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BUS 498 (INTERNSHIP), Section: 53

Weekly Journal No: 6

Submitted To:
Mr. Shafquat Rafiul Alam (Sqt)
Lecturer, Department of Management
School of Business & Economics
North South University

Submitted By:
Muhtadir Al Munif
ID# 1411240030
I am Muhtadir Al Munif, working as Coordinator of DMD at Noman Group of
Industries. In this journal, I am going to disclose and discuss my experiences of the Sixth
week of service life at Noman Group of Industries.

1. Works Done:

In the fifth week of my service, I got the opportunity to work in a team to prepare
and finalize the formats for identifying the Key Performance Indicators and 360-degree
evaluation. After a formal presentation in front of our board of directors, we got their
approval to implement these formats at NTTML from mid to top level management of
NTTML only on Pilot basis. The plan is, if these formats bring positive changes then
eventually these will be applied in the all 36 sister concerns of Noman Group. Now in the
sixth week, my job was to visit NTTML which is situated at Vawal, Mirzapur, Gazipur. I
and my team went there to make the management of NTTML understand what we are
planning to implement and how these formats will be applied. I as an active member of
the HR team went to NTTML and had multiple formal presentations along with casual
meetings with the management of NTTML. We went there to show them the Pros and
Cons of KPI and 360-degree feedbacks. My job for sixth week was to talk with the
assistant managers, managers, assistant general managers casually to let them
understand the formats comfortably. I at first provided a formal presentation. Then
arranged a casual meeting with my listeners in a friendly atmosphere. I provided them
opportunity to set up some questions and queries in their minds. Then they were
provided the liberty to ask as much questions as they want. We previously prepared some
questions in our minds which might be asked potentially by our listeners. Most of the
asked questions were related and matched to our preset questions and we could easily
answer them. We stayed there till we could make them understand in detail about every
possible aspect of KPI and 360-degree feedbacks. I was instructed by the top management
of Noman Group to make the environment as simple, friendly and casual as possible. I
believe that if people are given comfort to sit and liberty to ask then and only then they
can get the best out of presentations. I did not want them to be stiff and over-conscious
so that kept the environment simple. I could convince them about the profit abilities of
KPI and 360-degree feedback from their side/context.

2. Learnings & Achievements:

The sixth week of my service life taught me how to convey formal messages in a
casual and friendly way. As our new method will eradicate the scope of ‘Free Riding’ for
a lot of team players at NTTML, we did not want anyone to be antagonist against us so
that show them only from positive context that how they can be profited more with this
new system. We want the ‘Free Riders’ to be alarmed by themselves through inspiring
the actual hardworking people more. They were provided a small pinch that if they do
not perform properly, they will be suffering and there is not scope remaining for bunking
the respective duties. This is a big lesson for me for my service life that if I do not pursue
my duties properly then nobody will warn me but I must suffer. On the other hand, it will
be inspiring me to perform more and earn more. This is the first time I have faced some
bureaucratic politics and learned how to deal with them. I have learned to present my
ideas in front of people who are completely new in terms of these ideas and convincing
them to implement that specific Idea. I have also got the opportunity to handle the
question answer session for the first time in my service life where I could develop and
prove my answering skills, assertiveness and deliverability through answering the
questions of my listeners.

3. Observation:

Throughout my sixth week of service, I have observed changes in the overall

environment inside an organization specially when a new system is going to be
implemented. From my experiences, I cannot claim each and every one of my listeners to
be accepting my instructions willingly. Some of them were very inspired and some of
them were disappointed. There was a common anxiety among the listeners as they were
completely new to the situation. From the behavior we observed, I can predict some
potential problems and mismanagements in the process of implementing the KPI and
360-degree feedbacks. We have already started to prepare a troubleshooting team.

4. Notable Incidents:

As we got the orders from the Board of Directors, we have seen people frightened
while we were talking to them as they were suspecting us to be spying on them. Apart
from these, I received amazing cooperation and hospitalities from the top management

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