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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Peñarrubia District
Sta. Rosa, Peñarrubia, Abra 2804


The world is a dark place. Sometimes, it is without hope. It is filled with blind leading
the blind and needy seeking fulfillment from the needy. We oftentimes forget that our hope is
in Jesus. In our busy days, we are often buried with so many things that we forget the
smallest yet amazing things He has done for us. Too often, we neglect the love and care He
show us through the people around us.
Everyday in every way, we are called to a lifestyle of expelling the darkness around
us with the powerful sharing of God’s love, provide for the people around us. We are called
to respond to Jesus’ call and cease putting a basket over the light he has given us. We don’t
have to panic or worry of what is going on, of what we are experiencing. Instead, we should
offer love and sactifice so that others may see a glimpse of God’s heart in us.
Certainly, not all superheroes wear capes. Some wears ordinary clothes with mask on,
some with camouflage, and others would wear a simple white gown matched with a gloves to
protect themselves from the unseen enemy in order to save lives of others. These people don’t
have the special power to fight and defeat the unnoticed threat. But, they have the heart to
serve and a great commitment to do what they oath for. With that, these Frontliners (BFP,
RHU, PNA, PNP and Barangay Frontliners) deserve to have a little treat to at least mitigate
their tension and worries to the situation. We, Sta. Rosa Elementary School family shared a
little portion of our blessings to refresh themselves. We offered them bottled water, soft
drinks, and snacks.
We aren’t medical frontliners who fight against the unseen enemy nor a street
sweeper who look after the cleanliness of the surroundings neither police officers who secure
the safety of the community from the pandemic. But, with the present situation of the world
fighting against Corona Virus 19, we have decided to identify some stakeholders to be the
recipients of our program “Ayuda sa Brigada”, who we believed to have the least capacity
to sustain their living at the present time due to the uninvited intruder that puts threat to the
lives of everyone. Part of which, we concerted a small amount from our personal pocket for
the goods to be delivered house-to-house to the chosen recipients. It wasn’t easy though,
especially on procurement part because we had to wait for our scheduled day to go out due to
Enhanced Community Quarantine.
We felt even more motivated to extend our help so we set time for the repacking of
gifts which contains canned goods, rice, personal hygiene kit (shampoo, toothpaste, and
soap), noodles, coffee, sugar and creamer, fish sauce, and cooking oil. It was not that easy
though because we have to ensure that all our chosen receivers would get the same item
equally. Moving on, after finishing packing up gifts, we rode on our own motorcycle to
reach our first destination, Sitio Baybayyabas. Luckily, the place was accessible to any kind
of vehicles so we didn’t feel any burden traveling to share a pinch of our blessings in a form
of packed-gifts.
Next stop, Sitio Bimmanias. Here, we had to walk along the rice fields and rocky
roads with the packed-gifts on our shoulders just to reach the recipients’ home. It was really a
tough journey considering the weights of our load but it was the most worthwhile walk so far
because we thought of the benefits that we could give to someone in our own little ways.
Upon reaching the destination, we could see a remarkable smile painted on their faces
that captured our hearts. There, you could notice the simplicity of their living. But, we must
say, they are hospitable and accommodating to their visitors. They offered us water to refresh
ourselves from a long walk. Before we handed over our simple gifts, we had first a little chit-
chat. Undeniably, their faces were lit up as they received the items. And they thanked us with
their overflowing happiness drawn on their faces.
As Isaiah 60:20 gives us His beautiful promise, “ Your sun will never set; your moon
will not go down. For the Lord will be your everlasting light. Your days of mourning will
come to an end.” Helping others doesn’t require the grandest thing. A little help can go a long
way. With that being said, #WeHealAsOne.

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