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Generations of Computer

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve,
and process data.
Nowadays, a computer can be used to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. It can
also be used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos. But the evolution of this complex
system started around 1940 with the first Generation of Computer and evolving ever since.
There are five generations of computers.
 Introduction:
1. 1946-1959 is the period of first generation computer.
2. J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchy invented the first successful electronic computer called
ENIAC, ENIAC stands for “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator”.
 Few Examples are:
4. IBM-701
5. IBM-650
 Advantages:
1. It made use of vacuum tubes which are the only electronic component available
during those days.
2. These computers could calculate in milliseconds.
 Disadvantages:
1. These were very big in size, weight was about 30 tones.
2. These computers were based on vacuum tubes.
3. These computers were very costly.
4. It could store only a small amount of information due to the presence of magnetic
5. As the invention of first generation computers involves vacuum tubes, so another
disadvantage of these computers was, vacuum tubes require a large cooling system.
6. Very less work efficiency.
7. Limited programming capabilities and punch cards were used to take inputs.
8. Large amount of energy consumption.
9. Not reliable and constant maintenance is required.
 Introduction:
1. 1959-1965 is the period of second-generation computer.
2. 3.Second generation computers were based on Transistor instead of vacuum tubes.
 Few Examples are:
1. Honeywell 400
2. IBM 7094
3. CDC 1604
4. CDC 3600
5. UNIVAC 1108
 Advantages:
1. Due to the presence of transistors instead of vacuum tubes, the size of electron
component decreased. This resulted in reducing the size of a computer as compared to
first generation computers.
2. Less energy and not produce as much heat as the first genration.
3. Assembly language and punch cards were used for input.
4. Low cost than first generation computers.
5. Better speed, calculate data in microseconds.
6. Better portability as compared to first generation
 Disadvantages:
1. A cooling system was required.
2. Constant maintenance was required.
3. Only used for specific purposes.

 Introduction:
1. 1965-1971 is the period of third generation computer.
2. These computers were based on Integrated circuits.
3. IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby In 1958-1959.
4. IC was a single component containing number of transistors.
 Few Examples are:
1. PDP-8
2. PDP-11
3. ICL 2900
4. IBM 360
5. IBM 370
 Advantages:
1. These computers were cheaper as compared to second-generation computers.
2. They were fast and reliable.
3. Use of IC in the computer provides the small size of the computer.
4. IC not only reduce the size of the computer but it also improves the performance of
the computer as compared to previous computers.
5. This generation of computers has big storage capacity.
6. Instead of punch cards, mouse and keyboard are used for input.
7. They used an operating system for better resource management and used the concept
of time-sharing and multiple programming.
8. These computers reduce the computational time from microseconds to nanoseconds.
 Disadvantages:
1. IC chips are difficult to maintain.
2. The highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.
3. Air conditioning is required.
 Introduction:
1. 1971-1980 is the period of fourth generation computer.
2. This technology is based on Microprocessor.
3. A microprocessor is used in a computer for any logical and arithmetic function to be
performed in any program.
4. Graphics User Interface (GUI) technology was exploited to offer more comfort to
 Few Examples are:
1. IBM 4341
2. DEC 10
3. STAR 1000
4. PUP 11
 Advantages:
1. Fastest in computation and size get reduced as compared to the previous generation of
2. Heat generated is negligible.
3. Small in size as compared to previous generation computers.
4. Less maintenance is required.
5. All types of high-level language can be used in this type of computers.
 Disadvantages:
1. The Microprocessor design and fabrication are very complex.
2. Air conditioning is required in many cases due to the presence of ICs.
3. Advance technology is required to make the ICs.

 Introduction:
1. The period of the fifth generation in 1980-onwards.
2. This generation is based on artificial intelligence.
3. The aim of the fifth generation is to make a device which could respond to natural
language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
4. This generation is based on ULSI(Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology resulting
in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic component.
 Few Examples are:
1. Desktop
2. Laptop
3. NoteBook
4. UltraBook
5. Chromebook
 Advantages:
1. It is more reliable and works faster.
2. It is available in different sizes and unique features.
3. It provides computers with more user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features.
 Disadvantages:
1. They need very low-level languages.
2. They may make the human brains dull and doomed.
What Is Network Topology? Best Guide to Types and Diagrams
 The configuration, or topology, of a network is key to determining its performance. Network
topology is the way a network is arranged, including the physical or logical description of how links
and nodes are set up to relate to each other.
 There are numerous ways a network can be arranged, all with different pros and cons, and some are
more useful in certain circumstances than others. Admins have a range of options when it comes to
choosing a network topology, and this decision must account for the size and scale of their business,
its goals, and budget. Several tasks go into effective network topology management, including
configuration management, visual mapping, and general performance monitoring. The key is to
understand your objectives and requirements to create and manage the network topology in the right
way for your business.
What Is Network Topology?
 Network topology refers to how various nodes, devices, and connections on your network are
physically or logically arranged in relation to each other. Think of your network as a city, and the
topology as the road map. Just as there are many ways to arrange and maintain a city—such as
making sure the avenues and boulevards can facilitate passage between the parts of town getting the
most traffic—there are several ways to arrange a network. Each has advantages and disadvantages
and depending on the needs of your company, certain arrangements can give you a greater degree of
connectivity and security.
 There are two approaches to network topology: physical and logical. Physical network topology, as
the name suggests, refers to the physical connections and interconnections between nodes and the
network—the wires, cables, and so forth. Logical network topology is a little more abstract and
strategic, referring to the conceptual understanding of how and why the network is arranged the way
it is, and how data moves through it.
Why Is Network Topology Important?
 The layout of your network is important for several reasons. Above all, it plays an essential role in
how and how well your network functions. Choosing the right topology for your company’s
operational model can increase performance while making it easier to locate faults, troubleshoot
errors, and more effectively allocate resources across the network to ensure optimal network health.
A streamlined and properly managed network topology can increase energy and data efficiency,
which can in turn help to reduce operational and maintenance costs.
 The design and structure of a network are usually shown and manipulated in a software-created
network topology diagram. These diagrams are essential for a few reasons, but especially for how
they can provide visual representations of both physical and logical layouts, allowing administrators
to see the connections between devices when troubleshooting.
The way a network is arranged can make or break network functionality, connectivity, and protection from
downtime. The question of, “What is network topology?” can be answered with an explanation of the two
categories in the network topology.
 Physical – The physical network topology refers to the actual connections (wires, cables, etc.) of
how the network is arranged. Setup, maintenance, and provisioning tasks require insight into the
physical network.
 Logical – The logical network topology is a higher-level idea of how the network is set up, including
which nodes connect to each other and in which ways, as well as how data is transmitted through the
network. Logical network topology includes any virtual and cloud resources.
Effective network management and monitoring require a strong grasp of both the physical and logical
topology of a network to ensure your network is efficient and healthy.
What’s the Most Common Type of Network Topology?
 Building a local area network (LAN) topology can be make-or-break for your business, as you want
to set up a resilient, secure, and easy-to-maintain topology. There are several different types of
network topology and all are suitable for different purposes, depending on the overall network size
and your objectives.
As with most things, there’s no “right” or one-size-fits-all option. With this in mind, I’ll walk you through
the most common network topology definitions to give you a feel for the advantages and disadvantages of
What Is Star Topology?
 A star topology, the most common network topology, is laid out so every node in the network is
directly connected to one central hub via coaxial, twisted-pair, or fiber-optic cable. Acting as a
server, this central node manages data transmission—as information sent from any node on the
network has to pass through the central one to reach its destination—and functions as a repeater,
which helps prevent data loss.

Advantages of Star Topology

 Star topologies are common since they allow you to conveniently manage your entire network from a
single location. Because each of the nodes is independently connected to the central hub, should one
go down, the rest of the network will continue functioning unaffected, making the star topology a
stable and secure network layout.
 Additionally, devices can be added, removed, and modified without taking the entire network offline.
 On the physical side of things, the structure of the star topology uses relatively little cabling to fully
connect the network, which allows for both straightforward setup and management over time as the
network expands or contracts. The simplicity of the network design makes life easier for
administrators, too, because it’s easy to identify where errors or performance issues are occurring.
Disadvantages of Star Topology
 On the flipside, if the central hub goes down, the rest of the network can’t function. But if the central
hub is properly managed and kept in good health, administrators shouldn’t have too many issues.
 The overall bandwidth and performance of the network are also limited by the central node’s
configurations and technical specifications, making star topologies expensive to set up and operate.
What Is Bus Topology?
 A bus topology orients all the devices on a network along a single cable running in a single direction
from one end of the network to the other—which is why it’s sometimes called a “line topology” or
“backbone topology.” Data flow on the network also follows the route of the cable, moving in one

Advantages of Bus Topology

 Bus topologies are a good, cost-effective choice for smaller networks because the layout is simple,
allowing all devices to be connected via a single coaxial or RJ45 cable. If needed, more nodes can be
easily added to the network by joining additional cables.
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
 However, because bus topologies use a single cable to transmit data, they’re somewhat vulnerable. If
the cable experiences a failure, the whole network goes down, which can be time-consuming and
expensive to restore, which can be less of an issue with smaller networks.
 Bus topologies are best suited for small networks because there’s only so much bandwidth, and every
additional node will slow transmission speeds.
 Furthermore, data is “half-duplex,” which means it can’t be sent in two opposite directions at the
same time, so this layout is not the ideal choice for networks with huge amounts of traffic.
What Is Ring Topology? Single vs. Dual
 Ring topology is where nodes are arranged in a circle (or ring). The data can travel through the ring
network in either one direction or both directions, with each device having exactly two neighbors.

Pros of Ring Topology

 Since each device is only connected to the ones on either side, when data is transmitted, the packets
also travel along the circle, moving through each of the intermediate nodes until they arrive at their
destination. If a large network is arranged in a ring topology, repeaters can be used to ensure packets
arrive correctly and without data loss.
 Only one station on the network is permitted to send data at a time, which greatly reduces the risk of
packet collisions, making ring topologies efficient at transmitting data without errors.
 By and large, ring topologies are cost-effective and inexpensive to install, and the intricate point-to-
point connectivity of the nodes makes it relatively easy to identify issues or misconfigurations on the
Cons of Ring Topology
 Even though it’s popular, a ring topology is still vulnerable to failure without proper network
management. Since the flow of data transmission moves unidirectionally between nodes along each
ring, if one node goes down, it can take the entire network with it. That’s why it’s imperative for
each of the nodes to be monitored and kept in good health. Nevertheless, even if you’re vigilant and
attentive to node performance, your network can still be taken down by a transmission line failure.
 The question of scalability should also be taken into consideration. In a ring topology, all the devices
on the network share bandwidth, so the addition of more devices can contribute to overall
communication delays. Network administrators need to be mindful of the devices added to the
topology to avoid overburdening the network’s resources and capacity.
 Additionally, the entire network must be taken offline to reconfigure, add, or remove nodes. And
while that’s not the end of the world, scheduling downtime for the network can be inconvenient and
What Is Dual-Ring Topology?
 A network with ring topology is half-duplex, meaning data can only move in one direction at a time.
Ring topologies can be made full-duplex by adding a second connection between network nodes,
creating a dual ring topology.

Advantages of Dual-Ring Topology

 The primary advantage of dual ring topology is its efficiency: because each node has two
connections on either side, information can be sent both clockwise and counterclockwise along the
network. The secondary ring included in a dual-ring topology setup can act as a redundant layer and
backup, which helps solve for many of the disadvantages of traditional ring topology. Dual ring
topologies offer a little extra security, too: if one ring fails within a node, the other ring is still able to
send data.
What Is Tree Topology?
 The tree topology structure gets its name from how the central node functions as a sort of trunk for
the network, with nodes extending outward in a branch-like fashion. However, where each node in a
star topology is directly connected to the central hub, a tree topology has a parent-child hierarchy to
how the nodes are connected. Those connected to the central hub are connected linearly to other
nodes, so two connected nodes only share one mutual connection. Because the tree topology
structure is both extremely flexible and scalable, it’s often used for wide area networks to support
many spread-out devices.

Pros of Tree Topology

 Combining elements of the star and bus topologies allows for the easy addition of nodes and network
expansion. Troubleshooting errors on the network is also a straightforward process, as each of the
branches can be individually assessed for performance issues.
Cons of Tree Topology
 As with the star topology, the entire network depends on the health of the root node in a tree
topology structure. Should the central hub fail, the various node branches will become disconnected,
though connectivity within—but not between—branch systems will remain.
 Because of the hierarchical complexity and linear structure of the network layout, adding more nodes
to a tree topology can quickly make proper management an unwieldy, not to mention costly,
experience. Tree topologies are expensive because of the sheer amount of cabling required to
connect each device to the next within the hierarchical layout.
What Is Mesh Topology?
 A mesh topology is an intricate and elaborate structure of point-to-point connections where the nodes
are interconnected. Mesh networks can be full or partial mesh. Partial mesh topologies are mostly
interconnected, with a few nodes with only two or three connections, while full-mesh topologies are
—surprise!—fully interconnected.

 The web-like structure of mesh topologies offers two different methods of data transmission: routing
and flooding. When data is routed, the nodes use logic to determine the shortest distance from the
source to destination, and when data is flooded, the information is sent to all nodes within the
network without the need for routing logic.
Advantages of Mesh Topology
 Mesh topologies are reliable and stable, and the complex degree of interconnectivity between nodes
makes the network resistant to failure. For instance, no single device going down can bring the
network offline.
Disadvantages of Mesh Topology
 Mesh topologies are incredibly labor-intensive. Each interconnection between nodes requires a cable
and configuration once deployed, so it can also be time-consuming to set up. As with other topology
structures, the cost of cabling adds up fast, and to say mesh networks require a lot of cabling is an
What Is Hybrid Topology?
 Hybrid topologies combine two or more different topology structures—the tree topology is a good
example, integrating the bus and star layouts. Hybrid structures are most commonly found in larger
companies where individual departments have personalized network topologies adapted to suit their
needs and network usage.

Advantages of Hybrid Topology

 The main advantage of hybrid structures is the degree of flexibility they provide, as there are few
limitations on the network structure itself that a hybrid setup can’t accommodate.
Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology
 However, each type of network topology comes with its own disadvantages, and as a network grows
in complexity, so too does the experience and know-how required on the part of the admins to keep
everything functioning optimally. There’s also the monetary cost to consider when creating a hybrid
network topology.
Which Topology Is Best for Your Network?
No network topology is perfect, or even inherently better than the others, so determining the right structure
for your business will depend on the needs and size of your network. Here are the key elements to consider:
 Length of cable needed
 Cable type
 Cost
 Scalability
Cable Length
Generally, the more cable involved in network topology, the more work it’ll require to set up. The bus and
star topologies are on the simpler side of things, both being fairly lightweight, while mesh networks are
much more cable- and labor-intensive.
Cable Type
The second point to consider is the type of cable you’ll install. Coaxial and twisted-pair cables both use
insulated copper or copper-based wiring, while fiber-optic cables are made from thin and pliable plastic or
glass tubes. Twisted-pair cables are cost-effective but have less bandwidth than coaxial cables. Fiber-optic
cables are high performing and can transmit data far faster than twisted-pair or coaxial cables, but they also
tend to be far more expensive to install, because they require additional components like optical receivers.
So, as with your choice of network topology, the wiring you select depends on the needs of your network,
including which applications you’ll be running, the transmission distance, and desired performance.
As I’ve mentioned, the installation cost is important to account for, as the more complex network topologies
will require more time and funding to set up. This can be compounded if you’re combining different
elements, such as connecting a more complex network structure via more expensive cables (though using
fiber-optic cables in a mesh network is overdoing it, if you ask me, because of how interconnected the
topology is). Determining the right topology for your needs, then, is a matter of striking the right balance
between installation and operating costs and the level of performance you require from the network.
The last element to consider is scalability. If you anticipate your company and network expanding—or if
you’d like it to be able to—it’ll save you time and hassle down the line to use an easily modifiable network
topology. Star topologies are so common because they allow you to add, remove, and alter nodes with
minimal disruption to the rest of the network. Ring networks, on the other hand, have to be taken entirely
offline for any changes to be made to any of the nodes.
How to Map Network Topology
 When you’re starting to design a network, topology diagrams come in handy. They allow you to see
how the information will move across the network, which, in turn, allows you to predict potential
choke points. Visual representation makes it easier to create a streamlined and efficient network
design, while also acting as a good reference point if you find yourself needing to troubleshoot
 A topology diagram is also essential for having a comprehensive understanding of your network’s
functionality. In addition to assisting with the troubleshooting process, the bird’s-eye view provided
by a topology diagram can help you visually identify the pieces of the infrastructure your network is
lacking, or which nodes need monitoring, upgrading, or replacing.
 The good news is you don’t have to do it manually: you can easily create a map of your network
topology with tools.
What Tools Help Manage and Monitor Networks?
 There are a few network topology mapping products on the market. One of the more common ones is
Microsoft Visio, which lets you “draw” your network by adding different nodes and devices to a
canvas-like interface. While this can work for smaller networks, drawing each additional node
quickly becomes unwieldy if you’re working with a multitude of devices and topologies spread
across an entire company. Other options, like Lucidchart and LibreOffice Draw, are either free or
offer free trials, and while they’re viable options, especially if the cost is a concern, they don’t come
with a full set of premium network mapping tools to make managing a network easier and less time-
 Due to variations in network topology and the different ways networks can behave—including their
unique security issues, pressure points, and management challenges—it’s often useful to automate
configuration and management tasks using network software.
Network Configuration
 First, consider using a network configuration management tool. This kind of tool can help you
configure your network correctly and automate repetitive tasks to take the pressure off the network
administrator. As your organization or network grows, the network topology may become more
layered or more complex, and it can become harder to deploy configurations across the entire
network with certainty. However, with configuration management tools, the complicated network
topology is no issue: tools can usually auto-detect each node on the network, allowing you to deploy
standard configurations that may be required for compliance reasons, or flag any configurations
outside what is expected.
 Network configuration management tools can also highlight vulnerabilities, so you can correct these
issues and keep your network more secure. Finally, these kinds of tools should also display the
lifecycle of the devices on your network, alerting you to devices coming to their end-of-service or
end-of-life points, so you can replace them before problems begin to arise.
Network Performance Troubleshooting
You should use network management software to track overall performance. A performance manager can
keep track of network issues, outages, and performance issues. A performance management tool will also
have the functionality to set network performance baselines and establish a clear picture of how your
network typically behaves when healthy. Then, by setting alerts when your network performs unexpectedly
or outside of these baselines, you can quickly track, pinpoint, and troubleshoot issues.
With complex network topologies, it may be hard to figure out exactly which part of the network is having
issues. Some performance managers will create a visual display of your network topology, so you can see
the entire network in a one-map overview. This can show you how your network is laid out, bring your
attention to changes in the topology, and flag where problems are arising. To get started understanding your
network topology, you can try a tool like Network Topology Mapper free for 14 days. This tool
automatically discovers and generates detailed topology maps of your network and can create multiple map
types without having to rescan your network every time.
How to prevent and remove viruses and other malware
What is a computer virus?
A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with
computer operation. A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to
spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk.
Computer viruses are frequently spread by attachments in email messages or by instant messaging messages.
Therefore, you must never open an email attachment unless you know who sent the message or you are
expecting the email attachment. Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or
audio and video files. Computer viruses also spread through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden
in pirated software or in other files or programs that you might download.
How to remove malware such as a virus, spyware, or rogue security software
Removing a computer virus or spyware can be difficult without the help of malicious software removal
tools. Some computer viruses and other unwanted software reinstall themselves after the viruses and
spyware are detected and removed. Fortunately, by updating the computer and by using malicious software
removal tools, you can help permanently remove unwanted software.
What is a computer virus?
First off, computer viruses can take many different forms. In general terms, these viral programs are any
unwanted bit of code designed for the purpose of invading and disrupting your computer. But much like a
biological virus, computer viruses invade, replicate themselves, and then try to get into other systems. Some
viruses may only affect your internet browser. Others are even more harmful. The rootkit virus type,
however, digs deep into the internal controls of your system. Trojan viruses sneak onto your device
disguised as programs that seem legitimate.
Signs of a Virus
A sudden slowdown may be the first sign that you have a virus, and you may notice that programs which
used to load quickly take longer and longer to load. You may also receive multiple error messages about
programs becoming unresponsive. In this case, the virus is using the processing power of your own
computer system, and consequently other programs are having trouble running at the same time.
Some viruses and malware only affect certain parts of your system. For example, you could discover that the
home page of your browser has changed without your knowledge. You may also have trouble logging onto
antivirus and antimalware sites, or if/when a virus gets into your email program, you may start to hear from
your contacts about strange emails coming from your computer.
How does a virus get on your computer?
Computer viruses have been around for about as long as personal computers, and virus programmers
understand that human error is always the easiest way to install a virus. Therefore, while strong antivirus
programs can effectively prevent most computerized threats, they cannot stop a user from clicking the wrong
link or installing compromised software on their own system. When you download programs or data from
an unfamiliar site, remember that you may also be unknowingly accepting a viral program onto your system.
Links in malicious emails can also start an automatic download.
And new viruses come online all the time. The experts at McAfee are constantly learning about new
malicious programs and then developing solutions. If however, you do not regularly update your virus
definitions, a harmful program may still be able to sneak by your defensive software.
Removing a Computer Virus
Removing a computer virus manually is a complex process. Viruses may install themselves in several
different parts of your system. If you do not completely eliminate the program, it may also reinstall itself at
the next system reboot. In some cases, viruses play nasty tricks like invading the registry of a Windows
system. Removing the wrong line in this database can then cause the entire system to fail. The easiest way to
remove viruses is by using an antivirus program designed to clean your system safely. If a virus is already
on your computer, however, you may need to run this program under very specific conditions.
Remove New Programs
If you’re lucky, the virus may just be sitting in a program you recently installed. On both Windows and Mac,
you will want to uninstall recent apps and then remove new browser extensions. If you remove these
programs and your computer promptly runs smoothly, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Of course you should
still run a virus scan to make certain that your system is clean. You will also want to restart the computer to
determine whether the malicious program reinstalls itself. If malicious messages pop up from the same
program again, it points to a deeper infection.
Removing a Virus from a Windows Computer
In Windows computers, the virus removal process begins by booting up the computer in Safe mode. In this
mode, your computer starts with only essential programs running. This prevents a viral program from
starting up and blocking your antiviral scans. In older versions of Windows, you can access this mode by
pressing the F8 button during the startup process.
In Windows 10, the process of opening in Safe mode is slightly more involved:
 Press the Windows button and click on Settings.
 Go to Update & Security and choose Recovery.
 Choose Restart Now under Advanced Startup.
 Your system will restart, but a new option screen will appear.
 Choose Troubleshoot.
 Go to Advanced Options and choose Startup Settings.
 Choose Enable Safe Mode.
Once your system restarts in safe mode, you will be able to run an on-demand viral scan. Because the
number of viruses is always increasing, you may find it helpful to run several different scanning programs to
catch any newer virus. It is important to use antiviral programs from reputable vendors so that you do not
make the problem worse.
You should also follow these best practices:
• Backup your critical data
• Clean up temporary files and cached content
• Uninstall any/all applications no longer in use
• Update OS and remaining applications
• Check startup apps, disable unneeded apps
• Run the MMC (see above)
• Run a full Scan of the system
Removing a Virus from a Mac
For Mac computers, entering Safe mode is an even simpler process.
All you need to do is hold the shift button while the system boots up. If you’ve done this properly, you will
see a “Safe Boot” message (Apple support content HT201262) on the login window. From there, you’ll run
your virus removal programs and clean your system. For both Windows computers and Macs, you will want
to run your virus scan multiple times to assure that the system is clean.
Seek Professional Help
If you’ve gone through this process but are still struggling with a virus, you may need to call in a
professional to clean your computer. For example, with McAfee Virus Removal Service, a security expert
can remove stubborn viruses from your computer using a remote connection.
Avoiding Computer Viruses
The easiest way to remove computer viruses from your life is to avoid them in the first place.
It is vitally important to keep your system secure by following safe, Best Practices:
• Maintain backups of your data
• Clean up temporary files and cached content
• Uninstall application no longer used
• Update OS and remaining applications
• Check startup apps, disable unneeded apps
• Verify Security subscription status
• Confirm Security software is up to date.
• Use trusted sources: Do not download software from a source you do not recognize. Do not run unsolicited
And always Surf Safely using these tips:
• Use the WebAdvisor browser extension.
• Use VPN software while using untrusted networks.
• Use a password manager.
• Refrain from using the same usernames and password for web pages especially financial or shopping sites.
• Setup cloud accounts using email addresses that offer account recovery support, accounts from ISP’s or
paid services.
• With Apple, you can request account recovery assistance (Gmail or yahoo accounts can’t be recovered as
they can’t confirm ownership).
Stay Protected
Professional security software is always a smart long-term investment in your computer system. You can
keep both your data and identity safe while maintaining system performance. With the right program
running in the background, your system will be ready to handle any and all of the threats inside your digital
Why are computers so important?
Computer is an electronic device used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why
this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. It is made up of
two things one is the hardware and other is software. All physical components of computer like keyboard,
mouse, monitor etc comes under the hardware whereas all the programs and languages used by the computer
are called software. These days computers are the tools for not only engineers and scientists but also they are
being used by millions of people around the world.
Computer has become very important nowadays because it is very much accurate, fast and can accomplish
many tasks easily. Otherwise to complete those tasks manually much more time is required. It can do very
big calculations in just a fraction of a second. Moreover it can store huge amount of data in it. We also get
information on different aspects using internet on our computer.
Even now in our day to day lives, computers have been allotted an integral role to play. They can be seen
being used not only at the office or at home, but in all kinds of sectors and businesses. They are used at
airports, restaurants, railway stations, banks etc. slowly and gradually, as computers are penetrating through
the modern society, people are getting more and more optimistic about the promises its invention made.
They are also used in the government sectors, businesses and industry, and through witnessing the rapid
progress of the computer; mankind slowly sees the lights it has brought along.
One of the best things about the computer is the fact that it can help us to save so much of manual power,
cost, and time. By the use of a computer, tasks can be done automatically and that will lead to saving the
countless hours that may otherwise have been spent on doing the job manually.
Computers also ensure more accuracy. Examples of such cases include ticket booking, payment of bills,
insurance and shopping. Interestingly, automatic operations of vehicles, like trains also help to ensure
further safety and reliability of the journey. Computers can be used to observe and predict traffic patterns
which would be a grand benefit to all and would save the hassle of getting stuck for hours in the roadblocks
and traffics.
Computers can also drastically change the way agricultural tasks and businesses are carried out all over the
world. With regard to agriculture, computers are being used to find out the best possible kinds of soil, plants
and to check which match of these would result in the perfect crops. Use of computers thus in this sector
along with the use of better agricultural practices and products in several countries, like India, could help the
agricultural industry reach soaring heights, directly assuring the welfare of the economy.
It is also wonderful to see that the invention of this unbelievable machine has brought a ray of hope in the
darkness of the sick citizens’ world. Computers are very capable of bringing along a medical revolution.
Where in health sectors computers are being used for research regarding blood groups, medical histories,
etc. and helping to improve medicine in a big way. The knowledge that computers are providing in this field
may lead to better use and purchase of medicinal drugs and ensure better health. This also leads to a better
diagnosing pattern and makes health care faster and more efficiently.
Although computers are bringing the evolution of technology and changing the way lives are lived, it cannot
be denied that there are areas where the impacts of the computer system are not fully recognized yet. For
instance if we take the education sector, the literacy rates have not been improved by computers the way
other sectors have seemed to have gotten better over night.
The advantage of computers can also be seen in the fact that might just be able to improve administration
through the world. By providing daily accurate information to the administrations departments, computers
may change the decisions are taken across the globe. Keeping all the above mentioned things in mind, we
must accept that if used the right way, computers are a gift of science to mankind.

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