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PROCESS UPSET REPORTING Date of event: 2-Jun-16

Time of event: 10:25

PUR No. PS-2016-06


Plant causing upset: CAUSE: TRIP EFFECT:
Location PORT SAID Design ESD
Unit Unit 40 Equipment Failure PSD
Level Other Operational Problems ✘ USD
Tag 40-SDV-08 Human Error NO TRIP ✘
Planned Work Restricted Operation
Level1 Unplanned
Level2 Equipment outage
Level3 Reduced Processed feed

Event Downtime Propane (ton) LPG (ton) DNG (bbls)

45 Production Loss
Duration (Min) 12.00 8.00 48.00
Event description and most likely causes
Description of Event
At 10:25 AM, the shut down valve "40-SDV-08" on the common discharge line of the residue gas compressors to the national grid
was suddenly closed, with no clear cause of the closure, and accordingly the trapped gases wrere vented to the flare header via 40-
PV-28 . At 11:15 AM, the closed SDV was reopened normally and kept locked open from the valve local panel until completing the
investigation .During this period, the plant feed gas was by-passed to the national grid while the plant facilities remained in
operation. Currently, the valve still locked open to continue plant operation and supported with signed OCC and TORA till
completing event investigation.
Simultaneously, as a consequence of the valve closure , the inlet flange of the hot gas stream to pass "A" of G/L C.B.(10-E-02)
was sub cooled since the flow of hot gas stopped while the cooling liquid stream from expander feed separator still flowing. Such
sub cooling had consequence of slight gas leakage (pre-alarm at 20% ,ie 1 LEL.m) as measured and recorded by the open gas
detecor in the adjacent area. Thus make it admissible that all the other flanges under cold insulation were also subjected to the
same phenomena.
That phenomenon necessitating thorough review and investigation to identify the root cause(s) which leading to opening the
flanges in such upsets as there is a possibility of bolts of dissimilar materials compared with the designed bolts which are (B8 M)
class 2 and to assure that such material is capable to withstand such cyclic thermal stresses which may cause leakage or
irrecoverable material fatigue.
During May unplanned S/D, Port-Said operation team with SAKNAFTA contractor performed flange retightening for 5 selected
flanges at G/L cold box including the hot stream (A) inlet flange as per attached Saknafta report.

Actions already taken prior to restart

-The valve was reopened normally and kept forced open until completing the investigation.
-The plant feed gas was by-passed to the national grid.
-Opened 10-SDV-17 to reduce the the exposure of G/L coldbox flanges to thermal stresses during the event.

Initial thought
The press. build up that took place in the main discharge header of Siemense compressors proved the sudden closure of 40-SDV-08.

Information available

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Most likely causes

Assessment of causes by On Site investigation

Was there/ could there been advanced warning

G/L cold box flanges behavior, as consequences of closure of 40-SDV-08, was similar to the same behavior when the anti-surge valve
of GTB opened on Mar. 11th. The same cause of cut flow of hot gas stream to G/L pass “A" while counter side cooling media; Pass”
B”&”C” continue flowing.

Override required Yes ✘ No Override approved Yes ✘ No Equipment Tag No.

Override requested Yes ✘ No Override applied Yes ✘ No 40-SDV-08
Actions to prevent reoccurrence of this event Action owner Target date Action type Priority Close out

It is highly recommended to study the plant

Shutdown Philosophy in addition to various
upset conditions might happened during Tech. & Ops.
normal operation specially cut flow to unit- 10
in orderto maintain the cold box integrity.

System log report to be sent to Invensys for

study and submitting their recommendations Inst.
regarding the spurious signal

The piping flanges connected to the G/L cold

box need detailed review to identify the root
cause(s) of opening of flanges exposed to
sub cooling during upset conditions.

Date Name Comments
PU Issued by 2-Jun-16 Mohamed Abdel Basset
PU Reviewed by El-Hag Thabet
PU Approved by
Eng. assistance Yes Comments regarding SOR.

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Eng. assistance Comments regarding SOR.
required No
SOR raised Yes

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