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Why aren’t people more interested in science?

The author starts the text talking about Newton and the story of how he got
the idea about gravity. The author explains the story with Newton sitting under an
apple tree in his mother’s garden when suddenly an apple fell by him which blinked
the idea for inventing gravity.
The author continues the story about Newton with a story from ancient times
or more precisely about a Greek mathematician called Archimedes who lived 2
thousand years ago in ancient Greece. The text states that Archimedes was sitting in
his bath one day while he suddenly got out and realized that as he got out the water
level lowered and he got back in the water and realized that the water level
increased and got very happy and started shouting “Eureka”. As an ending to this
text the author talks about the accuracy about these stories and that the findings
from Newton and Archimedes aren’t accidents

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