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B2/C1 Vocabulary: Creativity and Invention


3D gadget red tape

abandon(v) genius registered
abstract genre rejection
accumulation get off the ground repay
adapt(ation) get the go ahead rethink
adjust(ment) grant (n) rip off (n + v)
applaud(ed) headset run out of
appropriate (adj) hologram scientific
artistic holographic script
arts hypothesis sell like hot cakes
award (n + v) hypothesize sequence
aware(ness) imagination setback
back against the wall imaginative shelve (v)
backer improbable shot in the dark
bureaucracy improvement sketch (n + v)
blueprint improvisation solve
borrowed improvise spin off (n)
brand new inferior stage
bridge the gap infringement store (n + v)
budget innovate strategy
carry out (phr v) innovation structure
collaborative innovative stylistic
come across (phr v) inspiration succeed
compete inspired success(ful)
competition judge (n + v) superior
competitive lack (n + v) support (n + v)
compromise (n + v) lacking take by storm
concentration launch take into consideration
copyright luxury take over from (phr v)
costing make do with (phr v) take to the cleaners
craft(sman) make up for (phr v) take up (phr v)
critical maquete technical(ly)
dawn on (phr v) marketing technical hitch
dedication mind map technique
design(er) modification technology
designate modify technological(ly)
(dis)advantage multi-layered theoretical(ly)
drawing board niche theorize
draw upon novel (adj) theory
employ on loan time frame
enable out of the blue toy around with
experienced overlook trademark
experiment(n + v) panel tweak (n + v)
expertise pass up (phr v) ultimatum
exquisite patent unlikely
failure patronage unprecedented
feedback perceive unworkable
fierce (competition) perception variable
financing phase visionary
flash plagiarise warehouse
flaw plagiarism well-received
focus practicality working model
follow up (phr v) precision
frenetic pressurize
fund (n + v) probability
funding problematic

B2/C1 Vocabulary: Communication


accent headline quarrel

activist hesitate quotation
ad(vert)(ise)(ment) in-house rant (n + v)
admin insult (n + v) re-iterate
advertise interpretor read up on (phr v)
agency ironic report(er) report (v)
anchor irony row (n + v)
anecdotal italic sarcasm
anecdote journalism sarcastic
announce journalist scan
announcement keep in touch scream
arbitration layered (meaning) (self-)publish
argument(ative) lecture seminar
at cross purposes liaison shout
audience linguist silent treatment
author listeners simultaneous
babble lose contact skim
banter (n + v) make a point slogan
banner manipulate small talk
belligerent manipulation snail mail
bias meeting source
bigmouth megaphone spam
billboard mention spat (n)
blag(ger) messenger spin(n)
blog microphone spokesperson
blogger misconstrue spread it around/about
bold misinterpret stammer
breaking news (mis)quote strapline
broadcast (mis)spelling stutter
broadsheet monotonous subscribe
campaign mouth music subscription
caption mutter subtext
catchup (phr v) network (n + v) tabloid
catchy news desk text (n + v)
censor(ship) off-air tiff
chat(ter) on-air transcript
circular (n) online tutor(ial)
claim (v) outsource tweet
co-ordinate outspoken typeface
come to the piont paragraph typo ('error')
communicate pay-per-view undercover
communication plagarise underline
communicative plagarism underscore
community play Devil's advocate update (n + v)
context(ual)(ise) podcast (video) conference
conversive point of view voice recorder
copyright polyglot webinar
counterargument pop up (n) whisper
debate post (n + v) wit(ty)
description poster workshop
deviate pour over (phr v)
dialect (P.R.)consultant
disagreement press
disc jockey (D.J.) pressure group
documentary producer
draft (copy) production
e:mail pronounce
edit(or)(ial) pronunciation
emission proofread
emit propaganda
envoy publication
examine publicity
exclusive publicize
express(ion) public relations (P.R.)
face-to-face punctuation
feed (n)
fly post
free speech
get back to (phr v)
get in touch (ph rv)
get the message out/across
get your wires crossed
go off on one
gossip (n + v)
go viral

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