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Examination Questions Zak Reeves

 Explain the purpose and role of the BIOS. 4 – Operating systems – Systems software (AS / A Level) UNIT 1
The purpose of the bios is to perform start up tasks on the computer before the main operating system is
launched. The bios contains user settings that that the user can change these tend to be setting close to
Specification Points / Learning Objectives: PGOnline text book page ref: 30-38
hardware like over clocking a the cpu and setting boot priority. The bios is part of the POST(power on self-test). AS Level A Level Specification point description
1.2.1a 1.2.1a The need for, function and purposes of operating systems
This is a list of tests that must be run before entering the os to check the health of the computer system 1.2.1b 1.2.1b Memory management (paging, segmentation and virtual memory)
1.2.1c 1.2.1c Interrupts, the role of interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), role within the fetch decode execute cycle
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 1.2.1d 1.2.1d Scheduling: round robin, first come first served, multi-level feedback queues, shortest job first and shortest remaining time
1.2.1e 1.2.1e Distributed, embedded, multi-tasking, multi-user and real time operating systems
1.2.1f 1.2.1f BIOS
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [3] 1.2.1g 1.2.1g Device drivers
1.2.1h 1.2.1h Virtual machines, any instance where software is used to take on the function of a machine including executing intermediate
code or running an operating system within another
 Explain two similarities and two differences between segmentation and paging.
Expectations / Learning Outcomes:
 You must include a comparison of the key features of the various scheduling algorithm
Segmentation and paging are both forms of dividing up main memory to store data. Segmentation uses un-
equal divisions, whereas paging splits up into pages which each have the exact same size. Another difference is   Terms
s. 36-57 from your A Level Key Terminology PowerPoint should be included and underlined.
segmentation has logical divisions whereas paging has what’s know as physical divisions.  You must include a table which clearly shows the advantages & disadvantages of paging vs segmentation.
 You must demonstrate (e.g. via a diagram) how / when an interrupt is checked for during the fetch-decode-
execute cycle.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..[2]  You must include a comparison of the key features of the various scheduling algorithms .

Grade TG. Breadth Depth Presentation Understanding

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2] Quad Quad
Create, Generate,
Core Core
 Explain why interrupts are used in a computer system. Hypothesis, Reflect,
Theorise, Consider
Interrupts are used so if there is a higher priority task than the current active one the active one can be paused EXPLAIN / ANALYSE Dual Dual
and the higher priority one can be run first. For example, when a peripheral needs to get attention from the CPU B/C MOST
Apply, Argue, Compare, Core Core
it must interrupt it. Contrast, Criticise,
Relate, Justify
D/E Name, Follow Simple Core Core
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... SOME
Procedure, Combine,
List, Outline
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]
Very little depth of
understanding shown
 Describe three functions of an operating system.
To provide a user interface, this is normally done using windows icons menus and pointers. This is a form of
Graphical User Interface (GUI). How To Improve:
It also must store personal files and settings of the user.
It should also manage admin right, who can access what files and change what settings.



………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [3]
My Response Is: (Set yourself specific targets / objectives as to how you will achieve your HTI)
First come first Shortest Job First Round Robin Shortest remaining Multi-level-
Paging Segmentation
Serve time feedback-Queue
-Doesn’t have to -The task with the -Each program gets a -Does the task with One CMP Runs
Programs can run with insufficient memory More Secure consider time shortest estimated time slice, if not the shortest amount multiple queues,
-run each task to time is run first until complete by the end of allowed time left each queue could be
completion until it is completed. of the time slice It’s one of the
Each section is a complete section of program More resourceful with memory moving on to next Sorter waits for all sent to the back of scheduling methods
task tasks the queue. as shown earlier.
-long waits for task
at the end of the
Simple to implement Programs can run with insufficient memory

Longer memory access times Costly memory management algorithms.

Internal fragmentation Segments of unequal size not suited as well

for swapping

Fetch Decode
Execute Check for

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