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Compiled to fulfill assignments in English courses

Supporting lecturer, Mr. Akhmad Fauzi, S.Pd, M.Pd

Compiled by groups of 4 :

1. Dewi Rohcipta (P20637120047)

2. Sekar Ayu Fitriningtias (P20637120069)
3. Shifaa Ghinaya Afradhiya (P20637120070)
4. Sindy Rosdiana Susianty (P20637120071)




Jl. Pemuda Raya No.38, Sunyaragi, Kec. Kesambi, Kota Cirebon



Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, the abundance of
His grace, gifts and guidance which are abundant and will not be counted by his
creatures. Indeed, it is almighty Allah, because it has pleased the author to finish
writing a paper on "Consultation And Consolidation".
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task given by Mr.
AkhmadFauzi as a lecturer in English. The author would like to express his
gratitude to the instructors and supervisors as well as the many parties involved in
the completion of this paper.
In preparing this paper, we realize that there are still many shortcomings
and weaknesses. Therefore, we really need constructive criticism and suggestions
to improve this paper in the future. Hopefully this paper will be more useful for its
Finally, the authors hope that this paper is of particular benefit for the
author and generally for all readers.

Cirebon, 13 March 2021



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….....1
1.1 Backround…………………………………………………………….…..1
1.2 Problem Formulating……………………………………………………..1
1.3 Purpose…………………………………………………………………...1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION…………………………………………………...3
2.1 Definition of Consultation And Consolidation…………………………...3
2.2 Purpose of Consultation And Consolidation……………………………..3
2.3 The importance of consultation………………………………………..…4
2.4 Place of Consultation…………………………………………………..…4
2.5 Deficiency and advantagesof Consultation And Consolidation………….4
CHAPTER III CONCLUDES……………………………………………….....7
3.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………….....7
3.2 Suggestion……………………………………………………………….7



1.1 Backround

Health is the main capital for growth andthe life of the nation and has an
important role in the formation of societyjust, prosperous, and prosperous.
Health services in general, it is known that there are internal service
providersin this case doctors and those who receive services or make health
efforts inthis thing is patient.
With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, several
websites or websites that provide remote doctor services for patients can
consult about the disease they are feeling. This of course can make it easier for
patients because they do not have to go to the hospital and it is enough to
consult via smartphone only.
In today's economic development, many companies are merging
companies to improve their performance and profits. This merger can take the
form of a merger that follows the buying company, which determines a new
company, or a stock acquisition, which is a company that joins but still carries
out their respective operations.
Therefore, this paper is intended to explain and provide information on
consultation and consolidation.

1.2 Problem Formulating

As for the formulation of the problem;
1. What is consultation and consolidation?
2. What is the purpose of consultation and consolidation?
3. Why do we have to do consultations?
4. Where can we do a consultation?
5. What are the pros and cons of consultation and consolidation?

1.3 Purpose
1. Students can find out the definition of consultation and consolidation
2. Students can find out the purpose of consultation and consolidation

3. Students can find out the importance of consultation
4. Students can find out where we can do consultations
5. Students can find out the advantages and disadvantages of consultation and


2.1 Definition of Consultation and Consolidation

In general, consultation is a dialogue, in which there are various
activities and information exchange in order to ensure that the consulted party
knows more about a theme. A health consultation is a meeting between a
doctor and a patient.
In general, consolidation is an attempt to unite and strengthen the
relationship between two or more groups to form a stronger entity.
2.2 Consultation and Consolidation Purpose
The aim of this consultation is to take preventive measures to stop the
progression of various diseases for patients who have risk factors.
Meanwhile, the purpose of consolidation is to form a new company and
it is hoped that the company will be better and have an impact on the economy

2.3 Why Should Consultation

1. To maintain overall health
This is very important, especially for those who want to enjoy a healthy
life, even though they are no longer young and have experienced health
problems. During the consultation, the doctor will monitor the progress of the
patient's condition, control the disease, and prevent future health problems
and improve the quality of life.
2. Because some people need
Some people like office employees, at least have to visit a doctor to
consult about their health problems to find out health problems that might
affect their future life and also strengthen the immune system.
3. Early detection
Although it is better to prevent than to cure, early detection gives
patients the opportunity to fight against dangerous diseases such as cancer.

2.4 Place Of Consultation
We can consult a doctor directly by visiting a hospital or doctor's office or
other health service places that open consultation services. However, in
today's development, we should be grateful to be able to live in the present
era. Because now everything is easy thanks to the help of technology. Going
back a dozen years, if we get sick then we need to see a doctor as soon as
possible. However, nowadays, we can open applications on gadgets and
consult online with doctors. Here are the best application recommendations
for consulting a doctor online;
1) Halodoc, in this application we can consult directly 24 hours with doctors
online, either via chat, voice call or video call. We can also buy drugs
online to carry out laboratory tests. In addition, you can also read the latest
health articles from the medical world.
2) Alodokter, services that include chat with doctors to booking doctors and
hospitals via online. We can also read informative articles that are accurate
and verified by doctors.
3) Click doctor, the services provided are the same as the two previous
applications. There are other unique features that this application has a
fertility calendar, a pregnancy calendar (and we can get interactive
information about the fetus), a directory of diseases and a directory of
drugs. And many other applications.

2.5 Deficiency And Advantages Of Consultation And Consolidation

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of consolidation:
a. Excess consolidation
All companies that are consolidating can have a greater ability to
compete with other companies because the consolidation process is carried
out by two or more companies.With this consolidation process, a company
that is experiencing capital difficulties does not have to be liquidated even
with a new company.

Examples of advantages
 The patient's questions can be more numerous and the time is long
 Doctors can provide long explanations accompanied by links to
information on cases or similar diseases to many people at once.
 Patients can learn about cases or illnesses from other patients
 Free
 Can be done remotely without area and time limit

b. Lack of consolidation
All companies that are consolidating do not have legal status because they have
become one with the new legal status.Introducing a new company will take a
long time.
Examples of Disadvantages
 Patients cannot get immediate care or treatment if there is a sudden case
or when the disease recurs.
 Only general health advice or information.
 Doctors cannot give a definite decision or diagnosis because they do not
see the patient's condition.
 Patient reports only subjective condition not medical diagnosis can be
inaccurate or exaggerated.
 The patient should still go to the doctor for a face-to-face examination to
confirm the diagnosis and treatment.
 Blogs or websites are not necessarily well maintained, not up to date, or
are not necessarily trusted.
 The doctor's qualification can be doubted to answer questions or cases
according to specialization.

c. Meanwhile, face-to-face consultation also has its own plus and minus. Here
are some of them:
Examples of advantages
 Doctors can immediately give a decision on treatment after seeing the
patient's condition.
 Patients can be immediately referred to a hospital or a more skilled
doctor if the condition is urgent.

Examples of Disadvantages
 Time to consult a doctor is limited, so forget what to ask.
 Patients must come directly to the doctor.
 Patient cannot ask every time whenever she wants.
 The doctor's explanation is usually only a brief and general overview.



3.1 Conclusion

In general, consultation is a dialogue, in which there are various activities

and information exchange in order to ensure that the consulted party knows more
about a theme. Whereas consolidation in general is an attempt to unite and
strengthen the relationship between two or more groups to form a stronger entity
with the aim of conducting consultations, especially in the health sector, so that
prevention efforts can be made to stop the progression of a disease. Meanwhile,
the purpose of consolidation is to form a new company and it is hoped that the
company will be better and have an impact on the economy. In this era of
globalization where technology is increasingly developing and sophisticated, we
can use it to make it easier for us to carry out consultations and consolidations,
where the use of this technology will be able to help patients consult what they
feel to doctors even from a distance so that it can save time and power. In its
implementation, of course, consultation and consolidation has advantages and
disadvantages which have been described in the previous discussion.

3.2 Sugestions

It is advisable for counselors to increase their understanding and be more

skilled in serving patients for the sake of improving the health of patients. And the
public must take advantage of this consultation activity considering that
consultation is very important to know the condition of our own bodies.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Diakses pada tanggal 10 Maret


Plus minus konsultasi dokter online.

minus-konsultasi-dokter-online . Diaksés pada tanggal 10 Maret 2021.

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