Greenaway as partner. Sue Albion, legal director and company First State Jan Willem de Boer has been elected as
Greenaway arrives from SJ Berwin, where he secretary at Molson Coors, has been First State Investments has appointed a partner at Linklaters’ Amsterdam
was a senior associate in the private equity promoted to the company’s board. Nonie Zaremba to its global equities office. Previously, De Boer was a senior
funds formation team. Greenaway specialises in During her time at Molson Coors, team as investment specialist. Zaremba M&A partner and head of the restruc-
structuring and closing buyout and debt funds, Albion has advised on the company’s joins First State from SAC Capital, turing practice at Dutch firm De Brauw.
as well as M&A transactions including the distribution deal with Grupo Modelo where she held the position of senior
establishment of co-investment funds, the acqui- and the acquisition of Sharp’s Brewery. investment analyst. Aberdeen AM
sition of funds and acquisition structuring. Christiaan van Beek has joined
Colliers International Prupim Aberdeen Asset Management Asia as a
Colliers International has appointed Real estate fund manager Prupim has senior property investment specialist,
Charles Stanley Private Investment Management, to its Philip Papenfus as head of south-east appointed Nina Jackson to lead its sus- based in Singapore. Van Beek will pro-
Charles Stanley has appointed Clive asset management division. Charles offices to its national offices team. tainability and environment team. mote the group’s European direct prop-
Worlock, formerly of BNP Paribas Stanley has also appointed Janet Hall, Papenfus will join Colliers from his own Jackson will be responsible for develop- erty strategies into Asia.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career

updates and pictures to

BEST OF THE BROKERS To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to

ANALYSIS l Old Mutual ANALYSIS l Weir Group ANALYSIS l Pinewood Shepperton

140 139.20 1,850
1,692.00 155
p 9Mar p 9Mar p
130 145

120 135

13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar


Nomura rates the insurer “neutral” and has raised its target price by 15p UBS rates the engineering group “buy” with a target price of £20, up from JP Morgan Cazenove rates the film group “neutral” with a target price of
to 130p. The broker views the firm as strategically challenged, with few £19. Weir’s results on Tuesday hit the broker’s two main targets: earnings 173p. The broker has raised its earnings per share estimates by 1.8 per
synergies between its businesses. Nomura believes that a disposal of per share passed 100p and sales at its SPM subsidiary were much better cent for 2011 after better than expected full-year results on Tuesday and a
Nedbank this year is unlikely while management continue to simplify else- than forecast. UBS has raised its 2011 estimates by six per cent despite small increase in capital expenditure for new films. JP Morgan was sur-
where, but has raised its 2011 earnings per share forecast from 15.9p to currency headwinds, thanks to the firm’s record order book, and now prised by the firm’s 3.6p dividend payment, which came in above forecasts,
16.9p to reflect the firm’s progress to date. expects net income of £242.4m for the full-year. and a lower than expected net debt level of £42.7m.

Weak demand for commodity Texas Instruments

and bank shares drag on FTSE leads Wall St losses
concerns that high oil prices will sti- terday. Even though semis’ gains have

THELONDON fle the fragile global economic recov-

Prudential was the top riser, up 4.9
per cent to levels not seen for two THENEW YORK outpaced the broader market in the
last several months, the S&P 500

Oil explorer Tullow Oil was the years, after full-year results from and the semiconductor index have
biggest FTSE 100 faller, down 3.2 per Britain’s biggest insurer beat consen- been moving in the same direction,
cent after the firm’s results lagged sus forecasts and it said investors which could mean further declines
forecasts and it gave scant detail on a would get a payout of 23.85p per in the sector and spell more of the

EAK commodity and bank key Ugandan project. share, up 20 per cent and outstrip- weak outlook from Texas same for the overall market.
stocks dragged Britain’s
leading shares index lower
yesterday as oil prices
climbed after intensified fighting in
Miners were weak as copper prices
fell on concerns high oil prices will
stoke inflationary pressures and curb
demand for metals, with Antofagasta
losing two per cent
ping the 21p expected by analysts.
“This expression of future confi-
dence in prospects should help to
mollify shareholders upset by the dis-
traction of the failed AIA approach
A Instruments weighed on the
Nasdaq yesterday and pushed
an index of chip makers below
a key technical level in a worrisome
sign for the market’s six-month
A 20-day correlation between the
S&P 500 and the semiconductor
index was at 0.77, with a reading of
1 suggesting a perfect correlation.
The semiconductor index is up 41
At the close, the FTSE 100 was Randgold Resources, however, ral- last year,” said Richard Hunter, Head uptrend. per cent since the start of
down 37.46 points, or 0.6 per cent, at lied 3.3 per cent as the gold price saw of UK Equities at Hargreaves The PHLX semiconductor index September, when the recent rally
5,937.30, having hit a low for the safe haven support. Lansdown Stockbrokers. fell 3 per cent to close below its 50- began, while the S&P 500 is up 26
week at 5,922.66 in the afternoon The West Africa-focused firm said World stocks as measured by the day moving average, which repre- per cent.
before recovering. its Tongon mine in Ivory Coast was MSCI world equity index and the sents medium-term momentum, for High oil prices dragged on the
“Only a dyed-in-the-wool optimist operating as normal, albeit with Thomson Reuters global stock index the first time since September. broader market on the two-year
would be forecasting significant some interruptions and delays relat- rose 0.2 per cent yesterday. The MSCI Texas Instruments led the losers, anniversary of stocks’ bull run from
short-term gains for shares whilst the ed to the violence in the country. index is only ticks away from its 30- after its earnings target disappoint- the S&P 500’s 12-1/2-year closing low
Libyan unrest continues,” said Banks also suffered as fears about month high hit in mid-February. ed Wall Street. Its shares fell 3.1 per of 676.53, which was sparked by the
Anthony Grech, head of research at the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis Meanwhile, the FTSEurofirst 300 cent to $34.74. financial crisis.
IG Index. resurfaced, with part-nationalised index was up 0.3 per cent, erasing ear- “I think the markets are ready for The Dow Jones industrial average
“With the FTSE currently trading British lenders Lloyds Banking Group lier losses, while MSCI’s emerging a sell-off that continues to be start- dipped 1.29 points, or 0.01 per cent,
where it was at the beginning in and Royal Bank of Scotland shedding equity index also gained 0.3 per cent ed by the Nasdaq futures markets,” to finish at 12,213.09. The Standard
February ... it would not be too adven- 0.2 per cent and 0.8 per cent respec- yesterday. said Harry Michas, technical analyst & Poor’s 500 Index shed 1.80 points,
turous to expect this ‘up one day, tively. and stock-index futures trader at or 0.14 per cent, to end at 1,320.02.
down the next’ trading pattern to Portugal successfully sold two-year ANALYSIS l FTSE 5,937.30 The Nasdaq Composite Index fell
continue for the foreseeable future,” bonds yesterday, but the cost of bor- 6,100 p 9 Mar “If the Nasdaq futures fall back 14.05 points, or 0.51 per cent, to
Grech added. rowing was the most expensive since 6,050 below the 2,313.00 level again, it close at 2,751.72.
Brent crude pushed back above it joined the euro, keeping alive con- should attract more profit taking as Tech shares also felt the weight of
$115 a barrel yesterday as fighting in cerns it will need to request an inter- well as some new shorts.” Finisar. The stock plummeted 38.5
Libya intensified, and after OPEC said national bailout. 6,950 The futures were trading around per cent to $24.61 after the network
it saw no need to hold an emergency Ex-dividend factors accounted for a 5,900 2,320. equipment maker forecast a dismal
meeting to ease oil supply fears. big chunk of the blue chip index’s 5,850
International Business Machines fourth quarter, blaming an invento-
Integrated oils were the biggest decline, with BHP Billiton, British helped the Dow tread water, as the ry pile-up by telecommunications
blue chip fallers, with BP off 1.8 per American Tobacco, Hammerson, 5,800 stock, the largest component in the equipment makers in China.
cent, retracing recent gains as Serco, Shire and Standard Chartered price-weighted index, rose 2.2 per Finisar is up 100 per cent since
investors’ risk appetite diminished on all losing their payout attractions yes- 13 Dec 5 Jan 25 Jan 14 Feb 4 Mar cent to $165.86. September.
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 17

Wealth Management | Funds

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ANALYSIS l Renaissance Sub-Saharan Fund






Source: Morningstar
2010-10-1 2010-11-1 2010-12-1 2011-1-1 2011-2-1 2011-3-1

Africa’s future
looks bright to
One fund manager “The next five or 10 years in Africa
are going to be really good”, according
makes the case for to Richter. He gives two examples of
how companies have made serious
African optimism, headway despite difficult local condi-
tions. In Kenya, Equity Bank has pio-
says Philip Salter neered lending to retail customers.
Prior to their entry into the market,
banks only lent to the government,
blue chip companies and people in sen-

VEN in times of relative stability, ior management positions. Equity Bank
media reports on Africa lead balanced the risks of lending more
many investors to think they can widely by getting to know their cus-
find better places for their money. tomers for three years prior to making
So with turmoil rolling across the north loans. The company has been a success
of the continent this impression has story, indicative of how innovative solu-
only intensified – the jubilation of tions can overcome what others see as
Cairo’s Tahrir Square has been replaced intractable problems. Another mecha-
by the brutality of Muammar al- nism for growth can be seen in Nigeria
Gaddafi. However, if you have written where MTN, the South African mobile
off the continent as a lost cause you
might be missing out on a great oppor-
tunity to buy in low. Now is the time to Contrarians and value
look at Africa, according to Sven
Richter, head of frontier markets at investors should be looking
Renaissance Asset Managers.
Richter is bullish on holding a for opportunities
diverse exposure in stocks across the
continent and puts forward a very con-
vincing case. The South African born phone company, has tapped into a mas-
asset manager is passionate about the sive market – in fact, Nigeria is now a
potential of the people and companies larger market for the company than
working in Africa, and the prospective South Africa. As Richter says: “relatively
profits of tapping into their abundant small steps in technology can have a
resources in the years ahead. He runs huge impact on growth in Africa.”
two African funds available to the retail While everyone else is watching the
investor: the Renaissance Pan-African headline events unfold across north
Fund and the Renaissance Sub-Saharan Africa, contrarians and value investors
Fund. The former has a significant should be looking for opportunities.
amount invested in Egypt, so with the Richter believes “now is a good time to
stock exchange still not open for busi- invest.” He “can’t tell you whether it is
ness, it is probably best to wait for the going to be cheaper next month than it
dust to settle before taking a look. The is now.” But “if you have some money
latter, though, is largely invested in and put it in over the next three
banks, consumer discretionary and months you are going to be pretty cer-
non-discretionary companies in Nigeria tain of getting it at the bottom.”
and Kenya, so is not exposed to the cur- Perhaps serious profits might soon be
rent areas of instability. borne out of the cradle of humanity.
18 Wealth Management | ISAs CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

The glass is half full

for ISA investors in
stocks and shares
Time is ticking for those who wish to fill up the full
capacity of their savings allowances, writes Craig Drake
Do you have an
ISA portfolio that’s

u tailored £7,000

to you? The amount that you can pour in has increased by £3,200 since 2007 Picture: REX

ITH the end of tax year dead- “The current low interest rate envi-
line swiftly approaching, ronment, coupled with inflation,
investors should make sure means it is harder for investors to gain
that they take advantage of returns on cash, meaning that now,
the generous £10,200 allowance for more than ever, is a good time to
individual savings accounts (ISA). This invest in a stocks and shares ISA, pro-
can either be used in its entirety for vided that the additional risk to capi-

f traders do stocks and shares or up to £5,100 can tal is acceptable.”

be put into a cash ISA with the remain- The returns to be had by taking
der in stocks and shares. advantage of your combined
n’t want “People should absolutely be using allowance if you are investing as a cou-
c k m a rk et, but do c t S hares their ISA allowance”, says Lee ple are not to be sniffed at. According
in v e s t in the sto o p e n a self-sele Robertson, CEO of the wealth manage- to research carried out by Fair
Want to en the
rtfolio?  nd select
fits all’ po ortfolio a ment firm Quorum Investment. “With Investment Company, a couple who
‘one size . Tail o r y o u r p
e best re tu rn .
Selftrade ill yield th
the tax office looking at any and every had invested in stocks and shares ISAs
ISA with ou th in k w tax break and allowance, people since 1999 could have more than
nts that y ilts
investme nds and g should be taking advantage of their £275,000 today. “If an individual had
s , fu n d s , ETFs, bo full £10,200 amount.” invested their full allowance into a
from share is investe
• Choose y o ur money
Beyond the increased allowance stocks and shares ISA each year since
h o w over a cash ISA, of £10,200 versus 1999 – £7,000 until 2007, £7,200 from
ere and
when, wh on £5,100, the benefit of an investment 2007 until 2009 and £10,200 in 2010 –
• Decide subscripti
in b a c k your ISA ISA is the breadth of choice that is they would have invested a total of
u could w offered, not just stocks and shares, but £87,600,” explains Julie Smith, savings
• Plus yo s apply)
,680 (term also funds, gilts and bonds, exchange- analyst at Fair Investment Company.
up to £10
r longer-te
ra p p e r d esigned fo ll a s ri se
traded funds (ETF), exchange-traded “Assuming growth of 7 per cent per
x -e fficient w a n fa ll as we commodities (ETC) and structured annum, the gain on this investment
An ISA is
a ta estmen ts c rules may products. Individuals can choose from would be £50,282, creating a total pot
 e v a lue of inv o u in v e sted. Tax e
investin g . ss than y . Selftrad a wide range of products to build a of £137,882. If their partner had done
u m a y g et back le u a l c ir c u mstances bespoke portfolio that suits their risk the same, the result is more than a
and yo d on indiv
appetite and investment objectives. quarter of a million pounds sheltered
nd depen t advice.
change a id e in v e s tm e n According to Catherine Penney, vice from the tax man.”
pro v
does not president of Barclays Stockbrokers, “in With this in mind and with only 25
the longer term there is a significant days to go until the crucial 5 April
n ISA now
benefit as income from ISAs does not deadline, people should be readying
s. O pen a count against your income tax their ISA shelter before the tax man’s
Join the se
allowances, so they can effectively sup- demands rain down for another 12
plement pensions.” months.
or call 084 Fund Name Provider Past performance Fund Annual charge
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UK index Legal & General 11.06% Medium to high 0.40%

Lines are open Monday to Friday 7.45am – 7pm. Calls may be recorded. Selftrade® is a trading name of Talos Securities Limited and FTSE all share tracker Virgin 8.59% Medium to high 1.00%
registered trade mark of Boursorama. Talos Securities Limited is incorporated in England and Wales (Registration No. 4196325,
Registered Address: Boatman’s House, 2 Selsdon Way, London E14 9LA), is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
Authority (FSA Register No. 208271) and is a member of the London Stock Exchange and PLUS Markets plc. UK select opps AXA 28.23% Medium to high 1.50%
Source: 09.03.2011
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 Wealth Management | Wine Investment 19

Dip into a maturing

Pouring into investment class

Picture: REX

the red liquid

market offers
tasty returns
Buying into fine wine is proving to be a
lucrative investment even in uncertain
times, writes Donata Huggins
Discover a new world
COMPOUND annual growth that the inflation-adjusted income of
rate of 15 per cent since 1999:
sounds good, doesn’t it? It
sounds even better when you
the top 1 per cent of US households
grew more than ten times faster than
the income of the bottom 90 per cent of
of opportunity.
find out that’s higher than US and UK households over the majority of the last
equity markets and comparable only to
property without, er, being property
and suffering its recent fate. Surely it
century. A good sign for those hoping to
sell a case or two of fine wine.
Another popular concern about wine
Offshore banking
can’t get better than that? Well, actual-
ly, it turns out it can. Mainly because it’s
wine – and red wine to be more precise.
Investors are pouring into this liquid
investment is – somewhat bizarrely –
the link between the wine and the
crude oil price. Research by the
International Monetary Fund econo-
for expats.
market. You might imagine it to be the mists Serhan Cevik and Tahsin Saadi
preserve of continental types who Sedik shows that the two correlate.
“know wine”, but the industry is matur- Wine, like crude oil, is sensitive to
ing into something the average trader macroeconomic shocks. Oil prices and
will feel more comfortable with. Buying the Live-ex Fine Wine index both fell in
en primeur now looks more like buying tandem during the downturn, and then
a futures contract, particularly when surged back up, increasing by 86 and 62 9JGPKVEQOGUVQOCPCIKPI[QWTƂPCPEGU
you’re sat at home trading it per cent respectively banking offshore can help you discover
on an online platform. between January 2009 and
For those socialised in the June 2010. The authors of a world of both security and opportunity.
ways of the City, fear not, the report anticipate that
there’s an index. The Liv-ex this means that a 4 per
Fine Wine 100 offers a cent fall in industrial We have over 40 years’ experience in helping
benchmark. It tracks the production in emerging
price of the world’s 100 market economies will individuals protect and grow their wealth in
most sought after wines. mean a 22 per cent VJGUGEWTGQHHUJQTGNQECVKQPQH,GTUG[QPG
Launched in 2001, it’s decline in real crude oil
climbed 200 per cent – and 15 per cent fall in of the world’s most respected international
remarkable considering wine. ƂPCPEKCNEGPVTGU 
the financial crisis, and Marchant says this is
the slight set back it had misleading: “You can
due to this. correlate anything if Banking offshore with HSBC can provide:
The source of this you’re selective about
growth is China. It turns the time frame and data.” r 2QVGPVKCNVCZCFXCPVCIGU
out they are crazy for Wine, for instance, has not
Bordeaux. So much so that the spiked anywhere near as much r /WNVKRNGEWTTGPE[DCPMKPI
200-year old vineyard Lafite as crude oil over the current unrest
Rothschild have confirmed that its in the Middle East. Not to mention
labels will now feature Chinese char- that wine production has not been around the world
acters. keeping pace with demand for some-
Many say this means you have to be time. Worldwide, the areas planted r 'ZRCVYGCNVJOCPCIGOGPVUQNWVKQPU
a China bull to think the wine sector is with vines receded by 1.6 per cent r 3WCNKƂGFGZRGTVUKPMG[GZRCVNQECVKQPU
hot. That might be true. But Joe from an average of 7,971 thousand
Marchant from Bordeaux Index insists hectares in the 1990s to 7,823 thou-
not: “Investment from the high net sand hectares in the 2000s. Rising
worth community in Europe demand, falling supply.
and America is growing fast Sounds like the most won- Discover how to protect and grow your wealth offshore
too.” He’s not wrong about derful mix. And just think,
them raking in the cash: even if it all goes wrong, at Call: +44 (0) 1534 616079
economists Thomas least you’ve got your Visit:
Piketty and Emmanuel Saez hands on a good tipple to
have collected data that shows help you drown your sorrows. Search online: Why HSBC offshore
ANALYSIS l Multi sector annualised returns
*Source: GT Financial Stability Forum ( Issued by HSBC Bank International, a trading name of HSBC Bank International Limited,
HSBC House, Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE1 1HS. HSBC Bank International is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission for Banking,
10% General Insurance Mediation, Investment and Fund Services Businesses. Licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for Banking, Collective
Investment Schemes and Investment Business. Licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission. Deposits and Investments made with
Scheme. However, HSBC Bank International Limited is a member of the Depositors Compensation Scheme as set out in the Banking (Depositors
Source: Bordeaux Index
20 Wealth Management | Markets CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

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Business Features

| Careers

When the boss is Don’t criticise

the boss.
Avoid the

out you can shine temptation to

show or to
explain that
Don’t be like Clegg, make the most of your you do things
so much
opportunity. Dr Mark Batey offers his tips

T’S a peculiar thing, but whenever with a Braveheart-esque rallying cry. A
David Cameron goes away on holiday quick word with everyone to let them
or on overseas business, his deputy know that you are available, if they need
Nick Clegg fails to shine. Recently help, should simply suffice.
the deputy PM even said he had “forgot-
ten” that he was running the country. For
most people though, the boss being away
is a good opportunity to make their mark.
2. Don’t disappear. Whilst a tub-thump-
ing speech is probably not what people Stuck in the at the expense of making your boss look and exploiting new opportunities. So use
But then again, you have got to be sure need, don’t be invisible either. Nick boss’s shadow incompetent. Remember, your colleagues the team around you and get inquisitive.
you don’t go too far and make it look like Clegg’s surprisingly low-key approach to will usually have built a strong relation-
you are trying to stab him in the back. So
how do you get the balance right? Dr
Mark Batey, creativity expert at
leadership when David Cameron is away
has raised a few eyebrows. So spend a few
moments each day walking around, ask-
Picture: GETTY ship with your boss and criticism is likely
to make you seem petty. 5. Keep it simple. Being creative isn’t
an excuse to rip up the rulebook and
Manchester Business School, shares his
top five tips for shining when you are left
holding the reins.
ing if people are okay and keeping your
finger on the pulse. 4. Get creative. Creative thinking is a
great way of using your boss’s absence to
establish radical new ways of working in
your boss’s absence. Returning to find
you have re-engineered the strategy,

1. Don’t rally the troops. The boss might

3. Don’t criticise the boss. Avoid the
temptation to show or explain how you
your advantage. Often challenges call for
a creative response – be brave and don’t
be afraid of bending the rules. Your boss
workforce and that the company is head-
ing in a completely new direction will
never do you any favours. Timing is
be away and your colleagues may well be would do things much better than the will not be impressed with a lack of initia- everything – so whilst your boss is away
looking for some direction. However, boss. You may want to stamp a little of tive, courage or if you stick your head in use the opportunity to explore new
don’t misjudge this opportunity to your own authority or flair onto the day’s the sand. Remember, working creatively options and wait until they return to
demonstrate your stunning oratory skills proceedings – by all means do so, but not is about finding solutions to problems implement dramatic change.



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22 CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011

Vintage cars meet zorbing

at the British Leisure Show LIFE

It’s fun for all the The three tips

family and heaven
for boy-racers, writes for chairing a
Jeremy Hazlehurst
great meeting
ITH the economy seemingly

stuck in the doldrums, we all HAIRING a meeting can be a daunting
need a break. If you are short of experience, but one that sooner or later
ideas then you could do worse we all have to face. Professor Cliff
than head along to the British Leisure Oswick is in charge of organisational
Show, which will be held on 11-13 March at theory at Cass business school in London, and
the Royal Windsor Race Course. also head of a faculty of 130 staff – and esti-
Now in its second year, the show is the mates (with a sigh) that he chairs about 60
brainchild of James Brooke, who after meetings a month. He has three tips for how
working on various other events decided to chair a meeting.
that a bit of entrepreneurial gumption was His first is to have an agenda. “Have it on
needed in the downturn, and set out to cre- paper, or some sort of visual display, and
ate the biggest show of its kind in the UK. make sure that you ask at the outset if other
With less money in their pockets, people people have anything to add,” he says.
are looking for getaways without leaving “Leaving things until ‘any other business’ is
these shores, he says, and so he set out to problematic, as you have no idea how long it
give them just what they want. “Value is a will go on.” So, have a clear idea of the items
word being used by prospective visitors to be discussed, and stick to that agenda.
and those looking to exhibit and we have “It’s easy to bleed into other points that are
to recognise this,” he says. “But it doesn’t going to be raised later.”
mean we have to cut corners or trim any- The second point is to make sure that
thing, it means we have to be assertive everybody gets to have their say. Those who
when looking at these exciting challenges speak loudest shouldn’t be allowed to domi-
and opportunities as they present them- A Morgan car, above; WHAT’S ON OFFER | HIGHLIGHTS nate, and neither should it become a free-for-
selves.” Families are the focus, and the aim James Brooke, left all. If some people dominate the
is to have something for everyone. “We conversation, say: “Great, that’s interesting,
have worked hard to develop a unique how do others feel?” Elicit general commen-
event that is affordable and of interest to British Motor Festival – heritage cars and tary. If you see other people shaking their
all members of the family,” says Brooke. owners’ clubs rub shoulders with the most heads or otherwise indicating dissent as one
“Variety”, he says, is what people want shake a dipstick at. Boy racers will be well powerful supercars – see Harley-Davidsons, person is talking you should invite comment
and so instead of running a show that catered for, with the chance to set the Rolls Royces, Morgans and much more. from them. It’s all about the balance of
focuses on a theme – boats, say, or skiing – fastest lap on the new EA computer game framework and flexibility. “A good chair
the British Leisure Show has everything Shift 2:Unleashed, which won’t be in the Watersports – there’ll be a wide range of knows the difference between controlling
from an F1 simulator to log-cabins, motor- shops until a fortnight after the show. And different boats and watercraft including a and facilitating,” says Oswick.
boats, horse-riding, archery and water-zorb- they will even show the England-Scotland new 35ft Sealine motor boat, a traditional This is somewhere else you have to be flex-
ing (in which you hurl yourself across open Six Nations game in the grandstand. Cornish Crabber yacht, river boats, jet skis, ible. Structure is necessary, but you have to
water in an inflatable see-through sphere). The formula certainly hit the spot with dinghies and sports boats be willing to adapt and if something is highly
There will even be a display of holiday the Great British public last year, with emotive or generates an extreme reaction
homes, including the last word in mobile 21,000 people coming through the doors, a Camping – whether nights under canvas, then you should spend more time on it.
luxury, which costs £500,000. In total, over number that Brooke hopes to significantly VW Camper vans or the funky new The third and final tip is to make sure
300 businesses will be showing their wares. increase this year, and the enthusiasm is Tearpod caravan are your thing, there’s there are tangible outcomes. “It is important
This is the place to be for petrol heads matched by exhibitors. “Despite the down- something to suit everybody to get closure, to agree an action, or that no
too, as the British Motor Festival will also turn we have found investors that believe action is required – even deciding that you
be taking place at the same venue at the in what we are striving to achieve,” he says, Outdoors For lovers of the great outdoors, need to take no action is an outcome.” The
same time. There’ll be a fleet of 150 Harley “which for me speaks volumes.” there’s shooting, gliding, water-zorbing, worst thing, he says, is when a meeting does-
-Davidsons, Rolls Royces, Morgan sports British Leisure Show, Royal Windsor Race cycling – and even owl-handing n’t result in tangible results. Sounds easy.
cars and more supercars than you can Course, 11-13 March Jeremy Hazlehurst



N 18 months, Simon Parker Bowles’s three-course lunch, sweepstakes in which CHELTENHAM IN THE CITY – 12-6PM, 15 MARCH 2011
Cornhill restaurant, Green’s you can pick horses to win a prize, and gen-
Restaurant & Oyster Bar, has become a erally getting into the spirit of the festival.” Tables for 10 can be purchased line race, will give guests the
firm City favourite, mixing time-hon- For those keen to lap up the atmosphere for £1,750, including sumptuous chance to bid to back their
oured qualities – simple but sumptuous of Cheltenham but unable to make the dining, racing action screened favourites in return for prizes
food, clubby surroundings, a very well- trip, the event – named Cheltenham in the live and the following activities: including a morning on the gallops
stocked cellar – with a theme that reflects City – should be a godsend, and it’s all to with champion trainer Paul
Parker Bowles’s own particular passion: raise money for a good cause too. Parker Ladbrokes will be offering a chari- Nicholls; and a weekend break at
horse racing. The Runner Bar takes its Bowles has teamed up with Raising the ty tote service in which guests The Augustine hotel in Prague.
name from the sport, the walls are hung Stakes, a charity fund set up by Ladbrokes can buy tickets for as many hors-
with racing colours from many of the coun- CEO Richard Glynn to raise money from es as they like to win a cut of the All proceeds will go straight to
try’s leading stables, and indeed his busi- the gaming industry for Great Ormond pot if their horse wins. the charity. For more information
ness partners include two prominent Street Hospital, an institution Parker and to purchase tables please
racehorse owners. Bowles credits with once saving the life of A raffle with the chance to win a contact Rebecca Hannawin on
It’s a passion that’s shared by many in one of his sons. night’s stay at the luxurious 020 7239 3174 or email rebec-
the City, of course, and next week Parker So will he be picking Denman, Kauto Ellenborough Park in Cheltenham,
Bowles is taking the theme to its logical Star or Imperial Commander for the Gold two tickets for an exclusive F1
next step with a grand – and no doubt suit- Cup? “None of them – I’m going for Long party and a fine dining taster VENUE:
ably rowdy – event to celebrate the start of Run,” he says. “He won the King George, experience at the Greenhouse. Green’s Restaurant & Oyster Bar,
the Cheltenham Festival. “On Tuesday, the he’s in form and he’ll get a decent price A horse auction prior to the 14 Cornhill, EC3V 3ND.
Simon Parker Bowles at Green’s Restaurant & first day of the festival, we’re hosting a big because people think he won’t run well at Champion Hurdle, the day’s head-
Oyster Bar. Picture: GETTY lunch with TV screens showing the races, a Cheltenham.” Take note.
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 23

Gadgets for lovers of...

Timothy Barber sources the cutting edge gadgets that Gizmos that
find design inspiration in the classic looks of the past
can make the
commute a
bit more fun
While Charlie Sheen has made tech headlines as
well as tabloid ones for drumming up a million Hamilton has rebirthed its 1970s
Twitter followers in just 24 hours, music stream- classic, the Pulsar – the first digital
ing service Spotify has taken a bit longer to
reach its own seven-figure landmark – a million watch – with this stunner. With a
paying subscribers. The company, which allows look derived from the older watch, houting into your mobile on the train
users to create and share their own music
playlists, was last month reported to be in talks
with Russian tech venture firm DST over an
investment that valued the company at around
$1bn. This week it announced passing the mil-
it actually has a fully mechanical
movement, making it even more
old-fashioned than the original.
S during the morning commute may be
frowned upon, but there’s nothing to
say you can’t watch telly.’s Hybrid Volar dongle will
turn your laptop into a digital TV recorder, so
lion-punter mark for those paying either £4.99 LEICA M9 you can watch 50 digital Freeview channels.
monthly for ad-free music on their PC or Mac via Or listen to the cricket commentary on the
the Spotify Unlimited service, or £9.99 for the German camera company Leica has set the whole radio.
Spotify Premium mobile app service. And the aesthetic of its top range, M-series cameras The pictures are better on radio, if you use
company hasn’t even launched yet in the US, the your imagination.You can even record stuff
world’s biggest music market. around the sturdy look of old-fashioned snappers. and edit your own highlights, but you need to
Don’t let the dated look fool you: this is a spectac- have a good wi-fi connection.
PERSONAL RADIO FROM WE7 ular piece of photographic kit, and a true luxury On the other hand, the gadget for
Spotify may be the highest profile, but it isn’t the item, as its price suggests. £4,550, iPhones and iPads works pretty much any-
only service providing music streaming on the where. I managed to get this mobile TV
move. One interesting rival is We7, a free, adver- hotspot working on an iPhone in five minutes
tising-supported music streamer which this (got some filthy looks on the train, mind).
week launched a “personal radio” service (don’t The Tizi is effectively a pocket set top box
worry, there are no DJs involved) that loads your for your iPhone. That might sound strange –
phone with music when it’s wi-fi connected, so FUJIFILM it looks like a small pocket radio, complete
that you can listen back when you don’t have a FINEPIX-X100 with extendable antenna – but the pictures
data connection. Simply called We7 Radio, the and sound are great.
app generates “radio stations” based around the Due in shops at the end Better still, it can deliver these over wi-fi
artists you select, and adds new content to the of this month, this digital
ROBERTS REVIVAL DAB too, saving you on your 3G connection, and
stations whenever you’re wi-fi connected – one giving you nifty options for watching TV any-
way of getting round pesky 3G data allowances. compact may sport a Short of being made of Bakelight and blaring where around your house as well as on the
It’s ad-supported, or you can upgrade to a £9.99 hefty price tag, but it has out crackly Listen With Mother episodes, the move.
premium service. all the beautiful, golden leather-bound radios produced by DAB spe- For the time being, turning a mobile into a
age chic of a driving trip cialist Roberts are the essence of vintage style. digital TV does require you to be an Apple
SHOWER POWER RADIO user. If, on the other hand, you just want to
A waterproof radio that you can take into the
across Europe in a 1960s £150, take your revenge on uppity train carriage
shower so that you don’t miss a single moment Aston Martin. £999, shushers, mobile technology offers a gadget
of Humphrys & Naughtie is one thing, a radio that will provide a bit of devious fun.
that’s actually powered by the shower is quite Generally people think train carriages
another. The new H20 radio, launched his week should be like libraries, with the silence only
by Brit alternative energy specialist Tango broken by announcements over the tannoy.
Group, uses a micro-turbine which generates FATMAN F452 iTUBE Which is every ten seconds on SouthWest
power from the flow of water through your trains.
shower. It also memorises your last-tuned radio With Logitech’s new wireless speakers and
station and volume setting. Simple, clever and It’s a super-high-quality valve amp (and can your own pre-recorded sound files, you can
energy-free – we like. come with a “FatDock” add-on for your iPod), relay an endless stream of spoof tannoy mes-
but with those four gleaming glass valves on sages from the comfort of your seat, if you
show its styling is pure Doctor Who (John COMMODORE 64X secrete the Z515 gizmo somewhere around
Pertwee era). £1,560 the carriage.
If you grew up in the 1980s and didn’t have a ZX Of course, that’s not exactly the purpose
Spectrum, you probably had this. Or rather, something this neat speakers pod is designed for –
ostensibly, it’ll link up with your iPad, iPhone
that looked exactly like this. Commodore has rebirthed its or laptop, at a distance of up to 50 feet, and
iconic old computer as a fully-functioning PC with Atom give you stereo sound in a portable package
processor, 2GB or RAM, a Blu-ray drive and all the con- wherever you want to take it. But bringing a
nections and ports you need. Announced at the end of bit of colour to the drab morning commute is
last year, there’s still no word on price or shipping date, surely as good a use to put it to as any.
but we’re excited. Nick Booth edits

PLAYBOY CLUB LONDON: ever there was one – and membership is tails mixed by celebrated mixologist
OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS now open. The original, of course, was a Salvatore Calabresi, all on a strictly mem-
There seems to be a rule with casinos in stalwart of the Sixties Mayfair scene, bership-only basis and in suitably plush
London that they must either be lowest- hosting film stars, sporting greats and Mayfair surroundings.
common-denominator hellholes or so high society. While there may be some
smart and snooty you can barely raise a who question the return of Bunny Girls, To apply for a slice of the Playboy-style high-life
smile without being stared down. Well, we reckon it’ll be right up the City’s and become a member, you can make an expres-
that should all change with the soon-to- street. There will be high-limit gaming, a sion of interest at
open Playboy Club, a “retro chic” affair if members lounge, fine dining and cock- or in person at LCI Offices, 10 Brick St, Mayfair.
24 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011


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7.30pm EastEnders: BBC News 7pm The Culture Show: 7.30pm Make Your Own 7.55pm 8.05pm Police Interceptors:
8pm CHOICE Bang Goes the Ben Lewis explores the School: Tonight 8pm Relocation, Relocation A counsellor tries to avert a
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22 19
13 4 8 
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 16 6
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 10 14  
above or to the left of it. 12 38 23 7
You can only use the digits 1-9 6 17 5      
   and you must not use the
13 23 8
same digit twice in a block.
   The same digit may occur 15 16 11 
7 11
    more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
15 13
24 15

21 35
 separate block.
 9 10

3 Be composed of (7) 1 Severe blow (6)
6 Cause to be
embarrassed (5)
2 Large bottle of
Champagne (6)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 7 Small guitar with 3 Stir vigorously (5)
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
I A four strings (7)
4 Military greeting (6)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters L 8 Relating to the moon (5)
5 Containing salt (6)
LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
N R 9 Following (4)
10 Geological period
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
11 Mountain lion (4) of time (3)
14 Always (4) 12 State of commotion
QUICK CROSSWORD 8 1 2 1 4 4 9 and noise (6)
9 3 8 4 2 7 5 1 6 SUDOKU         
17 Marine crustacean (4)
13 Tree with sharp
2 6 1 9 8 5 7          19 Stratum (5)
9 5 7 8 6 1 2 3 thorns (6)
S O O I L S O         
S A T I N I N N O 8 6 9 3 5 3 8
20 Fissure in the 15 Ocean trip (6)
X O N I T 4 7 2 1 6 earth’s crust (7)
2 4
7 8 9
9 1 4 3
4 6 9 8
WORDWHEEL          21 Earnings (5)
16 Most uncommon (6)
I A R C L A T C H         
1 2 3 5 4 5 1 The nine-letter word was 18 Moved by the wind (5)
G H O U L E U N 3 1 7 9 4 2 8 5 6          22 Accuse of a wrong (7)
E T H Y B R I D 4 9 7 3 1 2 3

2012 chiefs
JZ_Xcb\'+%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  * MXc\eZ`X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  (
=Xi]Xe+'#0' I`ZXi[f:fjkX(.
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slam BOA as
Kfkk\e_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ' 8:D`cXe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
8^^1($' 8kk1*+#*)'
<m\ikfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  ( 9`id`e^_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  (
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row ignites
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj
DXeLk[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 (. 0 * -* *' ** -'
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DXe:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 (, / - +, ), )' ,*
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Kfkk\e_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)/ (* 0 - +( *+ . +/
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9fckfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 (' (' 0 +) +' ) +'
Jle[\icXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 0 (( 0 ** *, $) */
<m\ikfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 / (* / */ */ ' *.
mediate. But a LOCOG spokesperson E\nZXjkc\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 0 0 (( ++ +( * *-

said: “The vision for London 2012, cre- =lc_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 . (+ / *) *( ( *,
BY FRANK DALLERES ated by the BOA, Government and the Jkfb\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 (' + (, *) */ $- *+
8jkfeM`ccX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 / 0 () *. ,' $(* **
LONDON 2012 organisers LOCOG last Mayor of London and set out in the 9cXZbYlie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 0 , (, *. +0 $() *)
night hit back at the British Olympic bid book, is for one festival of sport, 9cXZbgffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 0 , (, +* ,/ $(, *)
Association (BOA) in an increasingly with an integrated Olympic and N\jk9ifd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 / / (* *0 ,+ $(, *)
bitter row over cash, calling its com- Paralympic Games, underpinned by a 9`id`e^_d%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)/ - (* 0 ). *0 $() *(
N\jk?Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 . (' () *- +0 $(* *(
plaints “sad”. single budget. It is sad that this vision Nfcm\j%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 / , (- *+ +0 $(, )0
The hard-up BOA, chaired by Lord is now disputed by the new leadership N`^Xe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)0 , () () ). ,' $)* ).
Moynihan, believes it was short- of the BOA. We are grateful that the
changed when it sold marketing IOC is helping to resolve the issue.” KF;8PËJ;@8IP
rights to next year’s Games to LOCOG The BOA, criticised for failing to .%+,gdlec\jjjkXk\[
for £28m in 2004. control its budget, played down fears <lifgXC\X^l\Ifle[f](-=`ijkC\^
Chief executive Andy Hunt, who it would struggle to fund Team GB at 8aXomJgXikXbDfjZfn/%', %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
did not join the BOA until four years next year’s competition. 9Xp\iC\m\iblj\emM`ccXii\Xc-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
later, wants LOCOG to compensate for A statement read: “Our principal 9\e]`ZXmGXi`jJ>/%', %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
that by providing a large cut of the responsibility is to safeguard future 9iX^XmC`m\igffc-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
:JB8DfjZfnmGfikf-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
profits from the event. opportunities for [UK] Olympic ath- ;peXdfB`\mmDXe:`kp/%', %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
With the two main bodies responsi- letes and sport. We are engaged in a =:Kn\ek\mQ\e`kJkG\k\ijYli^/%', %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ble for the London Games at logger- process with a view to ensuring that INDIA are all but through to the last eight of the World Cup after a five-wicket win over GJM<`e[_fm\emIXe^\ij-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
heads, the BOA has taken the surplus resulting from the London Holland in Delhi. Only a freak set of results would prevent the co-hosts from making the :cp[\j[Xc\9XebJZfkk`j_Gi\d`\iC\X^l\
extraordinary step of asking the 2012 Olympic Games is available to be quarter-finals now, as an unbeaten half-century from the previously out-of-form Yuvraj ;le[\\Lk[m?Xd`ckfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
International Olympic Committee to used for precisely those purposes.” Singh guided his side to a modest target of 190 with 13.3 overs to spare. Pic: REUTERS email



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l Spurs edge out mighty Milan
Robinson, the former England coach Pic: PA
l Harry hails amazing achievement

out to spoil
grand slam
FORMER England boss Andy
Robinson is convinced he can lead
Scotland to their first win of this
year’s RBS 6 Nations against his old
team this weekend.
Robinson has rung the changes for
Sunday’s clash at Twickenham, recall-
ing backs Simon Danielli, Joe Ansbro
and Rory Lawson and flanker Nathan
And the Englishman insists the
Scots can spring a huge surprise by
ending the home side’s hopes of a
grand slam in the penultimate round mier club competition, made it night for the players, a great night for it was the turn of the defence to take
of fixtures, despite historically having
won just four times in 44 trips to
TOTTENHAM 0 through to the last eight following a
superb rearguard action, backed by a
the fans and for everyone. I’m
delighted. It’s amazing what the play-
the plaudits.
Brazilian Sandro was magnificent
London. raucous White Hart Lane crowd, to ers have done. We worked our socks in shielding his centre-halves Michael
“The record books show what a spe-
cial achievement it would be for the
AC MILAN 0 deny seven-times winners AC Milan.
Redknapp had intended for his
off and we stayed with them.
“I enjoyed the occasion, but no, I
Dawson and William Gallas, who
themselves were excellent in nullify-
Scotland team to win on Sunday,” side to go for the jugular and build couldn’t say I enjoyed the 90 minutes. ing the threat of Zlatan Ibrahimovic,
said Robinson. Tottenham win 1-0 on aggregate on the first leg advantage they You’re looking at that clock and you Robinho and Alexandre Pato.
“That is our intention and we firm- attained through Peter Crouch’s goal want it to go and that 90 minutes to Dawson added: “Credit to the lads.

ly believe that if we can deliver a sus- in the San Siro. be up. It was certainly backs to the wall for
tained, intelligent and ruthless
BY JAMES GOLDMAN But they were met here by an AC “It’s a great achievement for this 90 minutes but we stood strong.
performance then we can achieve our Milan side intent on restoring their club being in the last eight of the What a night out there. The atmos-
first win of this season’s champi- PROUD Tottenham manager Harry battered reputation following the Champions League, it’s amazing phere was unbelievable.
onship. Redknapp hailed his side’s progres- schooling they received on their own what the players have done and if “Why can’t we go all the way? We
“England have played some good sion to the quarter-finals of the turf, and in the end Redknapp was people can’t appreciate and enjoy are in the hat and beat a top Milan
rugby in this championship but Champions League as an amazing just delighted to get the job done in a this tonight then they shouldn’t be side and have shown we can mix it
Sunday is about our performance.” achievement. manner not strictly in keeping with involved in football.” with the best. Hopefully it will keep
England manager Martin Johnson The north Londoners, enjoying his side’s previous performances in While Tottenham’s attack caught going and there will be many more
is set to name his team tomorrow. their debut season in Europe’s pre- this competition. He said: “It’s a great the eye in the group stages, last night fantastic nights like tonight.”
CITYA.M. 10 MARCH 2011 Sport 27


Barca add insult to Arsenal’s injury

FOOTBALL yellow card for shooting one second was the key. We played Barca’s way
BY FRANK DALLERES after the whistle had been blown for and that’s why we advanced.”
offside, but Mascherano has little Arsenal have until Monday to
BARCELONA star Javier Mascherano sympathy. respond to the charges against
has accused Arsenal of sour grapes “Barca always wins thanks to Wenger and Nasri, whose cases
for blaming their Champions the referee, never because of its are due to be heard next week.
League exit on the controversial play, not for having taken Wenger called Van Persie’s dis-
sending off of Robin van Persie. 19 shots on goal, not for missal “embarrassing” while the
Gunners manager Arsene Wenger having won 74 per cent striker said he could not hear
and midfielder Samir Nasri are fac- of the possession or the whistle over the crowd –
ing possible European bans after completing 900 an explanation team-mate
being charged with improper con- passes,” he said Jack Wilshere endorsed.
duct for remarks made to referee sarcastically. “Even I couldn’t hear the
25 mins: Milan dominated the early exchanges and were fractions away from taking the lead just Massimo Busacca after Tuesday’s “Let’s not be whistle,” he said. “We all
past the midway point in the first-half. Tottenham’s kamikaze goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes need- defeat. hypocrites. We know it was a bad decision
lessly rushed from his line and was beaten to the ball by the spritely Alexandre Pato. The Brazil Both were furious at Busacca’s didn’t let them but we have to deal with
striker took the ball round the despairing Gomes and cut the ball back for Robinho, whose decision to show Van Persie a second breathe and that that and move on now.”
scuffed shot his a prone Benoit Assou-Ekotto and looped towards goal, only for William Gallas to
save the day and clear the ball from directly underneath his own crossbar.

62 mins: Harry Redknapp promised Mathieu Flamini would receive and extra special welcome
from the White Hart Lane faithful due to his two-footed assault on Vedran Corluka in the first leg,
not to mention his Arsenal ties. The France midfielder was booed at every possible opportunity
and his frustration boiled over just past the hour mark. With Assou-Ekotto going nowhere close
to the corner flag and with his back to goal, Flamini launched into another senseless tackle and
was booked. He riled Spurs fans still further late on when he clattered into Gareth Bale.

76 mins: Despite their domination in terms of possession and their territorial advantage, Milan
struggled to create an opportunity of note in the second period until 14 minutes from the end.
Alexander Merkel played the ball into Robinho, who showed admirable strength to hold off the On March 18th, help RedRoute create
attentions of Michael Dawson and shovel the ball into the path of Pato. The striker cut in with
his first touch and smashed in a low shot from the edge of the area with his second. The ball more ads for more clients in one day
just missed the near post and rippled the side netting. It was as close as Milan would come. than any other agency in history – and
help create a poverty-free world.

QPR face points penalty Just send a brief for your product, brand, service -
whatever - and you’ll get a hot-off-the-Mac ad. But
instead of paying RedRoute, we’ll be asking you to

threat over FA charges make a donation to Comic Relief. Now if that isn’t
ethical advertising, what is?

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FOOTBALL issues from dragging on beyond the

BY JAMES GOLDMAN season’s end in case of a deduction.
The Argentinian joined QPR from or see us at the top of
QUEENS PARK RANGERS top-flight Institute FC in July 2009 for £3.5m,
promotion bid was thrown into tur- but it is alleged that when he did so
Carnaby Street on March 18th
moil last night after they were an unnamed third-party retained a
charged by the Football Association stake in his economic rights.
with seven breaches of rules banning The FA stress that this case is with-
third-party ownership in relation to out precedent, having only brought
their midfielder Alejandro Faurlin. in laws to deal with third-party own-
If found guilty by a three-man inde- ership in 2009 following the contro-
pendent panel, the runaway versy caused by Carlos Tevez’s move to
Championship leaders would be open West Ham and the role he played in
to a number of punishments includ- keeping them in the Premier League
ing a points deduction, a transfer at Sheffield United’s expense in 2007.
embargo or a heavy fine. West Ham were hit with a £5.5m
Sources close to the FA told City A.M. fine rather than a points deduction
that a points deduction would be the and Tevez was permitted to continue Supported by
least likely outcome. However the gov- playing. The Hammers later settled
erning body is understood to be seek- out of court with United for around
ing a quick conclusion to the matter £18m after the Yorkshire side sued
to prevent promotion and relegation them, claiming £45m.

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