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Lomond Community School

Box 69, Lomond, Alberta, T0L 1G0

Phone - (403) 792-3620

April 19, 2021

Teacher: Breanne Furlanich
Evaluator: Melissa Gartly (Principal)

This is an observation time in Breanne Furlanich’s Math 7/8 classroom. This is the first of two blocks
for the day:

❖ As I enter the classroom Breanne is telling a fabulous story. Breanne has been using an
ongoing storyline throughout her grade 7/8 math classes. Each period she adds a turn or twist
to the story. These turns and twists add to a growing mathematical equation/ problem.
Students are laughing and moaning as the story goes on. Some are writing on their
whiteboard tables while others raise their hand to ask a question.
❖ She wraps up the story and asks students to work on the problem.
❖ She begins roaming the room meeting with students to challenge their thinking or affirm their
process. She is quick to encourage them to show their thinking in their math work. “I’d like to
see your mathematical thinking.”
❖ She draws the class back together and then asks them how they set up their equation.
❖ Breanne is careful to show her thinking as she notes the equation on the board. “I’m
thinking….” Tell me what you were thinking as you created this equation.
❖ She slowly and carefully walks students through their process. There are several different
❖ Next she takes the principles just completed and applies them to a brand new situation --
building a garden. This real life situation makes the students engaged and students are eager
to solve the problem. -- This concept based learning step guides students to apply the concept
to a new and non related example. It is beyond simple equation creation and rather making
application in a real life situation.
❖ Mrs. Furlanich gives the assignment to the students.
❖ Students are writing stories -- goal is: from the stories anyone should be able to create a two
step equation. Some students are adding pictures to their equation or storyline.
❖ Student conversations focuses on the task. They are working on clarifying their story line.
Mrs. Furlanich is working one-on-one with a student.

- Question -- I’m wondering if there is a way to ask questions of the quieter students -- Lisa/
William/ Owen/ Nancy/ Sara/ Tony/ Abe??
- could we jot the assignment on the board so they are clear about what they are working on??
(for non oral learners)

Melissa Gartly
Lomond Community School
Lomond Community School
Box 69, Lomond, Alberta, T0L 1G0
Phone - (403) 792-3620

April 22, 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to commend Mrs. Breanne Furlanich on an incredible PS II experience in our school. Here are
some highlights from her time in our school:

- Mrs. Furlanich was quick to connect with both her teacher associate and myself. She made it clear in
this initial email that she was committed to student learning and being part of our team.
- Her assignment was math, which was not a focus of her education but she came in ready to learn.
- After meeting with her TA she got to work preparing unit and lesson plans. These were done with
tremendous creativity, flow of concept and clarity. Both the TA and I were impressed with her work
ethic and strength in planning. She was quick to ask for feedback but able to take initiative and run with
an idea.
- Beyond the planning, she demonstrated an ability to execute as well. She brought creativity and
sought to engage students in all parts of the lesson. Her pedagogy was strong. Her ability to execute
with the larger concept in mind was unique at this stage in her career. She spent more time asking her
students questions than giving answers. The culture of learning was evident.
- Mrs. Furlanich has a calm rapport with both staff and students. She does an excellent job of asking
questions to build that relationship and show interest in students.
- During report cards Breanne produced insightful, outcome based comments for each student. These
reflected both her knowledge of the material and of where students were at in their learning.
- Breanne was quick to offer her expertise to some of our students who were participating in a morning
workout program.
- She was assigned a junior high art class and made amazing connections with the students. The art
produced was excellent and she made connections with The Lethbridge Artist Club to highlight our
student work.
- Mrs. Furlanich demonstrated an amazing teachability. She was eager to receive feedback and worked
hard to incorporate it. She was able to offer ideas while still seeking to hear from other voices around

I have no question that Breanne will be successful as she seeks to finish her degree and enter the teaching
profession. We are grateful for her time spent with our students.

Melissa Gartly
Lomond Community School

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