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I would firstly like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to

express my thoughts about the experience I’ve had at the University
of Bucharest. With that out of the way, I would like to point out a few
aspects that I’ve enjoyed, such as the teachers. Almost every teacher
was open to new ideas and willing to explain in detail the basics and
advanced elements of the provided courses. Everyone was fully
engaged all the time thanks to the great professors. The amount of
homework that we were assigned was relatively small compared to
other universities, which are known to give out excessive homework,
thus making it easy for most of us to have extracurricular activities
such as sports, jobs and even internships. However, despite the
excellent teachers, the teaching and learning conditions were very
rough. Almost all of the computers that students would learn to code
on were very old, and having in mind the fact that my specialization
was computer science, I found it quite unacceptable. I would strongly
suggest purchasing new laptops or desktop computers in order to
make it easier for the students to work and learn. The building itself,
was also very old and needed urgent refurbishment. Although the
learning conditions weren’t exactly ideal, the collective of students
was a breath of fresh air. It was full of people with ambitions and
goals, who were all hard working and dedicated to their work. While
the school grounds did not provide the best space for socializing, it
certainly did not prevent me from meeting amazing individuals.
Overall, depsite the somewhat outdated technology that the school
possessed, my experience was pleasant and it prepared me for a
future job, giving me the necessary information and education in
order to succeed in the IT field.

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