Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

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The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands in the Java Sea, stretching approximately 83

kilometers northwest of Jepara, Central Java. It consists of small islands, mostly uninhabited,
with the main ones being Karimunjawa, Kemujan, Menjangan Besar and Menjangan Kecil
The name of Karimunjawa was derived from the Javanese language “kremun kremun saking
tanah jawi” as addressed by one from Wali Songo. The name describes how far these islands
from Java, to be exact from Semarang and Jepara.
Designated as a national marine park, Karimunjawa is home to mangrove, coastal forests
and a great variety of marine animals such as crabs, anchovy, starfish, sharks, stingray,
jellyfish, red snappers, etc. It is also a popular tourist destination, with its white sandy
beaches, pristine coral reefs and challenging treks through the hills. The reefs are a mixture
of fringing and barrier and patched with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters.
The islands offer stunning diving and snorkeling trips. Fringing reefs, atolls, wrecks and an
excellent variety of species make diving in Karimunjawa an unforgettable adventure.
Language Features :
Simple present tense
Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands
It consists of small islands
Past tense : The name of Karimunjawa was derived from the Javanese language “
Noun : Karimun Jawa
Adjective : small, coastal, great.

1. is the paragraph two about?

A.  The main islands in Karimunjawa.
B.  The origin of the Karimunjawa name.
C.  The roles of Wali Songo in Java.
D.  The biodiversity in Karimunjawa.
E.   The national marine park.
Pembahasan: Model soal ini adalah tentang “pikiran utama paragraf ke dua”, dengan
membaca isi paragraf ke dua, maka kita dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa pikiran utama
paragraf tersebut adalah: asal nama Karimunjawa, The origin of the Karimunjawa name.
Jawaban: B

2. the text, it can be concluded that ...

A.  tourists can dive and snorkel in Karimunjawa
B.  there are ten inhabited islands in Karimunjawa
C.  Karimunajawa comprises with more than 30 islands
D.  Karimunjawa is 83 kilometers northeast of Jepara
E.   Karimunjawa is popular for its pink beaches and atolls
Pembahasan: Model soal ini adalah tentang “kesimpulan dari teks yang dibaca”, kesimpulan
isi teks tersebut adalah wisatawan dapat menyelam dan snorkel, tourists can dive and
snorkel in Karimunjawa.
Jawaban: A

3. kinds of vegetation are there in Karimunjawa?

A.  Swamp land and mangrove forests.
B.  Savannah and tropical rain forests.
C.  Mangrove and coastal forests.
D.  Ironwood and rain forests.
E.   Scrub and grassland.
Pembahasan: Model soal ini adalah tentang “Informasi tersurat”, dapat ditemukan di
paragraf 1 kalimat 1: Designated as a national marine park, Karimunjawa is home to
mangrove, coastal forests... yang berarti Karimunjawa merupakan tempat tumbuhnya
mangrove dan hutan pesisir.
Jawaban: C.
4. “Designated as a national marine park, ... “ (Paragraph 3).
What does ‘to designate’ mean?
A.  To innagurate.
B.  To preserve.
C.  To appoint.
D.  To campaign.
E.   To develop.
Pembahasan: Model soal ini adalah “sinonim”. Designated berarti ditunjuk, berarti
sinonimnya adalah “apppointed”. Karena soalnya menanyakan sinonim dari kata “to
designate”, maka jawaban yang bersinonim dengan kata tersebut adalah “to appoint”, yang
berarti “menunjuk”.
Jawaban: C.
5. to the text, we can find the following marine animals in Karimunjawa,
except ...
A.  Starfish
B.  Goldfish
C.  Stingray
D.  Snappers
E.   Jellysish
Pembahasan: Model soal ini adalah “informasi tersurat”, menurut teks tersebut, kita bisa
menemukan hewan laut di Karimunjawa, kecuali goldfish (ikan emas). Ikan emas (goldfish)
tidak termasuk hewan laut yang hidup di Karimunjawa.
Jawaban: B.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4

Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species.
This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with
prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular
flowering plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and
Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for
commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose
also has minor medicinal uses.
1. What does the text tell about?
A. Gardening
B. Rose species
C. Flowers
D. How to grow rose plant
E. Where to plant rose

2. This statement is correct, except ….

A. Rose has more than 100 species
B. Rose is native to Asia
C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant
D. Rose only has one variant of shape and size
E. Rose can be used in perfume

3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….

A. Asia
B. Beauty
C. Rose species
D. Medicine
E. Commercial perfumery

4. Based on the text, which statement is true?

A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses
B. People grow rose only for beauty
C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant
D. North America is not a native to rose species
E. Rose has less than 100 species

Read the following text for questions number 5 to 7

JK. Rowling was born in Chipping Sodury, July 31st 1965. Her childhood was generally
happy, although she does remember getting teased because of her name, “Rowling” – She
recalls often getting called “Rowling pin” by her less than ingenious school friends. She
studied at St Michael’s Primary School in Gloucestershire, before moving to Chepstow,
South Wales at the age of nine.
She studied at St Michael’s Primary School in Gloucestershire, before moving to
Chepstow, South Wales at the age of nine.
From an early age, JK. Rowling had an ambition to be a writer. She often tried her hand at
writing, although little came from her early efforts. Aged six she wrote a book about a
rabbit with measles. After her mother praised her effort, Rowling replied ‘well get it
published then.’ She admits it was a ‘Bit of an odd thing for a child of six to think. I don’t
know where it came from…”
In 1991, she left England to get a job as an English teacher in Portugal. It was here that she
met her first husband, Jorge Arantes – and had a child Jessica. However, after a couple of
years, the couple split after a fierce argument; where by all accounts JK. Rowling was
thrown out of the house.
On the 21st December 2006, she finished her final book of the Harry Potter Series – “Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows“. The book was released in July 2007, becoming one of the
fastest selling books of all time. Rowling has said the book is her favourite, and it makes
her both happy and sad. She has said she will continue writing but there is little chance of
continuing the Harry Potter Series. She however, may release a dictionary of things
related to Hogwarts and Harry Potter that were never published in other books.
Rowling currently lives in Scotland, on the banks of the river Tay, with her 2nd husband
Neil Murray; and has 3 children, two with husband Neil.3

5. The text tells us about....

A. The achievement of J.K Rowling
B. The description of J.K Rowling
C. The childhood of J.K Rowling
D. The ambition of J.K Rowling
E. The life of J.K Rowling

6. How did J.K Rowling divorce?

A. She split with her husband after two years with no a big deal problem
B. She moved from England to Portugal because of being teacher
C. She was forced to divorce because of her career demands
D. She was the only one person who earned for their living
E. She had different perspective with her husband

7. “The book was released in July 2007.” Synonym

The underlined word means....
A. edited.
B. written
C. launched
D. promoted
E. announced

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