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My final project is a drama / thriller type genre where there are two
(male) friends that have known each other for years, they meet this
time, but one friend brings something to mess around with (a gun
but at this time they didn’t know was real or loaded). The other
friend doesn’t know what he brung at first so when he shows him, he
has a shocked face on him and smirks. He shows it off and says he
found it in a box in his house (lives with grandparents), they start to
mess around with it; pretending to point and shoot. However, the
boy who brung it tries to see if it is a mimic or a bb and cocks it
amusingly and pulls the trigger. His terrified face tells the audience
that it is a real gun and the bullet shoots into his friend’s stomach.
The friend falls to the floor and he tries to help but there’s blood
The plot turns to the aftereffects to this, with the character
experiences hallucinations and flashbacks to what he did and how he
regrets it, this is what captures the theme of “transition”. The
character starts to distance himself and keeps thinking about it.

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