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Hi'nansder Reg ruvanehi leeto1077 Ier- TRE Trade Related Mspecs of Triblectual Proper by Ruglats (TRIPS) lays down Jnree essential vonditions Which art i> be ful sy any informahion before it can be Lonsidired undisclosed jaformahion (traok secret), trey are t— D Such information muck be werek , ie. not generally lenpuon or Yeadlily aecemible & "persons wi}uin the ules trot normally deals waite the kinds of informak'on in question.” i) the fformation muck haut tomuereral Valus because IE is Seocek i) He informrabion muck be Hie Subject of wasonable steps by ibs cuoners be eeep ib ceerek - “Trade secrits qeacrally give tne buciness a competitive age over ther rivals. Mmosk- any type of data, procemes ov /nformation tan be vifirred fp os travle secrets So bong ac it is inkuded bo be and kept a cecrat, and involves an tconome rakrest of the Owner. for e-9- @ businecs may have certain internal bucines PEOCN Le Hat it follows for ite dauy- to-day optyahions Haat give (6 an edge over tks vompttibors . That could be Yegardeol at o trode secret - Somehiva, Hre Comspanits and organi sahone include “ ratrictive Covunt” in emblowment eqeumtits > proket- tur brade Secruks aud confidential Information- The type of wetrictive Covinantz contained in contracts include non—compiee , nom — Sol'cftabion aud vonfidentiality of lnformahion cund trade cecrats . The watrictive covenoutls are euforeable during tye term of- brack - wy moet, qussbion avises tqaroling Hre Cnprctabiiity of Non — Compete. cpvenens post Hhe Ouploynrunb period) tne of Pimanshi arch!" Ieotopo47 Fosrtion in Hie United Skates Doctrine of-ineui'table disclosure The doctrine ¥ purports Hrat te euployte's olirhts a hic new job wohids ic quite Sinailar by the preufous one oll inevitably instigate hin ho duped upon Lye former employer's trade certs - | TH Es applied tua situation whare former euployer aud He Mun eubloyer are vompepitors, Hre' new post fon fe tomparable b> wis fosmty posihion and the éeps taken by Me nus umployty by pavert micappropriahion of trade secrebs ate Mostly inadequate The dourine was fret ertablihed mea oF Fepcicn Tac - vs Redmond (1499) ~~ Frets — Reslnronl voas an tployte of Pefcite and was planning fo chame his job . Howtwer, fepcite filed We case to qth an lnjunthion agarinsE hin bb pruvent hint From joining Hur Coupely tr, Quaker. Malin conitatr'on of Peptito wae Hak tne defewolant had accers to Hust trade-seeres aud he Miplte use Me Same working Shrategite oF Runnical Know ~how cohen he joins Hanis compehtor p'rm. Arquuaent voiced b Pepsico was Haat the prince of a bade sertk in written forms ie nol important , defendant's murtal Enowledge about tur trasle Seerel hos 4 greater negahie mbact-on the company . Court qrantecl aw injunch’on in Hawour of pebsien aud aus teuttroinel Ledwond pron loining Quaker. The Lourk found wala, fide inlent- i Redmovel 's conduct. held Hat Redmond had not compartmurtalized Ho iM(prmratton frat he qasineot from Popricd auol had ured some lin his nuo job. lousts in V.s, by apbuyiug Hls oloctrine , hase Pronounce g dtuctons in favour of. former evployers curd howe Jraubeot Infusnctions , preventing employee Prom going and joining compehitoy orqauigahon meee me - > CLL L LL LY Dp. Riff y y eldiey Ill ddr fel le Hiwonchi Rogluswanee’ leolopo77 fosibfon in Fndra!- The Judfan vourts rigarcl atl covenants He impose "restraint of trade” vold aud Hrerepore suclr em flog ment contra fal vndes S$. 27 of fe Indian Loutrod= frets 1872. The Tuctian courte have drawn « clear diskinch'on bebe o ristrrction tu a contact of- auployrient uolifda Is operounie during pertool 2/- eaployment- anc one whlch I oferdine afer the Irenunation of tu ployrent - aur ing Course of evaplog ment !~ Nivanfan Shanker 4olikari_v- Century ¢ fanning & Mfg -Wo-Ued ~IN6 a ttratnt- by which o person binds hinacedf during Hom of uc aqreament crt udty or factirectly nok fe take sevice worl any other employer hos leer held nok tv ke vord anol wot againct S.27 of Contract fet - Fost Temutration of Employ meut pitjast Whas v- Abjred A Adebare ~ 208% Plarah He instituted 0 suit agatast bs tn —euplog-tt preasing harqis in mpi of- breach of eonpidenb’ad informa Yon anol infringement of eopyplght - Plaurnb fp acre Huat- Has defiud ant. had acquired We chfernt-~ hotest informa lyon & Hauplates of tne firm - Court letol Hak acte of defendants Ud aueouut fo breads of conhdenbality - Hourerer, Court provided a provieo fo tic Staluuert Hak He deftedonts couldn't be barred from ubUizing ang SHUS or Information Haat they magy house men acqpired dusting usuree of Hunl'y traployn ert, wut Levrg employed fn anotuer company - Tut provite developed Ix case “| American enpsrs Bank la. ve Priya Past, Tssur wire wilt maper hy beeack, of vonpitenh'abiby and diectowute of trace wertts - Deendant— employse of tre bunk, qaus her etiquah'on leer. Le ares tAGe oF Financ Raghuvaneds i leopojo17 discoured Wrak pus cleperdant: was in proce of foluing Hue vompeblor fame» alto forenl saat le « hod taken advautage of ur position aud hae acausrad & comprehensive [Vee of ALL cushy fapormalion aval invidbraeat sahaheol data - Painlt Itbed for « Sure of Injunction again depepolant - detudant acterled Laat walpaur details L'ke phone, wo- Cannot come vugler asubi't of brace secrets Lakon bung Trak Scume were common buowledge 4 could be enti Ly accemed a4 Hay Urter fa public domain. Court ~ pacsed ore in fwour of- depen ant - Stalked Haat He defevolant wutola' f pe prokibited frome cuanging hur fob as I helpe in ovrrall devlopment - Wipro ined v- Bectwan Loullty TInterhapiowd Sf “3906 Dell He bas la‘d 4 asic commandments of- Ltat hie Wwutnank “— © rutrictve covrnints curing cubbistence o- a contract coouldn'+ Norwrably ke Tqarded as Lung iw tabreia of trade, business or profers fon unless He Same art uncensu'dnable oF woollig one - cide} . ® Pott rmination tatrie covwrouxts Sloo employer and Gu ploye obras tute luing an ewployee's tigut fo Seok euuploymenrt dual os fo oly business In game Held as te euployty woulll be in teabraink of ode and Merefore void + birlcher view in employer — employee Woubract as the norm is Prat employer has on advantage ovir He employee - (@ uss hon of wasonabjencss as alse tre quesfion of- wwohellur Hie reabraint is postal or complele i's not ¥equit-ad fo be voncidtrd at abl whinever an jesue arises 08 fo wlubluy a postauloy fem of conbrack is or is not: in vustraet of trade, Puciness OY profusion - So, HE ts quurte clear Hat eourt try be prof jude rest of euploy-us Tally Lian Hie employer - - a lfehehefeleal-f el Se. el elied aed lela Ge OF

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