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Survey On Artificial Intelligence (AI)

1. How would you define ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI)?

 A machine that can work and react like a human.

 A series of algorithms, that can learn from constant input

 A computer that is doing man's work

2. Overall, with regards to technology, AI, and the future, are you:
 An optimist
 A pessimist
 It’s complicated

3. Ways to achieve AI in real-life are_____.

 Machine Learning

 Deep Learning

 Both a & b

 None of the above

4. "Artificial Intelligence means to mimic a human. Hence, if a robot can

move from one place to another like a human, then it comes under
Artificial Intelligence."
 True

 False

5. Which of the mentioned human behavior does the AI aim to mimic?

 Thinking

 Eating

 Sleeping

 None of the above

6. Which of the following is not a goal of AI?

 Thinking humanly

 Adapting to the environment and situations

 To rule over humans

 Real Life Problem Solving

7. Would you trust advanced AI to make moral decisions?

 No
 Yes
8. If a robot is able to change its own trajectory as per the external
conditions, then the robot is considered as the__
 Mobile
 Non-Servo
 Open Loop
 Intelligent

9. Which of the items below would you be okay with AI doing?

 Driving
 Customer Services
 Home Security
 Agriculture
 Financial Services
 Automation System
 Surgery
 Construction
 Other, Please specify

10. Artificial Intelligence is used in the Agriculture Industry. Can you tell
us if you heard about any applications of AI in this field?

 Yes

 No


11. Do you think that Artificial intelligence can help farmers in producing
more crops?
 Yes
 No
12. With the help of AI the weeds that are affecting the crops can be easily
identified and removed. Do you think these features are useful?

 Yes

 No
13. Would you be interested in learning more about AI, as it may affect the
future of your career?
 Yes
 No

14. How useful do you think that the new applications of AI in agriculture
will be helpful for small farmers?
 Extremely useful
 Very useful
 Somewhat useful
 Not so useful
 Not at all useful

15. Did you know that Artificial Intelligence is likely to automate many
jobs over the next 20 years, including office jobs?
 Yes
 No

16. Do you think an AI could become part of society?

 Yes
 No
17. Would you personally accept an AI as part of society?
 Yes
 No
 Possibly
 Probably Not

18. Do you think AI could be dangerous?

 No
 Yes

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