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Throughout the semester, I have done and learned so much about writing and about

being a writer. I think when I started to recognize my own learning was when I was planning

and brainstorming before doing the writing itself. All my ideas and plans that I was jotting down

and taking note of was me learning during the process. The feedback and suggestions given to

me were tools to help me expand on my ideas and learn bigger and better things about my

writing. What I have learned and what is most important to me as a writer is that anything you

put together is your writing. No matter how sloppy, dull, or short it may be, that is your writing,

and it only gets better and better with every improvement you make to that writing. I learned

this throughout the semester with the help of the feedback I received. I had good ideas and the

right intentions, but I was missing key elements and small details. I learned new things through

my peers and my professor. I most definitely could use what I have learned in other classes or

in my own life simply by letting myself know that I am a work in progress. I will continue to

learn new things through writing, and I will only get better with time and effort. I know now

that not everything has to be perfect the first time and that it is okay to not have it right as soon

as possible.

As I write each day, for class and for myself, I start to realize that I include multiple

perspectives for my readers as I go about writing. Not everything I write is the best and

sometimes I must control what I put out there for my readers because the goal is to grab their

attention. That’s where my disciplinary perspective comes in. I go through what I write

numerous times and think to myself “Is this what others would find interesting?” “Do I find this
interesting to share with people?” Questions like this help me evolve in my writing and help

make better changes as I go on. For cultural perspectives, I just wanted to make sure my peers

and other audiences got the message I was giving them and hoped they enjoyed the work I

made. As for an ethical perspective, I did the work and I followed instructions well enough to

get my work done, but it wasn’t just about getting the work done and turning it in for a grade

for me. I saw how each assignment every week helped me grow in writing and create new and

better ideas each time. It’s crazy to see how an assignment could change your way of learning

and thinking with the right help and peers. I’ve learned a lot this semester and I can’t wait to

see where my writing can go and how it will help me in the long run.

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