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I secoudia ose overeat eang Aone | oemavaanorms SPCERCerana Since PROBA DE VERIFICARE A CUNOSTINTELOR LA LIMBA ENGLEZA. ‘pentru admiterea in elasa a IX-a cu predare in regim bilingy 25.05.2016 “Tate subectoe sunt bligatori. Sencorda 1D sete dn of otal =70 poncte compulsory overtime. Five sentences have bees ‘ne ove which fis euch pap. There Is ome xtra 1 Yow are gsing 0 read moved Irom the article. Choose from the sentences A ‘entence which you do not seed to we. Sx}p=Sp) ‘Sthoeleitdren on compulsory overane “Afr a day's work most aduls have the evening fe, and afer t week's wa the weekend ister ove, Many cite an young peopl neuding all esr achool pupils, have regula, compulsory evening and necad work Yee irra en in secondary schol, when is # new status symbol, most chien dike homework very mich Before going bed e930 “tices no Wn forthe development of individu) and ccenic frst even interests important and mpl ss reading os cherished 8 MUSE) ove Seen cacy at unsuspected burden ef home dates” As for county children thir ives, homewerk peritiag son bch in nays a teacher who has neve lived inthe county cannot Keow. 1 found in Devon, now middleage, tld me: (3). 3 Living inthe country vith pete pt he plenty to Gecup my spre ine and regarded homework as an uni ané unjust imeaiton ht at aay my fw pocious hous of freedom.” sy eche noms that some ofthe best homewrkes are rather dl fellows whose prints ae not realy quie one would wis he ob ut how much Romer is done wih the TV a on on the bas a beh Fast simply to oid purine? (8) "Beouse aus say, some len acep that borework ‘ugh tobe dane Sees tcenSwork survive? Anat helps to ep going Pare and teaches want sucess examinations and tev that eglar overine oil ep.) ‘rely would be, iat 0, ct down the ‘pllabo: ikea O levels fstead of ii ine or en. ‘Ac issn shat th lbs cold not be completed without Surly he eaher doesnot wart kal he tine? C.—Whatsethe eticaoral implication of tha? GNIS TSSdtcnevingte write, ony thrx her ong an complicated ler every evening ofthe wook. E_“Avaboy: wes pepe o work ard rng School hers, Bu regard homework ina very fret fe Fe eleaves nose fe dong anything else Fin wth te correct frm ofthe verbs ie brackets (10x1p-109) Inthe danse wes ons ofthe woeden ship tht ber sisters (aescrbe sane time before. Th ite snermasd (crim) upto ands a handsove young man (3) (ag ‘Tans ead one Gk Then the sy gow dark and rest srm bw up. The ship @)_—__—_ ater) Dy the wanes and) ine) upon rocks near the shore. The young man (6) irom) io the water and the litle mermaid knew that he would drown if she (7) her arms, she brought him safely to shore, leaving him ona sandy beach, ‘The litle mermaid waited not far from shore (8) __(see) what (9) _ (happen). Soon some girls came slong the beach and found the young man. “It (I ™ (be) the Prinel™ they cred, IL, Choose the correct item: (10x1p=10p) 1. He wes offered the job beeause he was the .. candidate (not help) him. Cradling him in A) te best 'B) good C) beter D) the goodest 2. Please stop ...and give me your test papers, A) to write B) write ©) wting D)to have writen 5. He bought a(n)... cotage in the country. ‘A)stone old sail B)old spall stone -—-C) small old stone_——_—D) stone small ld 4, Next week I'm going .. a schoo! tip. Ayo Bon in Dat 5. prefer traveling. bus. A)by Byon with Dyin 6, Da they sell. clothes here? ‘A) childrens 1B) childrens’ s (©) children's D) childrens? 7. He worked in factory last yea... A)isn'tie? 'B) doesnt it Oisw'the D) didn't he 8. Lynn doesn’t like meat and Ann doesn't, A either B) neither © 000 Dy also 9, Even if. all night, Till wouldn't he propely prepared for tomorow. ‘A)would study” B) will study ‘©) study D) studied 10, She wouldn't forgive him .. al is apologies. ‘Ayeven if Byeven ©) despite Dy although 1V. For questions 1-10 read the text below and think of one word which best fits each space. Use only one ‘word for each space. There is an example atthe beginning 0). (10s1p=10p) Masters of Camouflage “There are so many plants and animals to explore under the sea and none of them are boring. Life ..ON. (0) the sand and inthe waves has forced species to evolve in beautfal and bizarre ways to ensure their survival Their natural history and alien shapes are never dull and sometimes even astonishing. Perhaps the mast fascinating ate the «ns (1) that have mastered underwater eamouflage, These animals are masters! Leafy Sea Dragon “The leafy sea dragon (2) found in the warm coastal waters (3) Australi, It is «relative to (4) more commonly kriawn sea horse, but it is definitely the flashier cousin. The leafy sea dragon «.-.0--(5) Salved to Took so much lke seaweed that .....(6) are at times impossible to spot when in their favorite hangout, Kelp. They don't just look... (7) 4 part ofthe vegetation; they act like it as well. Leafy sea dragons mimic Teafy weeds by ding with eean currents. While floating along the sea dragons spend their energy sacking on 358 Fice . ns». (8) tiny crustaceans. Just like sea horses, male sea dragons bear young. They are excelent Fathers, ‘caring eggs protectively underneath their tals... (9) four to six weeks. Cuttlefish "The cuttlefish, is not a fish at all, bu a cephalopod and a relative of octopuses and squid. The eutlefish (10) change its shape and alter its skin color so that it remains hidden from danger by impersonating its ‘Surroundings. These three amazing creatures are ust some ofthe surprising animals that dell in the sea, For questions 1 to 5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meani using the word given, Do not change the word given. You must use between two a word given. (Sx1p-Sp) tothe first sentence, ive words, ineluding the Ir Have you ever been toa baseball game? Frank ase. SEEN Frank asked _ ‘baseball game. 2. Tam going to Piles classes staring nent week, up ve decided startng next week. 3. [eat less junk food than T used to. AS 1 dont eat. used, 4 I don’ tink anyone Giled he test pi Noone. they? ‘Lam Sil wading The Hanger Games, par 3. FINISHED pT the Hunger Games, part 3 ‘VL Use the words in capitals to form a word that fit in each space: (10x1p=10p) All students throughout the world sit fr (1) = (EXAMINE) at some point in their tives. stds ate (2). (SUCCESS), they get 8 fort (8). rnnsnere QUALIFY) thar enables them to eta job or continue with further (8. (EDUCATE), Most formal testing invalves A ®ensnseee (MIX) of techniques, but the most common Form requires students to show that they have @ etd (res ereeeseee (KNOW) ofthe subject ea students do not pas, that's not considered fre, they simply” “need more time to study. Some of them are simply (7) senses. (LUCK). The . (MAJOR) who pas, do so because they have made a good (9), (IMPRESS) ‘on the examiner end have also succeeded in showing thei (10). (INTELLIGENT. ‘VIL. Decide whie wmer (A, B, Cor D) fits best for each number, I-15: (1841p =15p) HEDGEHOGS THREATEN WILDLIFE. ‘There are so many threats to the wildlife on our planet nowadays (0)... we ae rarely surprised when ‘we are (1) bout another one. (2). 1 sme people might find it dificult 0 (Javan hat Sma [retUres (4)ns nnn hedgehogs would be the caus, rather than the vsti, of one of these threats ‘One resident of an island which (5)... off the west coast of Scotland (Ghee HOW ‘extraordinary situation has come about It appears that hedgchogs are not native tothe islands. They wee introduced bya gardener who though they (7)... be an effective way of contolling the slug population, ‘There are naw 0 (8).--.»--» hedgehogs onthe island that they are puting many rare birds t (9) ‘because they eat bids exes. The hedgehogs, it seems, ar (10)..n.-. 50 what are the local people going to do (14) 1 One aroup of conservationists tied to transport hedgehogs to the mainland. ‘The plan might have (2)on if residents on the mainland hadst pointed out that the bedgehogs Would (I3)ennnnn just as much OF 8 threat onthe mainland as onthe island. But, unless action is (14)... soon, the continuing increase i the Fhedgehog population wil (15)... the disappearance of certain rae species of bids Bhow Cothat Dowhere Reesplained told Dsaid BAlthough cya D However Beconvince Csuppose consider Bauch Clike Ds Biles Covers Distretches Beommented Caled Dimeant Bean Cought D vould Bruch many Dir Brisk Crouble ——_Dicules Beverywhere Canything nothing Babow Cw Dior Bywon Caught succeeded Bhecome Cretum Drnove C taken Dela Ceause Dum Admitere. kalingve 25 mai 20/6 1.1D;28;3, Gxip=Sp) 54.3 S.A 11 1, had described; 2. swam; 3. laughing; 4. was battered; 5. (was) driven; 6, was thrown; 7. did not help; 8. to see; 9. would happen; 10. is; (Q0x1p=10p) MIL.1.A) 2.0) 3.0) 4.B) 5.4) 6©) 7D) 8.4) 9D) 10.0) (10x0,5p=5p) 1V. 1. ONES; 2.1; 3, OF; 4:THE; HAS; 6,THEY; 7.LIKE; 8.0R/ AND; 9.FOR; 10.CAN (10x1p=10p) V. Lift had ever seen 2.10 take up Pilates 3. as much junk food as 4 failed the test, did 5. still haven't have not finished reading Gx1p=5p) VL EXAMINATIONS SUCCESSFUL QUALIFICATION EDUCATION ‘MIXTURE, KNOWLEDGE UNLUCKY MAJORITY 9. IMPRESSION 10, INTELLIGENCE (10x1p=10p) VI. 1. C52. D; 3. A: 4. C;5. By 6A; 7. D; 8. C;9, B: 10. Bs 11.B; 12. D; 13. Bs 14. C315. As (1sstp=15p)

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