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LESSON 1 – Introduction to the study of Philippine Literature


Philippine Literature deals with the distinctive yet great literary works of various Filipino writers
throughout the history. These literary pieces served as the foundation of reality, shaped the wealthy
cultural heritage of our forefathers and allowed us to be knowledgeable about where they came from and
how the past events work to build unique cultures. In order for us to understand more about this, this
subject pave way for us to know and admire the beauty of our very own literature, our own culture, our
people and our nation.

The learning materials and activities that we will be having in first lesson is approximately about the
historical background of Philippine literature, starting with a totally simplistic approach to what literature is
and the characteristics of each form/genres. Followed by the topic about Pre-Spanish Period where it will
bring us back to the time when our ancestors are nonetheless playing the blessings of freedom to carve
their very own future under the heavens. The days when they are however free to move elsewhere,
unfastened to explore their environment, unfastened to speak with their fellow freemen and free to chart
their own lives. So, join me as we discover the beauty and specific features of Philippine Literary pieces
produced all through this era.

Activity 1

Literary pieces including tales, poetry, essays have continually been enjoyed by the people of all ages. This
must be because they mirror our own true experience in life.

With your exposures to diverse literary pieces in the past and present, define or write your thoughts about
literature. List within the boxes some definition or your ideas of the word, could be in sentences or

Considering all of your responses, define literature by the means of answering the following questions.
Answer the entire questions in one brief paragraph and write this within the space provided.

● What is literature for you?

● How is literature communicated?
● How would you describe the language used in literature?


What do you think is the importance of studying Philippine Literature? Explain your answer briefly in one


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