ZhiZi and Liver

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com J Traditional Chinese Medicine 2012 March 15; 32(1): 82-86

info@journaltcm.com ISSN 0255-2922
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Basic Investigation

Study on effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus gardeniae) on non-alcoholic fatty

liver disease in the rat

CHEN Shao-dong 陈 少 东, LI Jing 李 晶, ZHOU Hai-hong 周 海 虹, LIN Man-ting 林 曼 婷, LIU Yi-hua 刘 益 华,

ZHANG Yu-mei 张玉梅, ZHAO Zheng-xiao 赵正晓, LI Guo-hui 李国辉, LIU Jin 柳进
Chen Shao-dong, Li Jing, Zhou Hai-hong, Lin Man-ting, of TNF-α and P-IkB proteins in liver tissue signifi-
Liu Yi-hua, TCM Department, Medical College of Xiamen cantly increased. Fat metabolism in the Zhi Zi
University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China group significantly reduced, as shown by a drop in
Supported by Xiamen City Key Science and Technique
marker levels. Serum ALT and AST activities, and ex-
Plan, NO.3502Z20100006 and Xiamen University's Student
Experimental Plan for New Ideas, NO.XDDC 2011090
pression of TNF-α, P-IkB proteins in liver tissue were
Correspondence to: Prof. CHEN Shao-dong, TCM Depart- also significantly decreased in this group.
ment, Medical College of Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian
361005, China. adong@xmu.edu.cn CONCLUSION: Zhi Zi has a very strong inhibitory
Telephone: +86-592-2183069 action on lipidosis and inflammatory injury in the
Accepted: December 2, 2011 rat model of NAFLD. This mechanism may possibly
be related to the inhibition of the free fatty acid me-
tabolism pathway.

© 2012 JTCM. All rights reserved.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Zhi Zi Key words: Zhi zi (Fructus Gardeniae); Non-alcohol-
(Fructus Gardeniae) on non-alcoholic fatty liver dis- ic liver disease; Lipidosis; Inflammatory injury; Free
ease (NAFLD) induced by a high-fat diet in the rat. fatty acid metabolism pathway

METHODS: A rat model of NAFLD was established

using a high-fat diet. Twenty one rats were random- INTRODUCTION
ly divided into a normal group, a model group and Morbidity from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
a Zhi Zi treatment group, 7 rats per group. Drinking (NAFLD) has increased year by year, given changes in
water and the drug were intragastrically adminis- people's lifestyle, diet and other factors. NAFLD has,
trated for 5 weeks. Samples were then taken to ob- therefore, become a frequently encountered disease se-
serve pathological changes of the liver tissue (HE verely threatening people's health[1]. Therefore, active
staining); changes in the fat metabolism pathway e. prevention and treatment of NAFLD is of important
g. triglyceride (TG) and free fatty acid (FFA) content; social and economic significance. On the basis of past
clinical practice, we perfomed a pharmacodynamic
alterations in liver function, i.e. serum alanine ami-
study on a Yin Chen Hao Decoction in an experimen-
notransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase
tal fatty liver model. These studies indicated that this
(AST) activity; and differences in tumor necrosis fac- decoction had anti-fatty liver pharmacological effects
tor α (TNF-α) and P-IkB protein expression in the liv- which were achieved through multiple pathways and
er tissue. targets. These included regulating lipid metabolism, an-
ti-inflammation, anti-lipid peroxidative injury, and pre-
RESULTS: Fatty degeneration and vacuole-like vention of hepatic toxic injury[2]. We found, using a
changes of different degrees occurred in hepatic mathematical model the "uniform design method",
cells of the model group. Markers for fat metabo- that Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) played a major role in
lism, serum ALT and AST activities, and expression the actions of the Yin Chen Hao Decoction. The best
JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 82 March 15, 2012 | volume 32 | Issue 1 |
Chen SD et al. Effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus gardeniae) on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rat

effective dose was 0.15 g (adult dose, 9 g) [3,4]. To verify weeks and after the last administration, the rats were
the pharmacological effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeni- fasted for 12 h with water supplied. Rats were also
ae) on NAFLD, this study established a rat model of weighed and anesthetized with intraperitoneal injec-
NAFLD using high fat feed. We investigated the mech- tion of 2% pentobarbital (3 mL/kg body weight). The
anism of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) activity on the abdomen was then open, and blood was taken from
free fatty acid metabolism pathway to determine its use the inferior vena cava 2 h after the fasting period. The
in preventing and treating NAFLD. blood was then centrifuged at 4°C for 15 min at 3000r/
min. The supernatant was taken and stored at -80° C.
The liver was removed and two small pieces in the
MATERIALS AND METHODS same position on the right lobe of the liver were taken
Experimental animals and placed into 10% neutral formaldehyde buffer for
Twenty one Sprague Dawley male rats, (sanitary de- fixation. Other liver tissue was further divided into sev-
gree, weighing 180±10 g), were purchased from Shang- eral parts, kept in centrifuge tubes and stored at -80°C.
hai Silaike Experimental Animals Co., Ltd (Shanghai,
Indexes of observation and detection methods
China), license No: SCXK (Hu) 2007_0005. They
Hematoxylin and eosin staining (HE) was used to de-
were raised in the experimental Animal Center of the
termine pathological changes of hepatic tissue. After
Medical College, Xiamen University (Xiamen, China).
HE staining, degrees of lipid degeneration of liver cells
Drugs and reagents were observed under a light microscope[5].
Prepared herbal pieces of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) Enzyme colorimetry analysis was used to determine
were purchased from Tong Ren Tang Co. Ltd (Beijing, TG and FFA content in the liver tissue[6]. Lai's method
China), and decocted in water using traditional meth- was used for detection of serum ALT and AST activi-
ods. The decoction was concentrated to 0.15 g crude ties[7]. Detection of AMPK, FAS, ACCase, and Malo-
drug/mL, and refrigerated for use. Triglycerides (TG; ny1-CoA liver tissue content were detected using ELI-
Cat No. F001-1), free fatty acids (FFA; Cat No. SA[8]. Expression of TNF-α and P-IkB protein in liver
20100110), serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT; Cat tissue was detected using western blotting[9].
No. 20100708), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST;
Statistical analyses
Cat No. 20100708) kits were purchased from Nanjing
The data were statistically analyzed using the SPSS13.0
Jiancheng Bioengineer Co (Nanjing, China). Rat liver
software package. The measurement data were ex-
tissue activated protein kinase (AMPK; Cat No.
pressed as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANO-
QRCT-3013321030223EIA\ULT), fatty acid synthase
VA and Q test were used for comparison among
(FAS; Cat No. QRCT-3013321033311EIA\ULT), ace-
tyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase; Cat No.
QRCT-3013321031322EIA\ULT), and Malony1 CoA
(Cat No. QRCT-3013321030221EIA\ULT) ELISA
kits were purchased from the ADL Company (Bloom-
ington, MN, USA). P-IkB antibody (Cat No.9246), Pathological changes in the liver tissue
TNF-α antibody (Cat No. 06-480), monoclonal GAP- The structure of hepatic lobules in the normal group
DH antibody (Lot No. KC-5G5), and monoclonal II was complete. Liver cells were arranged in ropes and
antibody (Lot No. 64356) were purchased from Santa distributed radiantly around the central vein, with ir-
Cruz Biotechnology, Ltd. (Santa Cruz, CA., USA). regular multi-angle or oval forms. Cells were rich in cy-
toplasm, and no inflammatory cell infiltration was seen
Animals in the hepatic lobules. Tumescent and soft liver tissue
Twenty one rats were randomly divided into a model could be seen macroscopically in the model group,
group (n=14), which were raised on high fat feed demonstrating an outward appearance of yellow-red al-
(83.25% basic feed, 10% lard, 1.5% cholesterol, 0.2% ternating with grey-red, along with a greasy appearance
sodium deoxycholate, 5% sugar, 0.05% prothio-pyrim- of the tissue and section surface. Lipid degeneration
idine), and a normal group (n=7), which were raised and full fat vacuoles in lobule cells could be seen under
with normal feed. From the 6th day, rats in the model the microscope. These cells were obviously affecting
group were further randomly divided into a model the central region of the lobules. Infiltration of inflam-
group and a Zhi Zi treatment group, 7 rats in each matory cells, cell swelling, loose cytoplasm containing
group. The rats in the Zhi Zi group were intragastrical- large fat drops and nuclei pushed to one side of the cell
ly administered Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae; 1 mL/100 indicated that the model was effective. In the Zhi Zi
g body weight containing 0.15 g crude drug/mL), once group, lipid degeneration and inflammatory response
each day. Rats in the model group and the normal were significantly alleviated as compared with the mod-
group were given drinking water (1 mL/100 g). Rats el group. Liver cell volume became smaller, hepatic lob-
still received their respective feeds during the experi- ules were clearly delineated, and the fat droplet num-
mental phase of the study. Treatment was given for 5 ber was reduced (Figure 1).
JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 83 March 15, 2012 | volume 32 | Issue 1 |
Chen SD et al. Effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus gardeniae) on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rat

Table 1 Effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on TG, FFA, FAS, Malonyl-CoA, ACCase, AMPK contents in liver tissue ( xˉ ± S)
(mg/g) (μmol/gprot) (nmol/gprot) (nmol/gprot) (nmol/gprot) (IU/g)
Normal 30±8 63±11 4.6±0.7 0.4±0.08 3.5±0.23 1.3±0.12
Model 104±32ΔΔ 186±37ΔΔ 13.2±2.5ΔΔ 1.5±0.19ΔΔ 11.8±1.38ΔΔ 0.5±0.07ΔΔ
Zhi Zi 69±28** 98±26** 7.6±1.7* 0.8±0.12* 7.7±1.02* 0. 8±0.09*
Notes: P<0.01, vs. the normal group; P<0.05, P<0.01, vs. the model group.
* **

Table 2 Effects of Zhi Zi ( Fructus Gardeniae) on Serum ALT group when compared with the normal group (P<
and AST Activities ( xˉ ± S) 0.01). After treatment with Zhi Zi, ACCase, Malo-
Group ALT (U/L) AST (U/L) ny1-CoA, and FAS content significantly decreased,
Normal 41±7 42±9 while AMPK content significantly increased (P<0.05;
Model 126±35ΔΔ 121±39ΔΔ see Table 1).
Zhi Zi 79±28* 83±26*
Notes: ΔΔ
P<0.01, vs. the normal group;* P<0.05, vs. the model
Effect of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on serum ALT
group. and AST activities
Compared with the normal group, serum ALT and
AST activities in the model group significantly in-
creased (P<0.01), and as compared with the model
group, serum ALT and AST activities in the Zhi Zi
group significantly decreased(P<0.05). See Table 2.

Effect of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on P-IκB and

TNF-α protein expression
Compared with the normal group, P-IκB and TNF-α
protein expression in the model group significantly in-
creased. A decreased expression of these proteins were
seen in the Zhi Zi group (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Pathological diagram of liver tissues in the groups
(200x, HE staining). A: Normal group; B: Model group; C: Zhi NAFLD is a kind of metabolism-related, irritable, lipoi-
Zi group. dal liver injury closely related to insulin resistance and
genetic susceptibility. NAFLD can include non-alco-
holic simple fatty liver (NAFL), non-alcoholic steato-
hepatitis (NASH) and related cirrhosis of the liver and
hepatocellular carcinoma[10,11]. Although the exact mech-
anism is unclear, studies indicate that abnormal increas-
es in FFA plays a very important role in generation and
development of NAFL[12,13]. This study found that Zhi
Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) had very strong inhibitory ef-
Figure 2 Effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on expressions fects on increases in TG and FFA content of liver tissue
of P-IκB and TNF-α proteins. 1: normal group; 2: model in the rat model group, indicating that the pharmaco-
group; 3: Zhi Zi group. logical effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on
NAFLD are closely related to a decrease in FFA toxici-
Effect of Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae) on TG, FFA, ty.
FAS, Malonyl-CoA, ACCase, and AMPK content in AMPK, a class of important protein kinase, normally
liver tissue improves metabolism of sugar and fat by promoting
TG and FFA content in liver tissue of the model group skeletal muscle uptake of glucose, reducing output of
significantly increased when compared with rats in the liver sugar, increasing oxidation of fatty acids, and in-
normal group, reaching 3.5 and 3 fold the levels, re- hibiting fatty acid synthesis[14-16]. However, during path-
spectively, seen in the normal group (P<0.01). The lev- ological conditions, after activation of AMPK, ACCase
els of TG and FFA were significantly lower in the Zhi converts downstream carboxylates acetyl coenzyme A
Zi group than those in the model group (P<0.01). AC- (acetyl-CoA) to Malonyl-CoA, and under the action of
Case, Malony1-CoA, and FAS content in the liver tis- FAS, with acetyl-CoA synthesizes FFA. This abnormal-
sue were significantly increased (P<0.01) in the model ly increases FFA, finally leading to TG synthesis and
group, compared with the normal group. Contrasting- fat deposition[16-18]. This study found that when com-
ly, AMPK content significantly decreased in the model pared with the normal group, AMPK content de-
JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 84 March 15, 2012 | volume 32 | Issue 1 |
Chen SD et al. Effects of Zhi Zi (Fructus gardeniae) on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rat

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