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Prepared to fulfill the assignment of English Courses

Supporting lecturer Akhmad Fauzi, M.Pd.

Arranged by :

Dewi Nur Ramadani P20637120046

Fitri Sofiatunnisa P20637120052

Gina Sefviani Adillah P20637120053



Pemuda Raya street No. 38 Kesambi Cirebon

Telp. (0231) 245739


Asslamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

All praise be to Allah SWT. for all who grace so that this paper can be compiled to
completion. Salawat and greetings are always poured out to the best human beings throughout
the time of the Prophet Muhammad, his family, friends, and people who obey his teachings.
The paper entitled "Consultation and Consolidation" was prepared to fulfill the structured
assignments of English Language Courses taught by Akhmad Fauzi, M.Pd. Hopefully this paper
can provide many benefits for the advancement of science, especially in English material.
However this paper is inseparable from all forms of shortcomings. Therefore, the authors
really expect suggestions and criticism for the perfection of this paper.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Cirebon, 06 April 2021






1.1 Background of the Paper 1

1.2 Problem Formulation 2

1.3 Purpose 2


2.1 Definition of the Consultation and Consolidation 3

2.2 The Reason the Patient Underwent a General Consultation 3

2.3 The Benefits of Consulting 4

2.4 How General Consultation Works 5

2.5 The Driving Factor of Consolidation5

2.6 Consolidation Stage 6


3.1 Conclusion 7



1.1 Background of the Paper

Health is of utmost importance to all humans. Because without good health, every
human being is difficult inside carrying out her daily activities. However, sometimes
people don't fully understand their health. In the world of health, the necessity for
consultation for some is important. Where consultation is an activity between a doctor and
a patient. Consultation begins a communication between physicians and patients in an
effort to establish a therapeutic relationship. Sometimes patients don't understand what the
doctor has said and don't understand and don't know what he's going through. And
sometimes patients also do not know what they will do to prevent or treat regarding
something that concerns them. Therefore, this ignorance requires the immediate attention
of the party.
So it is wise for a patient to consult the doctor or the other party. This consultation can
prevent communication between a doctor and a patient from causing misunderstandings.
Consultations can be done directly with the doctor, first appointment with the doctor, or
through virtual media communication. It also has consultative measures to stop the
development of diseases for patients who have risk factors. Also, this consultation can be
used for preventive measures to stop the development of various diseases for patients with
risk factors.
While consolidation is an attempt to join one or more companies to form a stronger
union. In today's While consolidation is an attempt to join one or more companies to form
a stronger union. In today's development health, economy, and other, many companies are
merging companies to improve their performance and profits. If a company joins in the
form of a merger or consolidation, the accounting records will be easier than with a share
In the field of health, Consolidation is driven by several factors, one of which is a the
difference in the purchase price. In implementing consolidation should be done by
following the stages of consolidation, To achieve both the desired gain or the goal to be


1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in this paper are:
1. What is the Consultation and consolidation ?
2. What are the reason the patient underwent a general consultation ?
3. What are the benefits of consulting ?
4. How does general consultation works ?
5. What is the diriving factor of consolidation?
6. How does consolidation stage ?

1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this paper are:
1. To know definition of consultation and consolidation
2. To know the reason the patient underwent a general consultation
3. To know the benefits of consulting
4. To know general consultation works
5. To know the diriving factor of consolidation
6. To know consolidation stage

2.1 Definition of the Consultation and Consolidation

A general consultation, also known as a health consultation, is a meeting between a
doctor and a patient. The aim of this consultation is to take preventive measures to stop the
progression of various diseases for patients who have risk factors. This can be done in a
number of ways. Among other things, obtaining a diagnosis for the patient's symptoms or
if the patient has a routine annual check-up, the doctor can review the patient's likelihood
of having a disease.
Consolidation is to combine assets, liabities, and other financial items of two or more
entities into one. In the context of financial accounting, the term consolidation often refers
to the consolidation of financial statements where in all subdiaries report under the
umbrella of a parent company. Consolidation alsa refersto the union of smaller companies
into larger companies through megers and acquisitions. The primary purpose of
consolidation is to enlarge companies, increase efficiency, reduce competition risk levels,
diversify products or services, provide supply, sales and distribution.

2.2 The reason the patient underwent a general consultation

There are many reasons why patients should undergo a general consultation, including:
1. Maintain overall health
This is very important, especially for those who want to enjoy a healthy life, even
though they are no longer young and have experienced health problems. The general
consultation allows the team of doctors to monitor the progress of the patient's
condition, control the disease and prevent future health problems, improve the
quality of life and ability to move, and extend the patient's life.
2. Because it is needed
Some people, such as office workers, are required to visit a doctor at least once a
year for a general consultation. The results of the inspection will be forwarded to the
company for safekeeping and monitoring. Today, many organizations use health
information to shape lifestyle, health and wellness programs for their employees. It


is possible for someone to be asked by a private insurance company to undergo a

medical examination and consultation, to help the company determine the value of
claims and insurance premiums.
3. Because they need it
Human needs in terms of health differ from one phase to another. As a child, the
challenge is to strengthen the immune system and find out health problems that may
affect life later. For example, recent research has shown that children who are obese
have a higher risk of developing heart disease or diabetes, compared to children of
normal weight. Meanwhile, when he was a teenager, the challenges were around
hair growth, hormones, and mental health.
4. Early detection
Although it is better to prevent than to cure, early detection gives patients the
opportunity to fight against dangerous diseases such as cancer. This detection can be
done with routine skin consultations, to help the dermatologist monitor growth or
changes in the skin. For example a transformation in a mole or the appearance of a
5. Recommendations
General consultations are also sometimes conducted because of a referral or
recommendation. For example, the doctor the patient visits for the first time refers
him to a specialist. Usually because the doctor's scope of training, experience, and
expertise is unable to help solve the patient's problem, based on the results of the
initial diagnosis.

2.3 The benefits of consulting

By undergoing a general consultation, it is hoped that the patient will get several benefits,
such as :
1. Patients can build a close relationship with a team of health specialists who can help
with problems, both current and future.
2. Early detection increases the chances of the patient fighting off the disease and
enables a team of medical specialists to control acute or chronic disease.

3. Doctors can take preventive measures and other programs that can promote a more
proactive approach to preventing, treating and deal with disease.

2.4 How general consultation works

Patients can start undergoing general consultations in two ways, namely recommended by
the doctor they visited for the first time or approaching a specialist personally. If referred by
a doctor, the patient's medical history will be given to the specialist. So, patients do not
need to undergo tests and answer the same questions. If the patient approaches the specialist
personally, the patient will need to make an appointment at the hospital or clinic. general
consultation work process, namely:
1. The doctor will conduct a thorough health review by asking questions about the
patient's symptoms, general condition or feelings, concerns about health, and the
results obtained from previous medical examinations.
2. The doctor will perform a physical examination. The part of the body that is
examined depends on the purpose of the consultation. For example, a woman who
consults a gynecologist will have a breast exam or pap smear.
3. If needed, the doctor will recommend other tests, including MRI, PET, CT scan.
The results will be discussed at the next consultation.
4. It is permissible for the patient to see the same doctor several times if needed for a
follow-up consultation.
5. The consultation can take at least 30 minutes and requires no special preparation.

2.5 The driving factor for consolidation

1. The difference in the purchase price
There is a difference in price which is conspicuous among agencies health for
goods / services the same one.
2. Low bargaining power position
General business practices closed, both on the basis of price as well as the
specifications goods / services.
3. Requires a uniform
In principle it is necessary the same, but also variants Lots.

4. Must be efficient
With the insurance scheme, demand every service health is complete efficient as
possible but high quality Should Efficiency.

2.6 Consolidation stage

The following are the stages of consolidation, namely :
1. Make a commitment
Leadership commitment along with with all human beings health in order
consolidation implementation.
2. Shopping analysis
Conduct a review of need plans to see potential consolidation package of a type
between health installations.
3. Election Preparation
Meeting for the equal (generating) needs (types, volume), price, and model
selection of existing providers used is associated with time of need.
4. Implementation of consolidation
Tender process together at one time so get the best price with specialist providers.
Contract as needed.

3.1 Conclusion
A general consultation, also known as a health consultation, is a meeting between a
doctor and a patient. The aim of this consultation is to take preventive measures to stop the
progression of various diseases for patients who have risk factors. This can be done in a
number of ways, Among other things the patient has a routine annual check-up, the doctor
can review the patient's likelihood of having a disease. While Consolidation is to combine
assets, liabities, and other financial items of two or more entities into one. Consolidation
alsa refersto the union of smaller companies into larger companies through megers and
acquisitions. The primary purpose of consolidation is to enlarge companies, increase
efficiency, reduce competition risk levels, diversify products or services, provide supply,
sales and distribution. The reason the patient underwent a general consultation, including
maintain overall health, because it is needed, they need it, early detection, and
The consultation have a benefits, such as patient can build a close relantionship with a
team of health specialist, early detection, and doctors can take preventive measures and
other programs to preventing, treating, and deal with disease. A general consultation work
process, namely the doctor will conduct a thorough health review, the doctor will perform
a physical examination, if needed the doctor will recommend other tests, It is permissible
for the patient to see the same doctor several times if needed for a follow-up consultation,
and then The consultation can take at least 30 minutes and requires no special preparation.
The driving factor for consolidation are the difference in the purchase price, low
bargaining power position, requires a uniform, and must be efficient. And there are 4
stages of consolidation, namely make a commitment, shopping analysis, election
preparation, and implementation of consolidation.


Kenton, Will. 2020. Consolidate. (9

February 2021) 2020. Konsultasi umum, gambaran, manfaat, dan hasil yang diharapkan. (8 April 2021)
LKPP. Konsolidasi Bidang Kesehatan. Sanggah Wilayah II, 2019.

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