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Micturition 排尿

1. 膀胱被充滿,張力超過閾值
2. Micturition reflex

1. Ureter 穿過 mucosa 下 1-2cm

2. Body > neck > posterior urethra
3. Detrusor muscle:收縮時可增加膀胱內 40-60mmHg
4. Trigone:只有平滑的 mucosa,沒有 rugae
5. internal sphincter (bladder neck):避免膀胱壓力達到閾值前漏尿
6. urogenital diaphragm (contain external sphincter):voluntary skeletal muscle

nerve fiber place Function

sensory detect the degree of stretch in the bladder wall
pelvic nerves
Motor bladder innervate the detrusor muscle
(parasympathetic fibers)
Pudendal nerve skeletal motor (somatic) sphincter Innervate the external sphincter
stimulate mainly the blood vessels
sensory (sympathetic) bladder have little to do with bladder contraction
nerves (L2)
sensation of fullness and pain

1. collecting duct > renal calyces > renal pelvis > ureter > detrusor muscle > bladder
2. ureter:有平滑肌推動尿液,副交感刺激收縮、交感刺激放鬆
3. detrusor muscle 壓力正常會大於 ureter,避免尿液回流
4. vesicoureteral reflux:urine in the bladder is propelled backward into the ureter
5. Ureterorenal Reflex:ureter 有 sympathetic nerve 會感受到痛,sympathetic nerve 活化刺激 renal
arteriole 收縮,使尿液量減少
膀胱內尿液體積 (mL) 增加的膀胱內壓力 (cmH2O)
0 0
30-50 5-10
200-300 少幅增加
300-400 大幅增加

MICTURITION REFLEX (autonomic spinal cord reflex)

神經傳輸順序 位置 傳到哪
sensory stretch receptors posterior urethra
pelvic nerves Spinal cord
sacral segments of the cord
parasympathetic nerve bladder

bladder micturition reflexes detrusor muscles pressure

partially filled relax spontaneously after a stop contracting falls back to the baseline
fraction of a minute
continues to fill More frequent greater contraction ↑

1. self-regenerative:收縮刺激 stretch receptor,使 pelvic nerve 興奮,使 bladder 更加收縮。此循環

會一直持續到膀胱達到強烈收縮,之後 self-regenerative 會疲勞,使膀胱稍微放鬆。

2. 當 micturition reflexes 到達一定程度時,會透過 pudendal nerves 來抑制 external sphincter。如果這

個抑制在大腦中強過有意識(voluntary)的調控 external sphincter 的作用,則會排尿。如果沒有,
則尿液繼續累積直到 micturition reflexes 變得更強。

3. 調控
center function
pons strong facilitative and inhibitory centers
cerebral inhibitory
A. 較高的中心使 micturition reflexes 部分受到抑制,除非需要排尿。
B. 即使出現 micturition reflexes,較高的中心也可以通過 external bladder sphincter 的收縮來預
C. 當需要排尿時,cerebral cortex center 可以幫助 sacral micturition centers 形成 micturition
reflexes,同時抑制 external sphincter,從而排尿。
很少超過 5 至 10 毫升

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