Assignment 6

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Mert Turel 16.05.

ENG 212 / Academic Writing Skills

I Learned Something New

I have a close friend whose name is Gözde. Gözde has issues with his family, it causes her to be
pessimistic and have low self -respect. As a friend I be kind to her by being a good listener and offer her
advices, but she starts becoming sticky. Once, Gözde asked me to meet him immediately at a nearby restaurant.
I rushed there because I was worried of her being suicidal or hurt herself. I knew I should not but Gözde is very
important for me so I started to feel annoyed because she is depressed for the same old reason.

I felt she was seeking for attention by making a great deal out of nothing. Few months ago, with few
friends we went for a vacation in Istanbul. We were enjoying but Gözde was gloomy and made the situation
awkward for us. I was so frustrated and when Gözde was not around, I blurted out something that she told me
not to tell anyone. The worst part was, later, a friend brought up the issue in front of Gözde.

Gözde knew it was me who told them because I was the only one who knew. Since then, Gözde escape
from me. She used to call me every day but now he would not talk to me. I tried to ask her out but she said she
was busy with her studies and had no time. Because she has low context culture. She did not talk too much. I did
not know things would become big problem like this. It made me upset thinking of all the good moments we
live. Last month, I went to see her at his house. Gözde said that she felt betrayed as I was the only one she could
trust. I asked for her forgiveness and explained that I knew I was wrong but I was being ldisappointed by her
gloomy behavior when the rest of us just wanted to have fun and it was painful for us to watch her squandering
in self-pity.

At first Gözde was being silent but I said I would appreciate if she could forgive me. I also promised
that I would do my very best to make it up to Gözde because the last thing I want is to lose our friendship and
lose Gözde. I talk everything easily and I believe people’s can solve every problem with only talking and
understand each other. This shows I am a high context person. Finally she said that she did not want to lose our
friendship either. After making her promise to deal with problems positively in future, we aggrement and now
we are again talking on the phone every day.

If I do not have high context culture I am afraid we can not solve this issue because of Gözde has low
context culture. She did not say anything try to show with her behavior. In the and we solve this painful
experience has taught me to think carefully before I speak something because it might hurt people who are very
important to me. So I do not want this. In addition, it has influenced me to put myself in the other person’s side
‘’empathy’’ because I would be very hurt if someone does this same to me. If this kind of situations happens
again, I have learned not to be afraid to be the one who takes initiative to apologize because I would rather lose
a fight than a friend.

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