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1920 F4D Biology Chapter 7 Human breathing system (1).

Name: __________________________________ (.24
Part I: Fill in the blanks & labelling:
Structure Name Structure Name
nasal cavity pharynx (a) (j)

B J (k)
nostril epiglottis (b)

C L (l)
bronchiole larynx
D M (c) (m)
intercostal muscle trachea
E N (d)
rib bronchus (n)
air sac lung (f) (o)
G P (g)
inner pleural membrane diaphragm
(h) (p)
outer pleural membrane

Structure Feature

Nasal cavity
Ÿ Lined with ___(2)___cells and ___(3)___cells
Ÿ Lined with __(4)__ which warm up the incoming air
__(5)__ Ÿ Covers the opening of larynx during ___(6)___ to prevent choking
Trachea Ÿ Supported by __(7)__.
Bronchus Ÿ Supported by __(8)__ of cartilages
Air sac Ÿ Provides __(9)__ and surrounded by __(10)__
Pleural Ÿ Secrete ___(10)____
Pleural cavity Ÿ Contains __(11)__which acts as a __(12)__ to reduce friction during breathing movement
Diaphragm Ÿ A sheet of __(13)__lying at the bottom of the rib cage

Q1. How is the incoming air kept clean, moist and warm?
In the _(14)_: __(15)__ filter __(16)__ particles from the incoming air.
In the lining of the __(17)__, __(18)__, __(19)__ and __(20)__:
• The __(21)__ secreted by mucus- secreting cells traps dust particles and __(22)__ from the incoming air. The __(23)__ of
ciliated epithelial cells beat to __(24)__ the mucus towards the __(25)__. The mucus is then __(26)__ or __(27)__. Mucus
__(28)__ the incoming air
• Blood in the __(29)__warms the incoming air.
2. 3. 4. 5.
mucus-secreting ciliated epithelial capillaries Epiglottis
6. 7. 8. 9.
swallowing C-shaped cartilages circular rings a large respiratory surface
10. a network of capillaries / 11. 12. 13.
pleural fluid pleural fluid lubricant muscle
14. 15. 16. 17.
nostrils hairs large dust nasal cavity
18. 19. 20. 21.
trachea bronchi bronchioles mucus
22. 23. 24. 25.
bacteria cilia sweep pharynx
26. 27. 28. 29.
swallowed coughed up moistens capillaries
1920 F4D Biology Chapter 7 Human breathing system (1). Name: __________________________________ (.
30 blood from (30)
pulmonary artery
Oxygen is inhaled
32 red blood cell (32)
Carbon dioxide is exhaled
33 (34)
pulmonary veins
epithelium (35)
water film
blood to (33)
one-cell thick
Uptake of oxygen by the blood Removal of carbon dioxide into the air sacs
1 Inhaled air flows into the air sacs. 1 Since the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood is _(39)_
2 Oxygen in the inhaled air dissolved in the __(36)__ lining the than that in the water film lining the air sacs, carbon dioxide
air sacs. diffuses across the walls of the capillaries and the air sacs
3 Since the oxygen concentration in the water film is __(37)__ into the air in the air sacs.
than that in the blood, oxygen __(38)_ across the walls 2 Carbon dioxide is removed from the body when we exhale.
of the air sacs and the capillaries into the blood.
Q2: What are the adaptive features of air sacs for gas exchange?
Feature of air sacs Adaptation
__(40)__ Provides a large surface area for __(41)__
__(42)__ Reduces the __(43)__
__(44)__ Allows gases to dissolve in __(45)__ for diffusion
Richly supplied with __(46)__ Allows rapid transport of gases to and away from the air sacs, so that a __(47)__
can be maintained
__(48)__ Reduces the diffusion distance
36. water film 37. higher 38. diffuses 39. higher 40. Large in number

41. diffusion 42. Thin walls 43. 44. 45. water film
(one-cell thick diffusion distance Moist inner surfaces
46. capillaries 47. steep 48. 49. 50.
Lying close
concentration to capillaries

Part II: Multiple choices Questions: (Circle the correct answer)

1. Which of the following descriptions about the function of the cilia lining the trachea is correct?
A. to warm the incoming air B. To moisten the incoming air
C. To move mucus away from the trachea D. To produce mucus to protect the trachea
2. The film of water on the surface of human air sacs serves to
A. Warm the incoming air B. moisten the incoming air
C. trap dust in the inhaled air D. dissolve the gases in the inhaled air

Part III: Conventional questions (on word document)

1. The diagram below shows an air sac of the human lung and a capillary next to
it. The oxygen content of the blood at two positions, X and Y, of the capillary is
also shown
a. Is the blood in the capillary flowing to the right or to the left? Explain your
answer. (4%)
b. The wall of the air sac is in close contact with the capillary. What is the
significance of this to the function of the air sac? (1%)
c. In people suffering from cystic fibrosis, large amount of thick mucus accumulates in the air sacs of the lungs. How would
this affect the oxygen content of blood at Y? Explain your answer. (3%)

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