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Asset Management
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Asset Operations and Maintenance

Request Maintenance

You can use this app to easily request that maintenance work or repairs be done on a technical object. While creating a
maintenance request, the app helps you provide all the relevant information required to solve the problem quickly. You enter
important information such as the technical object, the location where the problem occurred, the effect on safety or
environmental compliance, as well as a detailed description of the problem. A questionnaire ensures that you describe the
problem without leaving out important information. By launching the second tile provided for this app, you open a noti cation
list for monitoring all the different maintenance requests that have been submitted. The list provides you with a quick overview
so you can easily track the status of the noti cations. You can use the search function and lters to determine which
noti cations are displayed.

This app is available for the Employee (Maintenance) role.

Key Features
Two tiles are provided for this app.

By launching the Request Maintenance tile, you can do the following:

Create a maintenance request with all the relevant information required.

Find the affected technical object using the type ahead search.

Use a questionnaire for the long text to provide the most important information about the problem.

Attach pictures or descriptions of the damage.

By launching the Monitor Maintenance Requests tile, you can do the following:

Get a quick overview of maintenance requests and their current status by viewing a list of noti cations.

Narrow down the scope of the noti cation list by using lters. You can use the default lters or add additional ones.

View the date monitor symbols to quickly detect time issues and monitor the progress of the noti cations.

Get all relevant contact information about the person who reported the malfunction and the person who created the
noti cation.

Personalize the table by choosing which table columns are shown and how table entries are sorted.

Navigate to the details of a noti cation and edit it if necessary.

Tailor the app to your needs and save the combination of lters and table personalization as a variant.

Save your personalized variants as tiles on your home page from which you can access the noti cation list directly.

Supported Device Types




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Key Features Available on Mobile Devices

If you run the app on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), the following additional features are available:

Use a barcode scanner to enter the ID of the technical object that has to be repaired. Barcode scanning is a feature
enabled by the SAP Fiori Client or a customer-generated instance thereof.

Use the camera symbol to take a picture of the damage that is automatically attached to the noti cation. This function
is only available if it is technically possible to take pictures with the mobile device and browser you are currently using.

 Note
Using the app on mobile devices with small displays is not recommended due to usability issues. Small displays require
condensing the complex data and relevant information to such a degree that it might be difficult to work with the app

Report and Repair Malfunction

You can use this app to easily report that a technical object has a malfunction, plan the required repair work, as well as
document and con rm the maintenance work when it's done.

While creating a malfunction report, the app helps you provide all the relevant information required to solve the problem quickly.
You enter important information such as the technical object, the location where the problem occurred, the effect on safety or
environmental compliance, as well as a detailed description of the problem. Furthermore, the app supports you when planning
your repair work. This includes gathering information about the affected technical object and any repair work that has been
recently carried out, searching for the required spare parts and checking if they're in stock, as well as assigning the work
centers involved. Once you've nished the repair work, you can provide information about the malfunction and the job, con rm
your job, and close the malfunction report.

You can also get a quick overview of all the malfunction reports or of all work items assigned to you and their current status. You
have the possibility to personalize the list of reports, view the status of the jobs, and navigate to the job details. There you can
start working on the jobs assigned to you and con rm them.

This app is available for the Maintenance Technician role.

Key Features
Three tiles are provided for this app: The Report Malfunction tile for creating malfunction reports, the Manage Malfunction
Reports tile that provides a list of malfunction reports that have already been created, and the Repair Malfunctions - My Job
List tile that provides a list of all work items assigned to you or to your team.

By launching the tiles, you can do the following:

Create a malfunction report with all the relevant information required:

Find the affected technical object using the type-ahead search

View the hierarchical structure of a technical object and identify where a piece of equipment is installed

View details about the technical object by navigating to related apps

View a list of all malfunction reports that have recently been created for the relevant technical object and navigate to
individual noti cations

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Write a long text to describe the problem in detail

Attach pictures or descriptions of the damage

Attach a URL to provide further information about the technical object or the damage

Gather more information about the technical object and plan your repair work:

View further details on the technical object (Details)

Gain insight into recent repair work that has been carried out on the technical object (History)

Choose the required spare parts in the bill of material for the technical object or search it in a list with recently used
parts needed for repairs on this technical object. You can also use a generic search on all materials and add components
with item category L (Stock Item) or R (Variable-size item).

View if the quantity of spare parts you need are in stock in the relevant storage location or plant

Add the required spare parts to your malfunction report, which creates reservations for the stock materials

Add work items by entering the respective work center, person responsible, information about the work to be done, and
the estimated time effort

Release the malfunction report and start the repair work

Execute, document, and con rm the repair work:

View the overall status to see in which phase individual jobs are and track the progress of the entire malfunction report.

Start working and pause your work whenever needed. You can document why you had to pause your work by selecting a
reason such as Waiting for Parts or Waiting for Approval.

Con rm the time you have already been working on the job by creating partial con rmations. Whenever you pause your
work, the system proposes a value for the actual time effort.

Document that the work has been done when you have completely nished your work.

Con rm the time spent on the job and enter the nal con rmation of your work item.

Adjust the required quantity of the spare parts and the storage location, where needed.

Add malfunction details, such as the affected object parts, the appropriate damage code, the cause, and the activities
performed. You can determine one cause as the root cause.

Enter the malfunction duration and specify if the machine was broken down.

As the lead technician, who has been entered as processor for the entire malfunction report, complete and close the
malfunction report. If the malfunction report is completed before all jobs have been nally con rmed, the system sets
the nal con rmation indicator for all open jobs.

Work together with different maintenance technicians on the same malfunction report

Assign a maintenance technician as the lead technician who is the processor of the entire malfunction report and
therefore is the only one who can release and close the malfunction report.

Create different work items and assign the maintenance technicians responsible. You can assign exactly one work item
to each technician. The technicians can only perform actions that are relevant for their work item, such as start and
pause their work or set the status of their work item to Work is Done.

View a list of malfunction reports that have already been created by launching the Manage Malfunction Reports tile.

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Get a quick overview of malfunction reports and their current status by viewing a list of malfunction reports.

View and change malfunction reports. You can also do this for malfunction reports that have not been created within the

Narrow down the scope of the list by using lters. You can use the default lters or add additional ones.

Get all relevant contact information about the person who reported the malfunction and the person who is processing
the malfunction report.

Personalize the table by choosing which table columns are shown and how table entries are sorted.

Navigate to the details of a malfunction report and edit it if necessary.

Find the malfunction reports assigned to you, open the details of a report, and start or con rm your repair work.

Tailor the app to your needs and save the combination of lters and table personalization as a variant.

Save your personalized variants as tiles on your home page.

View a list of the work items assigned to you or your team by launching the Repair Malfunctions - my Job List tile.

Get a quick overview of all work items assigned to you or to your team. You can also display all the jobs of your work
centers that have not yet been assigned to a technician.

Narrow down the scope of the list by using lters, such as the status or the priority of the work items.

Navigate to the details of the maintenance noti cation and edit it if necessary.

Navigate to the details of the jobs assigned to you, open the details of a job, and start or con rm your repair work.

Attach pictures, descriptions, or a URL to provide further information about the damage or your repair work.

Supported Device Types




Key Features Available on Mobile Devices

If you run the app on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), the following additional features are available:

Use a barcode scanner to enter the ID of the technical object that has to be repaired or to add the ID of a required spare
part. Barcode scanning is a feature enabled by the SAP Fiori Client or a customer-generated instance thereof.

Use the camera symbol to take a picture of the damage that is automatically attached to the noti cation. This function
is only available if it is technically possible to take pictures with the mobile device and browser you are currently using.

If you run the app on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), the following constraints apply:

You cannot navigate to the master data of the technical object or view the technical object in the Asset Viewer.

If you use the app on a smartphone, you cannot view any hierarchical lists, such as the structure of the technical object
or the bill of material for the technical object.

 Note

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Using the app on mobile devices with small displays is not recommended due to usability issues. Small displays require
condensing the complex data and relevant information to such a degree that it might be difficult to work with the app

App Extensibility: Manage Malfunction Reports

As a key user, you can extend the Manage Malfunction Report app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

EAMS_NTF Fiori Manage Malfunction Object Page Section

Report Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Malfunction
tab Malfunction group

EAMS_NTF Fiori Manage Malfunction Report List Report Filters

Adapt Filters

EAMS_NTF Fiori Manage Malfunction List Report View Settings

Report Table
Toolbar Settings

EAMS_EQUI Fiori Manage Malfunction Object Page Section

Report Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Malfunction
tab Technical Object Details

EAMS_EQUI Fiori Manage Malfunction Report List Report Filters

Adapt Filters

EAMS_EQUI Fiori Manage Malfunction List Report View Settings

Report Table
Toolbar Settings

EAMS_FL Fiori Manage Malfunction Object Page Section

Report Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Malfunction
tab Technical Object Details

EAMS_FL Fiori Manage Malfunction Report List Report Filters

Adapt Filters

EAMS_FL Fiori Manage Malfunction List Report View Settings

Report Table
Toolbar Settings

EAMS_ORD Fiori Manage Malfunction Object Page Section

Report Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Malfunction
tab Technical Object Details

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Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

EAMS_ORD Fiori Manage Malfunction Report List Report Filters

Adapt Filters

EAMS_ORD Fiori Manage Malfunction List Report View Settings

Report Table
Toolbar Settings

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) and Order (EAMS_ORD) business context can be added to the lter

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of noti cation header
elds without changing the standard logic

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical object
header elds without changing the standard

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Repair Malfunctions

As a key user, you can extend the Repair Malfunctions app according to your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 7
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

EAMS_NTF Fiori Repair Malfunctions Any Object Page Section

Item Details Page Adapt
UI Malfunction
tab Malfunction group

EAMS_NTF Fiori Repair Malfunctions Adapt List Report Filters


EAMS_NTF Fiori Repair Malfunctions Table List Report View Settings

Toolbar Settings

EAMS_EQUI Fiori Repair Malfunctions Any Object Page Section

Item Details Page Adapt
UI Malfunction tab Technical
Object Details group

EAMS_EQUI Fiori Repair Malfunctions Adapt List Report Filters


EAMS_EQUI Fiori Repair Malfunctions Table List Report View Settings

Toolbar Settings

EAMS_FL Fiori Repair Malfunctions Any Object Page Section

Item Details Page Adapt
UI Malfunction tab Technical
Object Details group

EAMS_FL Fiori Repair Malfunctions Adapt List Report Filters


EAMS_FL Fiori Repair Malfunctions Table List Report View Settings

Toolbar Settings

EAMS_ORD Fiori Repair Malfunctions Any Object Page Section

Item Details Page Adapt
UI Malfunction tab Technical
Object Details group

EAMS_ORD Fiori Repair Malfunctions Adapt List Report Filters


EAMS_ORD Fiori Repair Malfunctions Table List Report View Settings

Toolbar Settings

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Order (EAMS_ORD) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 8
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of noti cation header
elds without changing the standard logic

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical object
header elds without changing the standard

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Report Malfunction

As a key user, you can extend the Report Malfunction app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Fiori Report Malfunction Adapt UI Create Page

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 9
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of noti cation header
elds without changing the standard logic

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Maintenance Planning Overview

This app supports you in the planning and execution of your maintenance work and allows effective monitoring of important,
time-sensitive process steps. According to selection criteria that you have de ned, the system analyzes critical factors in a
chosen reference period, such as, for example, open or outstanding maintenance noti cations that have not yet been assigned,
missing spare parts or overdue orders. Different cards display the results in gures and colored charts and allow you to
navigate to lists in which you can edit the documents that have been identi ed as critical or contact persons responsible. You
can use this app to analyze, for example, which maintenance orders have not yet been released, which spare parts will possibly
not be able to be procured and made available on time, or which maintenance orders have not yet been nally con rmed
although the end date has already passed.

Key Features
If you have the maintenance planner user role, you can use the following functions:

Analyze outstanding noti cations that have not yet been processed and that have not yet been assigned to a
maintenance order

Analyze maintenance orders that are still in planning and have not yet been released for processing

Analyze purchase requisitions or purchase orders that have not yet been released for non-stock materials that are
required as spare parts in maintenance orders

Display approved purchase requisitions for non-stock materials for which no purchase order has been generated

Display non-stock materials that have been ordered but may not be available on the requirement date

Analyze released maintenance orders whose end date is in the past and have still not been nally con rmed

Analyze con rmed maintenance orders whose required end date lies in the selected reference period but have neither
been completed technically, nor from a business perspective

Supported Device Types


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Schedule Material Availability Check

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to execute material availability checks for several maintenance orders at
runtime or schedule these checks as a recurrent batch job.

The system checks whether the components required for a maintenance order are available and updates the availability status
in the orders accordingly. If you schedule the availability check as a batch job, a report displays all error and warning messages
that occurred during the checking process, as well as the system and user statuses of the orders.

If you also schedule maintenance orders that are processed by phases, the Material Availability Check for Maintenance Orders
template enables you to reassign committed stock from one maintenance order to another of higher priority and urgency.

For more information, see How to Perform an ATP Check for Stock Components.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

You can view a list of all material availability checks already scheduled and navigate to the results of the jobs that you have
created.You can only view the job results on desktop devices.

You can schedule new material availability checks:

Choose a job template and enter a job name.

Specify the scheduling options:

Specify the date and time for the system to start the scheduling. You can also decide to start the scheduling run

Enter a recurrence pattern to specify how often the scheduling job is to be processed. You can run the job daily or
even several times a day.

Specify the parameters of the material availability check. The parameters depend on the job template that you have

In the Material Availability Check for Maintenance Orders template, specify the following parameters:

Restrict the maintenance orders to be included in the ATP run by selecting one or more maintenance order types,
maintenance planning plants and maintenance activity types.

Determine the maintenance orders by their basic start date and basic end date.

Select one or more process phases.

Select one or more execution stages to restrict the operations whose components are to be included in the ATP

Select one or more material groups to restrict the stock components that are to be assigned in the ATP run.

Determine the scheduling options and specify whether the system shall clear all committed material quantities
and reassign the available stock material.

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In the PM Orders: Material Availability Check template, specify the following parameters:

Use parallel processing for the automatic scheduling of material availability checks, and specify the number of
threads the system may use.

Specify whether the system is to display all messages or only errors and exceptions.

Specify whether you want the results to be saved to the application log.

Specify which status orders must have so that they are considered by the availability check ( for example In
Progress, Outstanding, Completed, Historical)

Specify additional selection parameters, such as location parameters or account assignment parameters

Enter general data or administration data as additional selection parameters

Supported Device Types



Technical Object Breakdowns

With this app, you can analyze the causes of a particular breakdown more closely and calculate the distribution of duration of
the various breakdowns or repairs. You can also nd out the cause behind a short or long breakdown period, or the period
between two consecutive breakdowns.

Key Features
View the number of effective breakdowns. You can also lter noti cations and technical objects that are reviewed to
evaluate their reliability.

 Note
Due to complex algorithm, it may take few seconds for the main chart and table area to be displayed.

With the lters, you can restrict technical objects to reduce the time it takes to generate the report. You can create
variants with mandatory lter Maintenance Plant and other optional attributes such as main work center, planning
group, equipment type, catalog pro le, and so on. These variants can be reused.

View effective time between repair and effective time to repair, as well as mean time between repair and mean time to
repair for every breakdown or repair activity

Filter breakdowns based on various criteria, such as object type or planning plant

View leading noti cations and perform any drilldown as needed

Identify the possible functional location where an equipment has failed

Drill down to various dimensions, such as maintenance noti cation, maintenance order, or technical object to get
detailed information about the repair work performed

Filter noti cations and technical objects that are reviewed to evaluate their reliability. With these lters, you can restrict
a technical object using special variants with mandatory lter Maintenance Plant and other optional attributes such as
main work center, planning group, equipment type, catalog pro le, and so on.

This app uses the c_maintobjbreakdownquery CDS view.

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 Note
This analytical app only takes current data into account. Archived or deleted maintenance noti cations are not considered.

Supported Device Types



Technical Object Damages

With this app, you can see which damages occur frequently and nd the technical object parts that cause them. You can nd the
related maintenance noti cations in the list which is based on maintenance items. You can lter the tables and charts and
navigate to the related applications.

Key Features
View the number of damages as a chart or table. You can also lter noti cations and technical objects that are reviewed
to evaluate their reliability.

 Note
Due to complex algorithm, it may take few seconds for the main chart and table area to be displayed.

With the lters, you can restrict technical objects to reduce the time it takes to generate the report. You can create
variants with mandatory lter Maintenance Plant and other optional attributes such as main work center,
planning group, equipment type, catalog pro le, and so on. These variants can be reused.

View the number of causes, activities, and technical object parts in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tags and cards

Filter damages based on various criteria, such as Maintenance Plant, Object Type, Construction Type, and Catalog
Pro le

View damages based on object part code groups and drill down as needed

Identify the functional location where a piece of equipment has been damaged

Drill down to various dimensions, such as maintenance noti cation and technical object, to get detailed information
about the repair work performed

Filter number of noti cation and number of technical objects that are reviewed to evaluate their reliability. These new
lters would encourage users to restrict technical object, by using special variants with mandatory lter Maintenance
Plant and additionally using other attributes like Main Work Center, Planning group, Equipment type, Catalog Pro le etc.

This app uses the c_damageanalysisquery Core Data Services (CDS) view.

 Note
This analytical app only takes current data into account. Archived and deleted maintenance noti cations are not considered.

Supported Device Types



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 Note
Please note that KPI tags may not show up for tablets.

Mass Schedule Maintenance Plans

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to schedule all maintenance plans that are due within a speci c time frame. This
simpli es the creation of maintenance call objects for maintenance plans, especially if you need to schedule large numbers of
maintenance plans.

For each scheduling run, the system goes through all the maintenance plans taking parameters such as maintenance strategies
and counter readings into account to calculate the due date. It then generates a maintenance call object, for example a
maintenance order, for each due maintenance item. Which object the system generates is determined by the maintenance plan
category. Furthermore, you can control special scheduling requirements using the scheduling parameters in the maintenance

Additionally, the following data is taken into consideration during scheduling:

For performance-based or time-based strategy plans: the maintenance strategy

For single cycle plans: the maintenance cycles de ned in the maintenance plan

For multiple counter plans: the maintenance cycles de ned in the maintenance plan

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

You can view a list of all maintenance plans already scheduled within a certain time frame and navigate to the job results.

You can generate new maintenance calls and call objects:

Choose a job template and enter a job name.

Specify the scheduling options:

Specify the date and time for the system to start the scheduling. You can also decide to start the scheduling

Add more scheduling options such as the calendar, or whether maintenance plans shall only be scheduled on
working days.

Enter a recurrence pattern to specify how often the scheduling job is to be processed. You can run the job daily or
even several times a day.

Specify the maintenance plan options:

Enter a time frame within which the maintenance calls and call objects should be generated.

Use parallel processing for the automatic scheduling of maintenance plans.

You then can specify the number of parallel processes and which application servers can be used to what extent.

Specify additional selection parameters for the maintenance plan, such as the technical object or the main work

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Specify additional selection parameters for the technical object, such as the planning plant or the maintenance
planner group.

Supported Device Types



Actual Cost Analysis

This app supports you in monitoring and evaluating actual costs resulting from current maintenance orders. It enables you, for
example, to analyze the actual costs for materials and labor in maintenance or to compare the total corrective and preventive
actual maintenance costs during a selected time period. In addition, you can easily identify the maintenance activities leading to
the highest costs or the parts of the asset that were particularly costly on inspections. Altogether, this analytical list page offers
you multiple possibilities to evaluate actual maintenance costs stored in the Universal Journal Entry.

Filters allow you to analyze critical costs in a speci c scal year from different perspectives, such as the order type, the
construction type, the location, the planner group or the manufacturer. A condensed view enables you to identify and compare
relevant areas within data sets using data visualization and business intelligence. On the other hand, you can also navigate
directly to signi cant single instances. All this can be done seamlessly within one page that combines transactional and
analytical data using chart and table visualization.

This app is available for the maintenance planner user role.

Key Features
In the header area that can be collapsed or expanded, lter the result set, which feeds the main content area

Select the lters to be displayed and combine multiple lters in different ways

Add lter values by using the value help

Gain a condensed overview of the actual costs in colored charts in the visual lter bar and thereby spot relevant data
more quickly

Decide whether non-time-related data is to be displayed in an interactive doughnut chart or in a bar chart

Display time series data in a line chart with up to six data points

In the content area, switch between the chart-only view, the table-only view and the hybrid view that combines both,
chart and table view

In the chart view, analyze aggregated actual cost data from different perspectives and use the drilldown functionality

In the chart view, easily change chart types, customize the chart settings and use the drilldown option to change the
chart grouping dimension

In the table view, access the transactional content and act on maintenance orders by navigating directly to the individual
business objects

In the table view, decide which dimensions are to be displayed in the table and choose dimensions to group actual cost
data accordingly

In the hybrid view, interact with both the chart and the table. Selecting a dimension within a chart area automatically
lters all relevant information in the table area.

In addition, the app supports the following technical features and options:

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If the long material number has been activated in your back-end system, it is automatically displayed in the Material eld in this
SAP Fiori app.

This app also runs in standalone mode.

This app uses the C_MaintOrderActualCostQ CDS view.

Supported Device Types



 Note
Using the app on mobile devices with small displays is not recommended due to usability issues. Small displays require
condensing the complex data and relevant information to such a degree that it might be difficult to work with the app

In this app, cost element hierarchies are used to determine a Spend Category for the cost elements. Together with the
relevant ledger and the company code, you select the relevant cost element hierarchy on a popup before working with the
app. Costs associated to cost elements that are not inserted in the respective cost element hierarchy are not considered in
the Actual Cost Anaylsis app.

If you want to use customer-speci c cost element hierarchies, you as an Overhead Accountant can use the Edit Cost
Element Groups app to create customer-speci c cost elements and then the Set Report Relevancy app to enable the
hierarchy for replication. In the next step, you can replicate the cost element hierarchy into a runtime repository using the
Replicate Runtime Hierarchy app.

Con guration

Self Service Con guration UIs

In Asset Management , several self-service con guration UIs (SSCUIs) are available in the Manage Your Solution app. They are
relevant for the Maintenance Management sub application area.

The following SSCUIs are available as part of the Master Data con guration item:

SSCUI Settings you can make

De ne Types of Technical Objects Allows you to de ne different types of technical objects to

categorize functional locations and pieces of equipment.

De ne ABC Indicators Allows you to de ne ABC indicators to specify the importance of a

material or a technical object. When a maintenance noti cation or
order is raised against this technical object, the ABC indicator
information is copied to the noti cation or order. You can use the
ABC indicator as a lter criterion.

De ne Number Ranges Allows you to de ne number ranges for equipment category.

De ne Measuring Point Categories Allows you to de ne measuring point categories to characterize

counter readings and measurement readings.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 16

SSCUI Settings you can make

Create Structure Indicator for Reference Locations/Functional Allows you to determine the generic structure of the functional
Locations location label.

The following SSCUIs are available as part of the Order Processing con guration item:

SSCUI Settings you can make

De ne Maintenance Activity Types Allows you to de ne maintenance activity types to classify

maintenance order.

Assign Valid Maintenance Activity Types to Maintenance Order Allows you to assign a maintenance activity type to a maintenance
Types order type.

Default Values for Maintenance Activity Type for Each Order Type Allows you to provide a default maintenance type to an order type.

Create Default Value Pro les for External Procurement Allows you to de ne a pro le for external service and material
procurement. Use default values such as purchasing organization,
purchasing group, cost element, and material group.

Default Values for Task List Data and Pro le Assignments Allows you to assign pre-de ned external material and task list
pro le to order type and plant combination as default values for
order processing.

The following SSCUIs are available as part of the Costing con guration item:

SSCUI Settings you can make

Maintain Value Categories Allows you to de ne value categories.

Assign Cost Elements to Value Categories Allows you to de ne a cost element group as a value category.

The following SSCUIs are available as part of the Organization con guration item:

SSC UI Settings you can make

Maintain Maintenance Planning Plant Allows you to de ne a plant as a maintenance planning plant.

Assign Maintenance Planning Plant to Maintenance Plant Allows you to assign maintenance planning plant to a maintenance

De ne Plant Sections Allows you to de ne plant sections to divide maintenance plants

into production areas.

De ne Planner Groups Allows you to de ne maintenance planner groups that are

responsible for planning and processing maintenance tasks in a
maintenance planning plant.

The following SSCUIs are available as part of the General Setting con guration item:

SSCUI Settings you can make

De ne Priorities for Each Priority Type Allows you to de ne priority type attributes to determine the start
and nish dates of maintenance orders and noti cations.

In the Maintenance Plan category, the following SSCUIs are available:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 17

SSCUI Settings you can make

De ne Sort Fields for Maintenance Plan Allows you to de ne sort elds for maintenance plans to determine
your individual grouping of maintenance plans.

Maintenance Master Data

Display Technical Object

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to view technical objects that have been created to efficiently manage and
evaluate technical assets and maintenance objects.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

View the master record of functional locations or pieces of equipment.

A functional location represents an area within a system or plant where an object can be installed. Functional locations
are created in hierarchical structures and thus allow a functional or process-oriented structuring of your systems.
Individual maintenance objects are represented by pieces of equipment that are installed at functional locations. The
usage times of a piece of equipment at a functional location are documented over the course of time.

View general data, location data, organizational data, and structure data.

View classi cation information assigned to the master records of equipment and functional locations.

View linear data if the technical object is a linear asset.

View assigned permits to speci c technical objects for which certain regulations or conditions must be taken into
account when using them or performing maintenance work.

View master records for measuring points or counters that are located on the technical object and help to document the
condition of this technical object at a particular point in time.

View a list with information about the changes to individual eld values and about all status changes.

Create a noti cation for the technical object.

Display the technical object in the Asset Viewer.

You can display the hierarchical structure of the object and navigate to subordinate objects, such as materials. In
addition, you can open the usage list and view the history of the installation location of a piece of equipment which is
installed in a technical object. The system records a usage period for each installation location, enabling you to track the
complete installation history.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can also use this app as well as access the apps Create Technical
Object and Change Technical Object. For more information about processing a technical object, see Process Technical

Supported Device Types


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18

Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Technical Object MW (SAP_EAM_BC_TO_MW_MC)

Related Apps
Display Master Data Information Center

Process Technical Object

Three apps are provided for processing a technical object: Create Technical Object, Change Technical Object, and Display
Technical Object. As a maintenance planner, you can create and change technical objects to efficiently manage and evaluate
technical assets and maintenance objects and monitor the costs involved. You can specify general data, location data,
organizational data, and structure data as well as edit classi cation data and characteristic values, and assign documents.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a master record for each functional location or piece of equipment.

A functional location represents an area within a system or plant where an object can be installed. Functional locations
are created in hierarchical structures and thus allow a functional or process-oriented structuring of your systems.
Individual maintenance objects are represented by pieces of equipment that are installed at functional locations. The
usage times of a piece of equipment at a functional location are documented over the course of time.

Specify general data, location data, organizational data, and structure data.

Assign classi cation information to the master records of equipment and functional locations.

After having created characteristics and classes, this classi cation enables you to easily locate your objects and group
them together for evaluations.

Serialize a piece of equipment by assigning a material number and serial number to it.

This makes inventory management possible for the equipment.

Choose a status pro le and set one or several user statuses to further restrict the business transactions allowed by the
various system statuses.

Create master records for measuring points or counters that are located on the technical object and help you to
document the condition of this technical object at a particular point in time.

Create a noti cation or an order for the technical object.

View a list with information about the changes to individual eld values and about all status changes.

Display the technical object in the Asset Viewer.

You can display the hierarchical structure of the object and navigate to subordinate objects, such as materials. In
addition, you can open the usage list and view the history of the installation location of a piece of equipment which is
installed in a technical object. The system records a usage period for each installation location, enabling you to track the
complete installation history.

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you are only able to view the information stored in the technical
object by accessing the Display Technical Object app. For more information about displaying a technical object, see Display
Technical Object.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Technical Object (SAP_EAM_BC_TO_MC)

App Extensibility: Display Technical Object

As a key user, you can extend the Display Technical Object app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) FPM (WebDynpro) Display Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Equipment
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) FPM (WebDynpro) Display Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Functional Location
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Display Technical Object app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 20

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical object
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Create Technical Object

As a key user, you can extend the Create Technical Object app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) FPM (WebDynpro) Create Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Equipment
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) FPM (WebDynpro) Create Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Functional Location
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Create Technical Object app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical object
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Change Technical Object

As a key user, you can extend the Change Technical Object app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) FPM (WebDynpro) Change Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Equipment
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) FPM (WebDynpro) Change Technical Object Call Detail Page
Application in Customizing
Mode Any Functional Location
Item Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Change Technical Object app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical order
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Process Object Network

Three apps are provided for processing an object network: Create Object Network, Change Object Network, and Display Object
Network. As a maintenance planner, you can use these apps to structure your technical systems horizontally by creating object
networks. This lets you represent and evaluate connections between technical objects. Object networks are represented by
links between various pieces of equipment or functional locations.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create either a functional location network or an equipment object network.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
An object link can only consist of objects in the same object category, that is, a piece of equipment can only be linked with
another piece of equipment and a functional location with another functional location.

Create the object links that represent the object network by determining the source object and the target object and
entering an object link description.

If your company has speci ed internal number assignment for object links, do not enter a link ID. The system assigns a
number to the object link master record automatically.

Determine the validity of the link, the medium that ows through the link, and the relation between the linked objects.

You can also specify a connecting object between the source and target object by entering the link object. Note that two
pieces of equipment can only be linked by a piece of equipment and two functional locations by a functional location.

Navigate to the master data of the source and target object.

View status information about the object links that represent the object network.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Object Network (SAP_EAM_BC_ON_MC)

Display Measuring Point

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to view master records for measuring points that are located on technical

Measuring Points document the condition of a technical object at a particular point in time.

Documenting the condition of a particular object is of great importance in cases where detailed records regarding the
correct condition have to be kept for legal reasons. This could involve critical values recorded for environmental
protection purposes, as well as measurements of emissions and pollution for objects of all types. In the case of condition-
based maintenance, maintenance activities are triggered when the measuring point of a technical object has reached a
particular state.

Counters are a special form of measuring point and are used to represent the wear and tear of an object, consumption,
or the reduction of an object’s useful life (for example, the mileage for a vehicle, or an electricity meter for an electrically-
powered system).

If you perform counter-based maintenance, maintenance activities are always performed when the counter of the
technical object has reached a particular counter reading.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

View the master record of a measuring point.

View general data, such as a description and the measurement position.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24
Measuring points are uniquely identi ed by the numbers that they are assigned internally. Since this number is not
descriptive, measuring points sometimes have a text or a descriptive number to describe the position of a measuring
point at a technical object.

View the category that is assigned to the measuring point.

Categories are used to group measuring points for which the same measuring point attributes are valid.

View classi cation information that is assigned to the measuring point.

Numerical characteristics are assigned to determine the unit of measurement reading.

View the measurement range.

The measurement range represents the values that a measuring instrument or counter can display. It can be de ned
that only readings that fall between the upper and lower limits are possible. The measurement range unit speci es the
unit in which the measurement is made by the measuring instrument.

View the target value for the measuring point.

If there is an optimum value for a particular measuring point to which the device concerned is calibrated, this
measurement reading is speci ed as a target value.

View whether the valuation of the measurement reading shall be quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both.

In a quantitative measurement reading, the current reading measured is entered in the system. The unit of the
measurement reading (for example, degrees Celsius) is de ned by the characteristic in the master record of the
measuring point.

In a qualitative measurement reading, a valuation code is entered in the system. This code represents the current
reading measured. A solely qualitative valuation can only be entered if this is speci ed in the system explicitly for the
measuring point by having selected the Valuation Code Sufficient checkbox.

Display the technical object on which the measuring point is located.

Create measurement documents using the measuring point.

View the measuring point in the Asset Viewer.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can also use this app as well as access the apps Create Measuring
Point and Change Measuring Point. For more information about processing a measuring point, see Process Measuring Point.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Measuring Point MW (SAP_EAM_BC_MEAPT_MW_MC)

Related Apps
Process Measurement Document

Process Measuring Point

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25

Three apps are provided for processing master records for measuring points: Create Measuring Point, Change Measuring Point,
and Display Measuring Point. As a maintenance planner, you can create and change master records for measuring points that
are located on technical objects directly or while changing a technical object:

Measuring Points help you to document the condition of a technical object at a particular point in time.

Documenting the condition of a particular object is of great importance in cases where detailed records regarding the
correct condition have to be kept for legal reasons. This could involve critical values recorded for environmental
protection purposes, as well as measurements of emissions and pollution for objects of all types. In the case of condition-
based maintenance, maintenance activities are triggered when the measuring point of a technical object has reached a
particular state.

Counters are a special form of measuring point and are used to represent the wear and tear of an object, consumption,
or the reduction of an object’s useful life (for example, the mileage for a vehicle, or an electricity meter for an electrically-
powered system).

If you perform counter-based maintenance, maintenance activities are always performed when the counter of the
technical object has reached a particular counter reading.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create and change the master record of a measuring point.

Specify general data, such as a description and the measurement position.

Measuring points are uniquely identi ed by the numbers that they are assigned internally. Since this number is not
descriptive, you have the option of giving the measuring point a text or a descriptive number to describe the position of a
measuring point at a technical object.

Assign a measuring point category.

After having created measuring point categories in Customizing, you can use them to group measuring points for which
the same measuring point attributes are valid.

Assign classi cation information to the measuring point.

After having created numerical characteristics to which a unit has been assigned, you assign these characteristics to
determine the unit of measurement reading.

Specify the measurement range.

The measurement range represents the values that a measuring instrument or counter can display. You can de ne that
only readings that fall between the upper and lower limits are possible. With the measurement range unit, you de ne the
unit in which the measurement is made by the measuring instrument.

Specify a target value for the measuring point.

If there is an optimum value for a particular measuring point to which the device concerned is calibrated, you can specify
this measurement reading as a target value.

Specify whether the valuation of the measurement reading shall be quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both.

In a quantitative measurement reading, the current reading measured is entered in the system. The unit of the
measurement reading (for example, degrees Celsius) is de ned by the characteristic in the master record of the
measuring point.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26
In a qualitative measurement reading, a valuation code is entered in the system. This code represents the current
reading measured. You can only enter a solely qualitative valuation if you have speci ed this in the system explicitly for
the measuring point by selecting the Valuation Code Sufficient checkbox.

Display the technical object on which the measuring point is located.

Create measurement documents using the measuring point.

View the measuring point in the Asset Viewer.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you are only able to view the information stored in the measuring
point by accessing the Display Measuring Point app. For more information about displaying a measuring point, see Display
Measuring Point.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Measuring Point (SAP_EAM_BC_MEAPT_MC)

Related Apps
Process Measurement Document

Process Measurement Document

Two apps are provided for processing a measurement document: Create Measurement Document and Display Measurement
Document. You can use these apps to easily enter the data after a measurement has been taken at a measuring point or a
counter. You can create and display measurement documents as a maintenance planner and as a maintenance technician.

After a measurement has been taken at a measuring point or a counter, the data is stored in a measurement document. You
can create the measurement document directly or enter measurement reading data while con rming a maintenance order.
Based on the measurement document, the system calculates the next planned maintenance date and the call date on which a
maintenance order is created. Each time you create a new measurement document, the system recalculates the planned date
for the next maintenance work.

Key Features
Depending on the role to which you are assigned, you can perform the following tasks:

Determine whether the reference object or the measuring point serves as a basis for the measurement reading.

View the measuring point data, including the measuring point number, measurement position, description, characteristic
and unit.

Maintain the measurement result data. Check the time of the measurement reading and the name of the person who
took the measurement reading and change the values where necessary. The time stamp and person are proposed by the

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27
Enter the measurement or counter reading.

If you create a measurement document for a counter, you can either enter the counter reading, or the difference
between the current reading and the last reading. The system will automatically calculate the other value in each case.

Choose a valuation code for providing a qualitative judgment with respect to the result of the measurement.

If you create a measurement document for a measuring point that has not been de ned as a counter, it may be sufficient
to simply enter the valuation code without entering a measurement reading.

Write a long text to provide further information.

View the reference object.

If the reference object is a linear asset, you can also view linear data.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Measurement Document: SAP_EAM_BC_MEADOC_MC (business role: Maintenance Planner)

EAM - Measurement Document MWSAP_EAM_BC_MEADOC_MW_MC (business role: Maintenance Technician)

Related Apps
Process Measuring Point

Display Measuring Point

Process Linear Reference Pattern

Three apps are provided for processing a linear reference pattern: Create Linear Reference Pattern, Change Linear Reference
Pattern, and Display Linear Reference Pattern. As a maintenance planner, you can use these apps to group markers that are
alongside a linear asset. A linear reference pattern can be assigned to one or several technical objects.

If you have created markers and linear reference patterns with markers, you can use markers as input help for processing linear
data in maintenance documents, such as functional locations, pieces of equipment, measuring points, maintenance plans and

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a linear reference pattern directly or use another linear reference pattern as a template.

Create and edit multilingual texts for naming the linear reference pattern.

Specify whether the distance between a marker and a linear point can be negative, or positive, or both, by selecting a
marker distance code.

Specify the unit of measurement (UoM) for the distance from a marker.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28
Create markers alongside the linear asset and edit multilingual texts for describing the markers.

Select a marker type.

The functional location and equipment marker types always refer to technical objects. If you enter a technical object for
one of these marker types, the system defaults the linear data of the marker and you cannot change the data. You can
also choose the "normal" marker types that do not refer to a technical object. For those markers, you enter the linear
data of the marker manually.

Determine the offset of the marker.

With the offset, you can specify the distance or displacement of the marker from the reference line of a linear technical
asset (such as the distance of a signal post from the middle of the railway line, or the distance of a manhole cover from
the edge of the road).

Add several technical objects as reference objects for markers in one step.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Linear Reference Pattern (SAP_EAM_BC_LRP_MC)

Display Master Data Information Center

As a maintenance planner and as a maintenance technician, you can use this app to access the Master Data Information
Center that serves as a central point of access for working with master data. In the Master Data Information Center, you can
use the SAP Enterprise Search, work with different lists and you have direct access to individual task lists, maintenance plans
and technical objects.

Key Features
Depending on the role to which you are assigned, you can perform the following tasks:

Con gure the list layout, sort table columns and create lters.

Use the SAP Enterprise Search to search for maintenance objects, such as maintenance noti cations, jobs or orders.

This search solution allows you to search using keywords and search categories and re ne your search by using lters.
Furthermore, you can use additional search criteria and search across different elds. So you can search for functional
locations whose long text contains a speci c search string or for pieces of equipment with a speci c system status, for
example. You can navigate directly to the objects listed in the result list.

Work with different master data lists.

You can con gure a worklist with your favorites and call master data that you have recently processed.

You can access the Technical Object List and the Maintenance Plan and Item List.

The personal object worklists (POWL) contain the most important information on technical objects and maintenance
plans in the form of a table and allow you to process the objects directly. From the personal worklist, you can navigate to
the individual technical objects and to the maintenance plans and items, carry out mass changes and change the status
for several objects.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29
Directly access individual master data objects.

Directly access and process individual task lists, maintenance plans and technical objects. You can also display technical
objects in the Asset Viewer.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Information Center: SAP_EAM_BC_INFO_MC (business role: Maintenance Planner)

EAM - Information Center MW: SAP_EAM_BC_INFO_MW_MC (business role: Maintenance Technician)

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Display Maintenance Plan

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to view the planning data for recurrent maintenance work stored in time-
based and performance-based maintenance plans, strategy plans and multiple-counter plans. In time-based maintenance
planning, maintenance is performed in speci c cycles, for example, every two months or every six months. Performance-based
maintenance plans contain information about regular maintenance based on counter readings maintained for measuring points
of pieces of equipment and at functional locations.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

View maintenance items that describe which preventive maintenance tasks should take place regularly for a technical
object or a group of technical objects.

View general information about the maintenance item, such as the reference object, the planning data, and the order or
noti cation type (for example, Maintenance Order if the call object to be generated is a maintenance order).

View the location and account assignment information for the maintenance item. If the maintenance object is a linear
asset, you can also view its linear data.

Display the technical object and the task list assigned to the maintenance item.

The task list speci es the individual work steps that must be executed, the spare parts and tools required for the job, as
well as the required completion time.

View the maintenance cycles of the maintenance plan as Planning Data.

If the maintenance plan is a strategy plan, the assigned maintenance strategy determines the maintenance cycles. If the
maintenance plan is performance-based, counters are assigned. Furthermore, you can view other scheduling information
speci c to the maintenance plan, such as shift factors and call control parameters.

View the scheduled Maintenance Calls for the maintenance plan.

You can display the call object (for example, the maintenance order) and view the most important information about the
scheduled maintenance calls in a table. For example, you can view the planned date, the call date, the completion date
and the scheduling status.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30
From the object list, you can view the list of objects that have been assigned to the maintenance item such as technical
objects, assemblies, materials and serial numbers, or products.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can also use this app as well as access the apps Create Maintenance
Plan and Change Maintenance Plan. For more information about processing a maintenance plan, see Process Maintenance

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Maintenance Plan MW (SAP_EAM_BC_MPLAN_MW_MC)

Related Apps
Manage Maintenance Plan and Item List

Display Maintenance Item

App Extensibility: Display Maintenance Plan

As a key user, you can extend the Display Maintenance Plan app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Plan FPM (WebDynpro) Display Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPLA) Application in Customizing
Mode Any Plan Customizing
Page or Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Planning Data

Maintenance Item FPM (WebDynpro) Display Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPOS) Application in Customizing
Mode Any Plan Customizing
Page or Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Items

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Display Maintenance Plan app.

For more information, see:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan (EAMS_MPLA) Change the properties of maintenance plan
header elds without changing the standard

Field Control for Maintenance Item Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) Change the properties of maintenance item
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Process Maintenance Plan

Three apps are provided for processing a maintenance plan: Create Maintenance Plan, Change Maintenance Plan, and Display
Maintenance Plan. As a maintenance planner, you can use these apps to plan recurrent maintenance work by creating time-
based and performance-based single cycle plans, strategy plans, and multiple-counter plans. In time-based maintenance
planning, maintenance is performed in speci c cycles, for example, every two months or every six months. With performance-
based maintenance plans, you can plan regular maintenance based on counter readings maintained for measuring points of
pieces of equipment and at functional locations.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a maintenance plan and determine which maintenance call object the system generates for the maintenance
plan when a maintenance call is due (for example, maintenance order). You can create single cycle plans, strategy plans
or multiple-counter plans. If you set a maintenance plan as a copy template, you can create a maintenance plan by
copying this reference maintenance plan.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32
Classify a maintenance plan. After having assigned classes and characteristics with their values to your maintenance
plans, you can use the classi cation to easily nd maintenance plans according to speci c criteria.

Create and assign maintenance items that describe which preventive maintenance tasks should take place regularly for
a technical object or a group of technical objects.

View and edit general information for the maintenance item, such as the reference object, the planning data and the
order or noti cation type (for example, Maintenance Order if the call object to be generated is a maintenance order).

View the location and account assignment information for the maintenance item. If the maintenance object is a linear
asset, you can also view its linear data.

Assign a task list to the maintenance item to specify the individual work steps that must be executed, the spare parts
and tools required for the job, as well as the required completion time. You can create a new task list or assign an
existing one.

Assign maintenance items to the maintenance plan by creating new items or selecting existing ones. You can also delete
existing assignments.

Determine and view the maintenance cycles of the maintenance plan as Planning Data.

If the maintenance plan is a strategy plan, the assigned maintenance strategy determines the maintenance cycles. If the
maintenance plan is performance-based, you can assign counters. Furthermore, you can write a long text and edit other
scheduling information speci c to the maintenance plan, such as shift factors and call control parameters.

View the scheduled Maintenance Calls for the maintenance plan.

You can display the call object (for example, the maintenance order) and view the most important information about the
scheduled maintenance calls in a table. For example, you can view the planned date, the call date, the completion date
and the scheduling status.

Deactivate and reactivate the maintenance plan.

Select and deselect the maintenance plan for deletion.

Create and assign an object list containing data for objects that are assigned to the maintenance item.

View and edit general information for the object list items such as the technical object, the assembly, the material, or the
material and serial number.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you are only able to view the information stored in the maintenance
plan by accessing the Display Maintenance Plan app. For more information about displaying a maintenance plan, see Display
Maintenance Plan.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Maintenance Plan (SAP_EAM_BC_MPLAN_MC)

Related Apps
Manage Maintenance Plan and Item List

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33
Display Maintenance Item

App Extensibility: Change Maintenance Plan

As a key user, you can extend the Change Maintenance Plan app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Plan FPM (WebDynpro) Change Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPLA) Application in Customizing
Mode Any Plan Customizing
Page or Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Planning Data

Maintenance Item FPM (WebDynpro) Change Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPOS) Application in Customizing
Mode Any Plan Customizing
Page or Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Items

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Change Maintenance Plan app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan (EAMS_MPLA) Change the properties of maintenance plan
header elds without changing the standard

Field Control for Maintenance Item Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) Change the properties of maintenance item
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34
For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Create Maintenance Plan

As a key user, you can extend the Create Maintenance Plan app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Plan FPM (WebDynpro) Create Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPLA) Application in Customizing
Mode Customizing Page or
Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Planning Data

Maintenance Item FPM (WebDynpro) Create Maintenance Plan Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPOS) Application in Customizing
Mode Customizing Page or
Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing Items

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Create Maintenance Plan app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan (EAMS_MPLA) Change the properties of maintenance plan
header elds without changing the standard

Field Control for Maintenance Item Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) Change the properties of maintenance item
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Display Maintenance Item

You can use this app to view the information stored in a maintenance item. A maintenance item describes which preventive
maintenance tasks should take place regularly at a technical object or a group of technical objects. You can display maintenance
items as a maintenance planner and as a maintenance technician.

Key Features
Depending on the role to which you are assigned, you can perform the following tasks:

View general information such as the long text, the maintenance strategy, the maintenance plan and the technical

View the planning data for the maintenance item, such as the planning plant and the order or noti cation type (for
example, Maintenance Order if the call object to be generated is a maintenance order).

View the location and account assignment information for the maintenance item.

If the maintenance object is a linear asset, you can also view its linear data.

Display the maintenance item in the Asset Viewer.

Display the maintenance plan to which the maintenance item is assigned.

Display the technical object and the assigned task list.

The task list speci es the individual work steps that must be executed, the spare parts and tools required for the job, as
well as the required completion time. You can also display the technical object in the Asset Viewer.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 36

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Maintenance Plan Item: SAP_EAM_BC_MPLANIT_MC (business role: Maintenance Planner)

EAM - Maintenance Plan Item MW: SAP_EAM_BC_MPLANIT_MW_MC (business role: Maintenance Technician)

Related Apps
Manage Maintenance Plan and Item List

App Extensibility: Display Maintenance Item

As a key user, you can extend the Display Maintenance Item app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Item FPM (WebDynpro) Display Maintenance Item Call Detail Page
(EAMS_MPOS) Application in Customizing
Mode Any Item Customizing
Page or Show Customizable
Areas Create
Customizing General Data

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Display Maintenance Item app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Item Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) Change the properties of maintenance item
header elds without changing the standard

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 37

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Manage Maintenance Plan and Item List

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to access the Maintenance Plan and Item List . This worklist provides, in a table,
the most important information about maintenance plans and items and enables you to not only process individual documents,
but also carry out mass changes to maintenance plan and maintenance item data.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

De ne queries in which you specify selection criteria for maintenance plans and maintenance items.

If you only specify selection criteria for maintenance plans, the results list only displays maintenance plans and the
maintenance items that belong to them. If you only specify selection criteria for maintenance items, the results list only
displays maintenance items.

If you have assigned classes and characteristics with their values to your maintenance plans, you can use the classes and
characteristics as selection criteria when you de ne queries that serve as a basis for the result list.

Navigate from the list to the maintenance plans and maintenance items and process them.

Navigate from the list to the assigned technical objects and call objects (such as noti cations or maintenance orders)
and process them.

Change how the information on maintenance plans and items is displayed by con guring the layout of the list.

Print the results list of your query as a PDF document.

Change the system status of one or more selected maintenance plans.

Only those statuses that are currently possible for the maintenance plans you selected are available.

Carry out mass data changes for maintenance plans and maintenance items.

You can see which maintenance plans and maintenance items the system was able to change successfully by viewing the
icons in the Changed table column.

Supported Device Types


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 38

Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Maintenance Plan Item (SAP_EAM_BC_MPLANIT_MC)

Related Apps
Process Maintenance Plan

Display Maintenance Item

Display Task List

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to view all relevant information about recurring standardized work
sequences, inspections and repairs. Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities that must
be performed repeatedly within a company. They contain important information about the spare parts and tools required for
the work steps, the work centers involved, and the time required to perform the work.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

View general task list information, such as the responsible work center and plant, the status, and the maintenance

View the task list operations that describe the individual work steps to be executed in detail.

Find out which spare parts you need to execute the maintenance task.

View which production resources or tools are required to perform the maintenance tasks, such as measuring and
inspection instruments or cranes.

View the chronological interdependence between the maintenance tasks.

Relationships describe how operations are linked to one another in the process and determine their sequence.

View which technical objects and assemblies are assigned for inspection rounds. In the operation details, measuring
points can be represented by production resources/tools for the technical objects.

Read the long text with a detailed description about the individual work step which must be executed.

Display assigned documents.

Display the task list in the Asset Viewer.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can also use this app as well as access the apps Create Task List and
Change Task List. For more information about processing a maintenance task list, see Process Task List.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 39

Process Task List

Three apps are provided for processing a maintenance task list: Create Task List, Change Task List, and Display Task List. As a
maintenance planner, you can use task lists to standardize recurring work sequences and to plan inspections, maintenance, and
repairs. Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities that must be performed repeatedly
within a company. They contain important information about the spare parts and tools required for the work steps, the work
centers involved, and the time required to perform the work. Furthermore, task lists enable you to react quickly to changing
environmental protection or occupational safety regulations that may affect continuous maintenance. When you assign a task
list to a maintenance item, maintenance noti cation, or a maintenance order, the system copies this maintenance data from
the task list into the respective maintenance document.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a general task list or a task list for a speci c piece of equipment or functional location.

You can specify a validity date that can be today's date or a date in the past or future.

You can use an existing task list as a template (reference) when creating a new task list. The system copies the general
data and the operation data of the task list as default values to the new task list. You can specify whether you want to
also copy relationships, permits, linked documents, and task list descriptions to the new task list.

Provide general information, such as the responsible work center and plant, the status, and the maintenance strategy.

Create task list operations to describe the individual work steps which must be executed in detail

Specify the required spare parts by assigning material components from the bill of material or adding materials that are
not in the BOM of the maintenance object.

Determine which production resources or tools are required to perform the maintenance tasks, such as measuring and
inspection instruments or cranes.

Describe the chronological interdependence between the maintenance tasks and create relationships between
operations. Relationships describe how operations are linked to one another in the process and determine their

For inspection rounds, assign technical objects and assemblies at operation level. In the operation details, you can enter
measuring points as production resources/tools for the technical objects that you have assigned at operation level.

Create and edit a long text to describe the individual work step which must be executed in detail.

Assign and display documents.

Display the task list in the Asset Viewer.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you are only able to view the information stored in the maintenance
task list by accessing the Display Task List app. For more information about displaying a maintenance task list, see Display
Task List.

Supported Device Types

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 40

Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Task List (SAP_EAM_BC_TL_MC)

Maintenance Execution

Manage Noti cation List

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to access a worklist of all the maintenance noti cations that match the
selection criteria in the query you have de ned. The noti cation list contains the most important information on maintenance
noti cations in the form of a table and allows you to process noti cations and the assigned technical objects directly.
Furthermore, you can carry out mass changes and assign one or more noti cations to a speci c order. You can con gure the list
layout, sort table columns and create lters. In addition, you have the option of displaying a table column for monitoring critical
dates, whose colors help you detect issues.

With this app you can also access the Order List, the combined Order and Noti cation List, and the Order and Operation List.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Con gure the personal object worklist (POWL) by creating queries.

The query de nes the content of the noti cation list displayed.

Get a quick overview of all maintenance noti cations and view the most important information.

Navigate to single noti cations and assigned technical objects and process them.

Change the data of selected noti cations using the mass change function.

On a popup you can de ne which elds you want to change and which eld values should replace the current values.

Change the status of several selected noti cations.

You can choose from the statuses that are currently possible for at least one of the rows you selected.

View the date monitor symbols to quickly detect time issues and monitor the progress of the noti cations.

Assign one or more noti cations that have not yet been assigned to a maintenance order either to an existing order or
to a new order by creating one without leaving the list.

Personalize the table by choosing which table columns are shown and how table entries are sorted.

You can narrow down the scope of the noti cation list by using lters.

Process orders and their assigned noti cations in the combined Order and Noti cation List.

Change the data of selected order operations, such as internal data, external data, and scheduling data, in the Order and
Operation List.

Supported Device Types


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 41

Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Noti cation (SAP_EAM_BC_NTF_MC)

Related Apps
Process Maintenance Noti cation

Manage Orders and Noti cations in Information Center

Process Maintenance Noti cation

Three apps are provided for processing a maintenance noti cation: Create Maintenance Noti cation, Change Maintenance
Noti cation, and Display Maintenance Noti cation. You can use these apps to easily report a malfunction or a problem in a
technical system. You do this by creating a noti cation in which you specify the technical object, describe the malfunction, and
enter the activities to be performed. In addition, you can describe the causes by using codes, con rm the time spent on each
activity and print out job papers. You can create, change and display noti cations as a maintenance planner and as a
maintenance technician.

Key Features
Depending on the role to which you are assigned, you can perform the following tasks:

Specify the technical object by using hierarchical structure lists that also provide you with information about assigned
materials and components.

Describe the breakdown in detail and create tasks and activities to be performed.

Describe the damages and causes by choosing appropriate codes.

By doing the above, you can ensure that issues are entered in a standardized way and can be evaluated automatically.

Upload and attach documents to add further information to the noti cation.

Con rm the time spent on each activity after you have completed your work.

View a list with information about the changes to individual eld values and about all status changes.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Noti cation: SAP_EAM_BC_NTF_MC (business role: Maintenance Planner)

EAM - Noti cation MW: SAP_EAM_BC_NTF_MW_MC (business role: Maintenance Technician)

App Extensibility: Change Maintenance Noti cation

As a key user, you can extend the Change Maintenance Noti cation app according to your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 42
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) FPM (WebDynpro) Change Maintenance Detail page

Noti cation Call Application in
Customizing Mode
Customizing Page or Show
Customizable Areas Create
Customizing General Data

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Change Maintenance Noti cation app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of noti cation header
elds without changing the standard logic

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Create Maintenance Noti cation

As a key user, you can extend the Create Maintenance Noti cation app according to your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 43
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) FPM (WebDynpro) Create Maintenance Detail page

Noti cation Call Application in
Customizing Mode
Customizing Page or Show
Customizable Areas Create
Customizing General Data

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Create Maintenance Noti cation app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of the noti cation
header elds without changing the standard

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Display Maintenance Noti cation

As a key user, you can extend the Display Maintenance Noti cation app according to your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 44
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) FPM (WebDynpro) Display Maintenance Detail page

Noti cation Call Application
in Customizing
Mode Customizing Page or
Show Customizable Areas
Create Customizing General

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Display Maintenance Noti cation app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of noti cation header
elds without changing the standard logic

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Display Maintenance Order


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 45
As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to view maintenance orders that have been created for a malfunction.
Maintenance orders describe in detail the maintenance tasks that are to be performed on the technical object and provide all
the information needed to plan and execute maintenance work. This includes start and nish dates, location information,
planned materials and production resources/tools.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

Display the technical object that is assigned to the order.

Display assigned task lists and noti cations.

Display assigned documents at header level.

Display order operations and suboperations and view the work steps that need to be carried out. View dates, capacity
requirements, and costs of the maintenance work as well as the required materials and the date on which a particular
material should be available.

View system statuses and user statuses that document the progress of the repair work.

View a list with information about the changes to individual eld values and about all status changes.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can also use this app as well as access the apps Create Maintenance
Order and Change Maintenance Order. For more information about processing a maintenance order, see Process
Maintenance Order.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog


App Extensibility: Display Maintenance Order

As a key user, you can extend the Display Maintenance Order app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) FPM (WebDynpro) Display Maintenance Detail page

Order Call Application in
Customizing Mode
Customizing Page or Show
Customizable Areas Create
Customizing General Data

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 46

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Display Maintenance Order app.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Process Maintenance Order

Three apps are provided for processing a maintenance order: Create Maintenance Order, Change Maintenance Order, and
Display Maintenance Order. As a maintenance planner you can create and change orders when a malfunction is detected to
de ne in detail the maintenance tasks that are to be performed on the technical object. You can create a maintenance order for
a speci c noti cation or create the maintenance order directly with or without reference to an existing order. When creating or
changing a maintenance order, you can either assign existing task lists and noti cations or create new ones for the order.

In the maintenance order, you provide all the information needed to plan and execute the maintenance work. This includes start
and nish dates, location information, planned materials and production resources/tools. The system supports you in nding
the relevant technical object, choosing the required materials and checking their availability, scheduling the job, and
determining the costs.

Key Features
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 47
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Create a maintenance order directly or for a speci c noti cation.

Create a maintenance order using a template (or reference order) and use checkboxes to specify which data you want to
be copied from the reference order to the new order.

Assign existing task lists and noti cations to the order and open the task lists and noti cations that are assigned to the

You can specify that the status of noti cations should depend on the status of the orders to which they are assigned.

Specify whether the system creates reservations for required stock materials and whether it creates purchase
requisitions for required non-stock materials immediately or later when the order is released.

Monitor and evaluate estimated costs, baseline costs, planned costs and actual costs resulting from current
maintenance orders. For more information, see Analyzing Costs.

Classify order operations as preliminary (PRE), main (MAIN) and nishing (POST) if you want to be able to lter and
group them according to the stage of the maintenance work to which they belong. For more information, see Assigning
Execution Stages.

Settle the maintenance order nancially and thereby de ne how the costs incurred by the execution of maintenance
work are cleared on a pro rata basis. As long as the maintenance order is not released, you can also change the assigned
settlement pro le by selecting an entry from the input help. You can con gure which entries are displayed in the input
help. However, the system checks whether the settlement rules that were generated or created based on the previous
settlement pro le have a settlement category assigned that matches the default receiver object type of the new
settlement pro le.

Enter up to three different long texts for each order operation and for non-stock materials that you enter as
components. If services or components for the maintenance order are ordered externally, and the system creates a
purchase requisition, these long texts are copied to the purchase requisition. For more information, see Entering
Additional Long Texts.

Print shop papers along with the attachments of the order. All the shop papers are treated as job card and are available
for Maintenance Technician to physically print the documents. This action changes the status of the order and its
operations to Transferred to Job List (TTJL) and results in the order appearing as a job in the job list. When the
maintenance worker selects the corresponding job in the job list and chooses to display the job card, the system
retrieves the data of all the shop papers that were printed using the backend print function and generates a single PDF
document for each of the shop paper and associated attachments.

You will decide the shop papers that are available for a maintenance technician to physically print them. You can view the
shop papers determined by the system relevant for the job and trigger print (which doesn’t physically print the
documents but stores them in background so that a technician can physically print them). Following shop papers are
available for printing:

Job Card: The job card is a PDF document that provides you with all the information you need to perform a job:
what you must do (operations and tasks), where you must do it, and so on. The job card contains the data of
existing shop papers such as operation control ticket, time ticket, and pick list.

Operation Control Ticket: The operation control ticket is a PDF document that provides you with a complete
overview of the operation.

Material Issue Slip: Material issue slips authorizes you to withdraw the materials required for the order from the
warehouse. A separate material issue slip is printed for each material component.

Pick List: The pick list is a document for the warehouse clerk containing the materials required for each operation
in the order.

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Time Con rmation Ticket: The time con rmation ticket is a means of entering work times and settling labor
costs to cost centers or cost objects. A time ticket is printed for all the operations. It is assumed that only one
technician is working per operation and hence a single time ticket is printed for an operation.

Con rmation Completion Slip: On the completion con rmation slip, you can enter the relevant con rmation data
for each operation, if they themselves do not have authorization to use the system. The entries on the tickets are
then recorded centrally in the system.

You can view and print attachments related to the following:

Order header


Equipment or functional location

The attachments from the equipment or functional location are displayed based on the following logic:

Attachments for Equipment or Functional Location

Scenario Equipment Functional Location Result

1 Attachments are available Attachments are not available The attachments from the
equipment are displayed.

2 Attachments are not available Attachments are available The attachments from the
functional location are

3 Attachments are available Attachments are available The attachments from the
equipment are displayed. The
attachments from the
functional location are not

Specify the technical object by using hierarchical structure lists that also provide you with information about assigned
materials and components.

Display, create, and assign documents at header level.

Create and change order operations and suboperations and explain the work steps that need to be carried out by
entering a short description. You can determine dates, capacity requirements, and costs of the maintenance work.

You can enter products for operations manually or select them from the structure list. You can assign materials and
services to an operation while you can assign only services to a suboperation. A lean service can be speci ed either as a
free-text entry, or as a product from the Product Master. The start date and end date of the lean service are
automatically determined like the requirement date. If you change the start date or end date of the lean service
manually, the system selects the Manual Requirement Date checkbox and the dates of this service line are no longer
adjusted when you reschedule the order or order operation. In addition, the system takes over the default values from
the procurement pro le for external processing either valid for your user, or valid for a combination of planning plant and
order type. This will only take place for elds that were not lled already.

If you copy an operation to another operation or to a suboperation, the assigned products and services are also copied.
Furthermore, you can reassign products and services to order operations and suboperations.

When the service entry sheet has been approved, the rendered services are posted similar to a goods receipt and the
Received Quantity column will be updated. For more information, see Manage Service Entry Sheets – Lean Services.

Use the scheduling function to determine the actual execution dates, the capacity requirement needed to execute the
order, and the date on which a particular material should be available.

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Determine costs and run cost simulations.

Use system statuses and user statuses to document the progress of the repair work and specify which activities the
system or users can carry out for an order or an operation.

View a list with information about the changes to individual eld values and about all status changes.

For inspection rounds, enter technical objects and assemblies at operation level and assign measuring points as
production resources/tools to the technical objects.

 Note
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you are only able to view the information stored in the order by
accessing the Display Maintenance Order app. For more information about displaying a maintenance order, see Display
Maintenance Order.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog


Related Apps
Manage Order List

Manage Orders and Noti cations in Information Center

Output Management

App Extensibility: Create Maintenance Order

As a key user, you can extend the Create Maintenance Order app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) FPM (WebDynpro) Create Maintenance Detail page

Order Call Application in
Customizing Mode
Customizing Page or Show
Customizable Areas Create
Customizing General Data

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Create Maintenance Order app.

For more information, see:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 50
Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

App Extensibility: Change Maintenance Order

As a key user, you can extend the Change Maintenance Order app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) FPM (WebDynpro) Change Maintenance Detail page

Order Call Application in
Customizing Mode
Customizing Page or Show
Customizable Areas Create
Customizing General Data

 Note
The extensibility of the initial screen is not supported for the Change Maintenance Order app.

For more information, see:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 51
Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

 Note
This BAdI does not support changing eld properties on the initial screen.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Analyzing Costs

If you edit maintenance orders on the SAP Web UI for Plant Maintenance, the Costs tab page provides you with an overview of
estimated costs, planned costs, baseline costs and actual costs. This allows a detailed cost analysis.

In the Detailed Cost Analysis, only costs are shown for which the cost element is included in a replicated cost element hierarchy.
The cost element hierarchies are used to determine the spend category for the cost elements.

Enter the corresponding cost element hierarchy as a default value in your Settings on the SAP Fiori launchpad. You can nd the
corresponding eld in the Default Values section under Financial Accounting.

If you want to use customer-speci c cost element hierarchies you can, as an Overhead Accountant , use the Edit Cost Element
Groups app to create customer-speci c cost elements and then the Set Report Relevancy app to enable the hierarchy for
replication. In the next step, you can replicate the cost element hierarchy into a runtime repository using the Replicate Runtime
Hierarchy app.


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Enter estimated costs in the account assignment view

You can make a cost estimate in the Account Assignment view . In the Estimated Costs eld, you can enter the estimated costs
for the entire order. If cost elements have been grouped into cost types, you can assign the estimated costs to different cost

 Note
You can either enter estimated costs as a lump sum in the Estimated Costs eld or enter them according to cost type. As
soon as you have entered estimated costs for cost types, you can no longer make an entry in the Estimated Costs eld.
Estimated costs are only displayed in Detailed Cost Analysis if you have entered the estimated costs for individual cost

Costs in the Detailed Cost Analysis view

If you call the Detailed Cost Analysis on the Costs tab page, the system displays a hierarchical overview of all the costs entered
and incurred for the individual operations and sub-operations.

You can check which estimated costs at order level and which planned costs, baseline costs and actual costs have been
recorded for individual operations:

Estimated costs entered for each output category are displayed as the top entry of the overview in the Detailed
Cost Analysis . Once you have released the order, you can no longer change the cost estimate.

Planned costs for individual order operations are determined automatically during order planning. If unexpected
expenses arise during the execution phase of the repair work, the planned costs increase.

Baseline costs are planned costs that are xed at a certain point in time, can no longer be changed manually and
therefore document the status of the planned costs at this point in time. For orders for which the order type has
the phase model activated, baseline costs are xed when the subphase Approved (Order) is set. For orders that
you process without the phase model, baseline costs are xed when the order is released. A comparison of the
baseline costs with the planned costs enables an analysis of the costs that have been incurred during the
execution phase over and above the original planned costs.

Actual costs are costs that have been posted as a result of the goods issue of spare parts required and the
con rmation of hours worked. With external spare parts procurement or external services, actual costs arise with
the goods receipt.

You can see to which spend category the incurred costs belong. The spend categories correspond to the cost element

You can analyze which technical object has caused which costs and go to the master data of the technical object. If
different spare parts were required for the repair of a technical object, the costs for each required spare part are listed

The overview highlights estimated costs, planned costs, baseline costs and actual costs in different colors so that you
can see the result at a glance.

Assigning Execution Stages

You can use this function to classify individual operations in task lists and maintenance orders according to their importance
over time during the maintenance or repair work. You can assign one of the three execution stages PRE, MAIN and POST to the
operations, thereby determining whether the operation describes preliminary work, main work or nishing work. Preliminary
work could be, for example, scaffolding work or the checking and provision of spare parts in the staging area. Finishing tasks
could be, for example, cleaning work or the removal of defective parts into the decontamination area.

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A grouping into execution stages made in the task list is copied to the order operations that have been created. The system
classi es all operations that you create and do not assign to an execution stage as main repair work.

The system deselects the Has Open Main Work checkbox in the order header data when all operations classi ed as main work
have been nally con rmed. According to the value of this checkbox, you can lter the results list in the Find Maintenance Order
app to display, for example, all orders for which at least one main repair work task has not yet been nally con rmed. In addition,
the table column Execution Stage in the operation tables and lists allows you to group and evaluate order operations according
to the assigned execution stages.

Entering Additional Long Texts

When you plan maintenance work in order operations, the system creates purchase requisitions for non-stock materials and
services that you request externally. In doing so, the system also copies texts that you entered when you created and changed
the order operations and components.

Key Features
Entering texts for operations and components

For each order operation and for non-stock materials that you enter as components, you can enter up to three different long
texts under Remark, Note and Comment.

The corresponding symbols and pushbuttons to open the text editor are available in the table view and on individual tab pages:

You can open the text editor directly from the operation and material table by clicking on the relevant icon in the table
columns Note, Remark or Comment. The table columns are available on the Operation Data and Materials tabs.

For non-stock materials that are required for your maintenance work, you can enter up to three long texts in the
corresponding table column of the material table.

You can also display long texts as a quick view by moving the mouse over the relevant icon in the table.

Long texts are copied when you copy order operations or materials.

 Note
When you create a new order with a template or reference to another, the remarks, notes and comments that you have
entered are copied to the new order if you have selected the Order Descriptions checkbox in addition to the Operations and
Components checkboxes.

Copying texts from the maintenance order to the purchase requisition

If components for the maintenance order are ordered externally, the system automatically creates a purchase requisition and
adopts order long texts as follows:

Long texts that you enter as a remark in the order are copied to the purchase requisition as an item remark.

Long texts that you enter as a note in the order are adopted as the delivery text in the purchase requisition.

Long texts that you enter as a comment in the order are not transferred to the purchase requisition.

It is recommended that you only change the corresponding long texts in the maintenance order. The system always
automatically copies text changes that you make in the maintenance order to the purchase requisition. Therefore, if you make

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 54
changes to the item remark or delivery text in the purchase requisition and later change the long texts in the order, the system
overwrites your text version in the purchase requisition with the latest changes from the order.

 Note
The long texts are not part of the shop papers of the order and therefore cannot be transferred virtually to the job card or
printed physically. However, you can print the long texts in the purchase requisition.

Manage Order List

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to access a worklist of all the maintenance orders that match the selection
criteria in the query you have de ned. The order list contains the most important information on maintenance orders in the
form of a table and allows you to process orders and the assigned noti cations and technical objects directly. Furthermore, you
can carry out mass changes, and change the status of several selected orders. You can con gure the list layout, sort table
columns, and create lters. In addition, you have the option of displaying table columns for monitoring critical dates and costs,
whose colors help you detect issues.

With this app you can also access the Noti cation List, the combined Order and Noti cation List, and the Order and Operation

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Con gure the personal object worklist (POWL) by creating queries.

The query de nes the content of the order list displayed.

Get a quick overview of all maintenance orders and view the most important information in the form of a table.

Navigate to single orders and assigned noti cations or technical objects and process them.

Change the data of selected orders using the mass change function.

On a popup, you can de ne which elds you want to change and which eld values should replace the current values.

Change the status of several selected orders.

You can choose from the statuses that are currently possible for at least one of the rows you selected.

Display table columns for monitoring critical dates and costs, whose colors help you detect issues.

Personalize the table by choosing which table columns are shown and how table entries are sorted.

You can narrow down the scope of the order list by using lters.

Process orders and their assigned noti cations in the combined Order and Noti cation List.

Change the data of selected order operations, such as internal data, external data, and scheduling data, in the Order and
Operation List.

Supported Device Types


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Relevant Business Catalog


Related Apps
Process Maintenance Order

Manage Orders and Noti cations in Information Center

Output Management for Maintenance Orders

With this feature, you can manage output for maintenance orders.

Key Features
Using this feature, you can:

Display a list of output items issued for a maintenance order.

Assign the output type (for example, job card).

Choose the printer settings and the form (PDF) template used for your output items.

Create your own form template consisting of a custom layout of the output PDF and the elds in the standard form data

Preview output items (for example, the PDF of a job card).

Send output and resend output.

Business Rules
As an administrator, you de ne when and how to issue an output in the Output Parameter Determination app. With this app,
you set output rules for the object type Maintenance Order.

Output Type
In the Output Type determination step, you de ne the business rules that control which output type is issued for each outbound
delivery order. The supported output types are:

JOB_CARD (Job Card)

OPERATION_CONTROL_TICKET (Operation Control Ticket)

PICK_LIST (Pick List)

MATERIAL_ISSUE_SLIP (Material Issue Slip)

TIME_TICKET (Time Ticket)

COMPLETION_CONFIRMATION_SLIP (Completion Con rmation Slip)

The supported dispatch time for all the above output types is 2 (scheduled).

Application Condition Parameters

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You can use the following application condition parameters to de ne your business rules:

Order Type

Location Plant

Printer Settings
In the Printer Settings determination step, you de ne which print queue should be used and how many copies should be printed.

In the Channel determination step, you de ne how to issue the output by choosing the PRINT (Printout) channel. Only PRINT
(Printout) channel is supported.

Form Template
The form template de nes the layout and content of the PDF document that is to be created for printouts and email
attachments. You create your own form template and assign it to the output type.

The receiver is required to determine the recipient address. As the recipient address is a mandatory entry but there is no
receiver, you must create at least an entry with the role XX.

Output Relevance
Output relevance de nes the conditions that must be met for the output to be issued.

Extensibility for Adobe Output Forms of Maintenance Orders

You can extend the Adobe output forms of maintenance orders according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the Adobe output forms in the Adobe LiveCycle Designer with standard SAP elds available in the data
connection of the form.

More Information
For more information about how to edit form layouts with the Adobe LiveCycle Designer, see Choose
SAP NetWeaver 7.5 and then UI Technologies in SAP NetWeaver SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe Enabling Form-Based
Processing of Business Data Providing Output Forms and Interactive Offline Forms De ning Form Templates De ning the
Layout of a Form Template Creating Layouts with Adobe LiveCycle Designer .

Supported Device Types


Related Information
Output Management

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Maintain Form Templates

Manage Orders and Noti cations in Information Center

As a maintenance planner, you can use this app to process your maintenance orders and noti cations by using a worklist that
you can con gure to suit your requirements (POWL).

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Planner, you can perform the following tasks:

Search for maintenance orders and/or noti cations.

Call orders and noti cations that you have saved as favorites or have recently processed.

Access the Order List, the Noti cation List, the Order and Noti cation List, and the Order and Operation List.

Print shop papers for maintenance orders. For more information, see Output Management.

Call and process individual maintenance noti cations and orders.

The personal object worklists (POWL) contain the most important information on maintenance noti cations and orders
in the form of a table and allow you to process noti cations, orders and the assigned technical objects directly.
Furthermore, you can carry out mass changes and assign one or more noti cations to a speci c order. You can con gure
the list layout, sort table columns and create lters. In addition, you have the option of displaying a table column for
monitoring critical dates, whose colors help you detect issues.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog

EAM - Information Center (SAP_EAM_BC_INFO_MC)

Related Information
Manage Order List

Manage Noti cation List

Process Maintenance Order

Process Maintenance Noti cation

Output Management

Display Job List

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to access a list of maintenance jobs to be carried out. A maintenance job is a
view of the order or noti cation (the reference object) that provides the technician or a team of technicians with information on

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 58
all their assigned operations or tasks. This app lists your jobs and provides crucial information for each job at a glance, such as
the urgency, start and end dates, and assigned work center. You can con gure job lists so that they re ect how work is
organized in your particular organization and therefore only contain the jobs that are relevant to you.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

Get a quick overview of all maintenance jobs assigned to you or your team and view the most important information.

Access additional information on a selected job, such as the reference document on which the job is based and a list of
objects associated with the reference document at header level including technical objects, materials, and documents.

Reassign the whole job or single work items in the job to another person responsible or to a combination of work center
and person responsible.

View and print the shop papers for a selected job.

A Maintenance Planner decides the relevant shop papers for a job. You can view the shop papers relevant for the job and trigger
print using SAP Cloud Manager. Following shop papers are available for printing:

Job Card: The job card is a PDF document that provides you with all the information you need to perform a job: what you
must do (operations and tasks), where you must do it, and so on. The job card contains the data of existing shop papers
such as operation control ticket, time ticket, and pick list.

Operation Control Ticket: The operation control ticket is a PDF document that provides you with a complete overview of
the operation.

Material Issue Slip: Material issue slips authorizes you to withdraw the materials required for the order from the
warehouse. A separate material issue slip is printed for each material component.

Pick List: The pick list is a document for the warehouse clerk containing the materials required for each operation in the

Time Con rmation Ticket: The time con rmation ticket is a means of entering work times and settling labor costs to
cost centers or cost objects. A time ticket is printed for all the operations. It is assumed that only one technician is
working per operation and hence a single time ticket is printed for an operation.

Con rmation Completion Slip: On the completion con rmation slip, you can enter the relevant con rmation data for
each operation, if they themselves do not have authorization to use the system. The entries on the tickets are then
recorded centrally in the system.

The person and work center responsible for a job are determined from the reference document. If the job has not been assigned
to a person or work center yet, you can also assign the job for the rst time.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog


Related Apps
Con rm Jobs

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 59
Output Management

Con rm Jobs

As a maintenance technician, you can use this app to con rm planned and unplanned maintenance jobs. A maintenance job is a
view of the order or noti cation (as reference object) that provides the technician or a team of technicians with information on
all their assigned operations or tasks. Con rmation lists contain all the planned maintenance jobs that can be con rmed. You
can check the planned job data and con rm or adjust it. This includes the time you spent on the job and the materials you
consumed as well as the activities you performed and the measurement readings. Depending on how con rmation is handled in
your company, you can con gure different con rmation lists.

You can also con rm unplanned jobs and enter all the required data after having nished your work. You then can enter the time
spent and the required materials, write a long text and, if necessary, create an activity report. The system automatically creates
an order and - if an activity report exists - a noti cation, sets the order and noti cation to technically completed, stores the
time con rmation, and posts a goods issue for the order. You can also con rm unplanned jobs while working in the Asset Viewer.

Key Features
If you have the business role Maintenance Technician, you can perform the following tasks:

Con rm one or several jobs as planned. In this case, the planned data is copied as actual data that you simply have to
con rm.

The operations or tasks that belong to the con rmed job are then con rmed with the planned data and materials.

Change the proposed job data of planned maintenance work or add data to the job and then con rm it.

Enter con rmation data for each operation if the reference document is a maintenance order.

If several maintenance workers were involved in a job, each of these maintenance workers can select the job in the
con rmation list and enter data until all the operations are nally con rmed. Con rmation data includes time
information, such as when the repair work was done and how long it took, as well as the quantities of which materials you
used. Furthermore, you can enter the results of measurements and counter readings. If the order references a linear
asset, you can also enter linear data.

Read and enter collective data based on the object list of the related maintenance order, operation or suboperation.

The read sequence of the measuring points assigned to the maintenance order is that if there is no suboperation, there
is, however, an operation, the system determines the measuring points of the technical objects with the following

1. Technical object assigned to the operation

2. Technical object not assigned to any operation but part of its object list

 Note
Only those technical objects count which are not assigned to another operation.

3. Reference technical objects of the header

 Note
If an assigned equipment belongs to a functional location, the system takes only the equipment into account when
checking available counters.

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If the order operation has a suboperation, the priority starts with technical objects assigned to the suboperation. If no
technical object is assigned to the suboperation, the above described logic holds.

Enter malfunction data retroactively for an unplanned job.

You add malfunction data in order to record a problem that was discovered during preventive maintenance. You can
enter breakdown data, as well as information about damages and causes to describe the problem or malfunction in
greater detail.

Use long texts and comments or upload and attach documents to describe the repair work in detail.

By con rming a maintenance job trigger a con rmation as well as a goods issue in the back-end system.

This means that the system statuses are updated and the system creates all the necessary documents, such as goods
movements and measurement documents.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog


Related Apps
Display Job List

Create Time Con rmations

With this app, you can view status of time con rmations and post them.

This app can be launched only when you upload time con rmations in the Find Maintenance Order and Operations app. For
more information, see Find Maintenance Order and Operation.

Key Features
View status of uploaded time con rmations.

Post time con rmations into the system.

Additional Details
When you upload time con rmations in the Find Maintenance Order and Operations app, you are taken to the Create Time
Con rmations app. For more information, see Find Maintenance Order and Operation.

In the Create Time Con rmations app, you can view the uploaded time con rmations. The status of each time con rmation
may be Ready or Errors.

The time con rmations in the Ready tab are validated and are ready to be posted. The time con rmations in the Errors tab are
validated and have errors. If there are multiple errors, you can view them in a popup. You can optionally correct these errors
outside the app and trigger revalidation. Choose Check to revalidate the time con rmations. If there are no errors, the time
con rmations move to the Ready tab.

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You can choose Close to discard all drafts in the Errors tab. Choose Cancel to discard time con rmations and return to the Find
Maintenance Order and Operation app.

After posting the time con rmations, you can view the posted time con rmations in Posted tab.

Supported Device Types




Related Information
Find Maintenance Order and Operation

Maintain Catalog Pro les

With the Maintain Catalog Pro le app, you can de ne catalog pro les.

This app allows you to do the following:

Indicate which catalogs and code groups from the individual catalogs are to be accessed by the system for noti cations.

Select code groups from the catalog by entering a generic key for the code groups.

To do this, you can use the special characters '+' and '*'. If you enter '+A*' in the code group eld, the system only selects
code groups whose key has the second letter 'A'.

Maintain Catalogs
You can maintain catalogs using the apps Edit Code Groups and Display Code Groups. These apps enable you to de ne catalog
groups and codes for usage in maintenance.

It is recommended that you use the standard catalogs:

Catalog Short Description Use

D Coding This catalog is used for de ning failure

modes in maintenance noti cation.

B Object Parts This catalog is used for de ning

maintenance noti cation item level object

C Overview of Damage This catalog is used for de ning damages.

5 Causes This catalog is used for de ning causes.

A Activities (PM) This catalog is used for de ning activities.

2 Tasks This catalog is used for de ning tasks.

Finding Technical Objects and Maintenance Execution

Find Technical Object

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With this app, you can list the technical objects in your system. You can nd the one you need by ltering the list according to
various properties or by using a free-text search. You can display a single technical object to view its properties, its assigned
noti cation and operations, and its attachments.

Key Features
List technical objects

Filter technical objects by various parameters, such as type, location, manufacturer, and status

Search for technical objects

Display a single technical object

Show details of the related noti cations and orders

Display the noti cations, maintenance orders, service orders, and maintenance items of the technical object

Display quick views with details of the related maintenance order, service order, and maintenance noti cation. You can
also navigate to related apps.

Export details of the technical object, maintenance orders, service orders, and maintenance noti cation into a

Display general information about the technical object, such as long text, category, and manufacturer

Display installation information about the technical object, such as location, plant, and plant section

Display the responsible planning plant, planner group, and work center of the technical object

Display the company code, business area, asset, cost center and WBS element of the technical object

Display the system and user statuses of the technical object

Allows you to activate or deactivate technical objects. You can also set or reset the deletion ag.

Displays details related to sales and distribution such as sales organization, distribution channel, division, sales office,
and sales group.

List the attachments of the technical object

Display the logged change history of the technical object

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Technical Object

As a key user, you can extend the Find Technical Object app according to your business needs.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 63
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Fiori Find Technical Object Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt
UI General Information tab

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Fiori Find Technical Object Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt
UI Status tab

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) Fiori Find Technical Object Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt
UI General Information tab

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) Fiori Find Technical Object Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt
UI Status tab

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Fiori Find Technical Object Adapt List Report Filters

Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Fiori Find Technical Object Table List Report View Settings
Toolbar Settings

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) Fiori Find Technical Object Adapt List Report Filters

Functional Location (EAMS_FL) Fiori Find Technical Object Table List Report View Settings
Toolbar Settings

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) and Functional Location (EAMS_FL) business context can be added
to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Technical Object Equipment (EAMS_EQUI) Change the properties of technical object
header elds without changing the standard

Related Information
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 64
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Noti cation

With this app, you can list the maintenance noti cations in your system and nd the one you need. You can do this by ltering
the list according to various properties or by using a free-text search. You can perform prede ned quick actions on one or more
noti cations. You can display a single noti cation to view its properties, its assigned technical object and maintenance order,
and its attachments.

Key Features
List maintenance noti cations

Filter maintenance noti cations by various parameters, such as type, priority, dates, and statuses

Search for noti cations

Display quick views with details of the related maintenance order or technical object

Put in process, complete, or postpone noti cations

Select several maintenance noti cations and assign them to an existing maintenance order

Select several maintenance noti cations and make the system create one new maintenance order for each of them

Select several maintenance noti cations and make the system create a single maintenance order for them with a
header noti cation

Select several maintenance noti cations and change the responsibility, such as the person responsible or the main work

Select several maintenance noti cations and set, overwrite or clear the values of the scheduling-related elds, such as
the priority, the required start date, and the required end date

Display a single noti cation

Show details of the related technical object, and maintenance orders

Display general information about the noti cation, such as long text, work center, and location data

Display scheduling information for the noti cation, such as completion and reference dates and times

Display the malfunction information, such as start dates, end dates, and breakdown duration

Display the items, tasks and activities in the noti cation

Export the search result table and the tables of the maintenance noti cation to downloadable spreadsheet les

List the attachments of the noti cation

Display the relevant maintenance plan and item

Display the logged change history of the noti cation

Supported Device Types



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 65

App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Noti cation

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Noti cation app according to your business needs.

With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Object Page Section

Noti cation Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI General tab

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Object Page Section

Noti cation Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Scheduling

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Object Page Section

Noti cation Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Malfunction
Information tab

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Object Page Section

Noti cation Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI Maintenance
Plan and Item tab

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Object Page Section

Noti cation Any Item Details
Page Adapt UI User Status
with Number tab

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance Noti cation List Report Filters

Adapt lters

EAMS_NTF Fiori Find Maintenance List Report View Settings

Noti cation Table toolbar

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 66
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Noti cation Noti cation (EAMS_NTF) Change the properties of the noti cation
header elds without changing the standard

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Order

With this app, you can nd and display maintenance orders. You can do this either by ltering the list or by using free text
search. You can display a single maintenance order to view its properties, its assigned noti cations and operations, and its

Key Features
Display maintenance orders by using free text search or by ltering for parameters, such as type, priority, dates, and

Search for maintenance orders

Display quick views with details of the related maintenance noti cation, maintenance task list, or technical object

Select several maintenance orders and change the responsibility, such as the person responsible or the main work

Select several maintenance orders and set, overwrite or clear the values of the scheduling-related elds, such as the
priority, the required start date, and the required end date

Display a single maintenance order

Show the details of the related noti cation, and the operations of the maintenance order

Show general information about the maintenance order, such as long text, work center, and location data

Show the operations and suboperations of the maintenance order

Show the organizational data for the maintenance order, such as company code and cost center

Show the estimated, planned, and actual costs for the maintenance order for each value category

Export the search result table and the tables of the maintenance order to downloadable spreadsheet les

List the attachments of the maintenance order

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 67
Complete the order from technical and business perspective and cancel these completions

Block the processing of the maintenance order

Release the maintenance order

Display the logged change history of the maintenance order

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Order

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Order app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt UI
General tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt UI
Scheduling tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt UI
Malfunction Information tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt UI
Maintenance Plan and Item tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Any Object Page Section
Item Details Page Adapt UI
User Status with Number tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance List Report Filters

Order Adapt Filters

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Table List Report View Settings
Toolbar Settings

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Order (EAMS_ORD) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 68
Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Order and Operation

With this app, you can list the orders and their operations in your system. You can nd the one you need by ltering the list
according to various properties or by using a free-text search.

Key Features
List maintenance orders and operations.

Filter maintenance orders and operations by various parameters, such as type, status, priority, and dates.

Search for orders and operations.

Display quick views with details of the maintenance order or the related technical object.

Display the amount of work needed for the listed operations.

Export the search result table and the tables of the maintenance order operation to downloadable spreadsheet les.

Navigate to the order, or to the technical object of the order.

Add individual time con rmations.

View time con rmations for an order and operation.

Download a template to record collective time con rmations.

 Note
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 69
We recommend that you use this template to avoid errors while uploading time con rmations. Do not change the
template by deleting or reordering columns or by changing the format of the cell. The system reads time
con rmations until it encounters the rst blank row in the spreadsheet.

Verify and upload collective time con rmations.

 Note
We recommend that you post the time con rmations as a background job. You need to select the Post Immediately
check box for posting as a background job.

We recommend that you upload entries lesser than hundred at a time if you want to post immediately.

The uploaded time con rmations are available in the Create Time Con rmations app where you can post them. For
more information, see Create Time Con rmations.

Upload collective time con rmations as background jobs by selecting the Post Immediately checkbox. Choose the
application log ID to view details.

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Order and Operation

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Order and Operation app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order and Object Page Section
Operation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI General
Information tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order and Object Page Section
Operation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI External Data

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order and Object Page Section
Operation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI Planned Dates
and Times tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order and Object Page Section
Operation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI Status tab

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 70

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Order (EAMS_ORD) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Order Con rmation

With this app, you can list the maintenance order con rmations in your system. You can nd the one you need by ltering the list
according to various properties or by using a free-text search. You can display a single order con rmation to view its properties
and its assigned order and technical object.

Key Features
List maintenance order con rmations

Filter order con rmations by various parameters, such as order status, operation number, and dates

Search for order con rmations

Display quick views with details of the maintenance order or the related technical object

Display a single order con rmation

Navigate to the con rmed order

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 71
Display general information, such as long text, con rmation text, and work center

Display the actual start and end dates, and cumulative actual work amount

Export the search result table and the tables of the maintenance order con rmation to downloadable spreadsheet les

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Order Con rmation

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Order Con rmation app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Object Page Section

Con rmation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI Con rmation
Data tab

Order (EAMS_ORD) Fiori Find Maintenance Order Object Page Section

Con rmation Any item Detail
Page Adapt UI Total
Con rmation Data

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Order (EAMS_ORD) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Order Order (EAMS_ORD) Change the properties of order header
elds without changing the standard logic

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 72
For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Task List

With this app, you can nd and display the following maintenance task lists:

Equipment task list

Functional location task list

General maintenance task list

You can do this either by ltering the list or by using the free text search. You can display a single task list to view its properties,
its assigned operations, and its attachments.

 Note
You cannot access hierarchical task lists from this application.

Key Features
Display maintenance task lists by using the free text search or by ltering for parameters, such as Planning Plant, Work
Center, and Key Date

Display quick views with details of the related technical object

Display a single maintenance task list

Show general information about the maintenance task list, such as Long Text and Work Center

Show the details of the related operations

Show the operations and suboperations of the maintenance task list

List the maintenance packages of the maintenance task list

Export the search result table and the tables of the maintenance task list to downloadable spreadsheet les

List the attachments of the maintenance task list

Supported Device Types




This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 73

Find Maintenance Task List and Operation

With this app, you can nd and display the following maintenance task lists and their operations:

Equipment task list

Functional location task list

General maintenance task list

You can do this either by ltering the list or by using the free text search. You can display a single task list to view its properties,
its assigned operations, and its attachments.

 Note
You cannot access hierarchical task lists from this application.

Key Features
Display maintenance task lists by using the free text search or by ltering for parameters, such as Planning Plant, Work
Center, and Key Date

List operations by using free-text search in the Operation eld or by ltering for various parameters, such as Operation
Description, Work Center, and Activity Type

Export the search result table to a downloadable spreadsheet le

Display quick views with details of the maintenance task list or the related technical object

Display a single maintenance task list

Show general information about the maintenance task list, such as Long Text and Work Center

Show the details of the related operations

Show the operations and suboperations of the maintenance task list

List the maintenance packages of the maintenance task list

List the attachments of the maintenance task list

Supported Device Types




Find Maintenance Items

With this app, you can nd and display maintenance items. You can do this either by ltering the list or by using a free text
search. You can display a single maintenance item and view its properties.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 74
View maintenance items by using the free text search or by ltering for parameters.

View details of a maintenance item.

Export the maintenance items visible in the table to a spreadsheet.

Display quick views with details of the maintenance plan or the related technical object.

Choose a maintenance item to access the quick view and navigate to speci c apps to perform additional tasks.

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Items

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Items app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Item Fiori Find Maintenance Items Any Object Page Section
(EAMS_MPOS) Item Detail page Adapt
UI Basic Data tab

Maintenance Item Fiori Find Maintenance Items Any Object Page Section
(EAMS_MPOS) Item Detail page Adapt
UI Location tab

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 75

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Item Maintenance Item (EAMS_MPOS) Change the properties of maintenance item
header elds without changing the standard

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Find Maintenance Plans

With this app, you can nd and display maintenance plans. You can do this either by ltering the list or by using a free text
search. You can display a single maintenance plan to view its properties, its assigned maintenance items, and its scheduled and
manual maintenance calls.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

View maintenance plans by using the free text search or by ltering for parameters.

View details of a maintenance plan.

Export the maintenance plans visible in the table to a spreadsheet.

Choose a maintenance plan to access the quick view and navigate to speci c apps to perform additional tasks.

View validity data of the respective maintenance plans

Display the logged change history of the maintenance plans

Supported Device Types




App Extensibility: Find Maintenance Plans

As a key user, you can extend the Find Maintenance Plans app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields
With the Custom Fields tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain custom elds that you can use to
enhance applications. You can add elds to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 76

Business Context UI Technology Navigation Path UI Element Type

Maintenance Plan Fiori Find Maintenance Plans Any Object Page Section
(EAMS_MPLA) Item Detail page Adapt
UI Basic Data tab

Maintenance Plan Fiori Find Maintenance Plans Any Object Page Section
(EAMS_MPLA) Item Detail page Adapt
UI Planning Data tab

 Note
Custom elds appropriate for Maintenance Plan (EAMS_MPLA) business context can be added to the lter bar.

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Fields

Adding Extension Fields to Apps with Different UI-Technologies

Custom Logic
With the Custom Logic tab in the Custom Fields and Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic
that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

BAdI Name Business Context Business Use

Field Control for Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan (EAMS_MPLA) Change the properties of maintenance plan
header elds without changing the standard

For more information, see:

Creating Custom Logic

For more information about the individual BAdIs, check the BAdI-speci c documentation in the Custom Fields and Logic
app: Custom Fields and Logic Custom Logic <your implementation > BAdI Documentation View BAdI Documentation

Related Information
Creating Extension Items and Transporting Them

Data Management in Maintenance Operations

In this section, you can nd the functions available for managing your data.

Related Information
Data Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Blocking and Deletion of Personal Data in Maintenance Operations

Archiving Pieces of Equipment Using PM_EQUI

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 77
You can use the archiving object PM_EQUI for archiving pieces of equipment.

The archiving object contains the equipment data, for example, the following:

Equipment master data

Multilingual equipment short texts, long texts and internal remarks

Equipment time segments

Location and account assignment data for the maintenance object

Table of permits for Maintenance Operations with long texts


Fleet object-speci c data for technical objects

The following mandatory checks are carried out on pieces of equipment before they can be archived:

The system checks whether an equipment master data record is still valid for the piece of equipment

The system checks whether the equipment number is still being used in the following data records:

Task list header

Task list operation

Production order, production plan

Ensure that the equipment is no longer used as production resource/tool (PRT) in a production order or
production plan.

Bill of material

Order header

Order operation

Noti cation

Ensure that the equipment is not entered as the reference object in a noti cation.

Maintenance item

Object list

Measuring point

Document link

Historical order master data

Stock segment serial number

WCM object

WBS element (work breakdown structure element) master data

Sampling table

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 78
The system checks whether the equipment is used as superior piece of equipment in an equipment hierarchy containing
superior and sub-pieces of equipment.

The system checks whether the equipment is included in a noti cation as an affected piece of equipment.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a piece of equipment can be archived:

The equipment master record must have been agged for deletion.

All mandatory checks must have been completed and any issues must have been resolved.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the PM_EQUI ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for PM_EQUI are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Time Offsets

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Quarter (END_OF_QUARTER)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Company Code (BUKRS)

Type of Technical Object (EQART)

Equipment Category (EQTYP)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

RSP: Residence Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the pieces of equipment that you want to archive.

You can select the pieces of equipment to be archived using the following parameters:


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 79
If you enter one or more equipment IDs here, the system only archives these pieces of equipment.

Equipment category

Object type


Serial number

Company code

De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for PM_EQUI sets the deletion ag so that pieces of equipment can be archived.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:


Equipment category

Object type


Serial number

Company code

Dependencies of PM_EQUI
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive pieces of equipment using the archiving object PM_EQUI.
Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived. You must archive the following objects before
you can archive pieces of equipment:

Maintenance plans (archiving object PM_MPLAN)

Serial number history (archiving object PM_OBJLIST)

Maintenance orders (archiving object PM_ORDER)

Task lists (archiving object PM_PLAN)

Maintenance noti cations (archiving object PM_QMEL)

Displaying Pieces of Equipment Archived With PM_EQUI

You can display archived equipment using the Archiving Information System. The archiving information structure SAP_PM_EQUI
has been created for display purposes. The information structure is based on the eld catalog SAP_PM_EQUI.

Archiving Functional Locations Using PM_IFLOT

You can use the archiving object PM_IFLOT for archiving functional locations.

The archiving object contains the functional location data, for example, the following:

Functional location master data

Functional location labeling

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 80
Multilingual short texts and long texts for the functional location

Location and account assignment data for the maintenance object


Table of permits for Maintenance Operations with long texts

The following mandatory checks are carried out on functional locations before they can be archived:

The system checks whether a functional location master data record is still valid for the functional location

The system checks whether the functional location number is still being used in the following data records:

Location and account assignment for the maintenance object

Ensure that no address is assigned to it and that it is not included in other account assignments for the
maintenance object.

Task list header

Bill of material

Measuring point

Document link

Order header

Historical order

Maintenance noti cation

Object list

WBS element (work breakdown structure element) master data

Capital investment program

Maintenance plan item

The system checks whether the functional location is part of a location hierarchy and used as a superior functional

The system checks whether the functional location is included in a maintenance noti cation as an affected functional

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a functional location can be archived:

The functional location master record must have been agged for deletion.

All mandatory checks must have been completed and any issues must have been resolved.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the PM_IFLOT ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 81
The following elds for PM_IFLOT are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Time Offsets

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Quarter (END_OF_QUARTER)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Company Code (BUKRS)

Functional Location Category (FLTYP)

Functional Location Structure Indicator (TPLKZ)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

RSP: Residence Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the functional location that you want to archive.

You can select the functional locations to be archived using the following parameters:

Functional Location

If you enter one or more functional location IDs here, the system only archives these functional locations.


If you enter one or more functional location categories here, the system only archives functional locations of this
functional location category.

Structure Indicator

Company Code

De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for PM_IFLOT sets the deletion ag so that functional locations can be archived.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Functional Location

Functional Location Category

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 82
Structure Indicator

Company Code

Dependencies of PM_IFLOT
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive functional locations using the archiving object PM_IFLOT.
Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived. You must archive the following objects before
you can archive functional locations:

Pieces of equipment (archiving object PM_EQUI)

Maintenance plans (archiving object PM_MPLAN)

Maintenance orders (archiving object PM_ORDER)

Task lists (archiving object PM_PLAN)

Maintenance noti cations (archiving object PM_QMEL)

Displaying Functional Locations Archived With PM_IFLOT

You can display archived functional locations using the Archiving Information System. The archiving information structure
SAP_PM_FUNCLOC has been created for display purposes. The information structure is based on the eld catalog

Archiving Measurement Documents Using PM_IMRG

You can use the archiving object PM_IMRG for archiving measurement documents.

The archiving object comprises the measurement document data, for example, the following tables:

Change document header

Change document item

Measurement document

Long text

The measurement documents must be archived system-wide on the same key dates. Before archival, the program RIARCMR1 is
used to split the interval documents for the respective key date.

You can only delete complete measurement document areas, this means, from the rst measurement document entered until a
key date. You cannot archive and delete individual measurement documents.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the measurement documents that you want to archive.

You can select the measurement document to be archived using the following parameters:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 83
Measuring point

Measurement position

Measuring point category

Authorization group


Functional location


Date of the measurement

De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for PM_IMRG sets the deletion ag so that measurement documents can be archived.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Measuring point

Measurement position

Measuring point category

Authorization group


Functional location


Date of the measurement

Dependencies of PM_IMRG
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive measurement documents using the archiving object
PM_IMRG. Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived. You must archive the following
objects before you can archive measurement documents:

Maintenance orders (archiving object PM_ORDER)

Maintenance noti cations (archiving object PM_QMEL)

Production orders (archiving object PP_ORDER)

Displaying Measurement Documents Archived With PM_IMRG

You can display the archived measurement documents using the Archiving Information System.

Archiving Maintenance Noti cations Using PM_QMEL

You can use the archiving object PM_QMEL for archiving maintenance noti cations.

The archiving object contains the maintenance noti cation data, for example, the following:

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Noti cation header data





Maintenance data

Location data


Print log

Change documents

Classi cation


Long text

Before archiving, the system checks whether the maintenance noti cation is still being used in a maintenance order. For this
purpose, usage checks are performed for the individual maintenance noti cation. The system only archives the maintenance
noti cation if the maintenance order and the historical order have already been deleted.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a maintenance noti cation can be archived:

The status DFLAG (Deletion ag) must have been set in the maintenance noti cation.

All mandatory checks must have been completed and any issues must have been resolved.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the PM_QMEL ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for PM_QMEL are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Time Offsets

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Quarter (END_OF_QUARTER)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

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Origin of Noti cation (HERKZ)

Maintenance Planning Plant (IWERK)

Noti cation Type (QMART)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

RSP: Residence Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the maintenance noti cations that you want to archive.

You can select the maintenance noti cations to be archived using the following parameters:

Noti cation

If you enter one or more noti cation IDs here, the system only archives these maintenance noti cations.

Noti cation type

Equipment number

Functional location

Planning Plant


De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for PM_QMEL sets the deletion ag so that maintenance noti cations can be archived.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Noti cation

Noti cation type

Equipment number

Functional location

Planning Plant


Dependencies of PM_QMEL
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive maintenance noti cations using the archiving object
PM_QMEL. Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived.

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Displaying Maintenance Noti cations Archived With PM_QMEL

You can display archived maintenance noti cations using the Archiving Information System.

Archiving Maintenance Orders Using PM_ORDER

You can use the archiving object PM_ORDER for archiving maintenance orders.

The archiving object contains the maintenance order data, for example, the following:

Order header data



Location and account assignment for the maintenance object

Operation link to object link entry

Cost structure and overview of the maintenance order

Quantity structure for the maintenance order

Print log

Object list

Order item

By including the archiving classes P_ORDER and TEXT, you can also archive the following data:

Order header overall

Cost report

Settlement rule


Material components

Production resources/tools

Status of order header and operations

Long text for order header and operations

Purchase requisitions for operations and components

Completion con rmation for operations and components

Goods movement

The following mandatory checks are carried out on the maintenance orders before they can be archived:

Any manually added purchase requisitions or purchase orders for the maintenance order must have been deleted

The balance of the actual costs for the order must be zero. This means that the deletion ag can only be activated if the
order has already been settled, or if no actual costs wer incurred for the order.

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A business completion must have been performed for the order, so that it has the status CLSD.

Commitments relating to the order must have been deleted.

Unprocessed and incorrect goods movements must have been processed.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a maintenance order can be archived:

The status DFLAG (Deletion ag) must have been set in the maintenance order.

If an order is included in an order hierarchy, a deletion indicator must be set for all orders in the hierarchy. Only then the
system can archive the order.

All mandatory checks must have been completed and any issues must have been resolved.

The corresponding residence times have elapsed.

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the PM_ORDER ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for PM_ORDER are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Time Offsets

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Quarter (END_OF_QUARTER)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Company Code (BUKRS)

Order Type (AUART)

Order Number (AUFNR)

Order Category (AUTYP)

Material Number (PLNBEZ)

Plant (WERKS)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

RSP: Residence Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 88

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the maintenance orders that you want to archive.

You can select the maintenance orders to be archived using the following parameters:


If you enter one or more order IDs here, the system only archives these maintenance orders.

Order type

Planning Plant


De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for maintenance orders sets the deletion ag so that maintenance orders can be archived.

You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:


Order type

Planning Plant


Dependencies of PM_ORDER
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive maintenance orders using the archiving object PM_ORDER.
Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived.

Displaying Maintenance Orders Archived With PM_ORDER

You can display archived maintenance orders using the Archiving Information System. The archiving information structure
SAP_PM_ORDER has been created for display purposes. The information structure is based on the eld catalog SAP_PM_ORDER
and displays the following elds in the archived orders:



Maintenance planning plant

Planner group

Reference date

Archiving Task Lists Using PM_PLAN

You can use the archiving object PM_PLAN for archiving task lists.

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The archiving object contains the task list data, for example, the following:

Task list header

Operations and sub-operations

Material components

Production resources/tools

Classi cation data

Service packages

Inspection characteristics and their values


Before a maintenance task list can be archived, the system checks whether the maintenance task list is still being used in the
following data records:

Maintenance item

Inspection log

Maintenance order

ILM-Based Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with the PM_PLAN ILM object as part of SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

The following elds for PM_PLAN are de ned in the ILM policy and are visible when processing the ILM Policies app:

Available Time References

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available Time Offsets

End of Month (END_OF_MONTH)

End of Quarter (END_OF_QUARTER)

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Available Condition Fields

Country/region ( BS_COUNTRY_OF_WERKS)

Task list type (PLNTY)

Plant (WERKS_D)

Available Policy Categories

RTP: Retention Rules

For more information, see Information Lifecycle Management.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 90

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the task lists that you want to archive.

You can select the task lists to be archived using the following parameters:

Key date for last call


Functional location


Group counter


Overall status


Planner group

Maintenance Strategy


Dependencies of Task Lists

Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive task lists using the archiving object PM_PLAN. Generally,
you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived.

Displaying Task Lists Archived With PM_PLAN

You can display archived task lists using the Archiving Information System.

Archiving Maintenance Plans Using PM_MPLAN

You can use the archiving object PM_MPLAN for archiving maintenance plans.

The archiving class PM_MPLAN contains the maintenance plan data, for example, the following:

Maintenance plan

Cycle de nitions and measuring points for the maintenance plan

Maintenance plan calls

Call objects, call object history

Classi cation data

Object number

The separate archiving of maintenance items, that is, maintenance items not assigned to a maintenance plan, is not possible.
You can only archive and delete maintenance items together with the assigned maintenance plan. The archiving class PM_MPOS
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 91
contains the maintenance item data, for example, the following:

Maintenance item

Location and account assignment for maintenance object

Object list for Plant Maintenance

Object number

Status objects are archived using the archiving class STATUS, texts using the archiving class TEXT, and the settlement rule for
the maintenance item using the archiving class K_SRULE.

You select one or several maintenance plans and set the status Deletion ag for all maintenance plans selected. When the
system sets a deletion ag, it does not perform any checks.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a maintenance plan can be archived:

The maintenance plan has the status Deletion ag.

All maintenance calls called up for the maintenance plan have the status Completed.

If you use Production resources/tools (PRT equipment) in your company and set the indicator Use in PRT equipment in
the variant for the initial run, then the maintenance plan can also no longer be used in a piece of PRT equipment.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the maintenance plan that you want to archive.

You can select the maintenance plan to be archived using the following parameters:

Maintenance plan category

Maintenance plan

Maintenance strategy

You can select the maintenance item to be archived using the following parameters:


Functional location

Sales document

Sales document item

De ning Preprocessing Variants

The preprocessing program for PM_MPLAN sets the deletion ag so that maintenance plans can be archived.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 92
You can de ne variants for this program using the following parameters:

Maintenance plan category

Maintenance plan

Maintenance strategy

You can de ne preprocessing variants for the maintenance item using the following parameters:


Functional location

Sales document

Sales document item

Dependencies of PM_MPLAN
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive task lists using the archiving object PM_PLAN. Generally,
you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived. Therefore, before you archive maintenance plans, we
recommend that you archive all pieces of equipment of category Production resources/tools (PRT equipment) or eliminate
existing links to PRT equipment.

Displaying Maintenance Plans Archived With PM_MPLAN

You can display archived maintenance plans using the Archiving Information System. The archiving information structure
SAP_PM_MPLAN has been created for display purposes. The information structure is based on the eld catalog SAP_PM_MPLAN.

Archiving Serial Number History Using PM_OBJLIST

If serial numbers are available in business operations for a material (for example, for deliveries, goods movements, and physical
inventories), the system saves history-relevant document data together with the serial numbers. You can archive this serial
number history using archiving object PM_OBJLIST.

The archiving object contains the serial number history data, for example, the following:

Object list for Plant Maintenance

Document header for serial numbers for delivery

Document header for serial numbers for maintenance contract (SD order)

Document header for serial numbers for goods movement

Document header for serial numbers for the inspection lot

Document header for serial numbers for PP order

Document header for serial numbers for handling unit - contents

Document header for serial numbers in the physical inventory

Document header for serial numbers for purchase order item

Document header for serial numbers for purchase requisition item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 93
The system checks whether the following documents, for which a serial number history exists, have already been archived:


Sales documents

Goods movements

Inspection lots

Production or refurbishment orders

Handling units

Physical inventory documents

Furthermore, the system checks whether the residence times for documents in the serial number history are already elapsed.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before a serial number history can be archived:

The residence times of the serial number history for documents have been con gured. This means that you have de ned
how long the serial number history must be available in the system based on veri cation obligations of different

The documents belonging to the serial number have already been archived.

De ning Write Variants

When you schedule the archiving run, you need to enter an existing variant or create a new one. You can do so in the Manage
Archiving Variants app.

The variant contains the parameters for the serial number histories that you want to archive.

You can select the serial number histories to be archived using the following parameters:


Sales documents

Goods movements

Inspection lots

Production or refurbishment orders

Handling units

Physical inventory documents

Purchasing documents

Purchase requisitions

Dependencies of PM_OBJLIST
Note the dependencies between archiving objects before you archive the serial number history using the archiving object
PM_OBJLIST. Generally, you cannot archive data until dependent objects have been archived. The following objects must be
archived before you can archive the serial number history:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 94
Handling units

Physical inventory documents in Materials Management

Material documents in Materials Management

Maintenance orders

Production orders

Movement data of quality inspection


Sales documents

Displaying Serial Number Histories Archived With PM_OBJLIST

You can display archived serial number histories using the Archiving Information System. The archiving information structure
SAP_PM_OBJK has been created for display purposes. The information structure is based on the eld catalog SAP_PM_OBJK
and displays material numbers and serial numbers in the serial number history.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 95

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