Dueñas Lerielle Francheska D. BSA-2A

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Dueñas Lerielle Francheska D.


Upon my evaluation in the given case, I derived at two dilemmas. These

dilemmas are Carlo and Jane’s choice whether to agree for reclassification of her case
as COVID-19 or paying the hospital bills and Barangay Captain’s choice between
distribution of amelioration to those 1000 in the list or to the 1,500 residents who are
similarly in need and deserving as those in the list.

The first dilemma mentioned was about Carlo and Jane’s choice whether to
agree for reclassification of her case as COVID-19 or paying the hospital bills. It was an
example of epistemic moral dilemmas that involve situations wherein two or more moral
requirements conflict with each other and that the moral agent hardly knows which of
the conflicting moral requirements takes precedence over the other. In other words, the
moral agent here does not know which option is morally right or wrong. The benefits of
accepting the reclassification is that they can lessen their burden about the huge
hospital bill instantly. But on the other hand, the concern local official in their area will
implement strict rules and regulation if they are going to do the home isolation. And
another consequence was if they were caught and proved in act of falsification of public
documents, they will face a legal action regarding this matter. On the other hand, if they
will chose to pay the hospital bill they may be in debt adding their remised house rent.
Despite the fact that they will be in debt, they can live in a peaceful life without thinking
about the legal remedies that can be accused against them.

The proper course of action in that situation is to choose the more moral and
legal right which is to pay the hospital bill even if they are going to sink in debt. Carlo
and Jane can ask their relatives and friends to support them financially. They can apply
a loan or even sold their assets to pay their hospital bill. There were a lot of options in
terms of financial problems. But in legal problems, it will cost a lot.
The second dilemma is about the Barangay Caprtain’s choice between
distribution of amelioration to those 1000 in the list or to the 1,500 residents who are
similarly in need and deserving as those in the list. This kind of delima was classified as
ontological moral dilemma or it involves situations wherein two or more moral
requirements conflict with each other, yet neither of these conflicting moral requirements
overrides each other. And also a single agent dilemma, since the moral agent is
compelled to act on two or more equally the same moral options but she cannot choose
both This is not to say that the moral agent does not know which moral requirement is
stronger than the other.

The pros if he will choose to distribute the amelioration to those 1000 in the list is
the he will be protected by the law against any complain pertaining to the distribution.
Based on the evaluation of the government, those 1000 families in the list the most
qualified for amelioration. On the other hand, the cons is that those residents who are
similarly in need that will not receive an amelioration will complain against him
personally. Since it is time of pandemic wherein their income was enough for daily
needs, that amelioration is some kind of remedy.

The other choice of the Captain is release the amelioration to 1,500 residents
who are similarly in need and deserving as those in the original list. The pros in this
situation is that he will become morally right since those constituents are all deserving.
On the other hand, the cons is that he will become legally wrong since he do not have
the power to change the list and reclassify the qualified individual based on his personal
choice. Hence, if he will do so he will face legal charges against him which punishable
in law.

In my perspective, the best solution for the dilemma of the Captain is to distribute
the fund to the 1000 families in the list. This choice is legally right. Besides, he can
clearly explain to his constitutes that the list given was evaluated by the other
government bodies and not by him personally. And to relieve the tension, he can
promise to write a letter and request to the concern government official to give another
tranche to those families that was not included in the first list but qualified to receive the

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